• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2011

Analyse der deutschen Besucherentwicklung & -struktur im historischen Kontext (1895-2008) by Gareiss, Stefanie
Catherine Breillats "Romance XXX - was wissen Sie über Männer?" - zwischen Pornographie und Feminismus by Schmidt, Greta
Identity, gender and the performative in Christo and Jeanne-Claude's work by Stark, Joachim
Claus Peymann und seine Anfänge am Burgtheater by Schoots, Arabella
The Tempest by Shakespeare, William
The Tempest by Shakespeare, William
Mercy Machine by Komondor, Krista
I'm Afraid That Won't Do by Armato, Sam
16 Tons by Harlan, A. Light
Das Schauspielerporträt im 18. Jahrhundert: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Phänomens David Garrick by Jenko, Sandra
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
Playwriting by Johnson, Effiong
Playwriting by Johnson, Effiong
Feldpostbriefe - Briefe einer "Heldenmutter" by Wörther, Thomas
Medienereignis "Flashmob". Über die Sichtbarmachung und Evidenz einer virtuellen Gemeinschaft by Junghans, Anja
Michael Buthe - Das Kaleidoskop des Zauberhaften by Sosseh, Marina
Vous êtes ici chez vous: Comédie en trois actes by Taburet, Yvon
The Temperamentals by Marans, Jon
Verschriftlichung und kognitiver Wandel im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit by Knapp, Christopher
The Collected Plays of Michael P. Riccards by Riccards, Michael P.
Das Tal den Bewässerern - Brechts "Kreidekreis": Stück und Aufführungspraxis by Röder, Levin
I'm Afraid That Won't Do by Armato, Sam
Karl Gutzkows Biographie und "Wally, die Zweiflerin": Eine Annäherung an das "Junge Deutschland" by Jansen, Jan
Salome by Wilde, Oscar
Die zweifelhafte Liebesgeschichte zwischen Hamlet und Ophelia und ihre Auswirkungen auf diverse Hamlet-Verfilmungen by Von Rossek, Stefanie
Politische Stencil Graffiti - Medium des Protests? by Wagner, Benedikt
Reassessing the Theatre of the Absurd: Camus, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and Pinter by Bennett, M.
Reassessing the Theatre of the Absurd: Camus, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and Pinter by Bennett, M.
Cocteau: Orphêe by Cocteau, Jean
Coup: a play in one act by Hack, Eric
Rodents Get Along by Hunter, Celestine
Lombard by Druxman, Michael B.
The Brothers Are Here!: Preschool Years by Cudney, Chriss
The Brothers Are Here!: Preschool Years by Cudney, Chriss
The performance of the artist Marina Abramovic in the MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, N.Y. as a mirror of zeitgeist by Aull, Felicitas
Tracy by Druxman, Michael B.
The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People by Wilde, Oscar
Mi Funeral by Urribarri, Jenny
Mi Funeral by Urribarri, Jenny
Flynn: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Gable: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Orson Welles: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Clara Bow: A One-Woman Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Are Doctors Really Inhuman? by Shaw, George Bernard
Confucius: A Drama In Two Acts by Hartmann, Sadakichi
A Good Man Fallen Among Fabians: George Bernard Shaw by Shaw, George Bernard, West, Alick
August Wilson and Black Aesthetics by Shannon, S., Williams, D.
Real Women Have Curves & Other Plays by Lopez, Josefina
The Secret Life of Plays by Waters, Steve
The Best Plays from the Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume Six by
Hollywood Tragedy: From Fatty Arbuckle To Marilyn Monroe by Carr, William H. a.
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
Hitler verkörpern - Die satirische Darstellung eines bereits überzeichneten Körpertextes by Vowinckel, Aurelia
Elfriede Jelineks "Rechnitz (Der Würgeengel)". Intertextualität und Wortspiel als Mittel zur diskursiven Aufdeckung im postdramatischen Botenbericht by Vowinckel, Aurelia
Der Vorwurf des Manierismus in Viscontis Historiendramen: Versuch zur Darstellung des subversiven manieristischen Stils und seinen Elementen in "Il Ga by Vowinckel, Aurelia
Religious Drama 3: An Anthology Of Modern Morality Plays by
«Come Closer»: Critical Perspectives on Theatre of the Oppressed by
Edward Gordon Craig und seine Einstellung zum Beruf des Regisseurs by Hagn, Christiane
Die Suche (nach) der Anna Mahr: Analyse des Dramas "EInsame Menschen" von Gerhart Hauptmann anhand der Figur Fräulein Anna Mahr by Gorski, Amira
"Please Hold The Line" - Technokulturelle Entwicklungslinien der Telefonie: Ein Zwei-Länder-Vergleich by Dobler, Anna
Neue Investitionsmodelle auf dem deutschen Filmmarkt als Alternative zur Filmförderung by Peimann, Ali
The Evil Behind the Law, Volume I: What Love Cannot Do, Prayer Will Do by Mbuna, Tchinda Fabrice
«Come Closer»: Critical Perspectives on Theatre of the Oppressed by
King of Bangor by Gambin, Lee
Shakuntala: English Translation of The Great Sanskrit Poet Mahakavi Kalidas's 'Abhijnan Shakuntalam by Sinha, Ashok
Shakuntala: English Translation of The Great Sanskrit Poet Mahakavi Kalidas's 'Abhijnan Shakuntalam by Sinha, Ashok
Man and Superman by Shaw, Bernard
Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal Yeomans by Schanke, R.
Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal Yeomans by Schanke, R.
Schauspielertypologien: Rollenklischees im Gegenwartstheater by Krüger, Sinja Marie
, Goldrausch'' und, Der Einwanderer''. Charlie Chaplins Figur des Tramp als ausgegrenzte Instanz der Gesellschaft by Winkler, Stephanie Julia
Vergangenheit und Zukunft: Die Geschichte des Kirch-Konzerns und der Medienmarkt Teleshopping by Weizemann, Tanja
Playwriting for Dummies by Parra, Angelo
The Broken Statue: A Play: Jewel Version by Perry, Bob
The Cat Who Ate Her Husband by McCreadie, Drew
Darstellung und Reflexion kreativer Prozesse anhand psychologischer und theaterpädagogischer Betrachtungsweisen von Menschen mit Behinderung: Am Beisp by Möcking, Evelyn
A New Day and More Tales by Drake, Kerry Susan
The Stukeley Plays: 'The Battle of Alcazar' by George Peele and 'The Famous History of the Life and Death of Captain Thomas Stukeley by
Re-Visioning Myth CB: Modern and Contemporary Drama by Women by Babbage, Frances
Sarah Kane in Context: Essays by
Ten Minutes in Heaven by Ditmars, Ben
"Zum Erholen sind sie da." Arthur Schnitzlers Typus des süßen Mädels in Inszenierungen und Verfilmungen seiner Dramen by Huber-Wendt, Judith
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Nine Plays by Francis Filosa by Filosa, Francis
Analyse des Medien- und Kulturwandels an der Schwelle zur Moderne am Beispiel der Zeitschrift aus systemtheoretischer Sicht by Morár, Oto
Lord Save My Children by Jones, Betty
Urban Drama: The Metropolis in Contemporary North American Plays by Westgate, J. Chris
Sex and the City - eine Sitcom?: Eine Zusammenstellung von definitorischen Kriterien des Genres Sitcom und diesbezügliche Transkription auf die Serie by Von Rossek, Stefanie
Aztecs on Stage: Religious Theater in Colonial Mexico by
Jolson: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Staging Modern American Life: Popular Culture in the Experimental Theatre of Millay, Cummings, and Dos Passos by Fahy, T.
Staging Modern American Life: Popular Culture in the Experimental Theatre of Millay, Cummings, and Dos Passos by Fahy, T.
"Die Hamletmaschine" und ihre Zeit: Analyse der Inszenierung des Dramas "Die Hamletmaschine" von Stephan Kimmig hinsichtlich Motiven aus der Entstehun by Binder, Christine
The Importance Of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
Hollywood Tragedy: From Fatty Arbuckle To Marilyn Monroe by Carr, William H. a.
The Tragedy Of Empire by Nearing, Scott
Backdrop to Tragedy: The Struggle for Palestine by Asfour, Edmund, Polk, William Roe, Stamler, David M.
Playwriting Across the Curriculum by Jester, Caroline, Stoneman, Claire
Marina Abramovic und Ulay "Relation Works". Innerhalb des Entwicklungsprozesses der europäischen Performance by Taut, Andreas
Detained in the Desert & Other Plays by Josefina López by López, Josefina
Salomé: A Tragedy in One Act by Wilde, Oscar
Das Theater in der Filmrolle. Wie sich der Film theatrale Mittel zu Nutze macht by Büchner, Bogdan
Extensions of Love by Rapier, Darren
I Know All Save Myself Alone: The Play by Monde, Lisa
I Know All Save Myself Alone: The Play by Monde, Lisa
Zapping - Werbung als ein Grund für Fernsehzuschauer umzuschalten by Matthes, Markus
Playwriting Across the Curriculum by Jester, Caroline, Stoneman, Claire
Billy the Kid and Other Plays, 10 by Anaya, Rudolfo
New Playwriting Strategies: Language and Media in the 21st Century by Castagno, Paul C.
New Playwriting Strategies: Language and Media in the 21st Century by Castagno, Paul C.
The Drama of Marriage: Gay Playwrights/Straight Unions from Oscar Wilde to the Present by Clum, J.
The Drama of Marriage: Gay Playwrights/Straight Unions from Oscar Wilde to the Present by Clum, J.
Der Gutenberg Buchdruck: Revolutionierung der Wissenstradierung by Hallmann, Thomas
Paul: A Two- Act Drama by Gallo, Anthony E.
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
Der filmische Raum der Stadt in Pasolinis ersten beiden Spielfilmen 'Accattone' und 'Mamma Roma' als Ort des menschlichen Schicksals: "Ihr, die ihr ei by Drees, Anne
Discipline: A Play by Bianco, Gerard
Qualitative Exploration and Categorization of the Phenomenon of Active Audience Participation in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" by Görne, Nora
Who Hears in Shakespeare?: Shakespeare's Auditory World, Stage and Screen by