• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2015

Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Krieg der Stille. Die Pausen und ihre Imaginationswirkung in Orson Welles' Radio-Hörspiel "The War of the Worlds" von 1938 by Weigel, Viktoria Freya
Set the Church on Fire: The Holy Ghost Fire by Steward, Martin
Die Omnipräsenz des Märchenkönigs. Darstellung Ludwigs II. in der Film- und Theaterwelt by Holzäpfel, Simone
Eyes of Goree Island (Vol#2) by Said, Is
Ein Mauerfall. Zwei Perspektiven: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Berichterstattungen rund um den Mauerfall in Ost und West in Printmedien by Hochmuth, Susann
Zwischen Wahrheit und Wahnsinn. Psychopathen im Gerichtsfilm by Seidel, Anica
Aproximaciones hacia una estética para la danza contemporánea: Autonomia intersubjetividad y giro performativo a partir de dos obras Chilenas actuales by Magne Tapia, Kevin
Disney-Filme als Emotionsmedien? Zur Struktur und Wirkung von Disney-Filmen by Holzäpfel, Simone
Der Künstler Friedrich Kiesler. Ein Multivisionär? by Holzäpfel, Simone
Das Stück "Nora" von Frank Castorf. Analyse der Figurenkonstellation Nora, Helmer und Dr.Rank: Anhand der Videoaufzeichnung des Stücks "Nora" von Fran by Seidel, Anica
Born in a Manger by Watson, William
Four Plays by Ink, Broken Gopher
Feeding the multitudes by Watson, William
Anger and After (Routledge Revivals): A Guide to the New British Drama by Taylor, John Russell
Das Medium Hörfunk und seine Entwicklung. Analyse der propagandistischen Wirkungen by Engel, Sebastian
Islands by Horton, Caroline
Wie aus Zuschauern Regisseure und aus Regisseuren Zuschauer wurden: "Call Cutta" Rimini Protokoll by Köhler-Kaeß, Holger
Five Plays by the Team: Give Up! Start Over!; A Thousand Natural Shocks; Particularly in the Heartland; Architecting; Mission Drift by Team, The
Freedom High by Kraar, Adam
Unwritten Rules by Fletcher, Lesley
Man from the Pond: A Short Play by Moore Snr, Wayne Thomas
King's Games: A Memoir of Richard III by Crawford, Nance
"Eine unbequeme Wahrheit". Al Gores Klima-Apokalypse ist stark übertrieben by Köhler-Kaeß, Holger
City Stories by Phillips, James
El Celador del Desierto: Obra teatral en un acto by Garcia, Ernesto
Die Symbolik in den politischen Plakaten der DDR by Glöckler, Sarah
Masada Revisited III and other Plays by Ziffer, Arthur
Masada Revisited III and other Plays by Ziffer, Arthur
Beth Henley: A Casebook by
Contos de Despedida: O amor no feminino by Assumpcao, Priscila
Kommunikationsinstrumente, -techniken und -mechanismen der nationalsozialistischen Propaganda: Eine retrospektive Analyse by Kahlenberg, Bettina
Kulturindustrie im 21. Jahrhundert. Transformation der Theorie Horkheimers und Adornos in die gegenwärtige Film-und Fernsehwelt by Holzäpfel, Simone
Dewey, die Funktion der Bibliothek und die Merkantilisierung des Wissens by Haderlein, Noemi
Die Authentizität in Casting-Shows. "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" by Holzäpfel, Simone
Gesellschaft als intermediales Bindeglied? Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung über das Verhältnis zwischen Drama, Film und Theater unter dem Aspekt d by Holzäpfel, Simone
Dramaturgie und Inszenierung im Figurentheater by Zweiböhmer, Natalie
Was die Avantgarde dem Broadway brachte. Ästhetisch-stilistische Neuerungen des Amerikanischen Theaters der 60er Jahre by Sergeeva, Ava
Das unheimliche Badezimmer. Überwachung und Macht in James Wan's "Saw" by Sergeeva, Ava
Körperdarstellungen. Der Begriff des Körpers im Fantasy-Liverollenspiel by Sergeeva, Ava
Die Kunstrichtung DADA. Ein Internationales Phänomen by Sergeeva, Ava
Digital Innovation in the Luxury and Fine Art Industry: How Does Social Media Performance Correlate With Sales And Auction Prices? by Schubert, Janna
Das Spiel mit Präsenz: Zur Entdeckung und Darstellung von Gegenwärtigkeit auf der Bühne und in bühnenähnlichen Situationen by Loibner, Stefan
La espuela de Rocinante by Conesa, Toni
Baz Luhrmanns Moulin Rouge als Filmmusical: "No Laws. No Limits. One Rule. Never Fall in Love." by Pepersack, Christine
The Armour by Ellis, Ben
Peddling by Melling, Harry
Chicken Dust by Weatherill, Ben
Literatura y ficción: La ruptura de la lógica ficcional by
The Ancient Comedians: And the Influence They Had on Contemporary Theatre by Martini, Clem
The Death of Miss Leonor: A Play in Two Acts by Borrero, Guillermo
Margaret Thatcher Queen of Soho by Tedford, Matt, Brittain, Jon
The Voice Within: 3 Short Plays by Owen, Cornelius
The Rivals - A Comedy by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Fireworks: Al' AB Nariya by Taha, Dalia
God Finds Religion by Roeswood, Royce
The Irish Dramatic Revival 1899-1939 by Roche, Anthony
Carmen Disruption by Stephens, Simon
Coriolanus: Deutsch - Englisch by Shakespeare, William
Horrible Shakespeare: A Mini Musical by Abley, Sean, O'Connell, Ryan
Repräsentation der Schwarzen im NS-Spielfilm 1934-1944 im Kontext der Geschichte by Czinki, Gertrud
Telegraphie durch Land und Meer by Czinki, Gertrud
Venganza Fraternal y Otros Dramas by Cultural, Circulo
Wichtige Veränderungen in der schweizerischen Medienlandschaft zwischen 1950 und der Gegenwart by Bizzozero, Francesco
The Path of Hope: Volume II by Adelson, Monteiro
The Rolling Stone by Urch, Chris
Fish in the Dark: A Play by David, Larry
Back to Methuselah by Shaw, George Bernard
Major Barbara by Shaw, George Bernard
My Mother's Front Porch: And Other Plays by D'Aponte, Mimi Gisolfi
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
And the Beat Goes On by Muller, Kenneth
Sense of an Ending by Urban, Ken
Landscape with Skiproads/Book Burning: Two Plays by Debuysser, Pieter
Midsummer Mischief: Four Radical New Plays by Birch, Alice, Wertenbaker, Timberlake, Crowe, E. V.
Bigmouth/Smallwar: Two Plays by Dhaenens, Valentijn
Liebe und Stolz bis in den Tod. Der Konflikt in Hebbels "Herodes und Mariamne" by Zellmann, Stefanie
Schimmelpfennig: Plays One: The Animal Kingdom; Peggy Pickit Sees the Face of God; Idomeneus; The Four Points of the Compass by Schimmelpfennig, Roland
McQueen: Or Lee and Beauty by Phillips, James
Theatre of the Unimpressed: In Search of Vital Drama by Tannahill, Jordan
Coriolanus by Shakespeare, William
Klippies by Siân, Jessica
Extravagance and Three Other Plays by Maraini, Dacia
The Role of Photography and Cinema in the Rise of Mass Consumer Culture in the Early Twentieth Century by Mercer, Sabine
The Funfair by Stephens, Simon
Pa los teatreros: siete piezas de teatro by Cruz, Nora
Three Women, Three Voices, Three Plays by Parks, Tom
The Ruling Class by Barnes, Peter
Rollenspiele in Online-Fan-Fiction-Foren am Beispiel der BBC-Serie "Sherlock" by Achter, Patricia
Beyond the Horizon by O'Neill, Eugene
Life Is A Dream by De La Barca, Pedro Calderon
The Exterminator by Margolis, Robert Alan
Bombingham: A One Act Play Based on the 16th St. Baptist Church Bombing by Watson, Jamantha Williams
Diskriminierung von Theater-, Film- und Kulturschaffenden durch das NS-Regime by Stoll, Svenja
Coriolanus by Shakespeare, William
Lana & Johnny Were Lovers: A Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Asylum by Clarke, Cheril N.
Shakespeare in Love by Stoppard, Tom
Hollywood on Stage: Playwrights Evaluate the Culture Industry by King, Kimball
Desmontajes: Tres piezas de teatro y un monólogo by Roque, Nora Cruz
O Zé do Brasil by Borsato, Eduardo
I and the Village by Semerciyan, Silva
The Armageddon Dance Party by Williams, David L.
Traffic Jam by Bogush, Jennifer
Chef by Mahfouz, Sabrina
Relations between Contemporary Dance and Korean New Traditional Dance by Jun, Sungjae
theatre journal 1960-1974 by Smith, Michael Townsend
After the Game & Poems: A One Act Play + Poetry by Sweeney, Dave
Shakespeare, Moses and Joe Papp by Joselovitz, Ernest
Knives in Hens by Harrower, David
The Silver Wolf and the Trial of Man by Jones, Richard
Otho the Great by Keats, John
Sam Shepard and the Aesthetics of Performance by Creedon, E.
Superfrauen 14 - Medien und Astrologie by Probst, Ernst
Eight Miles from New York and Six Other Plays by Freericks, Charles
The Spoils: A Play by Eisenberg, Jesse
Oscar Wilde's Society Plays by
Oscar Wilde's Society Plays by
King Fury the Terrible by Antonio-Devaughn
Leben als Kunst - Kunst als Leben. Variationen über den Flamenco by Herstad, Heide Marie
Die Betrachtung der Figuren und Motive in den "Choephoren" des Aischylos by Müller, Jennifer
"Die Kunst ist tot! Es lebe die Kunst!". Ästhetik, Philosophie, Politik und Vermarktung der Kunst by Herstad, Heide Marie
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
Nine Lives and Come to Where I'm from by Nyoni, Zodwa
Raz by Cartwright, Jim
New Voices Playwrights Theatre Annual Anthology of Short Plays 2015 by Bolen, Editor John
The Rivals: A Comedy. As It Is Performed At The Theatres-royal In Drury-lane And Covent-garden by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
New Voices Playwrights Theatre Annual Anthology of Short Plays 2015 by Bolen, John
How To Become A Professional Playwright... Fast! by Jenkins, Howard
Tartuffe: or The Impostor, or The Hypocrite by Moliere, Jean-Baptiste
The Vapours: a play by Green, Joseph E.
Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
Red in the Wind by Perry, Juwon Tyrel
7vokich by Nam, Dao
Bitches by Abley, Sean
The Hollywood Scandals: Three Plays About Tinseltown's Dark Side by Druxman, Michael B.
Song from Far Away by Stephens, Simon
Three Creepy Plays by Glass, John
Three Tenners by Glass, John
Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
Harrogate by Smith, Al
Back to Methuselah by Shaw, George Bernard
Nothin' But Net by Manning, Gordon
The Hard Problem: A Play by Stoppard, Tom
Octagon by Colón, Kristiana Rae
Liberian Girl by Atuona, Diana Nneka
The Penguin Arthur Miller: Collected Plays (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Miller, Arthur
The Vikings of Helgeland: A Play in Four Acts by Ibsen, Henrik
Paschke: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Young Playwrights for Change: An Anti-Bullying Play Anthology by American Alliance for Theatre and Educat
Einstein at the Guten Zeiten Beer Garden by Weiss, Jeffry
Gwendolyn Brooks: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Rasputin: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Lady in the Van by Bennett, Alan
Screenwriting and The Unified Theory of Narrative: Part I - The Unified Narrative Structure by Schock, Michael Welles
10-Minute Plays for Kids by
Nietzsche: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Ten 10 Minute Plays by Sweeney, Dave
Der Tod als zentrales Thema in Peter Brooks "La Tragédie de Carmen" by Nauy, Gislinde
Die kurze Ära der Jugendwelle RIAS 2: "Ihr werdet Radio-Geschichte schreiben..." by Müller, Marcel
The TomKat Project by Ogborn, Brandon
The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre by Middeke, Martin, Schnierer, Peter Paul
The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre by Middeke, Martin, Schnierer, Peter Paul
Do It Your Damn Self: How To Put On A Stage Play by Robinson, Snoop
Bob Dylan, The Early Years: A Musical Play by Cargill, Acie
Wisdom & Folly by Lemmons-Weber, R. K.
La taberna de Antonio by Granizo, Rafael
The Session by Muir, Andrew
Waste by Granville Barker, Harley Granville
Poems for the Stage: A Story of Love by Villegas, Robert
Barren Fruit by Lemmons-Weber, R. K.
Gwendolyn E. Brooks: A Poetic Play by Steele, A. Hakim
Einstein: A Biographical Play by Cargill, Acie
The Nibroc Trilogy: Plays by Arlene Hutton by Hutton, Arlene
Writing for Theatre: Creative and Critical Approaches by Wiltshire, Kim
Love, Love, Love by Bartlett, Mike
The Sunrise: A Play by Ruebl, Joshua
Poems for the Stage: The Man at the Computer by Villegas, Robert
Narcissus, or The Lover of Himself by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
El Chapo: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Urban Drama: The Metropolis in Contemporary North American Plays by Westgate, J. Chris
The Call Of Nature by Heath, Michael a.
Victorian Tales of Elves and Fairies: The Nine Mountains, The Elves of the Fairy Forest, Princess Rosetta, Up! Horsie! by Dechatelain, Bailey, Richard S.
Three More Tenners by Glass, John
War of Words: Stage Play by Gibson, Christopher J. F.
Hans My Hermaphroditic Hedgehog by Diamond, Terence
Peter Pan Goes Wrong by Sayer, Jonathan, Lewis, Henry, Shields, Henry