• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Play Anthologies in 2000

Drama for a New South Africa: Seven Plays by
Elizabethan Drama: Eight Plays by Gassner, John
Around the World in 21 Plays: Theatre for Young Audiences by
American Plays of the New Woman by
Adaptations of Shakespeare: An Anthology of Plays from the 17th Century to the Present by
Three Renaissance Travel Plays by
Adaptations of Shakespeare: An Anthology of Plays from the 17th Century to the Present by
Latin-American Plays by
International Plays for Young Audiences: Contemporary Works from Leading Playwrights by
Women on the Verge: Seven Avant Garde Plays by Lamont, Rosette C.
Amazon All-Stars: Thirteen Lesbian Plays: with Essays and Commentary by
The Best American Short Plays 1995-1996 by
Black Comedy: 9 Plays: A Critical Anthology with Interviews and Essays by Various Authors
The Servant of Two Masters: And Other Italian Classics by Bentley, Eric
Seeds of Modern Drama by Houghton, Norris
Classical Comedy: Greek and Roman: Six Plays by Corrigan, Robert W.
Life Is a Dream and Other Spanish Classics by Various Authors
Classical Tragedy Greek and Roman: Eight Plays with Critical Essays by Various Authors
Restoration Drama Anthology by
Before Brecht: Four German Plays by Bentley, Eric
A Flea in Her Rear (or Ants in Her Pants) and Other Vintage French Farces by Shapiro, Norman
The Best American Short Plays 1992-1993 by Young, Glenn
Life Is a Dream: And Other Spanish Classics by Bentley, Eric
The Misanthrope and Other French Classics by Bentley, Eric
The Best American Short Plays 1994-1995 by
The National Black Drama Anthology: Eleven Plays from America's Leading African-American Theaters by Various Authors
Cootie Shots: Theatrical Inoculations Against Bigotry for Kids, Parents and Teachers: Plays, Poems & Songs by
Modern Women Playwrights of Europe by Barr, Alan
New South African Plays by Van Graan, Mike, Naidoo, Beverley
Modern Canadian Plays: (Volume 1, 4th Edition) by Wasserman, Jerry
Modern Canadian Plays: (Volume 2, 4th Edition) by Wasserman, Jerry
Balkan Plots: Plays from Central and Eastern Europe by Romcevic, Nebojsa, Spiro, Gyorgy, Visniec, Matei