• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 1996

The Politics of Alternative Theatre in Britain, 1968 1990: The Case of 7:84 (Scotland) by Dicenzo, Maria
Socrates and Aristophanes by Strauss, Leo
West End Women: Women and the London Stage 1918 - 1962 by Gale, Maggie
Canadian Mosaic II: 6 Plays by
David Hare: Moral and Historical Perspectives by Donesky, Finlay
Women's Acts: Plays by Women Dramatists of Spain's Golden Age by
Etiquette and Vitriol: The Food Chain and Other Plays by Silver, Nicky
Passion Killers by Godber, John
Philip and Rowena - A Play by Plowman, Gillian
Parentcraft - A Comedy by Smith, Stephen
Falling Short - A Comedy by Robson, James Associate of Ch
It Can Damage Your Health - A Comedy by Chappell, Eric
Corpsing - Four One-Act Plays by Barnes, Peter
Snow White by Robbins, Norman
Meat and Two Veg - A Play by Beard, Paul
Bottles with Baskets on by Tibbetts, Mike
Marvin's Room by McPherson, Scott
Christmas Program Builder No. 49: Collection of Graded Resources for the Creative Program Planner by Miller, Paul M.
She Stoops to Folly by Murphy, Tom
'Europe' & 'The Architect' by Greig, David
Broken Boundaries-Pa by
British Playwrights, 1880-1956: A Research and Production Sourcebook by
Dramaturgie Der Menschheit - Lessing by Dreßler, Thomas
Six Contemporary Dramatists: Bennett, Potter, Gray, Brenton, Hare, Ayckbourn by Wu, Duncan
I Didn't Want to Pay for a Rent-A-Car by Dechi, Daniel S.
Aristophanes: The Clouds--An Annotated Translation by Marianetti, Marie
In Quest of Conscience by MacDonald, Robert David
Travels with My Aunt by Havergal, Giles
Sylvia's Wedding by Chinn, Jimmie
'Sweet Panic' & 'Blinded by the Sun' by Poliakoff, Stephen