• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Anthologies in 2010

Anthology of Medieval Spanish Poetry by
The Stray Branch: Spring/Summer 2010 by
Poetica Erotica - A Collection of Rare and Curious Amatory Verse - Volume I by Smith, T. R.
Tottel's Miscellany by
The Phoenix Nest by
The Waverley Garland: A Present For All Seasons (1858) by
The Journey AND The Memoirs: Poems/Poetry's That Challenge The Consequences by Bouvenir, Francee
The Lisbon Earthquake: And Other Poems (1905) by Voltaire
The Muse In Motley (1907) by Carrick, Hartley
The Harp Of Home: Or The Medley (1858) by Corwin, Jane H.
The Triumph Of Israel: An Epic Poem (1894) by Newton, Hibbert
The She King: Or The Book Of Ancient Poetry (1876) by Legge, James
Gates of Greenwich by K. L. Schultz, P. M. Duncan, T. N. Geary, C. G. Schultz
Modern Poems on the Bible: An Anthology by Curzon, David
Classical Chinese Poetry: An Anthology by
Variance by Esco Lat and Dee Neal, Lat And Dee Neal, Esco Lat and Dee Neal
Words by McPherson, Mitzie
The She King: Or The Book Of Ancient Poetry (1876) by Legge, James
The Pajja Madhu: Pali Poetry By The Venerable Buddhapriya (1894) by Seelakkhandha, C. A.
Julii Caesaris Scaligeri Viri Clarissimi Poemata, Part 1 (1591) by Scaliger, Josephus Justus, Scaliger, Julius Caesar, Sophocles
The Histories And Poems Of Shakespeare Part 2 (1915) by Shakespeare, William
Der Feurige Busch: Neue Gedichte, 1912-1917 (1919) by Zech, Paul
Onze Vlaamsche Dichters: Van 1830 Tot 1905 (1905) by Seyn-Verhougstraete, Hendrik
Les Cent Ballades: Poeme Du XIV Siecle (1905) by Le Seneschal, Jean
Le Carnaval Fleuri (1904) by Mendes, Catulle
Alemannische Gedichte (1902) by Hebel, Johann Peter
Cancionero De Amores (1903) by De Lustono, Eduardo
Anthologie Des Poetes Du Midi (1908) by Davray, Raoul, Rigal, Henry
Andantes Y Alegros: Versos De Manuel Reina (1877) by Reina, Manuel
Bernardim Ribeiro: O Poeta Crisfal (1908) by Guimaraes, Delfim De Brito
Auf Den Stromen Der Welt Zu Den Meeren Gottes Gedichte (1908) by Schuler, Gustav
Androgino: Poema (1906) by Antich, Jose
De Saint Laurent: Poeme Anglo-Normand Du XII Siecle (1888) by Soderhjelm, Werner
Goethes Lyrische Dichtungen Der Ersten Weimarischen Jahre (1896) by Koegel, Rudolf
De La Poesia Heroico-Popular Castellana (1876) by Canalejas, Francisco De Paula
Censur-Fluchtlinge: Zwolf Freiheitslieder (1843) by Gottschall, Rudolf Von
Le Chevalier A L'Epee: An Old French Poem (1897) by
Bauernknodl: Gedichte In Oberosterreichischer Mundart (1888) by Komle, Anton
Le Beranger Des Familles (1859) by De Lemud, Francois Joseph Aime, De Beranger, Pierre Jean
Adieux Poetiques V1 (1860) by De Pons, Gaspard
Neue Allemannische Gedichte (1803) by Felner, Ignaz
Al Calor Del Hogar: Impresiones Y Cantares (1885) by Guerrero, Teodoro
Chefs-D'Oeuvre Poetiques De Lermontoff: Le Poete Du Caucase (1866) by
Biografia Americana: O Galeria De Poetas (1871) by Cortes, Jose Domingo
Apres La Journee: Premieres Et Nouvelles Poesies (1886) by Matabon, Hippolyte
Le Iliadi Di Darete Frigio V1-2 (1832) by Buono, Michele
Poesie Edite Ed Inedite Di Giulio Carcano V2 (1870) by Firenze Publisher
Sexti Aurelii Propertii Opera Omnia V1 (1822) by Valpy Publisher
Dialoghi Dell' Arte Poetica (1830) by Chiabrera, Gabriello, Gamba, Partolommeo
La Poesie Bretonne Depuis Le VI Siecle Jusqu'a Nos Jours (1888) by LeRoux, Alcide
Le Balai: Poeme Heroi-Comique En XVIII Chants (1791) by Mouphti Publisher
Delirios Del Corazon: Poesias Amatorias (1845) by De Acosta, Ignacio Maria
Albums Et Oeuvres Poetiques: De Marguerite D'Autriche Gouvernante Des Pays-Bas (1849) by Gachet, Emile Leonard Jean Baptiste
La Crise Poetique: Et Aussi Le Poete, Les Courtisanes Et L'Amour (1897) by Boschot, Adolphe
Gedichten Van Abraham Boxman (1823) by Boxman, Abraham
Le Bon Celime: Poeme Anodin (1867) by Richard, Charles
De Harmonie In Het Heelal, En Andere Gedichten (1821) by Van Loghem, Hendrik
Reliquaire: Poesies (1892) by Rimbaud, Arthur
Des Quintus Valerius Catullus Dichtungen In Rein Deutschem Gewande (1870) by Delagrise, J. H. C.
Contes En Vers Et Poesies Diverses (1880) by Coppee, Francois
Der Tag Von Aspromonte (1862) by Herwegh, Emma
La Chanson De L'Hiver (1890) by Valabregue, Antoni
Allemannische Lieder (1827) by Fallersleben, Heinrich Hoffmann Von
Herbarium Van Oecher Blomme: Gedichte In Aachener Mundart (1878) by Branchart, Albert
Oeuvres Poetiques De Boileau (1898) by Despreaux, Nicolas Boileau
Le Pelerinage de Childe Harold (1869) by Byron, George Gordon
Aus Guten Stunden: Dichtungen Und Nachdichtungen (1886) by Legerlotz, Gustav
Manuelis Philae Carmina (1857) by Miller, Emmanuel
Oeuvres E Philippe Desportes (1858) by
Gedichte Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (1894) by Kinzel, Karl
Notice Sur Esclarmonde (1890) by Malherbe, Charles Theodore
Rime Di Dante Alighieri (1828) by Uberti, Fazio Degli
Itineraire De Cl. Rutilius Numatianus Et Poesies Diverses Sur L'astronomie Et La Geographie (1843) by Saviot, Edouard, Despois, Eugene
Anthologie Des Poetes Latins: Silius, Stace, Ausone, Claudien, Juvenal, Perse, Martial, Catulle, Tibulle, Properce, Ovide (1897) by Waltz, Adolphe
A Magam Osvenyen: Szerzo Hatodik Verseskonyve (1907) by Szabolcska, Mihaly
Adam Oehlenschlager's Werke V20-21 (1839) by Oehlenschlager, Adam Gottlob
Between Water and Song: New Poets for the Twenty-First Century by
Gurlesque by Glenum and Greenberg, Lara And Arielle
Six Slovak Poets by Buzassy, Jan, Haugova, Mila, Peteraj, Kamil
The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry by Kaminsky, Ilya, Harris, Susan, Words Without Borders
New Order: Hungarian Poets of the Post 1989 Generation by Kemeny, Istvan, Toth, Krisztina, Szabo, Anna T.
Landscapes of the Soul by Silverman, Nancy C. Storch, Monroe, Julie Ann
Infinite Difference: Other Poetries by U.K. Women Poets by
From Hepworth's Garden Out by
Landing Places: Immigrant Poets in Ireland by
Landing Places: Immigrants Poets in Ireland by
Leaves of Healing: With an Essay on the Secrets of Immortality by Oscar Wilde by Sutton, Katharine Paine, Wilde, Oscar
Aspern, Eine Schlachtdichtung; Magenta; Oversee (1905) by Bleibtreu, Karl, Herrmann, Emil
Dantes Paradies Der Gottlichen Komodie Dritter Theil (1921) by
Vergils Gedichte, Book 1-12: Der Aneis (1902) by Ladewig, Theodor, Schaper, Carl
Cywyddau Cymru: Wedi Eu Dethol A'u Golygu (1908) by Hughes, Arthur, Anwyl, Edward
Le Liriche Di Orazio V2 (1901) by Ussani, Vincenzo
Atlantida Conquistada: Poeme En Sonnets (1906) by Diaz, Leopoldo
Cancionero De Los Amantes De Teruel: Coleccion De 500 Cantares Escritos Por Los Mejores Poetas Contemporaneos (1907) by Guimbao, Domingo Gascon y.
Vergils Gedichte, Book 1-12: Der Aneis (1902) by Schaper, Carl, Ladewig, Theodor
Cantic Dels Cantics Precedit De Els Jardins De Salomo: Obra Postuma (1907) by Verdaguer, Jacinto
Der Diwan Des 'Umar Ibn Abi Rebi'a: Nach Den Handschriften Zu Cairo Und Leiden Mit Einer Sammlung Anderweit Uberlieferter Gedichte (1901) by
Oeuvres Completes De Claudien V1 (1830) by Claudianus, Claudius
Schiller's Das Lied Von Der Glocke (1885) by
Animadversiones Criticae In Cl. Claudiani Poema: De Raptu Proserpinae (1882) by Cerrato, Ludovici
A Pesca: Poema (1831) by Bastos, Francisco Antonio Martins
Das Lied Von Der Glocke (1875) by Bilton, Charles, Schiller, Friedrich
Al Feretro Di Giuseppe Regaldi (1883) by Carducci, Giosue
Der Rosengarten Des Scheikh Muslih-Eddin Sa'di Aus Schiras (1864) by
Catulli Liber Carminum: Recognitus Et Emendatus (1855) by Heyse, Theodor Friedrich
Arte Poetica De Horacio Flacco (1778) by Horace, Lusitano, Candido
Dell' Epistole Di Q. Orazio Flacco Recate In Versi Italiani Da Tommaso Gargallo Libri Tre (1820) by Horatius, Gargallo, Tommaso
C. Valeri Catulli Veronensis Carmina (1887) by Catullus, Gaius Valerius
A. Persii Flacci D. Ivnii Ivvenalis Svlpiciae Satvrae (1886) by Iahn, Otto
Crescentia: Ein Niederrheinisches Gedicht Aus Dem Zwolften Jahrhundert (1853) by
Cartas Y Poesias Ineditas (1892) by Argote, Luis De Gongora y., Garcia, Enrique Linares
Beowulf: Dafz Alteste Deutsche In Angelsachsischer Mundart Erhaltene Heldengedicht (1839) by Leo, Heinrich
Cento Sonetti Ed Altre Poesie (1865) by Silorata, Pietro Bernabo
Bloemlezing Uit Den Friesche Lusthof En Andere Gedichten (1862) by Eekhoff, Wopke, Starter, Jan Janszoon
Ambiorix, Poeme (1846) by Van Steeland, Jan Nolet De Brauwere, Lebrocquy, Pierre
Canti Di Giacomo Leopardi (1860) by Leopardi, Giacomo
Anthologie Aus Den Gedichten V1-2 (1829) by Kosegarten, Ludwig Theoboul
Poesie Varie Pe'l Glorioso Monarca Di Napoli E Di Sicilia Giuseppe Napoleone I: Pio, Felice, Augusto (1806) by Rossetti, Gabriele
Star Flowers, A Poem Of The Woman's Mystery: Canto The Fifth (1886) by Harris, Thomas Lake
Olafs Drapa Tryggvasonar Er Hallfredr Orti Vandraedaskald (1832) by Vandaedaskald, Hallfredr
Aeneidos, Book 2 (1884) by Maronis, P. Virgili
Arte Poetica: Poema Didascalico De M. Boileau (1817) by Despreaux, Nicolas Boileau
Anacreontiche Di Giovanni Meli (1859) by Cappelli, Antonio
Dello Scherno Degli Dei: Poema Piacevole (1804) by Bracciolini, Francesco
Oeuvres De Boileau Despreaux V1 (1813) by Despreaux, Nicolas Boileau
Catulli, Tibulli, Et Propertii: Opera (1822) by Tibullus, Albius, Catullus, Gaius Valerius, Propertius, Sextus
Anthologie Arabe: Ou Choix De Poesies Arabes Inedites (1828) by De Lagrange, Jean B. Andre Grangeret
Katulls Ausgewahlte Gedichte; Albius Tibullus; S. Aurel. Propertius Elegian (1862) by Pressel, Friedrich, Binder, Wilhelm
Tasso; Die Naturliche Tochter; Faust, Part 1-2 (1859) by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Poems By Charles Kingsley (1871) by Kingsley, Charles
Sammtliche Poetische Werke, Part 4: Des Herrn Johann Benjamin Michaelis (1846) by Michaelis, Ann Benjamin
Oeuvres De Ephraim Mikhael: Poesie, Poemes En Prose (1890) by Mikhael, Ephraim
Altenglische Dichtungen (1898) by
Osterreichische Geschichte In Gedichten: Zum Sechshundertjahrigen Jubilaum Des Einzuges Rudolfs Von Habsburg In Wien (1878) by
Des Publius Ovidius Naso Festkalender: Im Versmasse Des Originals (1867) by Klussmann, Ernst
Bibliothek Der Angelsachsischen Poesie V1, Part 1 (1881) by Grein, Christian Wilhelm Michael
Gospel Earth by Beam, Jeffery
New Pony: A Horse Less Anthology by Tynes, Jen, Howsare, Erika
Castle: and other poems about growing up in a fairy tale world by Dawn, Lisa
Identity Parade: New British & Irish Poets by
Just Let Me Speak by McKenzie, Ibi-Ann A.
Remembrance and Reflection: Students' Response to Genocide by Greencastle-Antrim Students, Students
The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry: Contemporary Poets in Discussion and Practice by
Seriously Funny: Poems about Love, Death, Religion, Art, Politics, Sex, and Everything Else by
Die Altenglische Dichtung Phoenix (1908) by
Deutsche Dichter-Kriegsgabe (1914) by
Horand Und Hilde Gedicht (1902) by Baumbach, Rudolf
Bauddha Stotra Sam grahah Or A Collection Of Buddhist Hymns V1 (1908) by Sarvajnamitra
Il Valore Sociale De L'Opera Poetica (1903) by Carducci, Giosue, Limentani, Ludovico
Il Sentimento Patrio V1: Nei Nostri Poeti (1902) by Spano, Ernesto
En Digters Kaerlighed (1907) by Lange, Sven
Il Canzoniere Di Francesco Petrarca Secondo L'Autografo (1908) by Rigutini, Giuseppe, Scherillo, Michele, Petrarca, Francesco
Esmaltes: Poesias (1908) by Lujan, Agustin
Flors Del Calvari (1902) by Verdaguer, Jacinto
Dos Reales De Versos Festivos! (1888) by Peza, Juan De Dios
En Un Corazon: Poema (1879) by Mendizabal, Ignacio
Il Carlo Magno: Poema Inedito (1891) by Restori, Antonio, Martello, Pierjacopo
Deutsche Metrik (1852) by Ruckert, Friedrich Wilhelm
Gedichte In Hildburghauser Mundart (1891) by Schneyer, Johannes
Griexe Luyt Ofte De Lier-Zangen Vanden Teischen Anacreon (1656) by De Vries, Johan
Theokritos, Bion Und Moschos (1855) by Morike, Eduard, Notter, Friedrich
Die Satiren Des Quintus Horatius Flaccus: Und Die Episteln Des Quintus Horatius Flaccus (1890) by Kipper, Julius
Sex. Aurelii Propertii Elegiarum, Libri Quattuor, V3 (1845) by Hertzberg, Wilhelm Adolf Boguslaw
Fabulae Iambicae CXXII (1844) by Babrii, Villemain, Abel Francois
Coleccion De Poesias Espanolas, Antiguas Y Modernas, Part 4, Los Salmos: Escojidas Para Uso De Los Protestantes (1879) by Hatchards Publisher
Indische Gedichte, Part 1-2: In Deutschen Nachbildungen (1844) by Hoefer, Albert
Erinnerungen In Gedichten Und Liedern (1882) by Kobell, Franz Von
Aeschyli Prometheus Vinctus: Ad Fidem Manuscriptorum (1812) by Aeschylus, Blomfield, Carolus Jacobus
Gedichte Von Agnes Kayser-Langerhannss (1877) by Kayser-Langerhannss, Agnes
Il Iosario: Poema Eroico Romanzesco (1851) by Polidori, Gaetano, Polidori, Francesco
Erstlinge: Gedichte (1894) by Lanz, Otto
Gedichten, Bijzonder Voor De Declamatie (1838) by Immerzeel, J., Jr.
Florilegio De Poetas Ecuatorianos (1895) by Tipografia Salesiana Publisher
Harold De Burun: A Semi-Dramatic Poem, In Six Scenes (1835) by Driver, Henry Austen
Al Cim De La Gloria: Lloansa Dedicada A La Memoria Del Gran Poeta Frederich Soler (1895) by Vidal, Antoni Careta y.
Album Poetico: Castellano-Catalan Que La Redaccion De Lo Rossinyol De Ter (1880) by Pablo Puigblanquer Publisher
Barddoniaeth Fuddugol Eisteddfod, Genedlaethol Caernarfon, 1877: Yn Nghyda Hanes Cyflawn O'R Eisteddfod, Yn Cynwys Yr Areithiau, Etc. (1878) by Y Genedl Gymreig Publisher
Die Frithiofs Sage (1863) by Tegner, Esaias, Simrock, Karl
Ecos Del Rin: Coleccion De Poesias Alemanas (1881) by
Die Gedichte Des P. Virgilius Maro, Im Versmass Der Urschrift Ubersetzt (1856) by
Il Ristorato: Poema Inedito In Terza Rima Del Secolo XIV (1847) by Canigiani, Ristoro, Razzolini, Luigi
Il Trionfo Di Dante: Poema (1898) by Bossetti, Giovanni
Flores Del Siglo: Album De Poesias Selectas Castellanas De Los Mas Distinguidos Escritores De Espana Y America (1853) by Del Castillo, Joaquin
Istoria Di Patrocolo E D'Insidoria: Poemetto Popolare In Ottava Rima Non Mai Pubblicato (1888) by
Bergpsalmen (1888) by Werner, Anton Von, Scheffel, Joseph Viktor Von
Il Poema Tartaro V1 (1871) by Casti, Giambattista
Oeuvres Completes De Francois Villon, Publiees Avec Une Etude Sur Villon (1879) by Moland, Louis
Galeria De Figuras Portuguezas: A Poesia Popular Nos Campos (1879) by Palmeirim, Luis Augusto
Homens E Letras: Galeria De Poetas Contemporaneos (1881) by De Figueiredo, Candido
Chefs-D'Oeuvre Poetiques D'Adam Mickiewicz (1882) by
Balladen Und Romanzenschatz (1873) by Storch, Ludwig
Il Pellegrinaggio del Giovine Aroldo: Poema (1836) by Byron, George Gordon
Aeschyli Tragoediae Ad Praestantium Librorum Fidem (1843) by Aeschylus
I Poeti Della Patria: Canti Italici (1863) by Baffi, Vincenzo
Gedichte Von Nicolaus Niembsch Von Strehlenau Genannt Nicolaus Lenau (1871) by Strehlenau, Nicolaus Niembsch Von
As Eclogas E Georgicas De Vergilio: Primeira Parte Das Suas Obras (1761) by Virgil, Da Costa, Leonel
El Amor Que Pasa: Poesias Originales (1903) by De Castro, Cristobal
Les Elegies De Tibulle: Lygdamus Et Sulpicia (1895) by Tibullus, Albius
Juvenilia by Chen, Ken
Irish Love Poems by
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