• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2021

The Tail End Of by Thomas, J. Andrew
Four One Act Plays for the Stage by Thomas, J. Andrew
Overflow by Alabanza, Travis
The Playboy of the Western World by Synge, John Millington
Institutionalisation in Joshua Sobol's "Ghetto" by Teodo, Raymond
ETHEL of THE BARRYMORES: A One-Woman Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Η ΕΜΦΑΝΙΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΓΚΟΝΤΟ by Koureas, Dimitrios
The Rake by Clarke, Aaron J.
Staging America: Twenty-First-Century Dramatists by Bigsby, Christopher
A Simpleton Called Laurie by de Hebdan, Amber
Brecht and Post-1990s British Drama: Dialectical Theatre Today by Hartl, Anja
Stravaig by Wheatley, David
Zerbrochene Leben by Clarke, Aaron J.
Jacques le fataliste by Diderot, Denis
The Play About Theresa May by Marie, Amie M.
КЛУБ ПЛАЦКАРТ by Сандлер, В&#, Sandler, Valeriy
Writing in Coffee Shops: Confessions of a Playwright by Craig, Ryan
X by McDowall, Alistair
Writing in Coffee Shops: Confessions of a Playwright by Craig, Ryan
I and You by Gunderson, Lauren
We are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Sudwestafrika, Between the Yea by Sibblies Drury, Jackie
Noises Off by Frayn, Michael
Love Me Now by Barnette, Michelle
Cinderella: Pantomime Script by Unsworth, Guy
Deep, Humor, neutral & Fantasy: 50 moderne Texte für Vorsprechen und Castings by Krasniqi, Nesa
Athens of America: A Play in Two Acts with an Epilogue by Ross, John, Jr.
Contemporary Rehearsal Practice: Anthony Neilson and the Devised Text by Cassidy, Gary
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1940s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Londré, Felicia Hardison
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1930s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Fletcher, Anne
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1980s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Shannon, Sandra G.
Rob Drummond Plays with Participation: Bullet Catch; Wallace; The Majority; Top Table; Eulogy; Rolls in Their Pockets by Drummond, Rob
Rob Drummond Plays with Participation: Bullet Catch; Wallace; The Majority; Top Table; Eulogy; Rolls in Their Pockets by Drummond, Rob
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1990s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Black, Cheryl, Friedman, Sharon
El pensamiento cinematográfico de Gilles Deleuze en dos films de David Lynch by Romero López, Marta
Between Tomorrow And Yesterday by Perry, Felton
Between Tomorrow And Yesterday by Perry, Felton
Dramaturgy of Form: Performing Verse in Contemporary Theatre by Lech, Kasia
The Peacemakers by Lichtman-Fields, Myla
The Ching Room & Turbo Folk: Two Plays by Alan Bissett by Bissett, Alan
Mugabe, My Dad and Me by Munyevu, Tonderai
Ethno-Comedy bei Faisal Kawusi. Das humoristische Spiel mit ethnischen Stereotypen by Wolf, Jack
Foxes by Flanders, Dexter
Lung Water by Hodgkinson, Jacob
SAM, SARA, ETC. A play in two acts by Arundel, Brian
Hymn by Chakrabarti, Lolita
Where the Air Meets the Water by Utz, Alexander
Where the Air Meets the Water by Utz, Alexander
Feminicidio by Rodríguez Manzanares, Juan Benito
In Search of Stanislavsky's Creative State on the Stage: With a Practice as Research Case Study by Curpan, Gabriela
Hundert grüne Arme: Gedichte gereimt und ungereimt by Weinand, Margot
Habitat by Primot, Rafael
The Shakespeare Codex by Pratchett, Terry
Lords and Ladies by Pratchett, Terry
Hogfather by Pratchett, Terry
Sadie by Ireland, David
Le nozze infernali: Ma le donne ne sanno davvero una più del diavolo? by Campora, Alberto
Cámara, acción, reacción: Cine e intolerancia en Iberoamérica by Varderi, Alejandro
Frames by Keppler, Franz
Angela by Ravenhill, Mark
Histoire anecdotique de l'ancien théâtre en France: Théâtre Français, Opéra, Opéra-Comique, Théâtre-Italien, Vaudeville, Théâtres Forains, etc. (Tome by Du Casse, Albert
Le théâtre japonais by Lequeux, André
Habitat by Primot, Rafael
Phèdre: une tragédie de Jean Racine by Racine, Jean
SumiSami: A Tragedy in Three Acts by Werner, Ray
The Easy by Mohan Joshua, Michael
The Easy by Joshua, Michael Mohan
Les Femmes Savantes: comédie de Molière (1672) by Molière
The Methuen Drama Book of Trans Plays: Sagittarius Ponderosa; The Betterment Society; How to Clean Your Room; She He Me; The Devils Between Us; Doctor by Defoe, Ty, Kaufman, Mj, Osborne-Lee, Azure D.
Frames by Keppler, Franz
ΜΕΡΕΝΤΙΘ by Clarke, Aaron J.
50 Women in Theatre by Brooks, Gabrielle, Paxton, Naomi
Character: The Art of Role and Cast Design for Page, Stage, and Screen by McKee, Robert
Once Upon a Bridge by Kelly, Sonya
Gale Sondergaard: Mistress of the Dark: A One-Woman Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Theaterpädagogik. Können die beiden Künste Theater und Musik gleichberechtigt koexistieren? by Huber, Norbert
The Methuen Drama Book of Trans Plays: Sagittarius Ponderosa; The Betterment Society; How to Clean Your Room; She He Me; The Devils Between Us; Doctor by Defoe, Ty, Kaufman, Mj, Osborne-Lee, Azure D.
Wolf Play by Jung, Hansol
A Dark Winter by Cloward, Jeremy
Le Médecin Volant: une farce en seize scènes de Molière by Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
with bread: we are the people with whom we eat by Burtin, Leo
Cruise by Holden, Jack
The Free9 by Chappell, In-Sook
Antigone by Williams, Roy
Gone Too Far! by Agbaje, Bola
Observations of an Orchestrated Catastrophe by Magnus, Jenny
Le médecin malgré lui: une pièce sur la pratique illégale de la médecine et le charlatanisme médical au temps de Molière by Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Le Malade imaginaire: Une satire des médecins par Molière by Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Cinematic Thoughts: Essays on Film and the Philosophy of Film by Jason, Gary James
National Theatre Connections 2021: Two Plays for Young People by Belgrade Theatre, Battye, Miriam
Le Drame Historique by Zola, Émile
Le Cid: une pièce de théâtre en vers et alexandrins de Pierre Corneille by Corneille, Pierre
Sing Red-Smash Black by Myers, Macky Levaughn
Sing Red-Smash Black by Myers, Macky Levaughn
Orpheus in the Record Shop and the Beatboxer by Testament
The War of the Worlds by Lynn, Isley
New Dramaturgies: Strategies and Exercises for 21st Century Playwriting by Bly, Mark
The Golden Thread: Irish Women Playwrights, Volumes 1 & 2 by
Antonin Artaud and the Healing Practices of Language: How Life Matters in Artaud's Later Writings by Visser, Joeri
Writing the Biodrama: Transforming Real Lives into Drama for Screen and Stage by O'Neill, Tee
The Hippie by Intili, Henry
The Golden Thread: Irish Women Playwrights, Volume 1 (1716-1992) by
The Golden Thread: Irish Women Playwrights, Volume 2 (1992-2016) by
Enter the Undead Author: Intellectual Property, the Ideology of Authorship, and Performance Practices since the 1960s by Pate, George
Digitalität in der Theaterpädagogik by Bitter, Angelika
The Death of a Black Man by Fagon, Alfred
Bernard Shaw, Sean O'Casey, and the Dead James Connolly by O'Ceallaigh Ritschel, Nelson
Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Plays by Women: The Early Twenty-First Century by Farfan, Penny, Ferris, Lesley
Simon Stephens Plays 5: Wastwater; Birdland; Blindsided; Song from Far Away; Heisenberg by Stephens, Simon
Out West: The Overseas Student; Blue Water and Cold and Fresh; Go, Girl by Stephens, Simon, Williams, Roy, Gupta, Tanika
My Best friend Thomas by Jordan, Nesi
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
Putting It Together: How Stephen Sondheim and I Created Sunday in the Park with George by Lapine, James
Translating Samuel Beckett Around the World by
Die Darstellung der Geschichte der Labour Party" im gesellschaftskritischen Buehnendrama Großbritanniens, im Fernsehspiel und im Film nach 1945 by Plattner, Isabelle
Some Peace by Thomas, J. Andrew
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
Treasure: The Poetic Jewel by Valentine, Taiana
You Strike a Woman, You Strike a Rock / Wathint' Abafazi, Wathint' Imbokotho: A Play by Qosha, Nomvula, Klotz, Phyllis, Maqhutyana, Thobeka
Playwriting with Purpose: A Guide and Workbook for New Playwrights by Goldfinger, Jacqueline
Das Theater des Absurden. Eine Untersuchung der Absurdität in "La Parodie" von Arthur Adamov by Prosser, Nicole
Playwriting with Purpose: A Guide and Workbook for New Playwrights by Goldfinger, Jacqueline
Sports Plays by
Sports Plays by
Chastely Prepared by Murphy, J. D.
Im Angesichte: Der Michael-Impuls im Wandel der Zeit / Ein manichäisches Mysterien-Drama by Gerges, Christiane
Jerzy Grotowski and Ludwik Flaszen: Five Encounters with the Sages by Tyszka, Juliusz
Hope Faith Love by Hann, Sharon L.
Barber Shop Chronicles by Ellams, Inua
Cultural Equality in the World of 'No Place Theatre'. An Analysis of Peter Brook's 'The Tragedy of Hamlet', Complicite's 'Mnemonic' and Song of the Go by Grin, Francis
Verbatim: The Fun of Making Theatre Seriously by Wheeller, Mark
A Story That Happens: On Playwriting, Childhood, & Other Traumas by O'Brien, Dan
The Writer's Toolkit: Exercises, Techniques and Ideas for Playwrights and Screenwriters by Kalburgi, Paul
Move by Taudevin, Julia
Aftertaste by Smyth, Ciara Elizabeth
The Art of Dramaturgy by Cattaneo, Anne
Red by Logan, John
People, Places and Things by MacMillan, Duncan
Erasure and Recollection: Memories of Racial Passing by
"Orfeo ed Euridice" von Christoph Willibald Glucks. Eine (un)gelungene Reformoper? by Krause, Sophie
Aria (Variant 2) by
Good Evening, Gloria's by Intili, Henry
Pink Lemonade by Johnson, Mika Onyx
Entrevistas con creadoras del cine español contemporáneo: Millones de cosas por hacer by
Anne Frank on the Postwar Dutch Stage: Performance, Memory, Affect by Ensel, Remco
Staging History from the Shoah to Palestine: Three Plays and Essays on WWII and Its Aftermath by Hedges, Inez
El detective mutante: Las adaptaciones cinematográficas y televisivas de Pepe Carvalho by Romero Santos, Rubén
Women's Playwriting and the Women's Movement, 1890-1918 by Farkas, Anna
Walls and Windows by McDonagh, Rosaleen
Theater auf Abruf. Charakteristika, Herausforderungen und Chancen von Theaterinszenierung als Video-on-Demand by Anonymous
Bastards at Work: Universal Lessons on Bullying from Contemporary French Storytelling by Goodman, Martin
Curious by Lee-Jones, Jasmine
I Am the Bullet by Carrer, Gabriel
Good Evening, Gloria's by Intili, Henry
Speed Write Your First Screenplay: From Blank Spaces to Great Pages in Just 90 Days by Hansen, Mark Victor, Gottry, Steve
Rough Girls by O'Neil, Tara Lynne
NW Trilogy: Dance Floor; Life of Riley; Waking/Walking by Williams, Roy, El-Bushra, Suhayla, Buffini, Moira
Leopards by Metcalf, Alys
Four Caribbean Women Playwrights: Ina Césaire, Maryse Condé, Gerty Dambury and Suzanne Dracius by Lee, Vanessa
Plays from Romania: Dramaturgies of Subversion: Lowlands; The Spectator Sentenced to Death; The Passport; Stories of the Body (Artemisia, Eva, Lina, T by Visniec, Matéi, Dragomán, György, Panainte, Mihaela
The Book Musical - Crocodiles Remember by Kundanmal, Subash
Seeking Common Ground: Latinx and Latin American Theatre and Performance by Ferdandez, Evelina, Araiza, J. Ed, Celdrán, Carlos
Who Cares by Woodhead, Matt
The Dramas of Victor Hugo: Mary Tudor, Marion de Lorme, Esmeralda by Hugo, Victor
Best Before: A Love Again Series Romantic Comedy Screenplay by Grace Stewart, Heather
Liberty by Morrison, Dyanna
10 Nights by Khan, Shahid Iqbal
The Enemy by Hurley, Kieran
Narratives of Money & Crime: Neoliberalism in Film, Literature and Popular Culture by
Dry Swallow by Baisch, Lucas
Contemporary Queer Plays by Russian Playwrights: Satellites and Comets; Summer Lightning; A Little Hero; A Child for Olya; The Pillow's Soul; Every Sh by Rodionov, Andrey, Troepolskaya, Ekaterina, Kozyrchikov, Roman
Writing the Biodrama: Transforming Real Lives into Drama for Screen and Stage by O'Neill, Tee
Citizen Artists: A Guide to Helping Young People Make Plays That Change the World by Wallert, James
Citizen Artists: A Guide to Helping Young People Make Plays That Change the World by Wallert, James
Mum by Malcolm, Morgan Lloyd
Albatross by Lynn, Isley
Foxes by Flanders, Dexter
We Women of Tehran by Sabahi, Farian
Pussy Sludge by Gardner, Gracie
Meurtre à l'hôtel Bellegarde by Bligny-Guicheteau, Elisa
Value Engineering: Scenes from the Grenfell Inquiry by Norton-Taylor, Richard
The Piscatorbühne Century: Politics and Aesthetics in the Modern Theater After 1927 by Lichtenberg, Drew
Historische Denkmäler in der Schweiz: 34 helvetische Erinnerungsstätten, kritisch betrachtet. by Pfister, Christoph
Bones by Gupta, Tanika
Isla by Price, Tim
Wisdom Anthology: Plays and Screenplays by Women Over 50 by
Alkoholismus im DDR-Dokumentarfilm - Regie Eduard Schreiber: Eine filmhistorische Mikrostudie zur (ost-)deutschen Mediengeschichte by Sachsenweger, Tobias
Forms of Emotion: Human to Nonhuman in Drama, Theatre and Contemporary Performance by Tait, Peta
Sofa: Plays for strong, older, female characters who want to get off the couch! by MacLean, Pam C.
Dramatic Works by Norwid, Cyprian Kamil
Pieces: Plays: 1 by Goldman, Merlin
Dramatic Works by Norwid, Cyprian Kamil
Some Dreams Never Die by Powers, Runas C., III
Patient Light by Longman, Simon
Die fantasievolle Welt des Darstellenden Spiels: 10 Jahre Schultheater am Neuen Gymnasium Glienicke by Eckermann, Karin
Cutting Plays for Performance: A Practical and Accessible Guide by Malone, Toby, Huber, Aili
Cutting Plays for Performance: A Practical and Accessible Guide by Huber, Aili, Malone, Toby
Solo Transformation on Stage: A Journey into the Organic Process of the Art of Transformation by Rand, Ronald
Dark Recesses in the House of Hammer by
Morning Sun by Stephens, Simon
Rare Earth Mettle by Smith, Al
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