• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2004

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Perverse Mind: Eugene O'Neill's Struggle with Closure by Voglino, Barbara
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, William
Musical Comedy on the West End Stage, 1890 - 1939 by Platt, L.
The Life And Times Of Tulsa Lovechild by Owens, Greg
Visualizing the Parables: Five Short Dramas for Worship by Schlessman, Lynn Robert
Bit Players in the Big Play by Perry, Peter K., Mitchell, Bass M., Tinnin, Pamela J.
Homeric Megathemes: War-Homilia-Homecoming by Maronitis, D. N.
Strange Angels: And Other Plays by Douglas, Scott
The East/West Quartet by Chong, Ping
My Way or Thy Way: A Book of Choice Bible Skits by Betteley, Pat
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, William
Much ADO about Nothing by Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, William
Othello by Shakespeare, William
The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, William
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice by Shakespeare, William
Totally Over You by Ravenhill, Mark
The Complete Plays by Marlowe, Christopher
Nine Greek Dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes: Part 8 Harvard Classics by Aeschylus
Faust; Egmont; Hermann and Dorothea: Part 19 Harvard Classics by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Sacrifice and Other Plays by Tagore, Rabindranath
The King of the Dark Chamber by Tagore, Rabindranath
Elizabethan Drama Part 2: Dekker, Jonson, Beaumont, Fletcher, Webster, Massinger: Part 47 Harvard Classics by
French and English Philosophers: Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes: Part 34 Harvard Classics by Descartes
Continental Drama: Calderon, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Lessing, Schiller: Part 26 Harvard Classics by Moliere, Jean Baptiste
Elizabethan Drama Part 1: Marlowe to Shakespeare: Part 46 Harvard Classics by
The Odyssey of Homer: Part 22 Harvard Classics by Homer
Modern English Drama: Dryden, Sheridan, Goldsmith, Shelley, Browning, Byron: Part 18 Harvard Classics by Dryden
Elizabethan Drama Part 1: Marlowe to Shakespeare: Part 46 Harvard Classics by
Sacrifice and Other Plays by Tagore, Rabindranath
Elizabethan Drama Part 2: Dekker, Jonson, Beaumont, Fletcher, Webster, Massinger: Part 47 Harvard Classics by
Nine Greek Dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes: Part 8 Harvard Classics by Aeschylus
Continental Drama: Calderon, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Lessing, Schiller: Part 26 Harvard Classics by Moliere, Jean Baptiste
The King of the Dark Chamber by Tagore, Rabindranath
Readers Theatre for Christian Worship: Biblical Stories of Courage and Faith by Campbell, Melvin, Zackrison, Edwin
Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West by Allen, Woody
Strictly Dandia by Bhuchar, Sudha, Landon-Smith, Kristine
Aeschylus: The Oresteia by Goldhill, Simon
Skate by Oswald, Debra
Sick Economies: Drama, Mercantilism, and Disease in Shakespeare's England by Harris, Jonathan Gil
Labyrinth: The Plays of Don Nigro by McGhee, Jim
The Fever by Shawn, Wallace
Eugene O'Neill: A Playwright's Theatre by Törnqvist, Egil
Steven Berkoff and the Theatre of Self-Performance by Cross, Robert
Mimesis and Empire: The New World, Islam, and European Identities by Fuchs, Barbara
An Evening With JonBenet Ramsey by Davis, Walter a.
An Evening with JonBenet Ramsey by Davis, Walter a.
Slaves, Masters, and the Art of Authority in Plautine Comedy by McCarthy, Kathleen
God of Vengeance by Asch, Sholom, Margulies, Donald
Sofia and the Misfortune of the HIV/AIDS: Aids: Europe and the Developing Nations Connection and Education (the Play) by Koroma, Arolyn Ibrahim N.
The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, Anton
Calcutta Kosher by Silas, Shelley
A Touch of the Poet and More Stately Mansions by O'Neill, Eugene
The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Irish Drama by
The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Irish Drama by
Octavia: A Play Attributed to Seneca by
I Am My Own Wife: Studies for a Play about the Life of Charlotte Von Mahlsdorf by Doug, Wright
Just Deal with It!: Funny Readers Theatre for Life's Not-So-Funny Moments by Jenkins, Diana
Sorry, I Love You... by Goodrum, John
Funny Business - A Comedy by Benfield, Derek
Departures by Godber, John
On Blindness by Cannon, Glyn
Knowing Constance Spry - A Comedy by Rensten, Mary
Written on Water by Bouchard, Michel Marc
The Difficult Unicorn - A Children's Play by Cregan, David
The Violet Hour: A Play by Greenberg, Richard
Rope by Hamilton, Patrick
Alone It Stands - A Comedy by Breen, John Editor
Two Family Plays: Maria and the Comet the Round Table by Mann, Mary Anneeta
The Dispute by Marivau
Sie muessen alles selber wieder aufheben ...: Gottfried Benns spaete Szenen = &Laquo; Sie Mussen Alles Selber Wieder Aufheben... by Ramm, Friederike
Enquist Four Plays: The Night of Tribades, Rain Snakes, the Hour of the Lynx, the Image Makers by Enquist, Per Olov
Four Renaissance Comedies by Shaughnessy, Robert
Beginning Drama 11-14 by Neelands, Jonothan
The Prisoner's Dilemma by Edgar, David
Holy Day by Bovell, Andrew
Ana en el Trspico: Una Nueva Obra Teatral de Nilo Cruz by Cruz, Nilo
Flash and Other One Act Plays by Tajima, Michio
Ghost City by Owen, Gary
Maldita Sangre Cruzada by Concepcion, Cristofer John
Taking Breath by Daniels, Sarah
Ghost Night by Grange, John, Vincent, Peter
Skool & Crossbones by Toksvig, Jenifer
Horse Country by Hopkins, C. J.
The Complete Works of William Congreve Part Two by Congreve, William
The Works of Henrik Ibsen by Ibsen, Henrik
Euripides: Alcestis by Jerram, C. S.
Paris Plays: Nine Plays by Fitzgerald, Jack
Musical Comedy on the West End Stage, 1890 - 1939 by Platt, L.
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium by
Staging the War: American Drama and World War II by Wertheim, Albert
Aglavaine and Selysette: A Drama in Five Acts by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Stories from Greek Tragedy by Havell, H. L.
Miracle in Spiritual Rock at Christmas Time by Last, Jerry, Rivers, Lou
Little Tommy Tucker - A Pantomime by Reakes, Paul
The Way of the Artist: Two Plays by Rettek, Seymour
The Retreat from Moscow: A Play About a Family by Nicholson, William
Pericles by Shakespeare, William, Wilkins, George
Shakespeare and Domestic Loss: Forms of Deprivation, Mourning, and Recuperation by Dubrow, Heather
Sophocles and the Tragedy of Athenian Democracy by Beer, D. G., Beer, Josh
The Trial of the Catonsville Nine by Berrigan, Daniel
Electricity by Gold, Murray
Debris by Kelly, Dennis
The People Next Door by Adam, Henry
Thebans by Lochhead, Liz
Dirty Butterfly by Green, Debbie Tucker
Got to Be Happy by Burt, Simon
The Dance of Death by Strindberg, August
Three Sisters by Chekhov, Anton
Duck by Feehily, Stella
Women Beware Women by Middleton, Thomas
Holes in the Skin by Holman, Robert
Wilderness Of Mirrors by Evered, Charles
Playing the Victim by Presnyakov, Oleg, Presnyakov, Vladimir
Coburn: Three Plays: Get Up and Tie Your Fingers; Safe; Devil's Ground by Coburn, Ann
Plays for a New Millennium: New Work from Padua by
Fragile Land by Gupta, Tanika
I.D. by Sher, Antony
The Marriage of Figaro by Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain
Hobson's Choice by Brighouse, Harold, Gupta, Tanika
Precious Bane by Lavery, Bryony
My Fat Friend by Laurence, Charles
Street Trilogy: Car/Raw/Kid by O'Connell, Chris
A Spell of Cold Weather by Way, Charles
Sunbeam Terrace by Catley, Mark
Adventures of a Black Girl in Search of God by Sears, Djanet
The Tamer Tamed by Fletcher, John
After Mrs Rochester by Teale, Polly
The Miser by
Protection by Kennedy, Fin
Murders at Argos/ Cressida Among the Greeks by Foley, David
Shakespeare's Books: A Dissertation on Shakespeare's Reading and the Immediate Sources of His Works by Anders, Henry R. D.
Fifty More Professional Scenes and Monologs for Student Actors: A Collection of Short One-And Two-Person Scenes by Kluger, Garry Michael
Clouds by Aristophanes
John a Kent and John a Cumber; A Comedy by Munday, Anthony
The Knights of Aristophanes by Aristophanes
Clouds by Aristophanes
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre by
The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel by
The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel by
Professing Performance: Theatre in the Academy from Philology to Performativity by Jackson, Shannon
Coup d'Etat & Other Plays by Fleming, Justin
Chitra: A Play in One Act by Tagore, Rabindranath
The Seagull by
The Death Of Ivan Ilych by Freed, Donald
Hassan: The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and How He Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand by Flecker, James Elroy
The Medea by Euripides
Mary Stuart a Tragedy by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Harold a Drama by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
The Medea by Euripides
Dad's Army by Perry, Jimmy
A Million Shakespeares: Collected Plays 1988-1998 by Glory, Gregg
Die Suche nach der Schuld by Lurje, Michael
M.A.D.: Mutual Assured Destruction by Eldridge, David
Tamburlaine the Great Part 1 by Marlowe, Christopher
The Mrozek Reader by Mrozek, Slawomir
Espresso by Frangione, Lucia
Gideon's Blues by Boyd, George
Past Perfect by Tremblay, Michel
The Other Plays by Ryga, George
Mambo Italiano by Galluccio, Steve
The Art of Crime: The Plays and Film of Harold Pinter and David Mamet by
The Moon of the Caribbees and Six Other Plays of the Sea by O'Neill, Eugene
The Plays of Eugene O'Neill Including Anna Christie, Beyond the Horizon, Emperor Jones, the Hairy Ape and Days Without End by O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone
Queen Mary a Drama by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
The Plays of Eugene O'Neill Including Anna Christie, Beyond the Horizon, Emperor Jones, the Hairy Ape and Days Without End by O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone
Three Plays for Puritans by Bernard Shaw Being the Third Volume of His Collected Plays by Shaw, Bernard
The Cult of Art in Nazi Germany by Michaud, Eric
The Cult of Art in Nazi Germany by Michaud, Eric
Palgrave Advances in Samuel Beckett Studies by
The Heavenly Trial by Dauvid (Donald Steinberg, M. D. ).
Faustus: A Play by Mamet, David
Paul Temple and the Margo Mystery by Durbridge, Francis
Savoy by O'Brien, Eugene
Lucky Dog by Butler, Leo
Polish Joke and Other Plays by Ives, David
Snake in the Grass by Ayckbourn, Alan
Precious Bane by Webb, Mary
Costa's Daughter by Bercovici, Konrad
Precious Bane by Webb, Mary
Private Lives an Intimate Comedy in Three Acts by Coward, Noel
Fifine at the Fair by Browning, Robert
Georg Büchners naturwissenschaftliche Schriften by Roth, Udo
The Last Sunday in June: And Other Plays by Tolins, Jonathan
Resident Alien by Spencer, Stuart
Stonewall Jackson's House by Reynolds, Jonathan
Crap Dad by Catley, Mark
D. H. Lawrence: Late Essays and Articles by Lawrence, D. H.
The Fortunate Fall: A Play in One Act by Bloom, David
Summer End - A Play by Chappell, Eric
Language, Sexuality, Narrative: The Oresteia by Goldhill, Simon
Euripides: Phaethon by Diggle, James, Europides, Euripides
Erik Dorn by Hecht, Ben
The Hairy Ape: Anna Christie and The First Man. by O'Neill, Eugene
The Dramatic Works of Leo Tolstoy by Tolstoy, Leo
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