• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2018

Great Expectations: A Twenty-First-Century Adaptation by Crowley, Tom
Frederick Douglass: Monologue and Narrator Play by Cargill, Acie
Gracie and the Galapanzas by Glass, John
Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad: A Play by Cargill, Acie
Ida: The Last Lupino: A One-Woman Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Stuck: The Inspirational Stage Play by Powell-Medley, Ylonda
Fifty Playwrights on Their Craft by Svich, Caridad, Jester, Caroline
Fifty Playwrights on Their Craft by Jester, Caroline, Svich, Caridad
Bowerbird: The art of making theatre drawn from life by Valentine, Alana
Snow in Midsummer by Ya-Chu Cowhig, Frances
James Elroy Flecker - The King of Alsander: "For the spear was a desert physician, That cured not a few of ambition" by Flecker, James Elroy
James Elroy Flecker - Hassan: "She is mine, and magic rules the world!" by Flecker, James Elroy
Miss Ann Pandora's Box by Williams, Jamal
Bidli by Tenedero, Mark Jude
The Mojo Man by Williams, Jamal
Bidli by Tenedero, Mark Jude
Four on the Floor: Four Plays by Kunes, Steven
Das deutsche Theater zwischen Propaganda, Kontrolle und Zensur by Frontzeck, Julika
Silk Road (How to Buy Drugs Online) and Rules for Being a Man by Oates, Alex
Ensayos Sobre La Cultura Popular by Barreiro García, Fernando
The Culture - A Farce in Two Acts by Graham, James
Inszenierte Authentizität. Eine Aufführungsanalyse von TESTAMENT als Expertentheater by Terao, Ehito
Inwiefern werden Kinder von Märchen beeinflusst? "Kinder brauchen Märchen" von Bruno Bettelheim by Lalee, Latifa
Gundog by Longman, Simon
Coward Plays: Nine: Salute to the Brave/Time Remembered; Long Island Sound; Volcano; Age Cannot Wither; Design for Rehearsing by Coward, Noël
Top Girls by Churchill, Caryl
Deutschlands Gegner im Weltkriege. Soldaten von deutschen Künstlern gemalt by Yada-MC Neal, Stephan D.
As Fair As You Were by Chase, David
Intermedialität im Theater. Die Modernisierung des Theaters: Am Beispiel des Markgrafentheaters in Erlangen by Hochadel, Lena
The Pocket Players by Arber, D. L.
Ten and Under!: 11 Short Plays by Sweeney, Dave
Girls! Girls? Girls. by Canady, Marjuan T.
Hard Times by McAndrew, Deborah, Dickens, Charles
Between a Man and a Woman & F*ckingLifeMate: The Plays of Scott James by James, Scott
The Big Blue Tree by Arber, D. L.
25 Years of Drama, Volume 2 by Campshure, Kathy
The Cycle: A Play by Mayers, Brian McClure
The Red Barn: Adapted from the Novel La Main by Hare, David
Sam Shepard: A Life by Winters, John J.
Julie's Web by Nichols, Purice
A Midsommer Nights Dreame by Shakespeare, William
Beauty and Pop Corn: Dance from This Moment on by Samet, Linda
Brief Encounter by Coward, Noël
Cigarette Stories: A Book of One-Act Plays by Montes, Anthony
Beauty and Pop Corn: Dance From This Moment On by Samet, Linda
The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, Anton
The Three Doctors - A Musical Farce in Two Acts by Peacock, Thomas Love
As You Like It by Shakespeare, William
Dramas by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by Shakespeare, William
King Richard III by Shakespeare, William
Measure for Measure by Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare's Sonnets by Shakespeare, William
The Great Wave by Turnly, Francis
Pussy Liberty: A One Act Play by Sadoh, Valerie Isaiah
Monster of State: A Monologue (Diary Version) by Hyland, Tony
No Drama Just Theatre: Plays on World History by Crea-Shakthi
Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will by Shakespeare, William
Salome by Wilde, Oscar
Not Any Little Girl (a One-Act Play) by Zelazny, Trent
Agnes Colander by Granville Barker, Harley Granville
The Cock Machine and Other Plays by MacLean, Ross
Die Orestie: Agamemnon by Droysen, J. G., Aischylos
Yvonne De Carlo: A One-Woman Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
The Princess of ÉLEVÉ: Montoba - A Play by Strum, Ed
The Iron Heel: Stage adaptation by
D'un profond oubli, s'estompent l'ombre et la lumière by Dumeix, Sandra
Every Day Is A Good Day: A Dramatic Play by Strum, Ed
All But Gone by Trevannion, Matthew
Moment Work: Tectonic Theater Project's Process of Devising Theater by Pitts McAdams, Barbara, Kaufman, Moises
Shorts And Briefs: A Collection of Short Plays and Brief Principles of Playwriting by Fletcher, Gregory
Thanksgiving Day: Two Anthologized One-Act Plays by Benjamin, Ava, Clarke, Lindsay, Beardsley, Brandon
Frogman: A Coming-Of-Age Play Using Live Theatre and Virtual Reality by Curious Directive (Norfolk)
Quiz by Graham, James
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce, James
Black and She's Leaving Home by Saha, Keith
Plays by Arber, D. L.
Las Golpeadas Orgullosas: Llevado a la pantalla con la dirreción de Joey Cortinas by Kussman, Fabian
36 One Act Plays by Anthony Montes by Montes, Anthony
Broderick Crawford: A Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Bodas de Sangre by Garcia Lorca, Federico
The Porter's Daughter: Playtext by Lily, Peta
The Life of Henry the Fift by Shakespeare, William
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, William
The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, William
The Tempest by Shakespeare, William
The Tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra by Shakespeare, William
Twelfth Night; or, What You Will by Shakespeare, William
The Tragedie of Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Life as a Playwright: A Survival Guide by Klein, Jon
Tremor by Birch, Brad
Birch Plays: 1: Where the Shot Rabbits Lay; Even Stillness Breathes Softly Against a Brick Wall; The Brink; Black Mountain by Birch, Brad
El Maleficio de la Mariposa by Garcia Lorca, Federico
La casa de Bernarda Alba by Garcia Lorca, Federico
We Open in Oxnard Saturday Afternoon by Weill, Richard
Hapgood by Stoppard, Tom
The Buzz: A Play by Lydia, Rynne
ScriptWorks 20/20: 20 Short Plays from 20 Years of Out of Ink by Scriptworks
A Passion for Disaster by Van Tine, J. G.
A Passion For Disaster by Van Tine, J. G.
Duos Hasard by Timbell, Alex
Matricule 22: Drame en quatre actes by Lhoni, Patrice Joseph
Die Erlösung in Wagners "Parsifal" by Gewehr, Lore
Les princes de Mbanza-Kongo: Drame en cinq tableaux by Lhoni, Patrice Joseph
Dedication by Dear, Nick
A Practical Guide to Becoming a Playwright: Real World Knowledge, Experience and Insight by Biss, Andrew
Through the Ages by Lane, Raegan
Not Talking by Bartlett, Mike
Playwriting 101: A Quick Guide on Writing and Producing Your First Play Step by Step From A to Z by Cassady, Marsh, Howexpert
Mood Music by Penhall, Joe
El maleficio de la mariposa: Anotado/ Ilustrado by García Lorca, Federico
A Doll's House by Ibsen, Henrik
An Enemy of the People by Ibsen, Henrik
Short Plays by Ashton, Michelle
A New Corpus Christi: Plays for Churches by Bert, Norman A.
Conflict and Controversy in Small Cinemas by
Je viens vous tuer by Vatimbella, Alexandre
Hedda Gabler by Ibsen, Henrik
Mouths Making Water: A stage adaption of James Joyce's 'Finnegans Wake' by O'Gorman, Marc-Ivan
Die Welt hinter dem Flor: Die vierte Wand in der Oper. Eine Untersuchung von Benedikt von Peters "Don Giovanni" Inszenierung in der Staatsoper H by Löwer, Marcus
Mouths Making Water: A stage adaption of James Joyce's 'Finnegans Wake' by O'Gorman, Marc-Ivan
Appointments: A Flint Water Crisis Account by Mathews, Jessyca, Renae, Dequindra, Mattern, Carrie
Love Is A Gamble But Still Try To win: The Poetic Soap Opera by Munson, Paul
A New Corpus Christi: Plays for Churches by Bert, Norman A.
Confidence by Upton, Judy
Fatherland by Hyde, Karl, Stephens, Simon, Graham, Scott
King Arthur's Night and Peter Panties: A Collaboration Across Perceptions of Cognitive Difference by Youssef, Marcus, McNeil, Niall
The Wolves: A Play: Off-Broadway Edition by Delappe, Sarah
Flâneurs/Flâneuses: Nomaden im modernen europaeischen Kino by Felten, Uta
No Smoke by Ward, Colin
Uma Arena de Vozes / Arena der Stimmen: Intermedialidades e intertextualidades em literatura e cinema da América Latina, África Lusófona e Portugal / by
A Doll's House by Ibsen, Henrik
Milk by Dunsmore, Ross
Life is a Dream: A Philosophical Allegory by De La Barca, Pedro Calderon
Five One Act Plays by Sweeney, Dave
The Children's Hour (Acting Edition) by Hellman, Lillian
The Children's Hour (Acting Edition) by Hellman, Lillian
Frida - Stroke of Passion by Nanin, Odalys
Sticks and Stones by Patel, Vinay
Ranger's Danger by Burkhart, John R.
Island Town by Longman, Simon
Mission John 10: 10: The Original Stageplay by McLeish, Cleveland O.
Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Bennett, Michael Y.
Structure For Strength by Lybbert, Tracy
Jellyfish by Weatherill, Ben
The Significance of the Ratcatcher in the Play "Kindertransport" by Diane Samuels: Contemporary British-Jewish Theatre by Anonym
Das Heilige im Theater und das derbe Theater in Peter Brooks "Der leere Raum" by Butz, Ily
The War, The Lift and The Separatists by Shaid, Novid
Applied Theatre with Looked-After Children: Dramatising Social Care by MacNeill, Claire
Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
Der andere Weg: Hoffnungsbilder aus Israel by Falk, Johanna
Build a Rocket by York, Christopher
Dramatic Techniques for Creative Writers by Horne, Jules
Pity by Mullarkey, Rory
The Match by Niagkos, Panos
"Vampyre des Theaterlebens". Wirkungsweise und Geschäftspraktiken von Theateragenten und Bühnenverlegern in der Kritik by Köhninger, Laura
Les Trois francs: ou Malanda de Mbenseke by Lhoni, Patrice Joseph
La Tragédie de Tchimpa-Vita: Ou les préparatifs du bûcher de Kilombo by Lhoni, Patrice Joseph
Meet Me at Dawn by Harris, Zinnie
The Master Builder by Ibsen, Henrik
Liberté: Procès intemporel contre l'asservissement de l''homme (Noir) by Lhoni, Patrice Joseph
Sparks by Lucas, Anoushka, Butcher, Jessica
Songlines by Brown, Tallulah
The Greatest Play in the History of the World by Kershaw, Ian
Ulster American by Ireland, David
Poets by Murphy, James
Giants: A Play in Two Acts by Briggs, Nate
You Never Can Tell by Shaw, George Bernard
Five European Plays: Nestroy, Schnitzler, Molnár, Havel by Stoppard, Tom
Christmas Eve by Kehlmann, Daniel
Class Reunion by Martin, Betsy a.
Mullarkey Plays: 1: Single Sex; Tourism; Cannibals; The Wolf from the Door; Each Slow Dusk by Mullarkey, Rory
For the Love of the Mother: A Journey into the Construction of Musicals, Identity Politics and the Assessment of Queer Theory by Le Grange, Jason
Missing Pieces by Conway, Will
Paul Bunyan, Two Old Men, and a Wizard: A Collection of Fantasy, Absurdist, and Theatrical Plays from a Career in Theatre by May, Bob
Capsized by Shallenbarger, Scott
Ghosts by Watson, David
The Sewing Group by Crowe, E. V.
Marriage Outcome by Ebo-Annan, Isaac
The Human Voice by Cocteau, Jean
(L'Etranger) The Outsider by Camus, Albert
Born Twice by
Wie schnell ist Kunst?: William Turners "Regen, Dampf und Geschwindigkeit" by Diedrichs, Christof
Ecce Nietzsche by Salas, Julian
Redemption by Deadmen, Jack
Jacobean Private Theatre by Sturgess, Keith
Stuart Academic Drama: An Edition of Three University Plays by Russell, David L.
Ben Jonson: His Craft and Art by Miles, Rosalind
Ben Jonson: His Life and Work by Miles, Rosalind
Shakespeare's Tragic Justice by Sisson, C. J.
Enchanted Shows: Vision and Structure in Elizabethan and Shakespearean Comedy about Magic by Hare, Elissa
Ben Jonson: His Vision and His Art by Leggatt, Alexander
The Tragedy of State by Lever, J. W.
Jacobean Tragedy: The Quest for Moral Order by Ribner, Irving
Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama: In Honour of Hardin Craig by
Pot by Razia, Ambreen
An Adventure by Patel, Vinay
Eris by King, John
The Dead Stage: A Journey From Page to Stage by Weatherer, Dan
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