• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1989

One Thousand Cranes: A Play by Thomas, Colin
New Plays for the Black Theater by King Jr, Woodie
Black Plays: Two by
Bertolt Brecht: Kritik Des Faschismus by Wagner, Frank Dietrich
Last Scene of All by Wood, Margaret
Four Farcical Plays by Saro-Wiwa, Ken
Aeschylus: Eumenides by
Beyond Reasonable Doubt by Archer, Jeffrey
Cloud Nine - A Play by Churchill, Caryl
Apologie der Tragödie by Reinhardt, Hartmut
The Reluctant Debutante - A Play by Home, William Douglas
Oxford Readings in Greek Tragedy by
Margaret Anglin: A Stage Life by LeVay, John Peter
The Scatterbrained Scarecrow of Oz by Bradley, Alfred
Receive This Light - A Play by Warburton, N. J.
Ghost Writer - A Play for Young People by Warburton, N. J.
The Sisterhood by Bolt, R. R.
Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of A Christmas Carol by McGillivray, David
Road by Cartwright, Jim
Teechers by Godber, John
1949 by French, David
Six Plays by Mavor Moore by Moore, Mavor
Warriors by Garneau, Michel
The Play Out of Context: Transferring Plays from Culture to Culture by
Murder for the Asking by Benfield, Derek
Visual and Other Pleasures by Mulvey, Laura
The School for Scandal and Other Plays by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
The Oresteia by Aeschylus
Discourse as Performance by Issacharoff, Michael
Crossways by Parry-Davies, Jane
Separation - A Play by Kempinski, Tom
Falling Off A Log - A Comedy by Reid, Georgina
The Burston Drum by Dryden, Ellen
Dangerous Obsession by Crisp, N. J.
»The Music Hall Is Dying«: Die Thematisierung Der Unterhaltungsindustrie Im Englischen Gegenwartsdrama by Raab, Michael
Goethes Dramatik by Schanze, Helmut
The Theatre of Tom Stoppard by Jenkins, Anthony
Curtains - A Play by Bill, Stephen
After Dinner by
Competition Monologues II: 49 Contemporary Speeches for Young Actors from the Best Professionally Produced American Plays by Ellis, Roger
Lope de Vega: Fuente Ovejuna by
Granville Barker and the Dream of Theatre by Kennedy, Dennis
The Selected Plays of Ben Jonson: Volume 2: The Alchemist, Bartholomew Fair, the New Inn, a Tale of a Tub by Jonson, Ben
Artist Descending a Staircase - A Play by Stoppard, Tom
Of Love And Miracles: A Candlelight Service For The Sundays In Advent Or For Christmas Eve by Warstler, Mary Lu
Mountain Language - A Play by Pinter, Harold
Surprise! Christ Comes!: A Christmas Pageant by Schroeder, Barney
Dramacontemporary: Scandinavia by
Dramacontemporary: Scandinavia by
Samuel Beckett by Kennedy, Arthur K., Kennedy, Andrew K.
Departure - A Play by Smith, Stephen Prof
Urban Cycles by Snelgrove, Michael
Twenty-Five Not Out by Wyld, Hazel
A Touch of Danger by Durbridge, Francis
Enjoy - A Play by Bennett, Alan
The Foreigner - A Play by Shue, Larry
Explosion of a Memory by Müller, Heiner
But Yesterday - A Play by Chinn, Jimmie
The Fifteen Streets by Bettinson, Rob
Sinbad the Sailor by Reakes, Paul
I Read the News Today by Russell, Willy
Whence by Leo Smith
Five Tales for the Theatre by Gozzi, Carlo
Selected Plays of Ben Johnson by Jonson, Ben
Henceforward... by Ayckbourn, Alan
Scaramutza in Germany: The Dramatic Works of Caspar Stieler by Aikin, Judith P.
Text and Supertext in Ibsen's Drama by Johnston, Brian
Clouds by Aristophanes, Dover, K. J.
The Two Noble Kinsmen by Waith, Euguene M., Shakespeare, William, Fletcher, John
No Exit and Three Other Plays by Sartre, Jean-Paul
The Queen of Hearts by Crocker, John
A House Without Windows by Valentine, Joe
The European Tragedy of Troilus by Boitani
First & Last by Frayn, Michael
No Exit and Three Other Plays by Sartre, Jean-Paul
The House of Frankenstein! - A comedy-horror by Downing, Martin
Hedda Gabler by Ibsen, Henrik
The Woman in Black by Mallatratt, Stephen
The Critic by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Players of Shakespeare 2: Further Essays in Shakespearean Performance by Players with the Royal Shakespeare Company by
Eumenides by Aeschylus
Breaking the Code by Whitemore, Hugh
Relics by Campton, David
The March on Russia by Storey, David
International Guide to Children's Theatre and Educational Theatre: A Historical and Geographical Source Book by Swortzell, Lowell
A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Sexual Puns and Their Significance by Rubinstein, Frankie
Playing God: Medieval Mysteries on the Modern Stage by Elliott Jr, John
Rain. Some Fish. No Elephants. by York, Y.
Between East And West by Nelson, Richard
Phantasie by Pearson, Sybille
Don Juan by Moliere
Family Planning - A Comedy by Vickery, Frank
Sweet Caroline Sweet by Edwards, Tony Lecturer in Industrial Re
Under the Twelfth Sign by Coles, Enid
The Winter of 1917 by Campton, David
Leaving: A Play by Woods, Don
The End of the Pier Show by Parsley, Roger