• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1982

Bernard Shaw, the Darker Side by Silver, Arnold Jacques
Plays by Women by
House Guest - A Thriller by Durbridge, Francis
Aladdin by Wood, David
Beowulf - A Rock Musical by Pickering, Ken
The Sweeney Todd Shock 'n' Roll Show by Miller, Peter
Percival, The Performing Pig - A One Act Play by Owen, Dilys
Bacchae by Euripides
El Super by Acosta, Ivan
A Pillar of Fire to Follow: American Indian Dramas, 1808-1859 by Sears, Priscilla
Performance and Politics in Popular Drama: Aspects of Popular Entertainment in Theatre, Film and Television, 1800 1976 by
Caught in the Act - A Comedy by Cowper, Trevor
Fur Coat and No Knickers - A Comedy by Harding, Mike
Cold Comfort: A Play of Love & Bondage by Garrard, Jim
The Fairies Are Thirsty by Boucher, Denise
Forging a Language: A Study of the Plays of Eugene 'Neill by Chothia, Jean
In Praise of Love - A Play by Rattigan, Terence
Before Dawn - A Play by Rattigan, Terence
Is It Something I Said? - A Play by Harris, Richard
Moliere by
queer theatre by Brecht, Stefan
Fabulae by Euripides
Marlowe: Tamburlaine, Edward II and the Jew of Malta by Na, Na
Plays by Tom Robertson: Society, Ours, Caste, School by Robertson, T. W.
The Late Medieval Religious Plays of Bodleian Manuscripts Digby 133 and E Museo 160 by
The Rivals: (Les Corrivaus) by La Taille, Jean de
Uncle Sam Presents: A Memoir of the Federal Theatre, 1935-1939 by Buttitta, Tony, Witham, Barry
Jean Racine: Four Greek Plays: Andromache-Iphigenia, Phaedra-Athaliah by Knight, Jim, Racine, Jean Baptiste
Plays: Heinrich Von Kleist by
The Borderers by Wordsworth, William
Plays by David Garrick and George Colman the Elder by
Humpty Dumpty - A Pantomime by Robbins, Norman
Unconformities in Shakespeare's History Plays by Smidt, K.
Moli Re: A Playwright and His Audience by Howarth, W. D., Howarth
Plays by W. S. Gilbert: The Palace of the Truth, Sweethearts, Princess Toto, Engaged, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern by Gilbert, William Schwenck
Mr Macaroni and the Exploding Pizza Pie - A Play for Children by Gardiner, John
A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama by Bigsby, C. W. E., Bigsby, Christopher W.
Dick Whittington - A Pantomime by Morgan, Verne
Hughie by O'Neill, William L., O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone
A Soldier's Play by Fuller, Charles
From Gesture to Idea: Esthetics and Ethics in Molière's Comedy by Gross, Nathan
Plays by Jones, Henry A.
Puss In Boots - A Pantomime by Crocker, John
Post Horn Gallop by Benfield, Derek
How the Other Half Loves - A Comedy by Ayckbourn, Alan
Jack and the Beanstalk by Crocker, John
Uproar in the House by Marriott, Anthony
The Babes in the Wood by Crocker, John
Billy Liar - A Comedy by Waterhouse, Keith
Cat on the Fiddle by Dole, John
Red Riding Hood by Crocker, John
The Dracula Spectacula by Gardiner, John
Three Tudor Classical Interludes: Thersites, Jacke Jugeler, Horestes by
Puritanism and Theatre by Heinemann, Margot
Comparative Criticism: Volume 4, the Language of the Arts by
Look Back in Anger by Osborne, John
The Comedies of William Congreve: The Old Batchelour, Love for Love, the Double Dealer, the Way of the World by Congreve, William
Sophocles: Trachiniae by Sophocles
The Plays of George Etherege by Cordner, Etherege, George
Calderón: The Secular Plays by Ter Horst, Robert
The Long and The Short and The Tall by Hall, Willis
Suburban Strains by Ayckbourn, Alan
Dick Whittington - A Pantomime by Crocker, John
Murder by the Book by Greenwood, Duncan
The Ideal Gnome Expedition by Wood, David Of Cardiovascular
Noises Off - A Play by Frayn, Michael
Treasure Island by Wilson, Josephine, Miles, Bernard
What-Ho Within! by Tydeman, Richard
A Complete Concordance to Shakespeare by Bartlett, John
Nineteenth-Century Theatrical Memoirs. by Johnson, Claudia Durst, Johnson, Vernon
Not Quite Jerusalem by Kember, Paul
Pinocchio: A Family Entertainment by Morley, John
Local Affairs - A Play by Harris, Richard
The Pied Piper by Terson, Peter
The Establishment at Arles by Hillman, Barry L.
Murder in Mind by Feely, Terence
Season's Greetings by Ayckbourn, Alan