• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2010

Lifeline by Wong, Steve Spike
Playwriting - A Handbook for Would-Be Dramatic Authors by Anon
The King's Friend: A Play, In Five Acts (1845) by Sulivan, Robert
When Mother Lets Us Act (1913) by Perry, Stella George Stern
The Tragedy Of Dido, Summers Last Will And Testament, Glossarial-Index, Etc. (1885) by Nash, Thomas
The Palatine: A Play In Five Acts (1874) by Serle, Thomas James
Three Chester Whitsun Plays (1906) by Bridge, Joseph Cox
The Turning Point: A Play In Three Acts (1910) by Gibson, Preston
The New Boy: A Farcical Play In Three Acts (1904) by Law, Arthur
The Woodman's Hut: A Melodrama, In Three Acts (1822) by Arnold, W. H.
Venice Preserved Or A Plot Discovered: A Tragedy (1814) by Otway, Thomas
The Provincetown Plays, Third Series: The Two Sons, Lima Beans, Before Breakfast (1916) by Boyce, Neith, Kreymborg, Alfred, O'Neill, Eugene
The Spirit Of The Times Proclaimed By Its Acts: The Precursor Of The Darkness And Of The Apostasy (1869) by Wiliam Macintosh Publisher
The Stepmother: A Tragedy (1800) by Carlisle, Frederick Howard
The King's Stratagem Or The Pearl Of Poland: A Tragedy In Five Acts (1874) by Lewis, Estelle Anna Robinson, Stella
The Patrician's Daughter: A Tragedy, In Five Acts (1841) by Marston, John Westland
The Method Of Shakespeare As An Artist: Deduced From An Analysis Of His Leading Tragedies And Comedies (1870) by Ruggles, Henry Joseph
Tales Of The Five Towns (1905) by Bennett, Arnold
The People At Play (1909) by Hartt, Rollin Lynde
The Silver Thread And Other Folk Plays For Young People (1910) by MacKay, Constance D'Arcy
The General Turnpike Road Acts: With Notes, Forms, Etc. (1854) by Bateman, Joseph
Yzdra: A Tragedy In Three Acts (1907) by LeDoux, Louis Vernon
The Rounders: A Vaudeville In Three Acts (1899) by Smith, Harry Bache, Englander, Ludwig
The Likeness Of The Night: A Modern Play In Four Acts (1900) by Clifford, W. K.
The Smile Of Mona Lisa: A Play In One Act (1915) by Benavente, Jacinto
Without The Walls: A Reading Play (1919) by Trask, Katrina
The Red Lamp: A Play In Two Acts (1914) by Booth, Hilliard
Tommy's Wife: A Farce In Three Acts (1905) by Warren, Marie Josephine
The Physician: An Original Play In Four Acts (1897) by Jones, Henry Arthur
The Natural Son: A Tragedy (1805) by Mason, James
Zobeide: A Tragedy (1771) by Cradock, Joseph
The Nephews: A Play, In Five Acts (1799) by Iffland, August Wilhelm
The Secret Play (1915) by Barbour, Ralph Henry
The Passion Play In The Highlands Of Bavaria (1871) by Sellar, Alexander Craig
The Peddler Of Hearts: A Play For Young People (1917) by Knevels, Gertrude
The Queen Of Argos: A Tragedy, In Five Acts (1823) by Bell, William Boscawen
The Factory System: And The Factory Acts (1894) by Cooke-Taylor, Richard Whately
Zwischen Genie und Wahnsinn - Antonin Artauds Theater der Grausamkeit by Wloka, Caroline
Theatralität als publikumszentrierte Selbstdarstellung im Rahmen des Wave-Gotik-Treffens 2008 by Schott, Janine
Zensur zur Zeit der Karlsbader Beschlüsse 1819-1848 und ihre Auswirkung auf die Augsburger "Allgemeine Zeitung" im 19. Jahrhundert by Zafiris, Anna
Derek Jarmans BLUE - Ein Film als Performance? by Sperlich, Uwe
Herrmann - Hitchcock. A Partnership in Terror. Die Bedeutung von Bernard Herrmanns Musik für "Vertigo", "North By Northwest" und "Psycho" by Sperlich, Uwe
I've just gone gay - all of a sudden. Das etwas andere Männerbild in den Filmen von Howard Hawks by Sperlich, Uwe
Twenty-Six Short And Amusing Plays For Private Theatricals (1870) by
The Masterbuilder: A Drama In Three Acts (1893) by Ibsen, Henrik
The Histories And Poems Of Shakespeare Part 1 (1915) by Shakespeare, William
Die "Total Furnishing Unit" (1971-1972) von Joe Colombo und die Neudefinition der Wohnmaschine by Forciniti, Alexandra
Le Mauvais Livre: Et Quelques Autres Comedies (1922) by Ceard, Henry
Le Maroquin: Comedie En Trois Actes (1904) by De Turique, Julien Berr
Ausias March: Drama En Cuatro Actos (1858) by Balaguer, Victor
Der Ring Des Gauklers: Ein Spiel In Vier Akten (1911) by Halbe, Max
De Unges Forbund: Lystspil I Fem Akter (1883) by Ibsen, Henrik
A Estrada Nova: Peca Em Tres Actos (1900) by De Figueiredo, Antero
Antinous: A Tragedy (1891) by Goodloe, Abbie Carter
Romans: Le Matachin (1877) by Buchon, Max
Daphnis Et Chloe (1829) by Courier, Paul Louis
Andre: A Tragedy In Five Acts (1856) by Lord, William Wilberforce
Le Fils Naturel: Comedie En Cinq Actes (1858) by Fils, Alexandre Dumas
Vanina Fantaisie Venitienne (1879) by De Porto-Riche, Georges
Goethe's Werke V1-2 (1827) by Cotta'schen Buchhandlung Publisher
Comedias De Tirso De Molina (1878) by de Castro, Guillen
Le Cocu Magnifique: Farce En Trois Actes (1921) by Crommelynck, Fernand
Warhols Factory - A Laboratory by Lenhard, Johannes
Three Plays: The Political Theater of Howard Zinn: Emma, Marx in Soho, Daughter of Venus by Zinn, Howard
"Spielende Seelen" - Untersuchungen zur Schauspielkunst in Theater und Film by Wloka, Caroline
Antonin Artauds Theater by Dymnicki, Kaja
Die Anfänge des Films (1895 - 1920): Ursprung, Wirkung und revolutionäre Bedeutung eines Massenmediums by Pape, Alexander Christian
Asthetische Erklarung Shakespearischer Dramen V1: Hamlet, Prinz Von Danemark (1901) by Wohlrab, Martin
Amants: Comedie En Cinq Actes (1907) by Donnay, Maurice
De Bon Tremp: Drama En Tres Aotes (1905) by Torres, Manel Folch y.
Die Tote Stadt: Eine Tragodie (1902) by D'Annunzio, Gabriele
Blanchette: Comedie En Trois Actes (1906) by Brieux, Eugene
El Mismo Amor: Comedia (1907) by Rivas, Manuel Linares
Mon Oeuvre! Comedie En Trois Actes (1920) by Verneuil, Louis, Berr, Georges
Il Giorno Della Cresima: Commedia In Tre Atti (1906) by Rovetta, Gerolamo
Die Strasse Nach Steinaych: Eine Ernsthafte Komodie In Drei Akten (1917) by Stucklen, Wilhelm
Die Theaterzensur In Preussen (1905) by Kleefeld, Kurt
Como Se Ama: Boceto De Comedia, En Dos Actos (1908) by Jover, Gonzalo, Del Castillo, Emilio Gonzalez
Decadence: Comedie En Quatre Actes (1901) by Guinon, Albert
La Africana! Comedia En Tres Actos (1866) by Rodriguez, Juan Catalina, Gonzalez, Mariano Carreras y.
Il Fratello D'Armi: Dramma In Quattro Atti In Versi (1878) by Giacosa, Giuseppe
En Lyckoriddare: Afventyr I Fem Akter (1900) by Molander, Harald
Alva Estrella: Drama Em Cinco Actos (1859) by Leal, Jose Da Silva Mendes, Jr.
Aminta: Favola Boschereccia (1825) by Tasso, Torquato
Bonaventure Desperiers: Cirano De Bergerac (1841) by Nodier, Charles
Comedies Et Proverbes V1 (1891) by de Musset, Alfred
Drames Religieuxde De Calderon (1898) by Rouanet, Leo
Chomedey De Maisonneuve: Drame Chretien En Trois Actes (1899) by Corbeil, Sylvio
Citta Morta, The Dead City: A Tragedy (1902) by D'Annunzio, Gabriele
El Murmurador: Comedia En Tres Actos (1818) by Gosse, Etienne
Aeschylus - Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus
Die Nachahmung der Natur in "Die Räuber": Die Anwendbarkeit des Schillerschen Begriffs der Nachahmung im 18. Jahrhundert by Alic, Selma
Geistiges Eigentum von der frühen Neuzeit bis ins Zeitalter der digitalen Information: Eine medienhistorische Betrachtung eines Phänomens by Razocha, Florian
Der Einsatz von Neuen Medien in der Faust-Inszenierung von Sebastian Baumgarten by Standke, Sebastian
Dramas of the End Time by Hunter, Celestine
Five Plays by Kishida Kunio by Goodman, David G.
Willem Dafoe zwischen "Wooster Group" und Hollywood. Der Wechsel von Performance zu Film by Beckendorf, Ralf
Der Wert des Eigenen im Brecht'schen Kollektiv: Eigengesetzlichkeit in Brechts Lehrstück by Schaupp, Thomas
Der Körper (in) der Sprache: Zum Verhältnis von Wahrnehmung und Körper in den medienästhetischen Schriften Walter Benjamin´s by Beckendorf, Ralf
Über: Die Hölle, das sind die Anderen!: Sartres Existenzialismus in "Geschlossene Gesellschaft" by Beckendorf, Ralf
Die Politik der Symbole: Politische Zeichensysteme am Beispiel der französischen Revolution by Beckendorf, Ralf
Chez Les Zoaques Comedie En Trois Actes: Le Kwtz Drame Passionnel En Un Acte (1907) by Guitry, Sacha
Aeli Donati Qvod Fertvr Commentvm Terenti V1: Accedvnt Evgraphi Commentvm Et Scholia Bembina (1902) by Terence
Die Gefangenen: Komodie In 5 Akten (1908) by Schmid-Noerr, Friedrich Alfred
Chez Les Zoaques Comedie En Trois Actes: Le Kwtz Drame Passionnel En Un Acte (1907) by Guitry, Sacha
Die Edelsten Der Nation: Komodie In 3 Akten (1901) by Bleibtreu, Karl
El Pavo Real: Comedia Poetica En Tres Actos, Divididos En Diez Cuadros (1922) by Marquina, Eduardo
El Crimen De Ayer: Drama (1908) by Dicenta, Joaquin
El Triunfo De Los Otros: Comedia Dramatica En 3 Actos (1907) by Payro, Roberto Jorge
Der Weisse Heiland: Dramatische Phantasie (1920) by Hauptmann, Gerhart
Die Rebhuhner: Komodie In Funf Akten (1916) by Hauptmann, Carl
El Amor En El Teatro: Capricho Literario (1908) by
El Amor Tardio: Drama Romantico En Tres Actos (1915) by Cata, Alfonso Hernandez, Insua, Alberto
Deux Heures Du Matin, Quartier Marbeuf: Piece En Deux Actes (1904) by Coquiot, Gustave, Lorrain, Jean
Ein Muttersohn: Schauspiel In Drei Akten (1911) by Trebitsch, Siegfried
I Due Felici Rivali: Commedia Inedita (1901) by Nardi, Jacopo
Golo Und Genovefa: Drama In Drei Aufzugen (1914) by Rademacher, Hanna
El Loco Dios: Drama En Cuatro Actos, En Prosa (1907) by Echegaray, Jose
Die Celestine: Eine Tragikomodie In Funf Aufzugen (1905) by De Rojas, Fernando
Don Bernardo De Cabrera: Drama Tragico En Cuatro Actos (1850) by De Quevedo, Jose Heriberto Garcia
Euphemio Of Messina: A Tragedy (1834) by
Il Misantropo: Commedia In Cinque Atti (1876) by Castelvecchio, Riccardo, Moliere
El Collar De Lescot: Drama En Tres Actos, En Prosa (1868) by Hurtado, Antonio
Geen Geluk Zonder Deugd, Drama In Drie Bedryven (1851) by Van Doosselaere, Isidore Sebastien
Eugene Et Zelmire, Ou L'Heureux Choix, Comedie En Trois Actes (1801) by Coqueret, Henri
Die Journalisten Lustspiel In Vier Akten (1901) by Freytag, Gustav
Deutsche Weihnachtspiele Aus Ungern (1862) by Schroer, Karl Julius
Les Incompatibles; La Fameuse Comedienne, Ou Histoire De La Guerin; Zelinde, Ou La Veritable Critique; La Critique Du Tartuffe (1868) by LaCroix, Paul, Moliere
Gotte: Comedie En Quatre Actes (1894) by Meilhac, Henri
Die Schmetterlingsschlacht: Komodie In Vier Akten (1894) by Sudermann, Hermann
Die Gioconda: Eine Tragodie (1899) by D'Annunzio, Gabriele
De Poeet, Of De Rymdrift: Blyspel, Eerste Bedryf, Eerste Tooneel (1801) by Barbaz, Abraham Louis, Piron, Alexis
Francillon: Piece En Trois Actes (1887) by Fils, Alexandre Dumas
Fratellanza Artigiana: Commedia Popolare In Cinque Atti (1876) by Bersezio, Vittorio
Ein Faust Der That: Tragodie In Funf Akten (1890) by Bleibtreu, Karl
Die Wildente: Schauspiel In 5 Akten (1887) by Borch, Marie Von, Ibsen, Henrik
Het Bezoek: Of De Zucht Tot Uitblinken (1801) by Kotzebue, August Von, Holtrop, Jan Steven Van Esveldt
Jean De Thommeray: Comedie En Cinq Actes En Prose (1874) by Augier, Emile, Sandeau, Jules
Gavaut Minard Et Cie: Comedie En Trois Actes (1888) by Gondinet, Edmond
Ignez De Castro, A Tragedy (1825) by Ferreira, Antonio
Fluch Und Segen: Drama In Zwei Akten, Seinem Schicksal Kann Niemand Entgehen, Dramatisirtes Sprichwort (1822) by Houwald, Ernst Von
Erdgeist, Earth-Spirit: A Tragedy In Four Acts (1914) by Wedekind, Frank
Die Gottin Der Vernunft: Trauerspiel In Funf Akten (1870) by Heyse, Paul
El Medico De Camara: Comedia En Cuatro Actos Y En Verso (1853) by Hurtado, Antonio
Galilee Drame En Trois Actes En Vers (1867) by Ponsard, Francois
El Marido Ambicioso: Comedia En Tres Actos Y En Verso (1828) by De Mora, Jose Joaquin
Il Nabucdonosorre, Dramma Sacro (1807) by Polidori, Gaetano
El Sombrero De Copa: Comedia En Tres Actos Y En Prosa (1888) by Aza, Vital
Il Povero Piero: Dramma In Tre Atti (1885) by Cavallotti, Felice
Die Verschworung Gegen Venedig: Tragodie In 5 Akten (1898) by Otway, Thomas, Hagen, Paul
Moliere's Charakter-Komodien, Parts 1-3 (1865) by Moliere, Laun, Adolf
Erlesmere V1: Or Contrasts Of Character (1856) by Lavenu, L. S.
Chefs-D'Oeuvre De Pierre Corneille: Avec Notes Et Commentaires (1846) by Corneille, Pierre
El Galan Duende: Comedia En Tres Actos (1842) by
El Alcalde Ronquillo, O El Diablo En Valladolid (1857) by Zorrilla, Jose
El Nuevo Tenorio: Leyenda Dramatica En 7 Actos, En Prosa Y Verso (1886) by Bartrina, Joaquin Maria, Arderiu, Rosendo Arus y.
Raum schaffend (zusammen): Idiorhythmische Heterotopien des realen Raumes als Ausdruck von Leben wollen (zusammen) in Laurent Chétouanes Tanzstück #4 by Schaupp, Thomas
Of Mice and Men and The Moon Is Down: Two Plays by Steinbeck, John
Method Acting vs. Biomechanik: Ein theoretischer Vergleich zweier Schauspielkunsttheorien by Rose, Katharina
Raum und Raumerfahrung im Film: Am Beispiel von Stanley Kubrick´s "2001: A Space Odyssee" by Beckendorf, Ralf
Mrs. Warren's Profession - A Play in Four Acts by Shaw, Bernard
Mrs. Warren's Profession - A Play in Four Acts by Shaw, Bernard
Dualität und Zuschauerpartizipation: Schlingensiefs Koketterie und Spiel mit der Wirklichkeit: "Bitte liebt Österreich - erste europäische Koalitionsw by Schmidt, Greta
Inwieweit spielt die "Rache" in den Batman-Filmen zwischen 1989 und 2008 eine Rolle?: Eine Filmanalyse by Voigt, Daniel
The Plight of the Demigods by Omo-Osagie, Ada Edna
LICHT x MUSIK = VISUALS: Die Co-Dependenz von Licht und Musik by Friedl, Barbara
The Will by Barrie, J. M.
Memoranda on the Tragedy of Hamlet (1879) by Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O.
Moortje, Waarin Hy Terentii Eunuchum Heeft Naeghevolght (1638) by Bredero, Gerbrand Adriaensz
The Tragedy Of The Till by Jerrold, Douglas
How's Your Second Act? (1918) by Hopkins, Arthur
Erdgeist, Earth Spirit: A Tragedy In Four Acts (1914) by Wedekind, Frank
Cato a Tragedy by Addison, Joseph
Shakespeare's Troilus And Cressida: A Study by Canning, Albert S. G.
The Tragedy of Sophonisba (1730) by Thomson, James
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream: A Study by Canning, Albert S. G.
The Courting Of T'Nowhead's Bell by Barrie, J. M.
Der Eremit Auf Formentera: Ein Schauspiel Mit Gesang In Zwey Aufzugen (1790) by Kotzebue, August Von
Liliom by
The Tragedy of Hoffman or a Revenge for a Father, 1631 (1913) by Chettle, Henry
Theophile: A Miracle Play by Greene, Henry Copley
Constantin: Tragedie, En Cinq Actes (1849) by Perthes, Jacques Boucher De
Johann Nestroy's Gesammelte Werke (1891) by Nestroy, Johann
Conradin Et Frederic: Tragedie En Cinq Actes (1820) by Liadieres, Pierre Chaumont
Le Medecin Malgre Lui: Comedie En Trois Actes (1883) by De Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin
El Si De Las Ninas: Comedia En Tres Actos (1904) by De Moratin, Leandro Fernandez
Undine: A Dream Play In Three Acts (1902) by Courtney, William Leonard
Le Docteur Bourguibus: Comedie En Un Acte En Vers (1874) by Cottinet, Edmond
Das Fruhlingsfest: Lustspiel In Drei Akten (1907) by Brunner, Armin
The Mysterious Mother: A Tragedy (1791) by Walpole, Horace
Julian: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (1823) by Mitford, Mary Russell
The Libertine: A Tragedy (1704) by Shadwell, Thomas
Helga And The White Peacock: A Play In Three Acts For Young People (1922) by Meigs, Cornelia
Abdelazer Or The Moor's Revenge by Behn, Aphra
Rhesus: A Tragedy of Euripides (1880) by Goodwin, Henry Decker
The Wild Duck by Ibsen, Henrik
Ajax by Sophocles
Major Barbara by Shaw, George Bernard
The Father by Strindberg, August
Lover's Vows by Inchbald, Inchbald, Elizabeth
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