• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2015

The Kingdom of Chen: Text!!! Images!!! by Chen, Chinie Chin
Contemporary Black British Playwrights: Margins to Mainstream by Goddard, L.
Irish Theatre in Transition: From the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century by
Voice and New Writing, 1997-2007: Articulating the Demos by Inchley, M.
Anfrom Frere: (Hey Brother) by Adler, Walter Sebastian
House of America by Thomas, Ed
The Light of Angels by Franklin, Yolanda
No Ordinary Life by Freeman, Mary J.
Cosmology and the Polis by Seaford, Richard
The Latina/o Theatre Commons 2013 National Convening: A Narrative Report by Herrera, Brian Eugenio
Retribution Part Two by Cribas, Jonathan Joel
Treibgut by Hagen, J. B.
Life in the Past Lane-Volume Two by Hill, Jason
Love's Hidden View by Valleau, Robert
Broken Not Shattered by Varner, Kay Nicole
Another Day on Willow St: a play by Polito, Frank Anthony
The Hard Life: It's not easy being hard: Sex, Crime, Lies and Deception by Barnett, Trava D.
The Sonnets of William Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
Catilina by De Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot
Électre by De Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot
The Park Bench Affair by Page, Norman
Broads on the Boards: Strong roles for strong women actors by Coudle-King, Kathy
Lot's Wife: A Play by Arthur, Dixie L.
Nord contre Sud by Verne, Jules
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Փառասեր; Տիկին և նաժիշտ by Պատկանյա&#13
Hotel Mystere by Manktelow, Bettine
The Head of the Snake: The ISIS Assault on Martha's Vineyard by Knowles, Chris
Bad Jews by Harmon, Joshua
Pensaci, Giacomino!: Commedia in tre atti by Pirandello, Luigi
Պայքար by Նար-Դոս
Der Typ mit der Gitarre: Eine Gay-Romace-Geschichte by Barenfanger, Rufus
The Apple Family: Scenes from Life in the Country by Nelson, Richard
The Assembled Parties by Greenberg, Richard
Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles
Agésilas by Corneille, Pierre
Andromède by Corneille, Pierre
Attila by Corneille, Pierre
Rosele oder der Sieg der Liebe by Popelubu, Nee
Les yeux fermés by Marmain, François
Pulchérie by Corneille, Pierre
Rodogune Princesse Des Parthes by Corneille, Pierre
Sertorius by Corneille, Pierre
Sophonisbe by Corneille, Pierre
Surena by Corneille, Pierre
Théodore by Corneille, Pierre
Tite Et Bérénice by Corneille, Pierre
Boubouroche by Courteline, Georges
Boubouroche - Théatre by Courteline, Georges
La Philosophie de Georges Courteline by Courteline, Georges
Cinna by Corneille, Pierre
Les Gaîtés de l'escadron by Courteline, Georges
Clitandre by Corneille, Pierre
Don Sanche d'Aragon by Corneille, Pierre
Les Linottes by Courteline, Georges
Heraclius empereur d'Orient by Corneille, Pierre
Messieurs les Ronds-de-Cuir by Courteline, Georges
Horace by Corneille, Pierre
L'Illusion comique by Corneille, Pierre
Théâtre-Français by Courteline, Georges
La Conquête De La Toison D'Or by Corneille, Pierre
La Galerie Du Palais by Corneille, Pierre
La mort de Pompée by Corneille, Pierre
La Place Royale by Corneille, Pierre
Un Client Sérieux by Courteline, Georges
La Suite Du Menteur by Corneille, Pierre
La Suivante by Corneille, Pierre
La Veuve by Corneille, Pierre
Le Cid by Corneille, Pierre
Le menteur by Corneille, Pierre
Médée by Corneille, Pierre
Mélite by Corneille, Pierre
Nicomède by Corneille, Pierre
Oedipe by Corneille, Pierre
Oeuvres critiques by Corneille, Pierre
Othon by Corneille, Pierre
Pertharite by Corneille, Pierre
Polyeucte Martyr by Corneille, Pierre
Psyché by Corneille, Pierre
The Revenge by Young, Edward
I Should've Known Better: Nothing Lasts Forever by L, Nisha
Mama I Heard Your Cry by Drop, Chocolate
Parsifal by Wagner, Richard
The Flying Dutchman by Wagner, Richard
Tristan and Isolda by Wagner, Richard
Lettre d'un innocent by Dreyfus, Alfred
Writer's Block: Chapter One by Smith, L. a.
Three Hours After Marriage by Pope, Alexander, Gay, John
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
The Beast: A Dirty Bathhouse Soap Opera (Episode 07) by Closs, Terrill Aaron
The Beast: A Dirty Bathhouse Soap Opera (Episode 08) by Closs, Terrill Aaron
The Beast: A Dirty Bathhouse Soap Opera (Episode 10) by Closs, Terrill Aaron
The Beast: A Dirty Bathhouse Soap Opera (Episode 09) by Closs, Terrill Aaron
The Beast: A Dirty Bathhouse Soap Opera (Episode 11) by Closs, Terrill Aaron
Los albores del paraiso by Ostariz, Vidal M.
Timepiece by Duncombe, Charles A.
The Conversation: It is good to have someone to talk to about these things by Spence, Tom
Deux soeurs et un contrôle fiscal: théâtre contemporain by Ternoise, Stephane
Dos hermanas y un control fiscal by Ternoise, Stephane, Pulido Cortijo, Maria Del Carmen
Union Maid by Meyers, Roger a.
P.T.S.D.: Two One Act Comedies by Chase, Jonathan R.
The Perfect World by Bonnette, Kayla
Tales of Paradise by Lampion, Lisa
Held Accountable by Smith, Ty
Romance of the Regions: Tale of the major Nigerian relationships by Niger, Yas
La case de l'oncle Tom by Becher, Harriet
Five One-Act Plays by Feldman, Fred J.
Isabel III by Terga, Teresita Angeles
The AD*: Chapter 2 by Inge, Joseph
A New Anthology of Early Modern Spanish Theater: Play and Playtext by Mujica, Bárbara
Searching for the Real Tom Thumb: The Swing by McGoey, Patrick Shannon
The Divine Trilogy - Purgatory by Bramble, Christopher
Good for the Goose: Enough for the Gander by Niger, Yas
Doctor Of Chieftains: A collection of true stories by Bahudila, Osama Ahmed
7 Royalty-free Christian Dramas by Rapp, James D.
Sailor, Beware! by King, Philip
Jordyn by Robinson, Camisha
Hello/Goodbye by Souter, Peter
Brecht in Practice: Theatre, Theory and Performance by Barnett, David
Chance by Basaldua, Sebastian
A Beautiful Moon by Lloyd, Russell
Escape from Africa by McCoy, H. R.
4 Short Plays by Bourbon
Make Believe: A Play for Children by Milne, A. A.
Octavio And Damayanti by Robinson, Ronnie
Buried Music by Robinson, Peter
Irish Theatre in Transition: From the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century by
The Slippers of Cinderella: A Play for Young Audiences by Robertson, W. Graham
REX RIVERS United States Federal MARSHAL: REX RIVERS United States Federal Marshal by Gop, Joseph J.
The Beast: A Dirty Bathhouse Soap Opera (Episode 12) by Closs, Terrill Aaron
Cruel Britannia: Sarah Kane's Postmodern Traumatics by Armstrong, Jolene
'Christophe Colomb' par Népomucène Louis Lemercier by
Kingdoms Fall: Book One by Pryce, Joseph G.
Myths & Legends Medieval Fantasy Larp System 2015 Edition: Medieval Fantasy Live Action Role-play System of LarpCraft by Harden, Ryan R.
Cinderella: A Play for Young Audiences by Merington, Marguerite
The Boiled Eggs: A Federal Theatre Project Play for Young People by Fenisong, Ruth
Anatol: A Play by De Fabris, B. K., Schnitzler, Arthur
Performing Brazil: Essays on Culture, Identity, and the Performing Arts by
140 latidos by Merino, Lydia
Entre la miel y canela: Un amor sin limites by Schiappacasse, Gabriela
No, grazie...: Storie di bugie e verità by Chianese, Antonio
Seed of Darkness: The Final Tale of Edgar Allan Poe by Riggins, Lawrence
Being Brave Again by
Dramatic Extracts in Seventeenth-Century English Manuscripts: Watching, Reading, Changing Plays by Estill, Laura
Dreamscapes in Italian Cinema by
The Sack of Rome by Warren, Mercy Otis
The Chester County Automaton(s) by Cupples, Brad
Bad Romance by
The Ladies of Castile by Warren, Mercy Otis
Brother Bailey's Pageant of Moral Superiority and Creation Science Island Jamboree by Cupples, Brad
Le Père de famille by Diderot, Denis
Dark Wishes by Jordan, Gerald Dean
Where Do Little Birds Go? by Whitehill, Camilla
Last Christmas by Ocak, Tahsin
Absurda Comica (Großdruck): oder Herr Peter Squenz by Gryphius, Andreas
Echoes of Kin: Mary Howard Supernatural Mysteries Book 2 by Mitchell, Charmain Marie
The English Dictator and his Wife: A Failed Political Dynasty by Raybould, Les
Cover Your Eyes by Chase, Jonathan R.
Die Aufgeregten: Politisches Drama in fünf Akten by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Die Aufgeregten: Politisches Drama in fünf Akten by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
The Tragedy of Coriolanus by Shakespeare, William
El Tren de la Vida: Amores Prohibidos by Calvo, Alfredo
Eastbound Jungle by Cupples, Brad
Hidden Direction: With a passionate desire Cheryl wanted a loving marriage. She found in Jessie an achieved talent. Will money keep them by Corbin, Janet
R. U. R.: Rossum's Universal Robots: The Classic Sciene Fiction Play by Capek, Karel
I'll Leave It To You: A Comedy in Three Acts by Coward, Noel
Slightly South of Dust by Bowers, Scott Michael
Sunny Side Up- The Gritty Memoirs of a Crazy Chica by Cronk, Hollykay
Sozialaristokraten by Holz, Arno
Der junge Gelehrte: Ein Lustspiel in drei Aufzügen by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Datterich: Localposse in der Mundart der Darmstädter in sechs Bildern by Niebergall, Ernst Elias
Cocaine And Other Provincetown Plays by O'Neill, Eugene, Glaspell, Susan, Reed, John
Hump: The Early Years of Richard III by Karma, Fish
Sozialaristokraten by Holz, Arno
Der junge Gelehrte: Ein Lustspiel in drei Aufzügen by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Datterich: Localposse in der Mundart der Darmstädter in sechs Bildern by Niebergall, Ernst Elias
Christopher Marlowe at 450 by Deats, Sara Munson, Logan, Robert A.
Confesion de Alivio by Perez Espinal, Fernando E.
Paul Woodruff: The Vietnam Plays by Woodruff, Paul
The Knights of Aristophanes by
Alkèstis by Euripide
Hippolyte Porte couronne by Euripide
Les Troyennes by Euripide
13 Donuts: An Original Radio Drama with a Multi-Cultural Twist by Gorski, Hedwig
Hélène de Sparte by Verhaeren, Emile
Le Sacrifice d'Iphigénie by Ennery, Adolphe D.
Le Cloître by Verhaeren, Emile
Suzette by Ennery, Adolphe D.
Philippe II by Verhaeren, Emile
Taking Exception to the Law: Materializing Injustice in Early Modern English Literature by
Mediated Authenticity: How the Media Constructs Reality by Enli, Gunn
Mediated Authenticity: How the Media Constructs Reality by Enli, Gunn
Decisiones compartidas by Caraza, Robles
Modern Drama and the Rhetoric of Theater by Worthen, W. B.
Bernice: A Play in Three Acts by Glaspell, Susan
rote Kraehen im Tibet by Mader, Hans-Joachim
Spiegelbilder: Theaterstück in 14 Szenen by Eisner, Michael
Der Zeitgeist: Drama in 2 Akten by Eisner, Michael
Psycho-Maschine: Kammerspiel in vier Kammern by Scheerer, Holger
Infantry Born to Fight by Givans, Edward Earl
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