• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1990

Witches and Idiots by Mitchell, Ken
The See-Saw Tree by Wood, David Of Cardiovascular
Perkin and the Pastrycook by Foxton, David
Rabbit: A Play by Foxton, David
Salt Of The Earth - A Play by Godber, John
The Voyage of the Jumblies by Sayer, Philip Freeman
Winnie-the-Pooh by Milne, A. A.
School Ties: A Play by Brockhill, George
Paul Green's Wordbook: An Alphabet of Reminiscence by Green, Paul
Blue Remembered Hills by Potter, Denis
Theater and Incarnation by Harris, Max
Bernard Shaw and the Comic Sublime by Gordon, David J.
Calderon: The Schism in England: La Cisma de Inglaterra by Muir, Kenneth
Sophocles: Philoctetes by
Marbles: A Play in Three Acts by Brodsky, Joseph
Martin Hose: Studien Zum Chor Bei Euripides. Teil 1 by Hose, Martin
Early Works: Actos, Bernabe & Pensamiento Serpentino by Teatro Campesino (Organization), Valdez, Luis
The Stagecraft of Aeschylus: The Dramatic Use of Exits and Entrances in Greek Tragedy by Taplin, Oliver
Lysias: Selected Speeches by Lysias
Histrionics: Three Plays by Bernhard, Thomas
Sandcastles on the Beach - A Play by McColl, John
The Royal Baccarat Scandal by Ryton, Royce
Surgical Sensation at St.Sennapod's by Gardiner, John
Alcestis by Euripides
Prometheus Bound by Scully, James, Herington, C. John, Aeschylus
Antigone by Sophocles, Braun, Richard Emil
Bonjour, Là, Bonjour by Tremblay, Michel
Twenty Years at Play: A New Play Centre Anthology by
7 Stories by Panych, Morris
Beside Herself by Pintauro, Joe
Theater and Incarnation by Harris, Max
Opus Posthumous by Stevens, Wallace
Seneca: Phaedra by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Lucius Annaeus, Seneca
When Harry Met Sally. . . by Ephron, Nora
Murder in Neighbourhood Watch: A Thriller by Burke, Stewart
The Common Pursuit - A Play by Gray, Simon
Serious Money - A City Comedy by Churchill, Caryl
My Mother Said I Never Should by Keatley, Charlotte
Growing Pains: A Play by Armstrong, Ian
Irish Drama, 1900-1980 by
Bedside Manners by Benfield, Derek
Tippers - A Play by Plowman, Gillian
What's For Pudding? by Tristram, David
A Country Rebel by Grenfell-Hill, Jeffrey
Card Play: A Play for Young People by Foxton, David
The Magician's Nephew by Lewis, C. S.
Tom Stoppard: The Moral Vision of the Major Plays by Delany, P.
Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaits by Lindsay, David
Their Place on the Stage: Black Women Playwrights in America by Brown-Guillory, Elizabeth, Brown Guillory, Eliz
The Roaring Girl: Thomas Middleton & Thomas Dekker by Mulholland, Paul
From the Journal of Hazard McCauley by Reeves, Phil
Damien by Morris, Aldyth
Dürrenmatt: Reinterpretation in Retrospect by Whitton, Kenneth
Lessings Trauerspiele: Der Ursprung Des Modernen Dramas Aus Dem Geist Der Kritik. Germanistische Abhandlungen, Band 57 by Ter-Nedden, Gisbert
Lorca Plays: 2: Shoemaker's Wife;don Perlimplin;puppet Play of Don Christobel;butterfly's Evil Spell;when 5 Years by Lorca, Federico Garcia
A Man for All Seasons by Bolt, Robert
The Wonderful Tower Of Humbert Lavoignet by Alvarez, Lynne
The Noose of Words: Readings of Desire, Violence and Language in Euripides' Hippolytos by Goff, Barbara E.
Das Volksstück by Schmitz, Thomas
Sammy's Magic Garden - A Ghost Musical by Poskitt, Kjartan
Darlings, You Were Wonderful! by Lomas, Derek
Terence: The Mother-In-Law by
Four Works for the Theatre by Claus, Hugo
Put Some Clothes on Clarisse! by
Tragedy of Political Theory: The Road Not Taken by Euben, J. Peter
The Works of John Dryden, Volume XX: Prose 1691-1698 de Arte Graphica and Shorter Works Volume 20 by Dryden, John
The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe: Volume II: Dr. Faustus by Marlowe, Christopher
The Innkeeper's Wife: A Dramatic Monolog For Christmas Eve/Day by Faust, Harriet
Breaking the String: A Play by Vickery, Frank
Wuthering Heights by Vance, Charles
Legends Of Christmas: A Christmas Pageant For Youth Of All Ages by Summers, Georgianna
Tales Of The Lost Formicans by Congdon, Constance
One-Person Puppet Plays by Wright, Denise
Elektra: Play by
Euripides, Women and Sexuality by
Sunsets and Glories by Barnes, Peter
The Christmas Cavalier - A Pantomime by Lloyd, Richard
Dinosaurs And All That Rubbish by Wood, David Of Cardiovascular
The Danton Case and Thermidor: Two Plays by Przybyszewska, Stanislawa
Hedda Gabler by Ibsen, Henrik
Nineteenth Century German Plays: Fraz Grillparzer, Johann Nepomuk Nestroy, Friedrich Hebbel: King Ottocar's Rise and Fall, the Talisman, Agnes Bernaue by
Deadline by Bateman, Geoff
The Black Prince by Murdoch, Iris
Christmas on Stage by
Patrons and Performance: Early Tudor Household Revels by Westfall, Suzanne R.
Fabulae by Sophocles
Lysistrata by Aristophanes
The Bacchae of Euripides: A New Version by Euripides, Williams, C. K.
Wines in the Wilderness: Plays by African American Women from the Harlem Renaissance to the Present by Brown Guillory, Eliz
Three Plays by Terrence Mcnally by McNally, Terrence
Ski Whizz - A Comedy by Ingham, Richard
Strike Up The Banns - A Comedy by Wymark, Olwen
The Secret Rapture by Hare, David
The Last Gamble - A Thriller by Macilwraith, Bill
Elsie and Norm's Macbeth - A Comedy by Christopher-Wood, John
Behind the Scenes: Volume 1 by
Behind the Scenes: Volume 2 by
Fair Play: Twelve Women Speak: Conversations with Canadian Playwrights by Rudakoff, Judith, Much, Rita
Love Letters and Two Other Plays: The Golden Age, What I Did Last Summer by Gurney, A. R.
Trivial Pursuits by Vickery, Frank
Sir Thomas More: By Anthony Munday and Others by
Killing the Cat by Spencer, David
Once in a While by Godfrey, Paul
The Theatre of Tennessee Williams, Volume I: Battle of Angels, the Glass Menagerie, a Streetcar Named Desire by Williams, Tennessee
The Theatre of Tennessee Williams Volume V: The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore, Kingdom of Earth, Small Craft Warnings, the Two-Character Play by Williams, Tennessee
The Theatre of Tennessee Williams Volume II: The Eccentricities of a Nightingale, Summer and Smoke, the Rose Tattoo, Camino Real by Williams, Tennessee
Comparative Criticism: Volume 12, Representations of the Self by
Five Plays: Antigone, Eurydice, the Ermine, the Rehearsal, Romeo and Jeannette by Anouilh, Jean
Adam Bede by Geoffrey Beevers
Daylight Saving by Enright, Nick
Black Female Playwrights by
Ghosts by Ibsen, Henrik
The Prince of Homburg by Kleist, Heinrich Von
Paradise Hotel by Feydeau, Georges
Twelfth Man by Connolly, H.
Great Celestial Cow by Townsend, Sue
Collected Papers on Greek Tragedy by Stinton, T. C. W.
Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece by Vernant, Jean-Pierre, Vidal-Naquet, Pierre
Early Black American Playwrights and Dramatic Writers: A Biographical Directory and Catalog of Plays, Films, and Broadcasting Scripts by Peterson, Bernard L.
Three Jacobean Revenge Tragedies: The Revenger's Tragedy, Women Beware Women, the Changeling by
French Renaissance Tragedy by Jondorf, Gillian
Stages of History by Rackin, Phyllis
Anybody for Murder? by Clemens, Brian
Dead of Night - A Thriller by Whalley, Peter
Conversations with Eugene O'Neill by
Three Plays: The Young Lady from Tacna, Kathie and the Hippopotamus, La Chunga by Llosa, Mario Vargas
O Freedom!: Afro-American Emancipation Celebrations by Wiggins Jr, William H.
Six Degrees of Separation: A Play by Guare, John
British and Irish Political Drama in the Twentieth Century: Implicating the Audience by Rabey, D.
The Major Plays of Chikamatsu by
Euripides: Medea by Euripides
The Piano Lesson by Wilson, August
Adam And The Experts by Bumbalo, Victor
Pew Prompters by Enscoe, Andrea, Enscoe, Larry
Peter Weiss Und Der Surrealismus: Poetische Verfahrensweisen in Der "Ästhetik Des Widerstands" by Bommert, Christian
The Piano Lesson by Wilson, August
Shadowlands - A Play by Nicholson, William
Behn Five Plays by Behn, Aphra
Ten Tiny Fingers, Ten Tiny Toes by Townsend, Sue
Beyond Minimalism: Beckett's Late Style in the Theater by Brater, Enoch
Save the Human by
Miss Roach's War by Kane, Richard
Smile - A Play for Women by Campton, David
So What Do We Do About Henry? - A Play by Hastings, Charlotte
Little Jack Horner by Reakes, Paul