• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1991

Plays by Women 9 by
Fragrance of a New Dawn: Easter Sunrise Drama by Merryman, Louis
Slaughterhouse by Robbins, Norman
Bargains with Fate: Psychological Crises and Conflicts in Shakespeare and His Plays by Paris, Bernard J.
Prin by Davies, Andrew Senior Fellow at the Sci
Staging Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard by Mitchell, John D.
The Yesterday Man by Wyld, Hazel
Congreve, the Drama, and the Printed Word by Peters, Julie Stone
Journey of Decision: A Way of the Cross by Eimer, Robert D., O'Malley, Sarah a.
Corneille: Three Masterpieces: The Liar; The Illusion; Le Cid by Corneille, Pierre
Versions of Heroism in Modern American Drama: Redefinitions by Miller, Williams, O'Neill and Anderson by Adam, Julie
Shakespeare: Richard II by Na, Na
Calderon: The Painter of his Dishonour, El pintor de su deshonra by
Religious Ethics in Africa by Kasenene, Peter
Tirso de Molina: Don Gil of the Green Breeches by
Tirso de Molina: Don Gil of the Green Breeches by
Martin Hose: Studien Zum Chor Bei Euripides. Teil 2 by Hose, Martin
The School for Scandal by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, Anton
Asylum: A Play by Baron, Alec
Aristophanes: Clouds by
The Field by Keane, John B.
Three Comedies: Miles Gloriosus, Pseudolus, Rudens by Plautus
National Theatre in Northern and Eastern Europe, 1746 1900 by
Me and My Friend- A Play by Plowman, Gillian
The Maculate Muse: Obscene Language in Attic Comedy by Henderson, Jeffrey
Sisters by Lill, Wendy
La Maison Suspendue by Tremblay, Michel
The Dunsmuirs: Alone at the Edge by Langley, Rod
Joe Beef by Fennario, David
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - A Pantomime by Robbins, Norman
Of the Fields, Lately by French, David
Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell by Waterhouse, Keith
Easy Stages - A Comedy by Warburton, N. J.
Calderon Plays: One by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Green Card by Akalaitis, Joanne
From Class to Caste in American Drama: Political and Social Themes Since the 1930s by Scharine, Richard G.
Lady Windermere's Fan by Wilde, Oscar
When We Dead Awaken by Ibsen, Henrik
Visiting Hour by Harris, Richard
Oliver Twist by
The Charlatan by Norfolk, William
The Play of the Royal Astrologers by Hall, Willis
The Complete Plays of Sophocles by Sophocle
Keeping Mum - A monologue from Visiting Hour by Harris, Richard
A Laboratory of Impure Forms: The Plays of Tadeusz Rozewicz by Filipowicz, Halina
Dämonen Unterm Roten Stern: Zur Geschichtsphilosophie Und Ästhetik Heiner Müllers by Raddatz, Frank-Michael
Die Herrschaft Des Textes: Zitattechnik ALS Sprachkritik in Georg Büchners Drama »Danton's Tod« Unter Berücksichtigung Der »Letzten Tage Der Mens by Niehoff, Reiner
Lilith by Havis, Allan
Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus
Hecuba by Reckford, Kenneth J., Euripides, Lembke, Janet
Women of Trachis by Sophocles
Persians by Aeschylus
Analyzing Shakespeare's Action: Scene Versus Sequence by Hallett, Charles a., Hallett, Elaine S.
Eugene O'Neill's Century: Centennial Views on America's Foremost Tragic Dramatist by Moorton, Richard
The Boundary by Stoppard, Tom, Exton, Clive
The CTR Anthology: Fifteen Plays from Canadian Theatre Review by
I Sing a Song of the Saints of God by Scott, Lesbia
Imagine Drowning by Johnson, Terry
The Tempest by Shakespeare, William
Mock Kings in Medieval Society and Renaissance Drama by Billington, Sandra
Modern French Drama 1940 1990 by Bradby, David
Sources of Dramatic Theory: Volume 1, Plato to Congreve by
Gargling with Jelly - The Play! by Patten, Brian
Up 'n' Under by Godber, John
The Janna Years - A Play by Plowman, Gillian
Private View by Havel, Vaclav
Sophocles: Antigone and Oedipus the King: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by MacLeod, Matthew, Wilkins, John
She Stoops to Conquer by Goldsmith, Oliver
Plautus: Rudens by Plautus
Aristophanes: Frogs by Aristophanes
The Gift Of Christmas: A Christmas One-act by Dawson, Joann S.
Euripides: Hecuba by Euripides
Presocratics: Main Fragments by
Roman Comedy by McLeish, Kenneth
Euripides: Medea and Electra: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by Ferguson, John
Aristophanes: Clouds, Acharnians, Lysistrata: A Companion to the Penguin Translation of A.H.Sommerstein by Dover, Kenneth J., Tremewan, Simon
Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles
Long Day's Journey Into Night by Dymkowski, Christine, Royal National Theatre (Great Britain), O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone
Pickwick by Mankowitz, Wolf
Euripides: Scenes from Iphigenia in Aulis and Iphigenia in Tauris by Euripides
The Donahue Sisters by Aron, Geraldine
Saint Nicholas Speaks by Crotts, Stephen M.
Season of Joy: Dramas for Advent Christmas Epiphany by Miller, Emmeline S.
Audience by Havel, Vaclav
Theater Und Mythos: Die Konstitution Des Subjekts Im Diskurs Der Antiken Tragödie by Lehmann, Hans-Thies
Versions of Heroism in Modern American Drama: Redefinitions by Miller, Williams, O'Neill and Anderson by Adam, Julie
Theatre of Genocide: Four Plays about Mass Murder in Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Armenia by
Massinger by
The Making of Victorian Drama by Jenkins, Anthony
Friedrich Schiller: Drama, Thought and Politics by Sharpe, Lesley, Lesley, Sharpe
They Watch Me as They Watch This: Gertrude Stein's Metadrama by Bowers, Jane Palatini
The Magical Voyage of Ulysses by Wiles, John
Warrior: A Play by Gee, Shirley Department of Entomology U.
The Pied Piper (A Musical Play) by Wood, David Of Cardiovascular
Papa Panov's Magic Christmas: A Play by Thain, Paul
The Heidi Chronicles: Uncommon Women and Others & Isn't It Romantic by Wasserstein, Wendy
Rival Playwrights: Marlowe, Jonson, Shakespeare by Shapiro, James
Vesuvius and Other Latin Plays by Burnell, Dick
Clifford Odets: A Research and Production Sourcebook by Demastes, William W.
Captain Blackboot and the Wallamagrumba - A Play for Children by Wood, Patricia
A Slice of Saturday Night by Heather Brothers, The
Poppy by Nichols, Peter
The Forsyte Saga by Hoddinott, Pat
Lysistrata by Aristophanes
I Thought I Heard a Rustling by Plater, Alan
Out of Order by Cooney, Ray
Single Spies by Bennett, Alan
Doctor Faustus: In a New Adaptation by Marlowe, Christopher
Plays of Caryl Churchill by Howe Kritzer, Amelia
Literatur, Rhetorik und Jurisprudenz im 17. Jahrhundert by Wichert, Adalbert
Fashioning Femininity and English Renaissance Drama by Newman, Karen
Arts of Performance in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama: Essays for G. K. Hunter by
The Selected Plays of Douglas Hyde by Hyde, Douglas
Keep an Eye on Am�lie by Feydeau, Georges
Shakespeare: The Tempest by
The Textual Tradition of Euripides' Orestes by Diggle, James
The Absent One: Mourning Ritual, Tragedy, and the Performance of Ambivalence by Cole, Susan L.
A Preface to Shakespeare's Tragedies by Mangan, Michael
Gigli Concert by Murphy, Tom
Modified Rapture: Comedy in W. S. Gilbert's Savoy Operas by Fischler, Alan
Terence: Eunuch, Phormio, the Brothers: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by Barsby, John
Cut in the Rates by Ayckbourn, Alan
Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp by Brown, Alan
Tragic Ways Killing Wom P by Loraux, Nicole
Moll by Keane, John B.
Staging the Renaissance by
Edgar Plays: 3: Teendreams; Our Own People; That Summer and Maydays by Edgar, David
The Theory and Analysis of Drama by Pfister, Manfred
Radical Stages: Alternative History in Modern British Drama by Peacock, D. Keith
Racing Demon - A Play by Hare, David
The School for Wives and the Learned Ladies, by Moliere: Two Comedies in an Acclaimed Translation. by Moliere
The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) by Dahl, Roald
Thomas Bernhards Theaterstücke: Metzler Studienausgabe by Klug, Christian
Il Campiello by Goldoni, Carlo
Pick Up Ax by Clarvoe, Anthony
Goona Goona by Terry, Megan
Roots In Water by Nelson, Richard
Plays of John Heywood by
Plays, Prose Writings and Poems of Oscar Wilde: Introduction by Terry Eagleton by Wilde, Oscar
Motives of Woe: Shakespeare and Female Complaint, a Critical Anthology by
Same Old Moon by Aron, Geraldine
Valued Friends by Jeffreys, Stephen
Map of the Heart: A Play by Nicholson, William
Man of the Moment - A Play by Ayckbourn, Alan
Euripides: Hecuba by Collard, Christopher
Euripides: Hecuba by Collard, Christopher
Nathan the Wise, Minna Von Barnhelm, and Other Plays and Writings: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
We Found Love and an Exquisite Set of Porcelain Figurines Aboard the SS Farndale Avenue by McGillivray, David
The Cure at Troy: A Version of Sophocles' Philoctetes by Heaney, Seamus
Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeare's Plays, Hamlet to the Tempest by Adelman, Janet
The Marriage Of Figaro by Beaumarchais
A Search for a Postmodern Theater: Interviews with Contemporary Playwrights by Digaetani, John Louis
Ancient Sun, Modern Light: Greek Drama on the Modern Stage by McDonald, Marianne
A Toe in the Water - A Comedy by Benfield, Derek
Home is Where Your Clothes Are by Marriott, Anthony
Babes in the Wood: A Pantomime by Reakes, Paul
Cinderella by Cregan, David