• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2012

The Use and Care of a Cine Camera by Dykes, Robert
A Guide to the Amateur Film Director - Including Chapters on the Production Side, Camera Direction and Shot Breakdown by Various
Troilus and Cressida by Shakespeare, William
The History of Mine and Symbolic, Expressive and Dramatic Movement - With Descriptions of the Characters of the Harlequinade and Commedia Dell'Arte by Mawer, Irene
Anybody Can ACT - Helpful Hints and Great Tips for the Amateur Actor by Bourne, John
Decor and Scene Setting in European Theatre from the Mediaeval Period to the Modern Day by Walker, R. Myerscough
The Theatre in Germany from the Renaissance to the Modern Day by Cole, Toby
English Ballads and Ballad-Plays from All Ages by Hampden, John
The Greats of Russian Theatre - A History of the People Who Changed the Russian Stage Forever by Cole, Toby
The Documentary Film During the Second World War by Smethurst, Philip C.
Mime as an Educational Force by Mawer, Irene
Play-Acting for Pleasure and for Profit by Hicks, Seymour
The Work Behind the Scenes - The Job of the Producer by Larsen, Egon
Building the Voice of a Performer - Lessons for Training a Well Rounded and Powerful Voice for the Stage by Various
The Philosopher and the Actress - The Story of Voltaire and Mademoiselle de Livry by Houssaye, Arsene
A Collection of 14 Fun Scenes for the Whole Family to Perform - Including Notes on Costume and Setting - Perfect for Parties and After Dinner Games by Collins, Freda
Thomas Middleton, Volume 1... by Middleton, Thomas
The Stratford Shakspere: Histories... by Shakespeare, William
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
A Beginner's Guide to Screen Writing - Step by Step Instructions to Plot, Character and Continuity. Including Exercises to Complete at the End of Each by Dimick, Howard T.
How to Film on Location for Amateurs by Buchanan, Andrew
Four Commedia Dell'Arte Plays with Stage Direction by Mawer, Irene
A Biography of Edmund Kean by Brook, Donald
The Dark Room - Processing Film for Amateurs by Pereira, Arthur
An Introduction to Theatrical Make-Up by Campbell, Wayne
Sound Recording for Films - The History and Development of Sound Recording by Pereira, Arthur
The Art of Make-Up for Amateur Dramatics by Taylor, Emerson
The Old Taming of a Shrew: Upon Which Shakespeare Founded His Comedy... by Anonymous
Cut by Skillman, Crystal
Théâtre de Molière: Le Tartufe. Le Dépit Amoureux... by
Dramatic Works and Minor Poems... by Smith, Henry John
The Medea (of Euripides): Ed. with Introduction and Notes, by A.W. Verral ...... by
The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley: From the Original Editions, Volume 2... by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
The Village: A Comedy in One Act... by Feuillet, Octave
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell, Volume 1... by Campbell, Thomas
Julius Von Tarent: Ein Trauerspiel in Funf Acten... by Leisewitz, Johann Anton
Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, Volume 1... by Barnes, William
The Captives: A Comedy of Plautus: With English Notes, for the Use of Students... by Plautus, Titus Maccius
... Zur Sprache Christopher Marlowe's ...... by Kellner, Lorenz
Maple and Vine by Harrison, Jordan
Kind Sir: A Comedy in Three Acts by Krasna, Norman
The Magnificent Yankee: A Play In Three Acts by Lavery, Emmet
Shakespeare, Sophocles: Dramatic Themes and Modes by Shackford, Martha Hale
The Merry Go Round by Lawrence, David Herbert
Mary McCarthy's Theatre Chronicles, 1937-1962 by McCarthy, Mary
Geschichte Der Hellenischen Dichtkunst, Volume 2... by Bode, Georg Heinrich
Dio è con noi: Gott mit uns by Chiarle, Duilio
Candide: A Comic Operetta Based On Voltaire's Satire by Bernstein, Leonard, Wilbur, Richard, Hellman, Lillian
Zu Den Eumeniden Des Aeschylus... by Rauchenstein, Rudolf
Monna Vanna. Schauspiel in Drei Aufzugen by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Thoughts from Starvation: An Introduction by Fuller, J. D.
Théâtre Complet De Émile Augier, Volume 6... by Augier, Émile
Poems... by Cookson, George
Galatea: Zarzuela En Dos Actos, En Verso Arreglada Á La Española... by Alvarez, Emilio, Camprodon, Francisco
Électre... by
Wallenstein: Poème Dramatique En Trois Parties: I. Le Camp De Wallenstein.--ii. Les Piccolomini.--iii. La Mort De Wallenstein... by Schiller, Friedrich
El Peor Enemigo: Comedia En Tres Actos Y En Verso... by Marco, Jose
¿para El Corazon No Hay Ley?: Drama De Costumbres En Tres Actos Y Un Prólogo, En Verso Y Prosa... by Albarran, Jose Sanchez
The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning: The Agamemnon of Aeschylus. La Saisiaz. Two Poets of Croisic. Dramatic Idyls. Jocoseria. Ferishtah's by Browning, Robert
Jahrbuch Der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Volume 23... by Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Deutsche
Gerhart Hauptmann Von Prof. Dr. Emil Sulger-Gebing. by Sulger-Gebing, Emil
Poems and Songs... by Lamont, Duncan
J. B.: A Play In Verse by MacLeish, Archibald
J. B.: A Play In Verse by MacLeish, Archibald
As You Like It by Shakespeare, William
The Tempest by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
Othello by Shakespeare, William
Richard III by Shakespeare, William
The King of Rome: A Play in Five Acts by Beauvallet, Leon, Desnoyer, Charles
Mr District Attorney by Stephenson, Ron Lee
Théatre Complet... by
Trauerspiele Von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Commedie Scelte... by Goldoni, Carlo
Pleasures of Hope and Other Poems ...... by Campbell, Thomas
La Figlia del Fabbro Ossia Quattro La Chiedono Il Quinto La Sposa: Melodramma Buffo... by Fioravanti, Vincenzo
Französische Sprechübungen: Eine Darstellung Der Französischen Umgangssprache Durch Gespräche Des Täglichen Lebens ...... by Storm, Johan, Lauterbach, Edm
The Geisha... by Jones, Sidney, England)
Tragedy of King Richard the Third... by Shakespeare, William
Handbuch Der Englischen Literatur: Prosa, Volume 1... by Beck, August
Emerson's Complete Works, Volume 3... by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Le Mariage Forcé... by
Deepest Times by McGuire, Lindsay Marie
Oeuvres Complètes D'alexis Piron... by Piron, Alexis
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Littéraires ...: Théâtre. 1828... by
Commedie Scelte... by Goldoni, Carlo
Barnaby Rudge by Dickens, Charles
Voice of the Ancients: Against All Odds by Rnacircle, Cha
Non Olet: Comedia... by Brouta, Julio, Shaw, Bernard
Shakespeare's Plutarch by
Hannibal: Tragodie... by Grabbe, Christian Dietrich
Jugar Por Tabla: Comedia En Tres Actos, En Verso by Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio
Des Meeres Und Der Liebe Wellen, Volume 11 by Grillparzer, Franz
Einer Muss Heirathen!... by Wilhelmi, Alexander, Benedix, Roderich
Théâtre Et Poésies... by Manzoni, Alessandro
Ralph Roister Doister: A Comedy. the Tragedie of Gorboduc... by Norton, Thomas, Udall, Nicholas
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Malavika And Agnimitra by (Classical Sanskrit Writer), Kalidasa
The Birth Of The War-God by (Classical Sanskrit Writer), Kalidasa
The Dynasty Of Raghu by (Classical Sanskrit Writer), Kalidasa
The Seasons by (Classical Sanskrit Writer), Kalidasa
Dramaturgie De Hambourg by Suckau, Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
The Cloud Messenger by (Classical Sanskrit Writer), Kalidasa
Around The World In 80 Days by Verne, Jules
Black Box 149 by Johns, R.
Jahrbuch Der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. by Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Deutsche
King John & Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
Redemption by Knorpp, Jacob
Time Heals Everything by Swain, Linda
The Casquet of Literature: Being a Selection in Poetry and Prose from the Works of the Most Admired Authors, Volume 2 by Gibbon, Charles
...if i should die before i wake by Ayala, E. L.
Book of Sarge by Lyons, R. W.
Shakspeare's Dramatische Werke, Volume 5 by Shakespeare, William
Medea: Cum Versione Et Notis [Viri Eruditissimi] by
Jahrbuch Der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Volume 5 by Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Deutsche
Medea: Edidit Ricardus Porson by
A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare: As You Like It. 1890 by Shakespeare, William
Edipo Rojo: La Travesia by Artigas, Roberto Gac
Everyday Maps for Everyday Use by Morton-Smith, Tom
Poetical Quotations From Chaucer To Tennyson: With Copious Indexes: Authors, 550 by Allibone, Samuel Austin
Euripides Restitutus: Sive Scriptorum Euripidis Ingeniique Censura, Quam Faciens Fabulas Quae Exstant by Hartung, Johann Adam
Annual Magazine Subject-index by Anonymous
L. Annaei Senecae Opera Quae Supersunt, Volumes 1-2 by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Rival Angels Rookie Season Volume 4 by Evans, Alan J.
boy girl wall by Ryan, Matthew
Revolution of Love: Tragedy of Mem U Zin by Mirawdeli, Kamal
Wallenstein: Ein Dramatisches Gedicht, Volume 2 by Schiller, Friedrich
The Nightingales by Quilter, Peter
The Casquet of Literature: Being a Selection in Poetry and Prose from the Works of the Most Admired Authors, Volume 1 by Gibbon, Charles
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 3 by Dryden, John
Die Italienische Philosphie Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts: Bd. Die Selbstvermittelung Des Nationalen Culturgedankens in Der Neuzeitlichen Italienischen by Werner, Karl
Prince Hagen: A Phantasy: [A Novel] by Sinclair, Upton
Teen Theater: A Guide to Play Production and Six Royalty Free Plays by Gross, Nathalie, Gross, Edwin A.
The Dark At The Top Of The Stairs by Inge, William Motter
Knickerbocker Holiday: A Musical Comedy in Two Acts by Weill, Kurt, Anderson, Maxwell
Il Decameron Di Messer, 1 by Boccaccio, Giovanni
Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum: Historia Critica Comicorum Graecorum by Meineke, August, Jacobi, Heinrich
The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare: With A Life Of The Poet, Explanatory Foot-notes, Critical Notes, And A Glossarial Index, Volumes 7-8 by Shakespeare, William
9/11 Plays by Montes, Anthony
Seeing Pacino: One-Act Plays by Montes, Anthony
Shakespeare's Play of the Winter's Tale: Arranged for Representaion at the Princess's Theatre by Shakespeare, William
Emerson's Complete Works, Volume 1 by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Giannina E Bernardone: Dramma Giocoso Per Musica by Livigni, Filippo, Cimarosa, Domenico
Wallenstein: Ein Dramatisches Gedicht. Wallensteins Tod, Volume 2 by Schiller, Friedrich
Poems ... by White, Newport Benjamin
You read, B!*#H: Maybe Johnny doesn't want to read. by Forrester, B. J.
L. Annaei Senecae Opera Qvae Svpersvnt ...: Ad Lvcilivm Epistvlarvm Moralivm Qvae Svpersvent Edidit O. Hense. 1898 by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Piccolomini by Schiller, Friedrich
Shakespeare-studien by Ludwig, Otto
My Reminiscences, Volume 1. by Wolkonsky, Prince Serge
Homer's Iliad by
Who's Who? Or, the Double Imposture. a Farce by Poole, John
Il Decameron Di Messer Giovanni Boccacci, Volume 2 by Fanfani, Pietro, Boccaccio, Giovanni
Plays by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Pleasant Quippes for Upstart Newfangled Gentlewomen by Society, Percy, Gosson, Stephen, Bansley, Charles
Joy: A Play on the Letter I in Three Acts by Galsworthy, John, Sir
Geschichte Der Deutschen Schauspielkunst: Bd. Das Virtuosenthum. 1874 by Devrient, Eduard
Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: The Text of the First Edition, Volume 2 by Heminge, John, Condell, Henry, Shakespeare, William
Electra by Jahn, Otto
Sophocles: Von J. J. C. Donner, Volume 1 by
de Versibus Dochmiacis Tragicorum Graecorum by Seidler, August
Demetrius by Grimm, Herman Friedrich
Das Dramatische Werk von Luis Chesney Lawrence: Theorie und praxis des theaters by Lay, Eva
Plutus by Hemsterhuis, Tiberius
The Works: In 9 Volumes. ... Containing Eyery Man Out Of His Humor. Cynthia's Revels. The Poetaster, Volume 2 by Jonson, Ben, Gifford, William
Sophocle: Traduction Nouvelle by
Love in Idleness/Less Than Kind by Rattigan, Terence
Who Is Sylvia? and Duologue by Rattigan, Terence
Terminus by O'Rowe, Mark
Comedia & Drama by Resino, Carmen
Mudder Mews: Niederdeutsches Drama in 5 Akten by Stavenhagen, Fritz
Mojisola Adebayo: Plays One by Adebayo, Mojisola
L. Annaei Senecae ... Opera Omnia Quae Supersunt, Recogn. Et Illustr. F.e. Ruhkopf by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
OAK ISLAND - Mystery FINALLY SOLVED !!!: OAK Island - Finally revels itself by Chopra, G. S.
Wat Tyler: A Dramatic Poem by Southey, Robert
Philoctetes by Euripides
L. Annaei Senecae Opera: Epistulae Morales by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Poetical Works Of Coleridge & Keats, Volume 1 by Keats, John, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Electra by
The Study of Drama: A Lecture Given at Cambridge on 2 August 1934, with Notes Subsequently Added by Granville-Barker, Harley
Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume 3 by Tilton, Theodore, Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Shakespeare's Library: A Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, Volume 4 by Collier, John Payne
Nju: An Everyday Tragedy by Dymow, Ossip, Rosalind, Ivan
Un Si Y Un No: Comedia En Prosa Y En Tres Actos De Don Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch by Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio
Pastor Fido: Euridice by Guarini, Battista, Rinuccini, Ottavio
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
The Lone Star Love Potion by Parker, Michael
Whose Wives Are They Anyway? by Parker, Michael
Cadmus and Hermione; &, Perseus: Two Plays by Quinault, Philippe
O Brothers, Let's Go Down! by Dobson, Jeff
What the Flip Jipity? by Beardsley, John S.
Pierre, Hélène et Michael suivi de Cap enragé by Chiasson, Herménégilde
Ayrers Dramen, Volume 1 by Ayrer, Jakob
The Pleasures of Memory, with Other Poems, Volume 2 by Rogers, Samuel, Campbell, Thomas
Share My Life: A Different Kind of Street Story by Man, Lil
Christmas Program Builder, No. 65: Creative Resources for Program Directors by
Green Goddess by Johnson, Glenn
Two Sides of Glory by Eaddy, Carol Goodson
Unconscious Behavior by Lolatte, James Vincent
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