• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1987

Evangeline the Second: A Play by Maillet, Antonine
The Poetics of Greek Tragedy by Heath, Malcolm
Henrik Ibsen Plays: Six: Peer Gynt, the Pretenders by Ibsen, Henrik Johan
Verity Bargate Plays 1986 by
The Grand Old Duke of York - A Pantomime by Robbins, Norman
Forward to the Right by Green, Lily Ann
Double Double by Elice, Eric
Sing a Song of Sixpence by Robbins, Norman
Selected Plays by Boucicault, Dion
Day of Redemption: A Tenebrae Service and Worship Drama for Good Friday by Orbaker, Douglas W.
Hamlet and the Acting of Revenge by Mercer, Peter
Euripides: Orestes [Ed. 2] by
Lorca: Mariana Pineda by
Lorca: Yerma by Lyon, John E., Minett, J.
W. B. Yeats and the Creation of a Tragic Universe by Good, Maeve
Terence: The Brothers by Gratwick, Adrian S.
Sam Shepard's Metaphorical Stages by Hart, Lynda
Victorian Plays: A Record of Significant Productions on the London Stage, 1837-1901 by Mullin, Donald C.
Shakespeare's Tragedies by Mehl, Dieter
Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Introduction by Mehl, Dieter
Sophocles: Antigone by
Local Boy Makes Good by MacLachlan Gray, John
The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe by Marlowe, Christopher
You, Me and Mrs Jones by Horitz, Tony
The Maintenance Man by Harris, Richard
Mirror on the Stage: The Pulitzer Plays as an Approach to American Drama by Adler, Thomas P.
Essays on Modern American Drama: Williams, Miller, Albee, and Shepard by
Thermal Underwear by Davies, Andrew Senior Fellow at the Sci
My Return by Abbot, Jack Henry
The World of Harlequin: A Critical Study of the Commedia Dell' Arte by Nicoll, Allardyce, Nicoll, Nicoll, Allardyce
All for Your Delight by Parsley, Roger
W. B. Yeats and the Creation of a Tragic Universe by Good, Maeve
Jack and the Giant by Wood, David Of Cardiovascular
Das Dokumentartheater by Barton, Brian
Tell Pharaoh by Mitchell, Loften
Celestina by Fernando Rojas (C. 1465-1541) by Severin, Dorothy Sherman, Mabbe, James
I'll Be Back Before Midnight! - A Thriller by Colley, Peter
Theatre and Crisis 1632 1642 by Butler, Martin
The Relapse: Or Virtue in Danger by Vanbrugh, John
The Wind of Heaven by Williams, Emlyn
Lords of Creation - A Play for young people by Wiles, John Consultant in Palliative Me
Seneca's Anapaests: Metre, Colometry, Text, and Artistry in the Anapaests of Seneca's Tragedies by Fitch, John G.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Lewis, C. S.
Tennessee Williams by Fehl, Caroline
Bread and Puppet Theatre by Brecht, S., Brecht, Stefan, Brecht S
Roman Laughter: The Comedy of Plautus by Segal, Erich
Plays by Harley Granville Barker: The Marrying of Ann Leete, the Voysey Inheritance, Waste by Granville-Barker, Harley, Barker, Harley Granville, Harley, Granville-Barker
Understanding Edward Albee by Roudane, Matthew C.
Don't Blame It On The Boots - A Comedy by Warburton, N. J.
Too Long An Autumn by Chinn, Jimmie
Local Murder by Whalley, Peter
Isaiah's Surprise: A Christmas Pageant For The Congregation by Steltz, Nancy
Flying Feathers - A Farce by Benfield, Derek
The Railway Children by Nesbit, E.
Woman in a Dressing-Gown by Willis, Ted
Seneca's Hercules Furens: A Critical Text with Introduction and Commentary by Seneca
The Spanish Plays of Neoclassical England. by Loftis, John Clyde, Unknown
Restoration Comedy: Crises of Desire and Identity by Burns, Edward
Plays by Susan Glaspell by Glaspell, Susan
Dick Whittington - A Victorian Pantomime by Brown, Alan
Cards, Cups and Crystal Ball - A Play by Campton, David
Historical Guide to Children's Theatre in America by Unknown, McCaslin, Nellie
Bernard Shaw: A Critical View by Grene, Nicholas
Promenade and Other Plays by Fornes, Maria Irene
Madmen and Specialists by Soyinka, Wole
American Realism and American Drama, 1880 1940 by Murphy, Brenda
Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare by Wine, Martin
Hamlet and the Acting of Revenge by Mercer, Peter
Little Miss Muffet - A Pantomime by Reakes, Paul
Camille - A Play by Gems, Pam
Agamemnon by Aeschylus
The Plays of George Chapman: The Tragedies with Sir Gyles Goosecappe: A Critical Edition by
Comparative Criticism: Volume 9, Cultural Perceptions and Literary Values by
A Dream of Passion by Strassberg, Lee
Albert's Plot - A Play by Hartwell, Bob
The Water Babies by Hall, Willis
Imaginary Lines by Oliver, Reggie
Chimera by Baron, Alec
Conversations with Arthur Miller by
Hard Times by Jeffreys, Stephen
Woman In Mind by Ayckbourn, Alan
Sleeping Beauty: A Pantomime by Robbins, Norman
Saving Jason by Quilter, Peter
Kafka's Dick by Bennett, Alan
The Actor's Book of Contemporary Stage Monologues: The Actor's Book of Contemporary Stage Monologues: More Than 150 Monologues from More Than 70 Playw by
Piece of My Mind by Nichols, Peter
Bond Plays: 3: Bingo; The Fool; The Woman; Stone by Bond, Edward
Spring Song Singers - A Minidrama by Tydeman, Richard
Aristophanes: Birds by Aristophanes
Huis Clos by Sartre, Jean-Paul
Anouilh Plays: 1: Antigone; Leocadia; The Waltz of the Toreasors; The Lark; Poor Bitos by Anouilh, Jean
Honey Spot by Davis, Jack