• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2000

Love, Crime and Johannesburg: A Musical [With Musical Score for Accompaniment] by Junction Avenue Theatre Company
To The Sky & Beyond by Sawa, T. Smita
Frontline Drama 6: New French Plays by
Dramatic Sketches In Divorce Recovery by Ward, Robert A.
Space Junk by Ellison, Les
Figuring Things - A Comedy by Fosbrook, Michael
Darkness Falls by Holloway, Jonathan
Lips by Congdon, Constance
The Glass Mendacity by Cooper, Keith, Morley, Maureen, Armstong, Doug
Performing Television: Contemporary Drama and the Media Culture by Klaver, Elizabeth
Sparkleshark by Ridley, Philip
Prayer Book Parallels Volume 1 by Marshall, Paul V.
Provocables!: Dramatic Readings For Faith And Life by Robbins, Jerry K.
Drama For All Seasons by Danielson, Esther J.
Dramatic Sketches From Romans by Ward, Robert A.
Menander: The Bad Tempered Man by Ireland, Stanley
East of West: Cross-Cultural Performance and the Staging of Difference by Na, Na
Curtain Up by Hopwood, Dave
Lectionary Texts Pew Edition: Various Occasions and Occasional Services by Church Publishing Incorporated
At the Foot of the Cross by Maurer, Dennis M.
A Theatre of Envy by Girard, Rene
Prayer Book Parallels Volume II (Paperback) by Marshall, Paul V.
Über die Scham by Blunck, Hanns-Diethelm
A Preface to Marlowe by Simkin, Stevie
Peggy for You by Plater, Alan
The Idolatrous Eye by O'Connell, Michael
Theatre, Court and City, 1595 1610: Drama and Social Space in London by Dillon, Janette
The Novels and Plays of Eduardo Manet: An Adventure in Multiculturalism by Zatlin, Phyllis
Beneath Iërne's Banners: Irish Protestant Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century by Wheatley, Christopher J.
The East End Plays: Part 1 by Walker, George F.
Plautus in Performance the Theatre of the Mind by Slater, Niall W.
The Other Shore: Plays by Gao, Xingjian
Drama for a New South Africa: Seven Plays by
Murder among Friends: Violation of Philia in Greek Tragedy by Belfiore, Elizabeth S.
Anglo-Saxon Gestures and the Roman Stage by Dodwell, Charles Reginald, Dodwell, C. R.
State Of Shock by Strachan, Tony
Andromache by Racine, Jean
The Brazilian by Meilhac, Henri
Melons at the Parsonage by Warburton, Nick
Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris by Euripides, Cropp, Martin J.
Mastergate and Power Failure: 2 Political Satires for the Stage by Gelbart, Larry
Cymbeline by Shakespeare, William
The Best Burlesque Sketches: As Adapted for Sugar Babies and Other Entertainments by Allen, Ralph
The Collected Works of Paddy Chayefsky: The Stage Plays by Chayefsky, Paddy
The Collected Works of Paddy Chayefsky: The Screenplays by Chayefsky, Paddy
Elizabethan Drama: Eight Plays by Gassner, John
The Brute and Other Farces by Chekhov, Anton, Bentley, Eric
The Two Gentlemen of Verona by Shakespeare, William
Voices of Color: 50 Scenes and Monologues by African American Playwrights by King, Woodie
The Life of the Drama by Bentley, Eric
Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, Edmund
The Collected Works of Paddy Chayefsky: The Screenplays by Chayefsky, Paddy
The Tutor by Brecht, Bertolt
Timon of Athens by Shakespeare, William
13 by Shanley: Thirteen Plays by Shanley, John Patrick
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) by Shakespeare, William
Acting in Film: An Actor's Take on Movie Making by Caine, Michael
Spoonface Steinberg by Hall, Lee
King Henry VIII: Or All Is True by Shakespeare, William, Fletcher, John
The Politics of Irish Drama by Grene, Nicholas
Contemporary American Playwrights by Bigsby, C. W. E.
Contemporary American Playwrights by Bigsby, C. W. E., Bigsby, Christopher
The Politics of Irish Drama: Plays in Context from Boucicault to Friel by Grene, Nicholas
Wilson Plays: 2: Vampire; The Glad Hand; The Grass Widow; Sabina by Wilson, Snoo
The Talented MR Ripley by Minghella, Anthony
That Summer by French, David
I, Carmelita Tropicana: Performing between Cultures by Troyano, Alina
The Lady Smith by Moodie, Andrew
A Sourcebook on Naturalist Theatre by
Comparative Criticism: Volume 21, Myth and Mythologies by
Phedre by Racine, Jean Baptiste
2 1/2 Jews by Brandt, Alan
Sophocles Revisited: Essays Presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones by Lloyd-Jones, Hugh
Ethan Frome by Wharton, Edith
Shake, Ripple & Roll: A Rock & Roll Musical by Perkins, David
The Three Secular Plays of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: A Critical Study by Schmidhuber, Guillermo
Feed by Elliott, Tom
Nobody's Perfect by Williams, Simon
American Plays of the New Woman by
Betty's Summer Vacation by Durang, Christopher
Little Detours: The Letters and Plays of Luise Gottsched [1713-1762] by Kord, Susanne
Plays by Janet Neipris by Neipris, Janet
Plays By Stuart Spencer by Spencer, Stuart
Ancestral Voices by Gurney, A. R.
Plays By Rochelle Owens by Owens, Rochelle
Plays By Phil Bosakowski by Bosakowski, Phil
Lysistrata: the sex strike by Greer, Germaine, Aristophanes
Venom in Verse: Aristophanes in Modern Greece by Van Steen, Gonda A. H.
Gym and Tonic by Godber, John
'Allo 'Allo by Lloyd, Jeremy
The Staple of News: By Ben Jonson by
Three Renaissance Travel Plays by
Riddance by McLean, Linda
Trust by Mitchell, Gary
The Clink by Jeffreys, Stephen
Latin-American Plays by
Last Dance at Dum Dum by Din, Ayub Khan
John Osborne: Four Plays: A Sense of Detachment; The End of Me Old Cigar; Jill and Jack; A Place Calling Itself Rome by Osborne, John
Tecumseh!: A Play by Eckert, Allan W.
The Holocaust Trilogy: The Dybbuk / Dead Woman on Holiday / Theresa by Pascal, Julia
Women on the Verge: Seven Avant Garde Plays by Lamont, Rosette C.
Dublin Carol by McPherson, Conor
Foundation and Form in Jungian Sandplay by Steinhardt, Lenore
The House of Bernarda Alba by García Lorca, Federico
Rodney Ackland: Plays Two: Strange Orchestra; Before the Party; Smithereens; Old Ladies by Ackland, Rodney
Lonsdale: Plays One by Lonsdale, Frederick
Celestina by De Rojas, Fernando
The Best Short Plays 1989 by Various Authors
The Best American Short Plays 1995-1996 by
Black Comedy: 9 Plays: A Critical Anthology with Interviews and Essays by Various Authors
I Am a Man: A New Play by Oyamo
Four Farces by Feydeau, Georges
The Servant of Two Masters: And Other Italian Classics by Bentley, Eric
Other People's Money: The Ultimate Seduction by Sterner, Jerry
Too Clever By Half or The Diary of a Scoundrel by Ostrovsky, Alexander
The Southwark Mysteries by Constable, John
The Ground on Which I Stand by Wilson, August
The First Lulu by Wedekind, Frank
The Red Balloon by Lamorisse, Albert
Classical Comedy: Greek and Roman: Six Plays by Corrigan, Robert W.
Bent: The Play by Sherman, Martin
Life Is a Dream and Other Spanish Classics by Various Authors
Classical Tragedy Greek and Roman: Eight Plays with Critical Essays by Various Authors
Bunny Bunny: Gilda Radner: A Sort of Love Story by Zweibel, Alan
On the Open Road by Tesich, Steve
Terence: The Eunuch by Brothers, Anthony J.
The Plays of Oscar Wilde by Wilde, Oscar
Dermot Bolger Plays: 1 by Bolger, Dermot
The Little Tragedies by Pushkin, Alexander
Die Wiedergeburt des Sophokles aus dem Geist des Humanismus by Daskarolis, Anastasia
Ödön Von Horváth by Bartsch, Kurt
Hard Fruit by Cartwright, Jim
Treehouses by Kuti, Elizabeth
The Graduate by Johnson, Terry
Shakespeare, Film, Fin de Siecle by Wray, Ramona, Burnett, Mark Thornton
Television Drama: Realism, Modernism, and British Culture by Caughie, John
Television Drama: Realism, Modernism, and British Culture by Caughie, John
The Intimate Screen: Early British Television Drama by Jacobs, Jason
The Best of Robert Service by Service, Robert
The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay! and Other Works: The Collected Plays of Dario Fo, Volume One by Fo, Dario
La Guerre Est Finie by Resnais, Alain
Scapin & Don Juan: The Actor's Moliere by Moliere
Mary Stuart by Schiller, Friedrich
Before Brecht: Four German Plays by
Before Brecht: Four German Plays by Bentley, Eric
A Flea in Her Rear (or Ants in Her Pants) and Other Vintage French Farces by Shapiro, Norman
The Best American Short Plays 1992-1993 by Young, Glenn
Ghost in the Machine by Gilman, David
A Chekhov Concert: Duets & Arias Conceived & Composed by Sharon Gans & Jordan Charney by Gans, Sharon
Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire by Kolin, Philip C.
The Unseen Hand and Other Plays by Sam Shepard by Shepard, Sam
2.5 Minute Ride & 101 Humiliating Stories by Kron, Lisa
The Madman and the Nun and The Crazy Locomotive: Three Plays (including The Water Hen} by Witkiewicz, Stanislaw Ignacy
The Mother and Other Unsavory Plays: Including The Shoemakers and They by Witkiewicz, Stanislaw Ignacy
The Misanthrope and Other French Classics by Bentley, Eric
We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay! and Other Works: The Collected Plays of Dario Fo, Volume One by Fo, Dario
Heaven by Walker, George F.
Mom's the Word by Carson, Linda A., Daum, Jill, Kelly, Alison
15 Seconds by Archambault, François
Thinking Queer: Sexuality, Culture, and Education by
Im Labyrinth des unendlichen Textes by Englhart, Andreas
From Playhouse to Printing House: Drama and Authorship in Early Modern England by Douglas a., Brooks, Brooks, Douglas A.
Putting History to the Question: Power, Politics, and Society in English Renaissance Drama by Neill, Michael
The Salesman Has a Birthday: Essays Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman by Marino, Stephen A.
Victoria by Greig, David
Victorian Theatricals by Hudston, Sara
The Salesman Has a Birthday: Essays Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman by Marino, Stephen A.
Snogging Ken by Tour, Andy de la, Brenton, Howard, Ali, Tariq
Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire by Kolin, Philip C.
The Pochsy Plays by Hines, Karen
Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, Edmond
Three Sisters by Chekhov, Anton
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Women Playwrights by Aston, Elaine
The Cambridge Companion to English Restoration Theatre by Payne Fisk, Deborah
The Cambridge Companion to English Restoration Theatre by Payne Fisk, Deborah
Comic Potential: A Play by Ayckbourn, Alan
Boy Gets Girl: A Play by Gilman, Rebecca
Playwrights at Work: Interviews with Albee, Beckett, Guare, Hellman, Ionesco, Mamet, Miller, Pinter, Shepard, Simon, Stoppard, Wasserstein, by Paris Review
Student Companion to Arthur Miller by Abbotson, Susan C. W.
Venecia by Accame, Jorge
The Kerry Dance by Rushforth, Tony
Of Grapes and Nuts by Morley, Maureen, Armstrong, Doug, Cooper, Keith
A Christmas Twist by Cooper, Keith, Morley, Maureen, Armstrong, Doug
Barefoot Boy With Shoes On by Sanchez, Edwin
Inspector and Other Plays by Gogol, Nicolai
Now More Than Ever by Huxley, Aldous
In the Heart of America: And Other Plays by Wallace, Naomi
The Best American Short Plays 1994-1995 by
One-Act Comedies of Moliere: Seven Plays by Moliere
The Trestle At Pope Lick Creek by Wallace, Naomi
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Women Playwrights by Aston, Elaine
The Gift by Williams, Roy
Euripides- Philoktet by
Celebration and the Room: Two Plays by Pinter, Harold
Greek Theatre Performance by Wiles, David
Valparaiso: A Play by Delillo, Don
Three Uses of the Knife: On the Nature and Purpose of Drama by Mamet, David
Plays By Y York by York, Y.
The Suicide by Erdman, Nikolai
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