• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Anthologies in 2002

Twelve Los Angeles Poets by
New Poets of West Africa by
Sensual Love Poems by Blease, Kathleen
I to the World: A Collection of Poems by Carver, Rachele M., Miller, Heather R.
Dreaming the Miracle: Three French Prose Poets: Max Jacob, Jean Follain, Francis Ponge by
Martin Gardner's Favorite Poetic Parodies by
An Exaltation of Forms: Contemporary Poets Celebrate the Diversity of Their Art by
Lightning Bolts & Butterflies by Maddox, Michael, Maddox, Debi
European Voices by
Irish Poetry: An Interpretive Anthology from Before Swift to Yeats and After by
Concrete Dreams: Manic D Press Early Works by
First Collection by Dawson, Joseph, Dawson, Marlon, Dawson, Ricardo
First Collection by Dawson, Ricardo, Dawson, Joseph, Dawson, Marlon
Before Burns: Eighteenth-Century Scottish Poetry by
Greek Love Songs and Epigrams from the Anthology by
Poetry for the Soul: Enhancing the Quality of Your Life by De Mente, Boyi Lafayette, Ohshima, Shichiro
Staying Alive: Real Poems for Unreal Times by
Swallowing Clouds: An Anthology of Chinese-Canadian Poetry by
Three Poets of Modern Korea by Dong-Seon, Hahm, Young-Mi, Choi, Sang, Yi
The Poet's Child: Edited by Michael Wiegers by
A Book of Irish Verse by Yeats, W. B.
Hammer and Blaze: A Gathering of Contemporary American Poets by
Poems of New York by
The Four Hundred Songs of War and Wisdom: An Anthology of Poems from Classical Tamil, the Purananuru by
Don't Wait for the Movie: Part One: the Early Years OfThe Original Crip by Luby, Christopher A.
Metaphysical Poetry: An Anthology by
Russian Women Poets by
Renaissance Poetry by
Renaissance Poetry by
Poems of the American West by
Verse From A Living Journal: The Talented Friends of a Poor Poet by Khote, Ayoub
Romantic Poetry by
Poetry from Chaucer to Spenser: Based on Chaucer to Spenser: An Anthology of Writings in English 1375 - 1575 by
Romantic Poetry by
Poetry from 1660 to 1780: Civil War, Restoration, Revolution by
Victorian Poetry by
The Best American Poetry by Creeley, Robert
Beyond the Frontier: African American Poetry for the 21st Century by
Dreams of Decadence Presents: Wendy Rathbone and Tippi N. Blevins by Rathbone, Wendy, Blevins, Tippi N.
Love Poems from God: Inspirations from Twelve Sacred Voices of the East and West by Ladinsky, Daniel
88: A Journal of Contemporary American Poetry - Issue 2 by
Appetite: Food as Metaphor: An Anthology of Women Poets by
Carnivorous Boy Carnivorous Bird: Poetry from Poland by
Unsophisticated Verses and Lyrics by Hebbard, Filton
Unsophisticated Verses and Lyrics by Hebbard, Filton
Among the Flowering Reeds: Classic Korean Poems Written in Chinese by
The Shambhala Anthology of Women's Spiritual Poetry by Barnstone, Aliki
Palgrave's Golden Treasury by
The Rose Garden of Persia by Costello, Louisa Stuart
Swan Songs: Akhmatova and Gumilev by Laird, Frances
Threkjshanelle: Collection Seven by Martin, Jonathan Christopher
Sacred Journeys: A Benefit for KLEOS Children's Community by Middleton, Michael M.
From Totems to Hip-Hop: A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas 1900-2002 by