• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2014

Pygmalion by Shaw, George Bernard
My Sweetest Taboo by Ford, Danisha
The Trials of Adrian Wheeler by Shear, Steve
Խենթը by Րաֆֆի
Ռանչպարների Կանչը by Դաշտենց, Խ&#
Ireland, Memory and Performing the Historical Imagination by Caulfield, Mary P.
Disability, Public Space Performance and Spectatorship: Unconscious Performers by Hadley, B.
Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre by
Theatre and Ghosts: Materiality, Performance and Modernity by
Major Barbara by Shaw, George Bernard
Զահրումար (Վիպասանությո& by Րաֆֆի
Testamento y codicilo by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
La plazuela de Santa Cruz by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
La rabia by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Las carnestolendas by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Las visiones de la muerte by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Entremés famoso de la perendeca by Moreto Y. Cabaña, Agustín
Loa entremesada para la compañía del pupilo by Moreto Y. Cabaña, Agustín
No hay cosa como el callar by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
No hay burlas con las mujeres by Mira De Amescua, Antonio
La azucena milagrosa by Saavedra Duque De Rivas, Angel
Tanto vales cuanto tienes by Saavedra Duque De Rivas, Angel
El esclavo de Roma by Vega Y. Carpio, Félix Lope de
El más feliz cautiverio y los sueños de Josef by Mira De Amescua, Antonio
La adúltera virtuosa by Mira De Amescua, Antonio
La hija de Carlos V by Mira De Amescua, Antonio
La madre de la mejor by Vega Y. Carpio, Félix Lope de
Las bizarrías de Belisa by Vega Y. Carpio, Félix Lope de
El capitán Montoya by Zorrilla, José
La oliva y el laurel by Zorrilla, José
El socorro general by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
El honroso atrevimiento by Molina, Tirso De
Palabras Y Plumas by Molina, Tirso De
Santo y sastre by Molina, Tirso De
Tanto es lo de más como lo de menos by Molina, Tirso De
Mapping South Asia Through Contemporary Theatre: Essays on the Theatres of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka by
Paradise Lost by Milton, John
R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Capek, Karel
Los muertos vivos by Quiñones de Benavente, Luis
El palacio confuso by Mira De Amescua, Antonio
Project XXX by Wiltshire, Kim, Hine, Paul
Moonchild and other Tales: Faerie and folk tales from Scotland by Walker, Raymond
The Voyage to Parnassus, the Siege of Numantia, and the Treaty of Algiers by Cervantes, Miguel De
Heaven By The Sea by Jacobson, Curtis Glenn
El prodigio de Alemania by Coello, Antonio, Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Man and Superman by Shaw, George Bernard
My Funky Life by Nadeem, Maha
The Existential and Its Exits: Literary and Philosophical Perspectives on the Works of Beckett, Ionesco, Genet and Pinter by Dobrez, L. A. C.
Emotional Excess on the Shakespearean Stage: Passion's Slaves by Escolme, Bridget
Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy by
The Adventures of Thomas McPhearson: The Thomas McPhearson Detective Club Mystery Series by Bowie, D. F.
Black Widow: Like Mother Like Daughter A Deadly Web She Weaves by Williams, Michael G.
I Want to Love Again: In The Beginning by Howard, William
Fire&Ice 2 - Tyler Moreno by Kinsley, Allie
Die Fahnenweihe: Eine Komödie in drei Akten by Ruederer, Josef
Ödipus und die Sphinx: Tragödie in drei Aufzügen by Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von
Ödipus und die Sphinx: Tragödie in drei Aufzügen by Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von
Die Fahnenweihe: Eine Komödie in drei Akten by Ruederer, Josef
Daughters of Judah: A Dramatic Musical by Carey, Doris Loretta
Bobby's Girl by Drennen, Rebecca Southworth
High School Life in Stockton by Mesfin, Misale
The Murder Of Whitney Houston: Confession of the killer by Salmon, Winford
'Trifles' and 'A Jury of her Peers' by Glaspell, Susan
Standing In The Shadows of Angels by Chiappa, Patti Sassy Angel
The Seagull: Chayka by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Cherry Orchard: Vishnevyi Sad by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Asafir Al Jannah: Qissah Insaniyyah Qasirah by Yahya, Hasan
A Burden of Genius: The Collected Plays of Jonathan M. Vick by Vick, Jonathan M.
Bobby's Girl by Drennen, Rebecca Southworthj
Inspiration Point by Brubaker, Kevin L., Helgens, Michael R.
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel's Drama by Russell, Richard Rankin
Henrik Ibsen: Poet, Playwright and Psychologist by Wagner, Cheryl A., Stone, Mark H.
I Never Promised You Anything by M, Mb
Stolen Lives by Burton, Rulon T.
My Life as Oscar Wilde: A Full-Character Play Based Upon the One-Man Play, "The Wilde Spirit" by Ashton, Kerry
Dionysus Resurrected by Fischer-Lichte, Erika
La Llorona and Other Tales of the American Southwest by Forier Edie, Elise M.
Catch Fire 2 by McKinney, Tina Brooks
Die deutschen Kleinstädter: Ein Lustspiel in vier Akten by Kotzebue, August Von
Die deutschen Kleinstädter: Ein Lustspiel in vier Akten by Kotzebue, August Von
Ibrahim Sultan: Schauspiel by Lohenstein, Daniel Casper Von
Ibrahim Sultan: Schauspiel by Lohenstein, Daniel Casper Von
Margaret by Lonergan, Kenneth
Amours fatales by Demorley, Olivier
Slow It Down by Jennings, C. R.
" The Haunting Un Silent Night " by Chiappa, Patti Sassy
The Incident Last Tuesday by Smith, Fred
The Wadestown Holdup: A story involving trains by Leith-Wybrow, Peter David
The Layers of Life: The first layer, is what you see. The outer appearance.The Second layer, is the inner appearance. Your heart, what God by Carter, Kurston
Oxford Handbook of American Drama by
Feuer und Wasser by Jung, Kera
La asesina que gritó justicia by Moro, Javier Diez
My Imaginary Friend Problem by Martin, Kylee D.
Modern British Playwriting: The 1990's: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Sierz, Aleks
The Road to Damascus by Strindberg, August
There are Crimes and Crimes by Strindberg, August
Frederic, The King Of Arden by Dellaire, Kent
Plays: The Father; Countess Julie; the Outlaw; the Stronger by Strindberg, August
King Henry VI, Part III by Shakespeare, William
King Henry VI, Part I by Shakespeare, William
King Henry VI, Part II by Shakespeare, William
In Midsummer Days and Other Tales by Strindberg, August
Ordinary People: Part I by Boast, Phil
Ordinary People: Part II by Boast, Phil
Ordinary People: Part IV by Boast, Phil
Ordinary People: Part III by Boast, Phil
Two Plays by Adam, Bruce
Hello Darkness My Old Friend by Wilding, Sue
Rumore Di Acque: Noise in the Waters by Martinelli, Marco
Lucky Pehr by Strindberg, August
Ordinary People: Part I by Boast, Phil
Ordinary People: Part III by Boast, Phil
Ordinary People: Part IV by Boast, Phil
Ordinary People: Part II by Boast, Phil
Uncle Vanya: Dyadya Vanya by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Seven Interviews by Dunn, Mark
King Henry VI, Part I, II, and III by Shakespeare, William
Plays: Comrades; Facing Death; Pariah; Easter by Strindberg, August
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage by Byron
As You Like It by Shakespeare, William
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, William
The Tempest by Shakespeare, William
An Ideal Husband by Wilde, Oscar
Migration of souls by Kennedy, John
Three Sisters: Tri Sestry by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Tom: A Life Saved Lives Lost! by McLaren, Goffinet
El Dedo De DIOS by Altomonte, Julio Carlos
"haunting Jednym Cicha Noc " by Chiappa, Patti Sassy
The Arena: SoftWaters European Series, No. 1 by Abeln, John
Destroyed Again: How much can the soul take? by Konczak, Maria
Oscar Wilde in Context by
Hinter Fenstern by Ollmert, Anja
Urban Sweetz by Lyn, Britney
A Jacobean Company and Its Playhouse: The Queen's Servants at the Red Bull Theatre (C.1605-1619) by Griffith, Eva
The Plays of Plautus by Plautus, Titus Maccius
"The Haunting Una Noche de Paz " by Chiappa, Patti
Party fellow (German Edition) by Nikolayenko, Nikita Alfredovich
Performativity in the Gallery: Staging Interactive Encounters by
The Crossings of Art in Ireland by
Where My Girls At? by Faison, Tyron
The Haunting by Chiappa, Patti
Speedo Wrestling by Anthony, Brandon
A Desperate Man by Ryn, Claes G.
The Adelphi Players: The Theatre of Persons by Davies, Cecil
Theatre of Conscience 1939-53: A Study of Four Touring British Community Theatres by
The Theban Plays: Oedipus the Tyrant; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone by Sophocles
The Temptor and the Tempted: a three act paly by Opicho Sr, Alexander
The Theban Plays: Oedipus the Tyrant; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone by Sophocles
The Complete Plays of Jean Racine: Volume 2: Bajazet by Racine, Jean
Homosexuality: A Trip to Heaven or Hell by Hernandez, Nancy
Out At The Inn by Meinel, K'Anne
Catch Me As I Fall: For this girl life is unexpected by Ryan, Izaris
Comedies: The Bear, a Marriage Proposal, a Reluctant Tragic Hero, the Festivities by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Ivanov by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Emerald in the Eye of the Skull by Hartley, Robert
Hot Pursuit by Bunting, Alex
Love is Colour Blind: How a child changed my life by Botha, Aranda
Rumbling My Demon: The Plizan by Muhammad, Yahyah, Jr.
Henri III: A Play in Five Acts by Dumas, Alexandre
Sound Bites: Seasonal Sketches with Punch and Wit for Instant Performance by Everett, Richard
Der Abenteurer und die Sängerin oder Die Geschenke des Lebens by Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von
Der Abenteurer und die Sängerin oder Die Geschenke des Lebens by Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Reade, Simon, Carroll, Lewis
Diagnosed To Kill: The Billy Bernstein Story by Harmon, Douglas
Weine nicht, weil es vorbei ist, sondern lache, weil es so schoen war by Rieger, Dagmar
La Historia de Dadnitri Sokalova by Figueroa, Saul
The Immigrant Part One by Simon, Sandy
La Avellaneda, una y otra vez by Montes Huidobro, Matias
High-Water Skyline: This is a collection of some of the most disturbing short stories ever written. They are over analytical, bloody, perv by Russo, Salvatore Peter
Tartuffe, by Moliere by Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
The History of the Devil: As Well Ancient as Modern by Defoe, Daniel
Der niederländische Bauer by Weise, Christian
Der niederländische Bauer by Weise, Christian
Prinz Zerbino oder die Reise nach dem guten Geschmack: Ein deutsches Lustspiel in sechs Akten by Tieck, Ludwig
Prinz Zerbino oder die Reise nach dem guten Geschmack: Ein deutsches Lustspiel in sechs Akten by Tieck, Ludwig
Tiresias Lies: The Insidious Plot of the Men with No Left Shoe by Bailey, Richard S.
Mapping Irish Theatre by Richards, Shaun, Morash, Chris
All About A Dream: The Movie Script by Houston, Courtney R.
Wildest Dreams by Shiz, Shaleek
Tales from Indian Country: The Apple by Genaille, Andrew
Sappho: Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen by Grillparzer, Franz
Sappho: Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen by Grillparzer, Franz
No Man's Land by Pinter, Harold
Finding Greenwood by Alozie, K. T.
Plays: Volume II by Bell, K. G.
The Pardon: the stage play and the screenplay by Deemer, Charles
When the Drum Major Died by Floyd, Anjuelle
El Engaño: Fenómenos Naturales by Robles, Rogelio
Verdict by Christie, Agatha
Ubu Roi by Jarry, Alfred
Phaedra et Oedipus by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Witness for the Prosecution by Christie, Agatha
Spider's Web by Christie, Agatha
Rule of Three by Christie, Agatha
El Destino y las Circunstancias: ¿Está nuestro futuro predestinado? by Barreto, Rafael
The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso by Alighieri, Dante
Mothball Bin Man And Chimpmonk Cider Can by Watkins, K.
Judas: Ein Arbeiterdrama in fünf Akten by Mühsam, Erich
Staatsräson: Ein Denkmal für Sacco und Vanzetti by Mühsam, Erich
Judas: Ein Arbeiterdrama in fünf Akten by Mühsam, Erich
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