• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Playwriting in 2022

Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Yes So I Said Yes by Ireland, David
Very Special Guest Star by Wright, Tom
A Comparative Analysis of Americanness in the Play "One-Third of a Nation" by Deperlioglu, Seda
Waiting for God by Khi Nao, VI
The Treaty by Murphy, Colin
The Fir Tree by Khalil, Hannah
My Broken Language: A Memoir by Hudes, Quiara Alegría
La Discreta Enamorada / The Cleverest Girl in Madrid: Lope de Vega by
The Dramaturgy of Space by Griffero, Ramón
Fair Play by Road, Ella
Three Short Plays by Intili, Henry
The Muslim Vanishes by Naqvi, Saeed
Farm Days - A Play by Intili, Henry
Telling Our Stories of Home: International Performance Pieces by and about Women by
The Empress by Gupta, Tanika
Toward a Future Theatre: Conversations During a Pandemic by Svich, Caridad
25 Plays from the Fire This Time Festival: A Decade of Recognition, Resistance, Resilience, Rebirth, and Black Theater by
The Letter: A Play by Intili, Henry
Moments of Madness: 8 Zany Short Comedies For Our Times by Berry, Jack J.
The Glow by McDowall, Alistair
Ajax - Imperium Press (Studies in Reaction) by Sophocles
Wanda Jakubowska Revisited by Talarczyk, Monika
Playing Outside the Lines: Collected Plays 1 by Devine, Michael
Playing Outside the Lines: Collected Plays 1 by Devine, Michael
Wuthering Heights by Brontë, Emily
Fifty Key Figures in Latinx and Latin American Theatre by
Fifty Key Figures in Latinx and Latin American Theatre by
A Fight Against... by Manzi, Pablo
Im Dialog mit sich selbst und dem Meer: Drei Maler und die Ostsee by Bauer, Ingeborg
Language and Metadrama in Major Barbara and Pygmalion: Shavian Sisters by Reynolds, Jean
Three Plays for Young Performers: On the Threshing Floor; The Grandfathers; Flood by Mullarkey, Rory
Eugene O'Neill's Philosophy of Difficult Theatre: Pity, Fear, and Forgiveness by Killian, Jeremy
Esther Williams: A One-Woman Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Beats and Elements: A Hip Hop Theatre Trilogy: No Milk for the Foxes; Denmarked; High Rise Estate of Mind by Murray, Conrad
Freedom Project by Barnes, Luke
Braids and Cheer Up Slug by Rees, Tamsin, Hannah, Olivia
25 Plays from the Fire This Time Festival: A Decade of Recognition, Resistance, Resilience, Rebirth, and Black Theater by
The Threepenny Opera by Brecht, Bertolt
The Trigamist - A Play by Intili, Henry
Chartist Drama by
George Sanders: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Yvonne - A Play by Intili, Henry
Sensible Fakten über Max Herzberg: Von Luxushandtaschen und einbeinigen Vögeln by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
Unheimliche Fakten über Drachenlord: Von Vampiren und behaarten Hufen by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
The Bread & Roses Playwriting Award: Hungerland by Rachel O'Regan, I and the Village by Darren Donohue, Who You Are and What You Do by Hugh Dichmont by Dichmont, Hugh, O'Regan, Rachel, Donohue, Darren
Hunger by Greeley, Meghan
Zuckersüße FeiniFakten über Kylo by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
I Ain't Dumb by Wright, Tom
Ominöse Fakten über Moschdehner: Blutwurstallergie im Regenbogenerdloch by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
When the Long Trick's Over by Malcolm, Morgan Lloyd
Hochspezielle Fakten über Jens Knossalla: Von Trüffeln, einem Panikraum und abgebissenen Katzenpfoten by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
Entspannte Fakten über Unge: Vom Erblühen, Transformation und seiner Verbannung by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
Falling in love is speaking with a few entangled words by Airaldo, Leandro
Tom Stoppard: A Life by Lee, Hermione
The Collaboration by McCarten, Anthony
The Government Inspector for Two Actors: Translated from the original play in Russian, The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol, and adapted for two by Pulvers, Roger
Mi Lenguaje Roto / My Broken Language by Hudes, Quiara Alegría
Hedda Gabler by Ibsen, Henrik
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
After the End by Kelly, Dennis
Human Nurture by Cameron, Ryan Calais
Kerbs by Southan, Michael
Work.Txt by Ellis, Nathan
La Puissance des ténèbres by Tolstoï, Léon
Cock by Bartlett, Mike
71 Coltman Street by Bean, Richard
Cherry Jezebel by Larkin, Jonathan
Die Hauptfiguren in der Serie "Türkisch für Anfänger". Eine Analyse der Protagonisten und ihrer Konflikte by Peschek, Friederike
The Methuen Drama Book of Contemporary Japanese Plays: The Bacchae-Holstein Milk Cows; One Night; Isn't Anyone Alive?; The Sun; Carcass by Yokoyama, Takuya, Maeda, Shiro, Kuwabara, Yuko
The Inequalities: Beyond Caring; Love; Faith, Hope and Charity by Zeldin, Alexander
Goin' Up Home by Larken Link, Scout
Aromatische Fakten über Jeremy Fragrance: Von Gruben, Fledermäusen und einem matschigen Interview by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
La escuela de los maridos: una comedia escrita por el dramaturgo francés Molière by Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Mineville Moon: a play in verse by Gibson, Chuck
Vermaledeite Fakten über Moneyboy: Das penisgeprellte Maskotzchen by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
Double Act by Warren, Allan
Drama: Të gjithë janë të çmendur, Qeni, Çiftet dhe Misto by Shundi, Naun
Bizarre Fakten über Elon Musk: Hartnäckiges Otterfieber und 8 Meter Starkseil by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
In Shakespeare's Shadow: A Rogue Scholar's Quest to Reveal the True Source Behind the World's Greatest Plays by Blanding, Michael
Dasha: दशाओं में फँसा आदमी by Mathura Kalauny
Common: an anthology of dynamic new working class monologues by
For the Love of Leotards: Selected Poems, Short Stories and Plays. by Musibay, Oscar, Fuentes, Oscar
Fierce: an anthology of dynamic new queer monologues for actors by
Gerry & Sewell: A Purely Belter Adventure: Adapted from the Novel the Season Ticket by Jonathan Tulloch by Tulloch, Jonathan
From New Release to Bestseller by Monaye, Charron
Swim by Richardson, Liz
Pride Month Love is Love: LBGTQ Notizbuch 4mm kariert mit vielen Grafiken by Heppke, Kurt
Sisyphos: oder das Ende der Ewigkeit by Von Holt, Hans
Hamlet, the nightmare narrative by Ahmadzadeh, Shahram
The Dodo Experiment by Travers, Martin, Wyper, Chloe
Our Laundry, Our Town: My Chinese American Life from Flushing to the Downtown Stage and Beyond by Eng, Alvin
Musikanteil im GRIPS Theater. Eine Untersuchung der Wichtigkeit des Musikanteils anhand der Musicals "Linie 1" und "Café Mitte" by Deole, Ankita
The Empress by Gupta, Tanika
Dennis Kelly: Plays Two: Our Teacher's a Troll; Orphans; Taking Care of Baby; Dna; The Gods Weep by Kelly, Dennis
Noël Coward: The Playwright's Craft in a Changing Theatre by Jackson, Russell
Selected Plays by Griselda Gambaro: Siamese Twins; Mother by Trade; As the Dream Dictates; Asking Too Much; Persistence; Dear Ibsen, I Am Nora; The Gi by Gambaro, Griselda
Selected Plays by Griselda Gambaro: Siamese Twins; Mother by Trade; As the Dream Dictates; Asking Too Much; Persistence; Dear Ibsen, I Am Nora; The Gi by Gambaro, Griselda
Les Fourberies de Mariette by Bligny-Guicheteau, Elisabeth
First Acts: A Black Playwright Comes of Age by Frazier, Kermit
The Lost Conversation: Interviews with an Enduring Avant-Garde by
If This Is Normal by Danser, Lucy
Tyrone Power: A One-Person Play in Two Acts by Druxman, Michael B.
Brecht in India: The Poetics and Politics of Transcultural Theatre by Prateek
Unlustige Fakten über Martin Sonneborn: Der Gazellenmann und die neue Weltordnung by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
Meredith by Clarke, Aaron J.
Middle by Eldridge, David
Toxic Cultures: A Companion by
The Complete Works of James Shirley Volume 7: The Constant Maid, the Doubtful Heir, the Gentlemen of Venice, and the Politician by Shirley, James
Crisis, Representation and Resilience: Perspectives on Contemporary British Theatre by
Rainer by Wilkinson, Max
Ernest Demanne: Un comédien français à Saint-Pétersbourg by Barbier, Dominique
A Hero of the People by Birch, Brad
4 and the Night Tella by Milton, Sarah
Pelléas et Mélisande by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Tutti Fun Cosi: Libretto Mozartiana by Von Holt, Hans
Martin Crimp's Power Plays: Intertextuality, Sexuality, Desire by Angelaki, Vicky
Warten auf G: Etüde im Absurden by Von Holt, Hans
Foxes by Flanders, Dexter
How to Build a Wax Figure by Waldron, Isabella
Evelyn by Ratcliffe, Tom
The Haunting of Susan a by Ravenhill, Mark
To the Good People of Gaza: Theatre for Young People by Jackie Lubeck and Theatre Day Productions by Lubeck, Jackie
In the Weeds by Wilde, Joseph
Blood Harmony by Bulgo, Matthew
Hat er wirklich gesehen, wie ein Hühnerei mit Eigenschnotter glasiert wurde?: Aalglatte Fakten über Jeff Bezos by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
Playwriting in Europe: Mapping Ecosystems and Practices with Fabulamundi by Laera, Margherita
Bernard Shaw, Sean O'Casey, and the Dead James Connolly by O'Ceallaigh Ritschel, Nelson
Wussten Sie, dass er Fruchtfliegen riechen kann?: Salzige Fakten über Mark Zuckerberg by Zu Moschdehner, Herold
We Should Definitely Have More Dancing: Or the Amazing Adventures of the Woman with a Fist in Her Head by Darcy, Clara, Kershaw, Ian
The Wheelchair on My Face: A Look Back at a Myopic Childhood by Kelly, Sonya
Brecht and Post-1990s British Drama: Dialectical Theatre Today by Hartl, Anja
The Collaboration by McCarten, Anthony
The Fellowship by Williams, Roy
Take My Wife, Please by Rosales, Roque
Property and Finance on the Post-Brexit London Stage: We Want What You Have by Meeuwis, Michael
Partners of the Imagination: The Lives, Art and Struggles of John Arden and Margaretta D'Arcy by Leach, Robert
Plays Worth Remembering - Volume II: A Veritable Feast of George Ade's Greatest Hits by
Filigrana de Cantera: Aventuras de una ciudad patrimonio by Flores Garcia, Laura Gemma
Translating Samuel Beckett Around the World by
Folk by Leyshon, Nell
The False One: By John Fletcher and Philip Massinger by
The Life of King Henry VIII: All Is True by Khalil, Hannah
Writing Adaptations and Translations for the Stage: A Guide and Workbook for New and Experienced Writers by Goldfinger, Jacqueline, Horsley, Allison
Writing Adaptations and Translations for the Stage: A Guide and Workbook for New and Experienced Writers by Horsley, Allison, Goldfinger, Jacqueline
Howard Barker: Plays Twelve: At Her Age and Hers; Landscape with Cries; Womanly; Four Dialogues; True Condition by Barker, Howard
Oh Mother by Rashdash
The Last Return by Kelly, Sonya
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Ghosts of the Near Future by Stanley, Pj, Clark, Emma
Nos auteurs dramatiques (suite de l'essai Le Naturalisme au Théâtre): un essai d'Emile Zola sur le théâtre de son époque by Zola, Emile
Judgement at Chelmsford by Williams, Charles
Fifty Key Irish Plays by
Fifty Key Irish Plays by
The Darkest Part of the Night by Nyoni, Zodwa
Bernard Shaw on the American Stage: A Chronicle of Premieres and Notable Revivals by Conolly, L. W.
Good Grief by Bucket, Ugly
Blanket Ban by Hamilton, Davinia, Vella, Marta
Caligari by Bailey, Georgie
Where We Belong by Sayet, Madeline
Wilf by Ley, James
Moon Swallower by Quick, Colby
Please, Feel Free to Share by Causer, Rachel
Contemporary Rehearsal Practice: Anthony Neilson and the Devised Text by Cassidy, Gary
Rencontre avec Amy Winehouse: La survie de l'âme by Laloeuf, Eric
Between Fury And Peace: The Many Arts of Derek Walcott by
Pam Gems Plays 5 by Gems, Pam
Pam Gems Plays 6 by Gems, Pam
Pam Gems Plays 7 by Gems, Pam
Pam Gems Plays 3 by Gems, Pam
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Triades des druides de Bretagne by Anonyme
Action: The Art of Excitement for Screen, Page, and Game by McKee, Robert, El-Wakil, Bassim
Reenactment als neue Wiederholungsstrategie am Beispiel der "Moskauer Prozesse" von Milo Rau. Ereignis, Dokumentation und Neuverhandlung by Straub, Felix
Destiny by Espeut-Nickless, Florence
The Playwright's Manifesto: How You Can Be the Future of Playwriting by Sirett, Paul
The Playwright's Manifesto: How You Can Be the Future of Playwriting by Sirett, Paul
Black Matters: Lewis Morrow Plays: Baybra's Tulips; Begetters; Motherson by Morrow, Lewis
Black Matters: Lewis Morrow Plays: Baybra's Tulips; Begetters; Motherson by Morrow, Lewis
Psychodrama by Wilkinson, Matt
Truth's a Dog Must to Kennel by Crouch, Tim
Wreckage by Ratcliffe, Tom
Outlaw Theatre: Field Notes from the Padua Hills Playwrights Festival (1978-1995) by
Brown Boys Swim by Khan, Karim
Practical Problems: Ten Stories for the Stage by Ajlouny, J.
Practical Problems: Ten Stories for the Stage by Ajlouny, J.
Dramaturgia 22 by Madrid Fernández, Germán
Beat the Devil by Hare, David
How Plays Work: New Edition by Edgar, David
Act One: Scene Ten: A Collection of One Act Plays for Community Theater by Garlin, Matthew
Roy Williams Plays 5: Kingston 14; The Firm; Advice for the Young at Heart; Death of England; Death of England: Delroy by Williams, Roy
Sing Yer Heart Out for the Lads by Williams, Roy
Bonaparte's Wedding by Dulat Issabekov, Dulat
Bonaparte's Wedding by Issabekov, Dulat
The Apology by Choi, Kyo
Staging History from the Shoah to Palestine: Three Plays and Essays on WWII and Its Aftermath by Hedges, Inez
An Enemy of the People by Ibsen, Henrik
Pam Gems Plays 4 by Gems, Pam
Pam Gems Plays 1 by Gems, Pam
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