• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1992

Staging a Sanskrit: Vision of Vasavadatta by Mitchell, John D.
Meaning in Film: Relevant Structures in Soundtrack and Narrative by Nasta, Dominique
The Radical Stage: Theatre in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s by
The Jew of Malta by Marlowe, Christopher
Staging a Spanish Classic: The House of Fools with Hugh A. Harter by Mitchell, John D.
The Small Hours by Durbridge, Francis
German Theater Before 1750: Sachs, Gryphius, Schlegel, and Others by
Medea by Euripides
Intertextuality and Romance in Renaissance Drama: The Staging of Nostalgia by Hillman, Richard
The Letters of Brendan Behan by Behan, Brendan
Journeymen in Murder: The Assassin in English Renaissance Drama by Wiggins, Martin
Suetonius: Galba, Otho, Vitellius by Suetonius
Vernunft als Weisheit by Strohschneider-Kohrs, Ingrid
Miller: Death of a Salesman by Na, Na
Miller: The Crucible by Na, Na
Pinter: Three Plays by Na, Na
Priestley: An Inspector Calls by Na, Na
Shakespeare: Macbeth by Na, Na
Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream by Na, Na
The Children of Herakles by Euripides
Rhesos by Euripides
Shakespeare: King Lear by Na, Na
Iphigeneia in Tauris by Euripides
Sport in Australian Drama by Fotheringham, Richard
The Loophole - A Play by Warburton, N. J.
Dead-Lock - A Thriller by Janes, Hugh
Terence: The Comedies by
The Revenge of Sherlock Holmes by Bricusse, Leslie
Cinzano: Eleven Plays by Petrushevskaya, Ludmila
Summer of the Aliens by Nowra, Louis
The Sound of Silence by Cocteau, Jean
The Misanthrope by Molière
Die Ordnung Des Lebens: Zu Franz Grillparzers Selbstbiographie by Dusini, Arno
The Magnificent Voyage of Emiy Carr by Marchessault, Jovette
The Dunsmuirs: A Promise Kept by Langley, Rod
Les Belles Soeurs by Tremblay, Michel
The Death of the Playwright?: Modern British Drama and Literary Theory by
Monster in a Box by Gray, Spalding
Tennessee Williams and Elia Kazan: A Collaboration in the Theatre by Murphy, Brenda
Party Piece - A Comedy by Harris, Richard
A Man of Letters - A Comedy by Firth, Tim
Daughters Of Venice by Taylor, Don
Summer in the Park by Dryden, Ellen
Sturm Und Drang: Lenz, Wagner, Klinger, and Schiller: The Soldiers, the Childmurderess, Storm and Stress, and the Robbers by
Phèdre: Édition bilingue by Racine, Jean
Macbeth by Sinfield, Alan
The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare, William
The Classical Monologue: Men by
Bond Plays: 4: Worlds with Activists; Restoration; Summer by Bond, Edward
Eugene O'Neill in China: An International Centenary Celebration by
Re-Interpreting Brecht: His Influence on Contemporary Drama and Film by
German Classical Drama: Theatre, Humanity and Nation 1750 1870 by Lamport, Frederick, F. J., Lamport, Lamport, F. J.
T.S. Eliot's Drama: A Research and Production Sourcebook by Malamud, Randy
Sins of the Father - An intimate play by Smith, Leo Consultant Ornithologist
Hidden Laughter by Gray, Simon
The Seagull by Chekhov, Anton
Roots of African American Drama: An Anthology of Early Plays, 1858-1938 by
Cosi by Nowra, Louis
The Father by Strindberg, August, Brustein, Robert
The House of Dracula - A comedy-horror by Downing, Martin
London Kills Me by Kureishi, Hanif
New Historicism and Renaissance Drama by Wilson, Richard, Dutton, Richard
Hippolytos by Euripides
Hobson's Choice by Brighouse, Harold
Lips Together, Teeth Apart: A Play by McNally, Terrence
Renaissance Magic and the Return of the Golden Age: The Occult Tradition and Marlowe, Jonson, and Shakespeare by Mebane, John S.
The Agon in Euripides by Lloyd, Michael
The Gymnasium of the Imagination: A Collection of Children's Plays in English, 1780-1860 by Levy, Jonathan
Verbal Violence in Contemporary Drama: From Handke to Shepard by Malkin, Jeanette R., Jeanette R., Malkin
Bold Girls by Munro, Rona
Split Ends - A Comedy by Vickery, Frank
Puss in Boots - A Pantomime by Robbins, Norman
Mr Whatnot - A Comedy by Ayckbourn, Alan
Perfect Partners - A Comedy by Richardson, Alan
When She Danced by Sherman, Martin
The Cocktail Hour by Gurney, A. R.
What's The Matter With Christmas?: A Christmas Play In Three Acts by Futer, Phyllis
Don't Dress for Dinner by Camoletti, Marc
Sarcophagus by Gubaryev, Vladimir
The Golden Bells: Two Plays For Christmas by Scholberg, Henry
The Christmas Stranger: A One-Act Christmas Play by Byrd, Charles
Word as Action: Racine, Rhetoric, and Theatrical Language by Hawcroft, Michael
Minghella Plays: 1: Whale Music; A Little Like Drowning; Two Planks and a Passion; Made in Bangkok by Minghella, Anthony
de Filippo Four Plays: The Local Authority; Grand Magic; Filumena; Marturano by Filippo, Eduardo De
Suspicions - A Play by Crisp, N. J.
Deadly Embrace - A Thriller by Paice, Eric
Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? by Bower, Margaret
Focus on Psychodrama: The Therapeutic Aspects of Psychodrama by Kellermann, Peter Felix
Shindig by Aldrich, Arthur
Acting Gay: Male Homosexuality in Modern Drama by Clum, John
Intertextuality and Romance in Renaissance Drama: The Staging of Nostalgia by Hillman, Richard
Straight and Narrow by Chinn, Jimmie
Jack and the Beanstalk - A Pantomime by Robbins, Norman
Making It Better: A Play by Saunders, James
Dancing at Lughnasa by Friel, Brian
Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Selerie, Gavin
The Middle English Mystery Play by Diller, Hans-Jurgen
Berlin Bertie by Brenton, Howard
Terrorism and Modern Drama by
Last Tango in Whitby by Harding, Mike
The Music Lovers by Feydeau, Georges
The Recruiting Officer by Farquhar, George
Sheridan and Goldsmith by Worth, Katharine
The Human Voice by Cocteau, Jean, Wood, Anthony
Ibsen Cycle: The Design of the Plays from Pillars of Society to When We Dead Awaken by Johnston, Brian
Miss Julie by Strindberg, August
Synge: Four Plays by Studebaker, Steven M.
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Subjectivity and Subjugation in Seventeenth-Century Drama and Prose by Greenberg, Mitchell
Naturbild Und Diskursgeschichte: Faust-Studie Zur Rekonstruktion Ästhetischer Theorie. Germanistische Abhandlungen, Band 75 by Matussek, Peter
Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory Volume 3 by Von Balthasar, Hans Urs
Second From Last in the Sack Race by Birch, Michael
High Profiles - A Comedy by Wyatt, Woodrow
Happy Families by Godber, John
Playing Sinatra by Kops, Bernard
A Raisin in the Sun: The Unfilmed Original Screenplay by Hansberry, Lorraine
American Drama of the Twentieth Century by Berkowitz, Gerald M.
Virginia Woolf by Bowlby, Rachel
The Psychoanalytic Theory of Greek Tragedy by Alford, C. Fred
No Cure for Cancer: A Monologue by Leary, Denis
Rhetoric, Comedy, and the Violence of Language in Aristophanes' Clouds by O'Regan, Daphne Elizabeth
Comparative Criticism: Volume 14, Knowledge and Performance by Shaffer, E. S.
The Phoenician Women by Euripides, Burian Swann, Burian/Swann
Helen by Euripides
Hippolytos by Euripides
Iphigeneia at Aulis by Euripides
Will You Still Love Me in the Morning? by Clemens, Brian
Hyde Park - A Play by Swannell, Graham
The Horse and his Boy by Lewis, C. S.
Confronting Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire: Essays in Critical Pluralism by Kolin, Philip
Post-Colonial English Drama: Commonwealth Drama Since 1960 by
Levitating the Pentagon: Evolutions in the American Theatre of the Vietnam War Era by Fenn, Jeffrey
The Pocket Dream by Brewer, Elly
A Fishy Business by Wood, Margaret
Plays: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: Egmont, Iphigenia in Tauris, Torquato Tasso by
Socialism and Superior Brains: The Political Thought of George Bernard Shaw by Griffith, Gareth
The Rez Sisters by Highway, Tomson
Erotic Politics: The Dynamics of Desire in the Renaissance Theatre by
Rereading Shepard: Contemporary Critical Essays on the Plays of Sam Shepard by
Rereading Shepard: Contemporary Critical Essays on the Plays of Sam Shepard by
Rockasocka: A Musical Play by Gardiner, John