• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Anthologies in 1996

Horse of Earth by Smith, Thomas R.
No Rattling of Sabers: An Anthology of Israeli War Poetry by
The Poems of Ossian and Related Works: James MacPherson by Gaskill, Howard
The Routledge Anthology of Cross-Gendered Verse by
The Routledge Anthology of Cross-Gendered Verse by
All American Girl by Becker, Robin
Holocaust Poetry by Schiff, Hilda
An Animal of the Sixth Day by Fargas, Laura
Returning a Borrowed Tongue: An Anthology of Filipino and Filipino American Poetry by
Meditations in an Emergency by O'Hara, Frank
Garden Poems by
Poems of the River Spirit by Kilwein Guevara, Maurice
Novemberland: Selected Poems 1956-1993 by Grass, Gunter, Grass, Gnter, Grass
After Ovid: New Metamorphoses by Hofmann, Michael
The White Devil: By John Webster by Brown, John
The Spanish Tragedy (Revels Student Edition): Thomas Kyd by Bevington, Stephen
The Revenger's Tragedy: Thomas Middleton / Cyril Tourneur by Foakes, R. A.
The Dream Police: Selected Poems, 1969-1993 by Cooper, Dennis
Red Sauce, Whiskey and Snow: Poems by Kleinzahler, August
Original Love by Peacock, Molly
Poetry of the People: Poems to the President, 1929-1945 by Whisenhunt, Donald W.
The New French Poetry by
Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology by Ueda, Makoto
Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology by Ueda, Makoto
Coal by Lorde, Audre
Poetaster: Ben Jonson by Cain, Tom
The Hunger Wall: Poems by Ragan, James
The Woman Who Fell from the Sky: Poems by Harjo, Joy
The Heat of Arrivals by González, Ray
The White Man's Burdens: An Anthology of British Poetry of the Empire by
Dovetailed Corners by Johnson, Jim
A Private Mythology: Poems by Sarton, May
Heelloy: Modern Poetry and Songs of the Somalis by Johnson, John William
The Terrible Stories by Clifton, Lucille
Time & Money by Matthews, William
The Book of Songs: The Ancient Chinese Classic of Poetry by
The Best American Poetry 1996 by
Kyrie: Poems by Voigt, Ellen Bryant
The Classic Tradition of Haiku: An Anthology by
Premier Book of Major Poets: An Anthology by Dore, Anita
Memory at These Speeds: New & Selected Poems by Miller, Jane
Poems of Ambrose Bierce by Bierce, Ambrose
Nineteenth-Century American Poetry by Various
Walking the Black Cat by Simic, Charles
Angel Interrupted by Shepherd, Reginald
The Second Set, Vol. 2: The Jazz Poetry Anthology by S. H. Coleman Meml Lbry
The Selected Poetry of Dan Pagis by Pagis, Dan
Starry Night by Allende, Isabel
English Romantic Poetry: An Anthology by
Spring Comes to Chicago by McGrath, Campbell
Upholding Mystery: An Anthology of Contemporary Christian Poetry by