• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2017

30 Short Plays for Passionate Actors by Nigro, Don, Gregory, D. W.
The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
Between Tomorrow and Yesterday: Tripping into nowhere behind nothing by Ev'one-Yay Eulasson
Between Tomorrow and Yesterday: Tripping into nowhere behind nothing by Ev'one-Yay Eulasson
Henry VIII William Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
Punk Rock by Stephens, Simon
Payton, Jordan, Ali: A Biographical Play by Cargill, Acie
Mr. Nobody: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Pause/Silence/Laughter: And Other Plays by Toney, Jordan
The Kid From Left Field: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Ava & Her Guys: A Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Third Daughter: The third daughter who proved her father's desire for a male child wrong by giving birth to future kings of the English dynasty. by Ogunbitan, Festus
I Love You, Mum - I Promise I Won't Die by Wheeller, Mark
Beckett's Happy Days: A Manuscript Study by Gontarski
Teaching Playwriting: The Essential Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fostering Creativity in Your Classroom by Chapadjiev, Sophia
FRAGMENTE and 3.31.93. by Norén, Lars
Love by Zeldin, Alexander
Die Österreichische Badezeitung. Wie verändert sich die Berichterstattung? by Bernert, Christa
Cyrano by Rostand, Edmond
La señorita Julia by Strindberg, August
You Will Remember Me by Archambault, François
5-Minute Plays by Harbison, Lawrence
5-Minute Plays for Teens by Harbison, Lawrence
But, Momma Said... by Lemmons-Weber, R. K.
Los Heroes by Lozada Perez, Hiram
100 Greatest American Plays by Hischak, Thomas S.
Race Talk by Arber, D. L.
The Pillow Men by Arber, D. L.
A Woman in a Sheer Dress by Arbiloff, Barry
Dirty Great Love Story by Marsh, Richard, Bonna, Katie
The Contemporary Political Play: Rethinking Dramaturgical Structure by Grochala, Sarah
The Contemporary Political Play: Rethinking Dramaturgical Structure by Grochala, Sarah
Sister Girl: A play based on the the true story of a black female Civil War spy by Holmes, Prudence Wright
Von der Wochenschau zur Tagesschau: Entwicklung und Bedeutung einer Nachrichtensendung by Schönauer, Rainer
B-Movie Night: Eight Plays of Pure Exploitation by Hahn, Adam, Seeley, Amy, Gogerty, Megan
1924: Ergens tussen Denver en Colorado Springs by Caris, Koen
The Wild Duck by Ibsen, Henrik
The Elizabethan Player: contemporary stage representations by Mann, David Albert
A Woman of No Importance by Wilde, Oscar
The Wild Duck by Ibsen, Henrik
50 Best Plays for Young Audiences: Theatre-Making for Children and Young People in England: 1965-2015 by Ireland, Vicky, Harman, Paul
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Stoppard, Tom
Fragile Rights by James, Frederick Bobor
Sea Fret by Brown, Tallulah
Johnny Appleseed: A Family Play by Cargill, Acie
The Great Society: A Play by Schenkkan, Robert
Dire, Redire et Ne Pas Dire: Enjeux du Dialogue Filmique dans les Contes des Quatre Saisons (É. Rohmer) by Alberdi, Carmen
Destins by Laurenzi, Alexy
Upfront Theatre: Why Is John Lennon Wearing a Skirt?; Arsehammers; The Year of the Monkey; Hard Working Families by Dowie, Claire
A Disconnected Heart: A Play by Gardiner, C. G.
A Disconnected Heart: A Play by Gardiner, C. G.
Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
Madame Rubinstein by Misto, John
Dyl by Weinman, Mark
Subtitling African American English into French: Can We Do the Right Thing? by Mével, Pierre-Alexis
Monster of State: A Monologue by Hyland, Tony
Buehnenkaempfe: Autor-Dramaturgen in der fruehen DDR: Brecht, Kipphardt, Hacks by Flegel, Silke
A Shadow Crime by Arber, D. L.
Mount Everest: A Play by Bailey, Richard S.
I Come From: A Voices Inside Anthology by Amos, Brandon, Trumbo, Derek R., Sr., Henson, Robby
Screaming Secrets by Matthews, Alexander
Foxhole: One Act Play by Sweeney, Dave
Dominoes 2nd Edition 1 Macbeth by McCallum
Gospel on Stage: Original Inspirational Plays by Petry, Elaine
Gospel on Stage: Original Inspirational Plays by Petry, Elaine
And That's How the Rent Gets Paid: The Saga of Vicki Sheisskopf by Weiss, Jeff
Ode to Leeds by Nyoni, Zodwa
Psychedelic Saint Presents: The (Almost) Complete Works by
The Hollywood Cavalcade: Three Plays About Tinseltown by Druxman, Michael B.
Someone To Love by Turnage, Myra
From Under the Dress by Turnage, Myra L.
Bodas de sangre by Garcia Lorca, Federico
Platypus by Allegretti, Joel
Arcadia by Stoppard, Tom
The Scar Test by Khalil, Hannah
Teatro: Los inmigrantes by Cabrera, Eduardo
Obama: A Play In 3 Acts by Cargill, Acie
Gwendolyn Brooks: A Biographical Monologue by Cargill, Acie
Forgive Us Our Trespasses by Turnage, Myra L.
Salvador by Newell, Tc
...And That's How the Rent Gets Paid: Billy and His Daddy by Weiss, Jeff
Der Begriff der Mimesis: Anwendung im Theater und allgemeine Erläuterungen by Irmer, Lea Sophie
The Accrington Pals by Whelan, Peter
National Theatre Connections 2017: Three; #Yolo; Fomo; Status Update; Musical Differences; Extremism; The School Film; Zero for the Young Dudes!; The by Lustgarten, Anders, French, Robin, El-Bushra, Suhayla
Shinn Plays: 2: Now or Later; Four; Picked; On the Mountain by Shinn, Christopher
L.B.J. (Long Bien Jail) by Williams, Jamal
Salvador2: Meet Me&The Fisher-Lad @3 by Newell, Tc
The cultural legacy of the "human zoos" in the 19th and early 20th century and Brett Bailey's "Exhibit B" by Barolo, Sophia
Going Solo: Creating Your Own Dynamic One-Person Show by Braxton, Aaron
All About Almodóvar's Men by
Victim by Murphy, Martin
Switched on a Wish by Arber, D. L.
A Super Happy Story (about Feeling Super Sad) by Jones, Matthew Floyd, Brittain, Jon
Replay by Wren, Nicola
The Friday Night Effect by O'Connor, Eva, Ryan, Hildegard
An Enemy of the People by Ibsen, Henrik
Eine sozial-soziologische Gesellschaftskritik, Facetten der Macht und Ohnmacht und die Wirkung dessen in einer künstlerisch, politisch ambitionierten by Schulz, Sarah
Woran stirbt Jesus Christus? Und warum?: Die Kreuzigungstafel des Isenheimer Altars von Mathis Gothart Nithart, genannt Grünewald by Diedrichs, Christof
Jess and Joe Forever by Cooper, Zoe
Road by Cartwright, Jim
The Binding of the Wind by Perry, Juwon Tyrel
Bloodlines to Oblivion by Williams, Jamal
Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
Sophokles' Antigone und Game of Thrones. Ist Daenerys Targaryen eine modern Antigone? by Hans, Manuela
The Second Legend of Jesse Woodson James by James, Robert C.
New Voices Playwrights Theatre Anthology of Short Plays 2017 by Bolen, John
The Majority by Drummond, Rob
Against by Shinn, Christopher
Knives in Hens by Harrower, David
Wer spricht? Auf der Suche nach der Figur und dem Subjekt in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsdramatik by Stolz, Silvia
Comedias by
Of Quiet Birds by Hawkins, Loretta a.
Die politische Dimension der Kunstform Oper by Von Meding, Frieda
Windows Home by Foster, Bill
Prove It to Me: A Drama About the Miracles of Jesus by Axmann, Martha
Die Bedeutung des Balletts für die Sowjetunion im Hinblick auf die "Spartacus"-Inszenierung am Bayerischen Staatsballett by Becker, Juliane
U ciauru... du piscistoccu 'a ghiotta by Rizzo, Teresa
Grundzüge und Ziel des absurden Theaters. Wichtige Autoren des absurden Theaters undderen Werke by Dally, Wilfried, Ta Lou, Tra, N'Cho, Chia
Prism and Ken by Johnson, Terry
Late Night in the Rain Forest by Phillips, Louis
Face à la caméra ou la vérité de l'instant: Secrets de coaching pour acteurs et réalisateurs by Mené, Christophe
Rita, Sue and Bob Too by Dunbar, Andrea
Hollywood Scandals: 2 full-length plays by Louis Phillips by Phillips, Louis
The Dramatic Writer's Companion, Second Edition: Tools to Develop Characters, Cause Scenes, and Build Stories by Dunne, Will
The 90-Day Play: The Process and Principles of Playwriting by Jenkins, Linda
Das indonesische Schattentheater. Kulturelle, religiöse und politische Einflüsse auf das "wayang" und ihre Ausprägung in der Aufführungspraxis by Müller, Robert
Theater auf dem Land als Chance oder Risiko? Eine Analyse am Beispiel der freien Theatergruppe RED DOOR PROJECTS (Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen) by Nassauer, Chiara Isabella
"You came to see the mOBSCENE". Transgression bei Marilyn Manson: Ist es die reine Freude an der plumpen Provokation, die Manson Grenzen überschreiten by Becker, Juliane
Frauen im deutschen Wandertheater des 18. Jahrhunderts by Schmidt, Vera
Die Empfindung des Schauspielers. Denis Diderots Paradox by Rose, Katharina
Interpretation der stoffgeschichtlichen Brüche in Friedrich Hebbels "Judith" by Becker, Juliane
Child of the Divide by Bhuchar, Sudha
....And That's How the Rent Gets Paid: The Death of Pinnochio by Weiss, Jeff
Nice Fish: A Play by Jenkins, Louis, Rylance, Mark
Die Ästhetik des Sprechen auf der Bühne nach Hellmut Geißner und Hans Martin Ritter. Ein Vergleich by Kaffka, Thomas
Labour of Love by Graham, James
Devising Theatre with Stan's Cafe by Crossley, Mark, Yarker, James
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Writing Musical Theater by Cohen, A., Rosenhaus, S.
The Comedy about a Bank Robbery by Shields, Henry, Lewis, Henry, Sayer, Jonathan
Kings by Forsyth, Oli
The Seagull by Stephens, Simon
The Path of Hope: Volume I by Adelson, Monteiro
Flood by Phillips, James
Beginning by Eldridge, David
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Gesammelte Tragödien: Agamemnon + Die Perser + Der gefesselte Prometheus by Aischylos, Droysen, J. G.
Saint George and the Dragon by Mullarkey, Rory
Yesterday Came Too Soon: (The Dorothy Dandridge Story) by Williams, Jamal
New Voices Playwrights Theatre Holiday Plays 2017 by Bolen, John
"Wir sind keine Barbaren". Eine Tragikomödie im Stile Dürrenmatts? by Braune, Jennifer
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
New Voices Playwrights Theatre Holiday Plays 2017 by Bolen, John
DNA GCSE Student Guide by Inchley, Maggie
Baby Steps on the Road to Nowhere: One-Act Plays about Couples Trying to Make Sense of Life by Samson, Don
Five New York Plays: by Jim Geoghan by Geoghan, Jim
They Don't Take Long: Ten Short Plays by Molette, Carlton
They Don't Take Long: Ten Short Plays by Molette, Carlton
Schillers Dramentheorie. Von der Moral auf der Bühne zum ästhetischen Erziehungsprogramm by Treiber, Lukas
Life Is a Dream by De La Barca, Pedro Calderon
The Real Thing by Stoppard, Tom
A Body, in Spite: A Slight Philosophy for Actors by Jugnon, Alain
The Defense: A Play on the Existence of God by Tafero, Thomas a.
Yesterday Came Too Soon - In Color: The Dorothy Dandridge Story by Williams, Jamal
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Everybody's Got A Story!: How to Write, Direct, and Produce YOURS for Stage by Bonnick, Tracie A.
Law in Literature: Legal Themes in Drama by Gemmette, Elizabeth Villiers
Revolution des Theaters am Beispiel eines Theaterpioniers: Der Theaterdirektor ... Emil Meßthaler by Schober, Klaus
Das Intime Theater Nürnberg: Im Spiegel der Kritik 1914 - 1933 Band II by Schober, Klaus
The Case of the Fatal Farewell: A Three-Act Murder Mystery by Campshure, Kathy
Adamantine / Double Engagement / Clean Linen: Three Short Plays by Campshure, Kathy
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten: Grimms Märchen für das Spiel mit großer Handpuppe by Felske, Michael
Frank Capra and the Cinema of Identity: Celebration and Interrogation by Scott, Malcolm
Neil Simon's Memoirs by Simon, Neil
New Playwriting at Shakespeare's Globe by Cantoni, Vera
L'importanza del rapporto umano valido nell'improvvisazione teatrale by Bitterli, Maria Theresia
On the Exhale by Zimmerman, Martín
Indian Ink by Stoppard, Tom
Grimly Handsome by Jarcho, Julia
How to Disappear by Pearson, Morna
Monster of State: Stage Version by Hyland, Tony
Back to Methuselah by Shaw, George Bernard