• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2013

Bernard Shaw and Totalitarianism: Longing for Utopia by Yde, M.
Die Motivik des grotesken Leibes nach Michail M. Bachtin: Eine Darstellung der Motive der grotesken Leibeskonzeption sowie eine Analyse des indianisch by Schmitt, Kerstin
Eine Betrachtung des Lebens von Attila József und seine Bedeutung in der Inszenierung "W - Arbeiterzirkus" von Arpad Schilling nach Georg Büchners "Wo by Schmitt, Kerstin
Ereignisinszenierungen des Protests in den Medien um ´68: Konnten sich Rudi Dutschke und die Kommune 1 authentisch in den Medien der Bundesrepublik De by Ehring, Franziska
Antigone by Sophocles
Juan Carlos Arniches und seine Gesellschaftskritik in den Stücken "La Señorita de Trevélez" und "Los Caciques" by Weiß, Jana
Rathbone: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Time Of Their Lives: A Play About Princeton by Nail, Robert
James Graham Plays: 1: A History of Falling Things, Tory Boyz, the Man, the Whisky Taster, Sons of York by Graham, James
Dance Analysis - Technique within contemporary dance: Has Hofesh Shechter created a new technique within contemporary dance today by Hughes, Kathryn
The Portrait of a Genius: A Play in Three Acts by Solymar, Laszlo
The World's Stage: Oberammergau, 1934 by Fuller, Raymond Tifft
Beyond the Chitlin' Circuit: The Ultimate Urban Playwrights Guide by Lynn, Vanessa
Historische Entwicklung der Pressefreiheit by Iovtcheva, Snejana
KKK: A Play in Three Acts by McCutcheon, Constance
KKK: A Play in Three Acts by McCutcheon, Constance
Antisemitismus im nationalsozialistischen Propagandafilm: Stereotype und filmische Stilmittel by Vögele, Maria
Die Funktion der Theaterszene in David Lynchs "Mulholland Drive" by Mages, Angela
Erich Kästner und das Theater - ein bisschen mehr als Emil und Fabian by Guzy, Elisabeth
Ästhetische Nachhaltigkeitsbildung. Über den Beitrag der Theaterpädagogik zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung by Paschold, Lars
The Samoan Dance of Life: An Anthropological Narrative by Copp, John Dixon
Robert Wilsons "Hamletmaschine" als Vorlage für Diderots Tableautheorie: Historisches Konzept und moderne Aufführung by Scherf, Bärbel
Nützlichkeit und Notwendigkeit von Theater im Unterricht by Grätz, Anika
US-amerikanische Kulturpolitik im besetzten Deutschland von 1945 - 1947: Propaganda und Kulturproduktion by Egger, Laura
A Bridge to Nowhere: 10 Minute and One Act Plays by Quan, Grace y.
Three Scientists of the Ancient World: Anaxagoras, Archimedes, Hypatia by Wain, John, Solymar, Laszlo
Aneta Grzeszykowskas Untitled Film Stills: Innovation oder Imitation by Kusmierek, Claudia
Shylock on the Stage by Lelyveld, Toby Bookholtz
Kunst und Ökonomie: Eine Systemanalyse des Einflusses ökonomischer Funktionsweisen auf das System Kunst by Girtler, Matthias
The Best Plays from the Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume Seven: Compiled by by Fisher, Van Dirk
Scenes from the Common Wealth: Short Plays and Monologues by Kentucky Women by
The Writer Within by Wolf, Robert
Affirming the Absurd in Harold Pinter by Wong Yeang Chui, Jane
Affirming the Absurd in Harold Pinter by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Reading Olympe de Gouges by Sherman, C.
Laughter In One Act by Kane, Bruce
Dokumentarismus in der Fotografie: Inwieweit sind die Fotografien von Diane Arbus dokumentarisch? Eine Analyse anhand ihrer Monographie "Aperture Mono by Voigt, Daniel
Dokumentarismus im Theater: Inwieweit sind die Inszenierungen des Theater-Kollektivs "Rimini Protokoll" dokumentarisch? Eine Analyse anhand der In by Voigt, Daniel
Bible Dramas Children Love by Appling, Standley C.
"Die Zikaden". Eine Annäherung Bachmanns an die menschliche Stimme als ein Medium zwischen Sprache und Musik by Schmidt, Greta
Powerfully Fragile by Sykes, Briohne Joy
Theatre-Making: Interplay Between Text and Performance in the 21st Century by Radosavljevic, D.
Theatre-Making: Interplay Between Text and Performance in the 21st Century by Radosavljevic, D.
Familienkonstellation und Geschlechterrolle im Bürgerlichen Trauerspiel: Inwieweit spiegelte die Dramenfamilie des Bürgerlichen Trauerspiels die bürge by Zellmann, Stefanie
Bis(s) aufs Blut. Das Vampirmotiv in Jelineks "Krankheit oder Moderne Frauen" by Zellmann, Stefanie
Rights of Passage: Sometimes it takes a world of courage to just be who you are. by Leone, Robert, Decker, Ed
Theatrical Like a Golden Train: A Veteran's Ode to a Subway by Samet, L.
Happy Days by Beckett, Samuel
Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal Yeomans by Schanke, R.
Goethe. Lenau. Faust. Erkundung eines Mythos.: Vorstellung und Analyse der Fassung der Badischen Landesbühne Bruchsal in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen by Schmidt, Greta
Tickets to the Royal: A Play by Jones, Marilyn
The Battle of the Sexes Russian Style by Ptushkina, Nadezhda
The Battle of the Sexes Russian Style by Ptushkina, Nadezhda
Acting: The First Six Lessons by Boleslavsky, Richard
Embodying Difference: Scripting Social Images of the Female Body in Latina Theatre by Saborío, Linda
SnowBlind: a play in two acts by Swartz, R. W.
The Summer Folk: A Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
Stella Adler on America's Master Playwrights: Eugene O'Neill, Thornton Wilder, Clifford Odets, William Saroyan, Tennessee Williams, William Inge, Arth by Adler, Stella
Die Vereinigungssymbolik von Pornographie, Nacktheit und Kunst: Zur Bearbeitung offenbar distinkter Kategorien im Feld der zeitgenössischen Kunst des by Lippitsch, Daniel
Not Any Little Girl (a One-Act Play) by Zelazny, Trent
"Die Sünderin": Größter Skandalfilm in Deutschland & Spiegel der Gesellschaft: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung by Backhaus, Marc
The Cradle Will Rock: A Play In Music by Blitzstein, Marc
Anger and After (Routledge Revivals): A Guide to the New British Drama by Taylor, John Russell
The Rise and Fall of the Well-Made Play (Routledge Revivals) by Taylor, John Russell
Traitor! Traitor! the Tragedy of Alfred Dreyfus by Kerkhoff, Johnston D.
Traitor! Traitor! the Tragedy of Alfred Dreyfus by Kerkhoff, Johnston D.
Where were you last night? by Young, Sue
Gadda Goes to War: Translational Provocations Around an Emergency [With DVD] by
Gadda Goes to War: Translational Provocations Around an Emergency [With DVD] by
The Luckiest Man In The World by Bartlett, Jayson F. a.
Six Characters in Search of an Author by Pirandello, Luigi
Six Characters in Search of an Author by Pirandello, Luigi
Bernard Shaw and Totalitarianism: Longing for Utopia by Yde, M.
Time Will Tell - An Easter Play by Morris, Kathleen
Even Me - A Christmas Play for Your Sunday School by Morris, Kathleen
All I Need Is Love - A Play for Teens by Morris, Kathleen
Lost and Found - A Children's Christmas Play by Morris, Kathleen
Gotta Love It - A Humorous Play about Rural Life by Morris, Kathleen
Competencias pedagogicas del profesor de teatro by Peralta Godoy, Luis Rodrigo, Del Pilar Palomo Arriagada, Ivette
The Square Egg: And Other Sketches, with Three Plays by Squire, J. C., Saki
Plays and Pageants by Creasman, Myrtle R.
Some Little Plays and How to Act Them by Whitney, Mary Ellen
Song and Service Book for Ship and Field: Army and Navy by Bennett, Ivan L.
The Pirate of Pooh and Other Plays for Children by Barrows, Marjorie
Oliver Cromwell: A Dictator's Tragedy by Blauvelt, Mary Taylor
Children's Gospel Commentary: Covering the Four Gospels and the Book of Acts by Brooks, Keith L.
The Problem of Tragedy by Engel, S. Morris
The Unknown Warrior: A Tragedy in Three Acts by Raynal, Paul, Lewis, Cecil
Far Town Road: Plays to Be Acted and Read by Sterne, Emma Gelders
Original Plays by W. S. Gilbert by Gilbert, William S.
Rudolph: The Tragedy of Mayerling by Lonyay, Carl
25 Non-Royalty Holiday Plays by
Oliver Cromwell: A Dictator's Tragedy by Blauvelt, Mary Taylor
The Sex Fable: A Play by Bourdet, Edouard
Four Plays by Lope de Vega by De Vega, Lope
How the World Began by Trieschmann, Catherine
The Revisionist by Eisenberg, Jesse
Journey's End: The Classic War Play Explored by Gore-Langton, Robert
On Stage with Kevin Kling by Kling, Kevin
Die Entwicklung der Marktstruktur und des rechtlichen Rahmens im dualen Rundfunksystem by Vetter, Philipp
The Scent of Danger by Park, Michael
Die Theaterlandschaft in Deutschland ab 1993: Zahlen, Daten, Fakten by Weh, Ulrike
Der Wichtel im Manne oder Wie die Puppe das Fliegen lernte (Buchty a Loutkys 'Die Geschichte eines wahren Menschen') by Zimmermann, Matthias
Mission Impossible by Muncaster, David
The Voyage [A Play] by Koretsky, J. Lea
Canned Peaches in Syrup by Jones, Alex
The Inaccurate Conception by Saunders, Geoff, Asham, Richard
Breaking the Silence of Bullying by Boone Ph. D., Beverly
Hans Christoph Kaergel - Hockewanzel by Krause, Matthias
Politisch-satirische Zeitschriften in den Umbrüchen der deutschen Geschichte von 1871-1923: Der "Kladderadatsch" und der "Simplicissimus" by Schlott, René
The Ingenious Simpleton: Upending Imposed Ideologies through Brief Comic Theatre by Montesinos, Delia Méndez
Regietheater. Der Klassikerfeind?: Eine Untersuchung von Friedrich Schillers "Die Räuber" in der Inszenierung Nicolas Stemanns. by Redecker, Anja
The Play's The Thing: Amateur Stage Playscript Reviews 2010-2011 by Muncaster, David
The Play's The Thing 2: Amateur Stage Playscript Reviews 2012-2013 by Muncaster, David
Contemporary Women Playwrights: Into the Twenty-First Century by Farfan, Penny, Ferris, Lesley
Reassessing the Theatre of the Absurd: Camus, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and Pinter by Bennett, M.
Seven Short & Shorter Plays: Seven Short & Shorter Plays were written by Paul JM by Magliari, Paul J.
Wenn der Sohn seinen eigenen Vater spielt: Emotionalisierung bei Brecht und Stanislawski am Beispiel des Doku-Dramas George. by Weigel, Viktoria Freya
The Wallflower Cafe by Lawrence, Jon G.
Writing 'Master Class' by Pownall, David
Politics and Theatre in Twentieth-Century Europe: Imagination and Resistance by Morgan, M.
Politics and Theatre in Twentieth-Century Europe: Imagination and Resistance by Morgan, M.
Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande 1. Akt, 1. Szene by Nauy, Gislinde
Much Ado About Love: Reference Edition by Nanto, David K.