• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Anthologies in 2000

Women Writers of Traditional China: An Anthology of Poetry and Criticism by
The Healing Power of Creative Mourning by Yager, Jan
Selected Poems by Transtromer, Tomas
The Vintage Book of African American Poetry: 200 Years of Vision, Struggle, Power, Beauty, and Triumph from 50 Outstanding Poets by
Irish Poetry: An Interpretive Anthology from Before Swift to Yeats and After by
In the Grip of Strange Thoughts: Russian Poetry in a New Era by
In the Grip of Strange Thoughts: Russian Poetry in a New Era by
Georgia Voices: Volume 3: Poetry by
The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Poetry and Poetic Theory: Concise Edition by
English Women's Poetry, 1649 - 1714 by Barash, Carol
American Poetry: The Twentieth Century Vol. 1 (Loa #115): Henry Adams to Dorothy Parker by
E.E. Cummings to May Swenson by
On Wings of Song: Poems about Birds by
The Golden Ecco Anthology by Strand, Mark
Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry by
The KGB Bar Book of Poems by
Seventeenth Century Poetry by
The Anchor Anthology of French Poetry: From Nerval to Valery in English Translation by Flores, Angel
Paper Dance: 55 Latino Poets by
Sanskrit Poetry from Vidyakara's Treasury by Vidyakara
An Uninhibited Treasury of Erotic Poetry by
New Poems from the Third Coast: Contemporary Michigan Poetry by
The Metaphysical Poets by Reid, David
Elderberry Wine: Vintage 2000 by Clark College Mature Learning Program
Poetry Like Bread: Poets of the Political Imagination by
The Best American Poetry 2000 by
The Golden Treasury: Of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language by
Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry by Herbert, W. N.
The Bloodaxe Book of 20th Century Poetry: From Britain and Ireland by
Chapters Into Verse: A Selection of Poetry in English Inspired by the Bible from Genesis Through Revelation by
A Widening Light: Poems of the Incarnation by
Fifteen Poets of the Aztec World by Leon-Portilla, Miguel
Invisible Light: Poems about God by
Three Jewels: Selected Poets by Lo, Sifu
Eight Old English Poems by
Persian Poets by
The Haiku Anthology by
Los Cien Grandes Poemas de España Y América by
Medieval Irish Lyrics by
Medieval Irish Lyrics by