• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2013

The Frogs and Other Plays by Aristophanes
The Humble Assessment by Saknussemm, Kris
Alzire, Ou Les Américains, Tragédie En 5 Actes Et En Vers de Voltaire by Voltaire
Chefs-d'Oeuvre Dramatiques de Voltaire. Tome 1 by Voltaire
Chefs-d'Oeuvre Dramatiques de Voltaire. Tome 4 by Voltaire
Theatre and Performance in the Asia-Pacific: Regional Modernities in the Global Era by Hudson, C., Varney, D., Eckersall, P.
Edward Bond: A Critical Study by Billingham, P.
The New War Plays: From Kane to Harris by Boll, J.
Bernard Shaw and Totalitarianism: Longing for Utopia by Yde, M.
Romance on the Early Modern Stage: English Expansion Before and After Shakespeare by Mulready, Cyrus
The Aesthetics of Spectacle in Early Modern Drama and Modern Cinema: Robert Greene's Theatre of Attractions by Sager, J.
The Rival Widows, or Fair Libertine (1735) by
Mind-Travelling and Voyage Drama in Early Modern England by McInnis, D.
Five Modern Noh Plays by Mishima, Yukio
The Complete Plays of Jean Racine by Racine, Jean
A Raisin in the Sun by
The Invitation: The Play by Zilske, J. A.
Around the World in 80 Days - The 1874 Play by D'Ennery, Adolphe, Verne, Jules
Mitten im Licht: Slam Poetry und Bühnentexte by Sengbusch, Armin
The Methuen Drama Book of Post-Black Plays by Anderson, Christina, Gardley, Marcus, Davis, Eisa
Where the Mangrove Grows by Hammond, Joe
Peter and Wendy by Barrie, James Matthew
Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts, with Other Poems by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Theorie Und Praxis Des Chors in Der Moderne by Lee, Jae Min
PROFILES IN BARBEQUE SAUCE The Psychedelic Firesign Theatre On Stage - 1967-1972 by Theatre, The Firesign
Ibsen on Crack: A Play of Some Ungodly Duration (not really) by Blahnik, G. Michael
Schillers Philosophische Gedichte by Lange, Helene
Pride and Prejudice by Steele Mackaye, Mary
Climatic Successions: A mosaic of broken hearts by Obsession
Duologues and Scenes from the Novels of Jane Austen by Filippi, Rosina
Romeo et Juliette by Shakespeare, William
Schillers Seelenadel by Jonas, Fritz
The Cambridge Introduction to Tom Stoppard by Demastes, William W.
The Cambridge Introduction to Tom Stoppard by Demastes, William W.
Kriminalpsychologie und Psychopathologie in Schillers Räubern by Wulffen, Erich
Murder on the Sky Ride by Hewitt, Joe B.
The Tower of Death: A Play in Five Acts by Dumas, Alexandre, Gaillardet, Frederic
Murder Weapon by Clemens, Brian
Shaw and Feminisms: On Stage and Off by
Struensee by Laube, Heinrich
Der Wilderer by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
Scarlet Rose by Vianna, Antonio F.
Doomed by Hope: Essays on Arab Theatre by
The Colossus of Rhodes by Dillon, M. F. a.
Shattered Justice: How Unethical Attorneys Can Turn A Simple Divorce Into A Nightmare by Hines, Larry
Seven Plays - Comprising, The Machine-Wreckers, Transfiguration, Masses and Man, Hinkemann, Hoppla! Such is Life, The Blind Goddess, Draw the Fires! by Toller, Ernst
Mates in Paradise by Mendillo, Bernard
Leopard Valley by Chesterton, A. K.
La Húngara Que Hizo Hablar a la Muda: La Húngara by Sanchez, Clemencia
Little Miss Not So Perfect by Cook, A. N.
The Upstairs Room by O'Hara, David K.
Under Pressure by D.
Ivy and Joan by Hogan, James
36 and still without love: { A Lover's Betrayal by Kelly, Barbara a.
Jesus: The Final Hours by Michael
Diana: Elizabethan Sonnet Cycle by Constable, Henry
That Silver Shore: Easter Musical with Ten Songs by Carson, Drew
The Yellow Legacies by Hobbs, Danica
Finish the Assignment: Melody by Butler, Hazel
La Noche del Desconocido by Tejeda Varillas, Claudio
La Noche del Desconocido by Tejeda Varillas, Claudio
Da Black Scorpion by El, Ali
Collaborators by Hodge, John
The Container by Bayley, Clare
Once by Walsh, Enda, Hansard, Glen, Irglová, Markéta
The Lyons by Silver, Nicky
Bullied into Jail by Morris-Dadson, A.
Woody Allen's Shark by Edgington, Jonathan
Do Devetog Kolena by Antic, Mileva, Antic, Sasa
Clowntime is Over: and other plays by Green, Joseph E.
The Other Side: Halloween Masque of Demons and Delusions by Carson, Drew
The Black Man-O-logues by Waller, Jacquay
Alias Jimmy Reno: Exploits of a Western Stuntman by Sargeant Thomas
Small Change by Nash, Miriam
Slavery and Sentiment on the American Stage, 1787-1861: Lifting the Veil of Black. Heather S. Nathans by Nathans, Heather S.
The Duchess of Malfi by Webster, John
Mrs Warren's Profession by Shaw, Bernard
Ancient Futurists by Rubinoff, Lawrence
L'Assommoir: A Play in Five Acts by Zola, Emile, Busnach, William
Stealing Thunder: A Christian Play for Couples by Russell, Regina Maxine
Der Preis der Freiheit by Rewans, Nimda
The School of Tears and Endurance by Simamane, K. S. C.
Socrate et sa femme by De Banville, Theodore
The Resurrection Chronicles - Book One by Klem, David
The Mighty Musa by Mulder, John Taylor
Lost at Sea, Sort of by Mulder, John Taylor
L'autre Tartuffe, ou La mère coupable by De Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron
Efrain and I: Memoire by de Leon, Carlos
Japara by Wilkins, Ray
Old South, New South, No South by Holcombe, David J.
Of Mice and Men: Passport Study Notes by Steinbeck, John, Roberts, Arthur
The Unexpected Guest by Christie, Agatha
Pride and Prejudice: A Play Founded on Jane Austen's Novel by Steele Mackaye, Mary
The Boy Who Would Be King: And Six More Plays by Van Stee, Ethard Wendel
Schillers philosophische Gedichte: Eine Einführung in ihre Grundgedanken by Lange, Helene
Duologues and Scenes from the Novels of Jane Austen: Arranged and Adapted for Drawing-Room Performance by Filippi, Rosina
Back Road by Gill, Chris
The Good-Natur'd Man by Goldsmith, Oliver
Carmosine by Musset, Alfred De
El Principe Constante by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
La Cena de Baltasar by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Paradoxe Sur Le Comedien by Diderot, Denis
The Sad Shepherd by Jonson, Ben
L'Ecole Des Bourgeois by D'Allainval, Leonor-Jean-Christin
El Mejor Alcalde, El Rey by De Vega, Lope, Vega, Lope De
El Burlador de Sevilla by Molina, Tirso De
The Curse of Beauty: The Girl Next Door by Turcotte, Gary
The Plant by Bluestone, Robert Coe, III
The Mohicans of Paris: A Play in Five Acts by Dumas, Alexandre
Valentine: The Quintessential Vampire by Brammer, Peter
The Blue Vein Society: Class and Color Within Black America: Class and Color Within Black America by Kelley, Sam
The Blue Vein Society: Class and Color Within Black America: Class and Color Within Black America by Kelley, Sam
Rathbone: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Raising Sheep in Vermont: A Play in One Act by Crane, M.
Making Wishes Script by Musick, Johnny L.
Two Shots by Lynn, Shasta
Hans of Iceland: A Play in Three Acts by Palmir
Mudder Mews by Stavenhagen, Fritz
The Cambridge Companion to Theatre History by
The Cambridge Companion to Theatre History by
Leopard Valley by Chesterton, A. K.
Saving It for Albie by Harris, Richard
Mates at Last by Mendillo, Bernard
The Oresteia: The Agamemnon, The Libation-Bearers and The Furies by Aeschylus
Jacques and His Master by Kundera, Milan
Tombs of the Vanishing Indian by Clements, Marie
Doktor Faust's Mantel / Die Bürger in Wien by Bauerle, Adolf
Figaros Hochzeit oder Der tolle Tag by De Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron
Bürgerlich und Romantisch / Industrie und Herz / Großjährig by Bauernfeld, Eduard
Struensee: Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen by Beer, Michael
Die Hochzeitsreise / Die Lügnerin: Dramen by Benedix, Julius Roderich
Die Jubelfeier der Hölle oder Faust der jüngere by Benkowitz, Karl Friedrich
Berlin, wie es weint und lacht by Berg, O. F.
See You Around: Pantomime of Bygone Fun and Frolic by Carson, Drew
Der vollendete Faust oder Romanien in Jauer: Ein dramatisches Gedicht in drei Abtheilungen by Baggesen, Jens
The Frogs by Aristophanes
Black on White by Losness, Howard
Jürgen Piepers by Stavenhagen, Fritz
The Prince and the Pauper by Kennedy, Jemma
Susanna / Zorobabel / Ezechias / Judith: Dramen by Birck, Sixt
When Justice Meets Politics: Independence and Autonomy of "Ad Hoc International" Criminal Tribunals by Sparrow-Botero, Thomas, Bachmann, Klaus
The Plays of Samuel Beckett by Weiss, Katherine
Abgründe der Einsamkeit by Moto, Maya Del
Stage Start 20 Plays for Children (ages 3-12) by Meighan, Julie
The Island Princess by Fletcher, John
The Island Princess by Fletcher, John
The Plays of Samuel Beckett by Weiss, Katherine
James Graham Plays: 1: A History of Falling Things, Tory Boyz, the Man, the Whisky Taster, Sons of York by Graham, James
Wildflowers by Phillips, Schledia
An Ambivalent Monument by Morison, Thomas James
Sigma Rising by Randolph, John Price
Stolen Peace: The Untold Story of the Spanish Conquest by Bond, Gloria
Queen Margot: A Play in Five Acts by Dumas, Alexandre
Three Plays about Life and Death by Keamy, Michael Z.
Destiny by Muller, Arlene Marie
Dantons Tod by Buchner, Georg
Lenz by Buchner, Georg
Die Orestie: Agamemnon / Die Grabspenderinnen / Die Eumeniden by Aischylos
Im weißen Rößl: Lustspiel in drei Aufzügen by Blumenthal, Oskar
Bahnmeister Dood / De rode Ünnerock by Bodorf, Hermann
Der hochmütige, gestürzte und wieder erhabene Croesus by Von Bostel, Lukas
Tugent Spyl: Hercules am Scheideweg by Brant, Sebastian
Ponce de Leon: Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen by Brentano, Clemens
Die Gründung Prags: Ein historisch-romantisches Drama by Brentano, Clemens
Jacob und seine zwölf Söhne by Brunner, Thomas
Ariadne auf Naxos / Ino by Brandes, Johann Christian
Stairway to Heaven: Mason's Journey by Creek, Beth A.
Der Bookesbeutel: Ein Lustspiel von Drey Aufzügen by Borkenstein, Hinrich
Mercedes's Mission by Culley, Joanne
Woyzeck by Buchner, Georg
Leonce und Lena by Buchner, Georg
Love Quintet: Théâtre by Flamand, Frédérique
Die Vögel: (Orinthes) by Aristophanes
Die Wolken: (Nephelai) by Aristophanes
Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld: Volksstück mit Gesang in vier Akten by Anzengruber, Ludwig
Der Meineidbauer by Anzengruber, Ludwig
Die Kreuzelschreiber: Bauernkomödie mit Gesang in drei Akten by Anzengruber, Ludwig
Der Gwissenswurm: Bauernkomödie mit Gesang in drei Akten by Anzengruber, Ludwig
Das vierte Gebot: Volksstück in vier Akten by Anzengruber, Ludwig
Heimg'funden: Wiener Weihnachtskomödie in drei Akten by Anzengruber, Ludwig
Im Suff: Naturalistische Spital-Katastrophe in zwei Vorgängen und einem Nachgang by Alberti, Konrad
Das Münchner Spiel vom sterbenden Menschen by Anonym
Halle und Jerusalem: Studentenspiel und Pilgerabenteuer by Von Arnim, Ludwig Achim
Marino Caboga: Dramatische Erzählung in drei Handlungen by Von Arnim, Ludwig Achim
Faust by Avenarius, Ferdinand
Virginia oder das abgeschaffte Decemvirat by Von Ayrenhoff, Cornelius Hermann
Brot!: Ein soziales Schauspiel in fünf Akten by Alberti, Konrad
Das Loch: oder Das Wiedergefundene Paradies. Ein Schattenspiel by Von Arnim, Ludwig Achim
Der Postzug oder die noblen Passionen by Von Ayrenhoff, Cornelius Hermann
Dramen by Ayrer, Jakob
Richard III by Shakespeare, William
The Anarchist by Mamet, David
Feathers in the Snow by Ridley, Philip
Lysistrate: (Lysistrata) by Aristophanes
Denied Innocence: A Young Man's Fight for Love, Justice and Equality by Alexander, W. B.
Drei Schwestern: (Tri Sestry) by Cechov, Anton Pavlovic
Die Führer by Von Chlumberg, Hans
With Shelley in Italy by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Der Cid by Corneille, Pierre
Das Leben ein Traum: (La vida es sueño) by De La Barca, Pedro Calderon
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