• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1979

Ten Times Table - A Play by Ayckbourn, Alan
Bottom's Dream by Poole, Alan
Shut Your Eyes and Think of England by Chapman, John
No Room for Love by Marriott, Anthony
The Unvarnished Truth by Ryton, Royce
Thomas Middleton by Mulryne, J. R.
Whose Life Is It Anyway? - A Play by Clark, Brian
Bodies: A Play by Saunders, James
Pardon Me, Prime Minister by Taylor, Edward
Fifth of July by Wilson, Lanford, Wilson, Landford, Wilson, Lanf
The Theatres of London by Mitchenson, Joe, Unknown, Mander, Raymond
Death Walked In - A Play by Manktelow, Bettine
The Theatre in the Middle Ages by Tydeman, William Comp, William, Tydeman
Electra by Euripides
Just Wild about Harry: A Melo-Melo in Seven Scenes by Miller, Henry
Son of Man: A Play by Potter, Dennis
Shock! by Clemens, Brian
Chekhov: A Study of the Major Stories and Plays by Hahn, Beverly
Hickory Dickory Dock by Robbins, Norman
Everybody's Friend by Campton, David
Caught On The Hop - A Comedy by Benfield, Derek
The Soft September Air by Hastings, Charlotte
The Little Photographer by Hoddinott, Derek
Molly: A Play by Gray, Simon
Helen Come Home or Achilles the Heel by Taylor, Jeremy James
Drama Criticism: Developments Since Ibsen by
La Sagouine by Maillet, Antonine
Coward Plays: 2: Private Lives; Bitter-Sweet; The Marquise; Post-Mortem by Coward, Noël
Coward Plays: 4: Blithe Spirit; Present Laughter; This Happy Breed; Tonight at 8.30 (II) by Coward, Noël
Fortunes of Falstaff by Wilson, J. Dover, Wilson, John Dover, J. Dover, Wilson
The River by Mander, Charles
Dreamjobs - A Play by Jones, Graham Lecturer in Creative Writ
Rumpelstiltskin - A Pantomime by Robbins, Norman
Captain Blackboot's Island - A Play for Children by Wood, Patricia
At the Changing of the Year by Young, Malcolm
Six Plays by Lillian Hellman by Hellman, Lillian
Three Rastell Plays: Four Elements, Calisto and Melebea, Gentleness and Nobility by
The Classic Noh Theatre of Japan by Pound, Ezra
Modern German Drama: A Study in Form by Innes, C. D.
Bacchae of Euripides by Kirk, G. S., Euripides
Summer - A Play by Leonard, Hugh
Holiday Snap by Pertwee, Michael
Parcel by Campton, David
Terrace Talk by Green, George MacEwan
And A Nightingale Sang - A Play by Taylor, C. P.
Joking Apart - A Play by Ayckbourn, Alan
Stage Struck - A Play by Gray, Simon
Die Troerinnen. Die Phoinikerinnen Orestes by Euripides