• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Anthologies in 2011

National Poetry Review / American Poetry Journal #10 by
Antologia de Poesia Infantil (Large Print Edition) by Nunez, Ana R.
Modern Poetry of Pakistan by
Raw Voices by Isaacs, Marion
Raw Voices by Isaacs, Marion
Cutthroat, a Journal of the Arts, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 2011 by
implexity by Brio, Alessia
Aspects of Robinson: Homage to Weldon Kees by
Rambling Poets at Café Cyber: Poetic Conversations by Evans, Dawn, Callow, Margaret, Venema, Ashen
Dancing With The Pen: a collection of today's best youth writing by Woodburn, Dallas
Electric Chair for the Sun: Collected Poems 1980 - 2010 by Deubelbeiss, David J.
The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer. with Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes by the REV. G. Gilfillan. by Gilfillan, George, Falconer, William
The Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett. with Memoirs, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes, by the REV. G. Gilfillan. by Gilfillan, George
Love in All Seasons by Newman, Beth
English Metrical Homilies from Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century, with an Introduction and Notes by J. Small. by Small, John
Love in All Seasons by Newman, Beth
Rock the Mic(ronesia): The New Generation of Native Tongues by
Love Be Write by Authors, Various
Poems Every Child Should Know by Burt, Mary
Award-Winning Poems from the Smith's Tavern Poet Laureate Contest: 2010 Edition by
The Ground Aslant - Radical Landscape Poetry by
An Tam Marfach Ina Mairimid by Ó. Searcaigh, Cathal
Tear Down The Wall: Saddleback Poetry Club Anthology by Club, Poetry
I'm the One with the Blue Cap on by Knapp, Jeffrey
Erotic & Romantic Poetry by Poet, Lyrical, Blanchard, Dawn R., Clairmont, Gaiven
Diagram.4 by
The Stray Branch: Spring/Summer 2011 by
Hindsight: A Journey Of Introspection by Corbin, C. A.
The Open Light: Poets from Notre Dame, 1991-2008 by
Imagist Poetry: An Anthology: Pound, Lawrence, Joyce, Stevens and Others by
Royal Wedding Poems by
Maintenant 5: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art by
Soul of the Earth: The Awen Anthology of Eco-Spiritual Poetry by Nanson, Anthony, Manwaring, Kevan
One Heart to Another by Whitaker, Annette
Shadows of Water: Newfound Poets by Collins, Ronald W.
The Mom Egg 9: Vol. 9 - 2011 by Tesser, Marjorie
Being Human: The Companion Anthology to Staying Alive and Being Alive by
Backpackers Poetry by
Chilean Poets: A New Anthology by Etcheverry, Jorge
Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hebrew Poems by
The Apple Trees at Olema: New and Selected Poems by Hass, Robert
Me No Habla with Acento: Contemporary Latino Poetry by
Ghost Town Poetry: Cover To Cover Books 2004-2010: An Anthology of Poems from the Ghost Town Open Mic Series by Partington, Toni, Luna, Christopher J.
Kissable Sensations by Clark, Adam L., III
Mouse Poetry by
Wild Poets of Ecstasy: An Anthology of Ecstatic Verse by Moores, D. J.
Spirit Soaring: An Anthology of Mostly Mystical Musings by Peace, Sunny
Poetry Matters Anthology by Poetry Contest, Winners 2009
The Voice Celestial: Thou Art That, An Epic Poem by Holmes, Ernest S., Holmes, Fenwicke L.
The Magical Moment by V. Evans, K. Evans L. Evans
The Bouquet: Containing the Poetry and Language of Flowers by Lady, A.
The Poetry Of The American Civil War by
Vintage Verse by Naylor, James Ball, Naylor, J. B.
Navigating the Maze by
The Book of Ystwyth: Six Poets on the Art of Clive Hicks-Jenkins by Bonta, Dave
Heart's Intent: A Collection of Poetry by Snow, Adrian Laura Ann Katrina Curson
Heart's Intent: A Collection of Poetry by Snow, Adrian Laura Ann Katrina Curson
Poeticising Chat: Rambling Poets at Cafe Cyber II by Miller, Bron, Kendrick, Lilian, Holt, William
The Book of Songs by Waley, Arthur, Estate, The Arthur Waley
The Fragments of Colors in the Kaleidoscope: An Anthology of Poetry by
Life As It Is: Young Urban Authors by Gutierrez, Jennifer
Emblems & Poetry of Flowers by Anonymous
The Poetic Lounge: Volume One by Monaye, Charron, Charles, Fiordaliza
French Poetry Of The Renaissance by
Hookham Poetry Library (Vol. I) by Hookham, Sandra J., Hookham, Thomas E.
Six Macedonian Poets by Bakovska, Elizabeta, Kulavkova, Kata, Gjuzel, Bogomil
Once You Were Set Free: Writing from the Ali Forney Center, CAMP Brooklyn by Ny Writers Coalition
The 2011 Rhysling Anthology by
The Verbiage Society Presents . . . the Revival by Society, The Verbiage
The Verbiage Society Presents . . . the Revival by Society, The Verbiage
Los Cantores de la Sierra: Antologia de la Poesia de Las Montanas, Coleccion La Critica Literaria Por El Celebre Critico Literario Juan Bautista by
Las Mil Mejores Poesias de La Literatura Universal, Coleccion La Critica Literaria Por El Celebre Critico Literario Juan Bautista Bergua, Ediciones Ib by
Soul Cleanse: The Spilled Ink Experience by McCain, Michael a.
Soul Cleanse: The Spilled Ink Experience by McCain, Michael a.
I Think I Heard a Rooster Crow by Danley, Delores Chapman
Four Irish Poets - Quatre Poetes Irlandais by
Faith Of My Father: My Way to His Way by Pinsky, Robert, Burt, Myra, Lash, John
Sagebrush Review by
Eknath: The Poet-Saints of Maharashtra No. 2 by Abbott, Justin E.
The Analyst, No. 18 by Pound, Ezra, Glenn, E. M.
New Hungers for Old: One-Hundred Years of Italian-American Poetry by
Decadent Verse: An Anthology of Late-Victorian Poetry, 1872-1900 by
The Selected Writings Of Salvatore Quasimodo by Quasimodo, Salvatore
Soul Cleanse: The Spilled Ink Experience by McCain, Michael a., McCain, Michael
Letters and Poems of the Turn of the Century by Bade, Constanza
Great Short Poems from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century by
A Family's Gift: Our Gift to the World by Kellogg, Richard, Kellogg, Michael
A Family's Gift: Our Gift to the World by Kellogg, Michael, Kellogg, Richard
One Hundred Poems From The Chinese by Rexroth, Kenneth
Cross my Heart: A Promise is for us to Keep! by Porterfield, Pam Robinson
Wavelengths: 2011 Savant Anthology of Poetry by Shorb, Michael, Sturner, Jason, Toyama, Jean Yamasaki
Broken Circles: A gathering of poems for hunger by Johnson, Douglas P., Poets, Various
Adobe Walls: an anthology of New Mexico poetry by
Whispers of the Heart: World Selected Poems by Foundation, Latin Heritage
Migrations: Poetry & Prose for Life's Transitions by
Spoon River Anthology by Masters, Edgar Lee
Killer Verse: Poems of Murder and Mayhem by
A Word Is Worth A Thousand Pictures by Lopane, Domenik
The Best British Poetry 2011 by Lumsden, Roddy
A Bird Black As the Sun: California Poets on Crows & Ravens by
The Best American Poetry 2011: Series Editor David Lehman by
Paper, Poetry & Prose Volume VI: An Anthology of Eighth Grade Writing by Students of Pierce Middle School
Aim for the Head by
Lit Bit by Art League, Knox County
More Than Soil, More Than Sky: The Modesto Poets by
Six Latvian Poets by Balode, Ingmara, Pujats, Marts, Auzina, Anna
Cape Henlopen Poets 2010: Poems from the 2010 Writers Retreat at Cape Henlopen by Morrow, Eleanore
My Gentle Butterfly by Claus
Agave, a Celebration of Tequila in Story, Song, Poetry, Essay, and Graphic Art by
The Wake Forest Book of Irish Women's Poetry by Wake Forest University Press
Dirt Songs: A Plains Duet by Hasselstrom, Linda M., Hansen, Twyla M.
Sing: Poetry from the Indigenous Americas Volume 68 by
Begin Again: 150 Kansas Poems by
Collective Brightness: Lgbtiq Poets on Faith, Religion & Spirituality by
The Golden Treasury: Of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language by
She Speaks: An Anthology of Poetry by Walton, Katina One Queen
She Speaks: An Anthology of Poetry by Walton, Katina One Queen
One Hundred People, One Poem Each by Hammer, Larry
Shearsman 89 & 90 by
Hotel Lautreamont: Contemporary Poetry from Uruguay by
Art of the Sonnet by Mikics, David, Burt, Stephanie
The Poetry Of The American Civil War by
A Little Anthology of Canadian Poets by
French Poetry of the Renaissance by
Fire in the Pasture: 21st Century Mormon Poets by
The Best Poems of 1930 by
Beyond the Rift: Poets of the Palisades by
Mouth: Eats Color -- Sagawa Chika Translations, Anti-Translations, & Originals by Sagawa, Chika, Nakayasu, Sawako
Push Open the Window: Contemporary Poetry from China by
vox poetica inspirations: images & words collection 3: fall 2011 by
Spanish-American Poetry (Dual-Language): Poesia Hispano-Americana by Resnick, Seymour
Star Over Bethlehem: Poems and Holiday Stories by Christie, Agatha
2011 Writing from Inlandia by
Halloween Haiku by Kolodji, Deborah P., Kriesel, Mike, Kopaska-Merkel, David C.
Award-Winning Poems from the Smith's Tavern Poet Laureate Contest: 2011 Edition by
The Poetic Bond: An anthology of poetry complied through new media, professional and social networking by Holder, Chi, Jain, Romi, Fallon, A. D.
A Poets Paintings by Schmunk, Dennis R.
The Night Goes On All Night: Noir Inspired Poems by Lupert, Rick
Poems To My Daughter - Poemas para Mi Hija: My Journey In Healing - Mi Viaje De Sanación by Amado, Joshua Elijah
The Translation Project by
Wordfall, The 2010 Anthology, Southampton Writing Buddies by
Honouring Our Veterans by Robinsmith, Joe
Brigid's Fire by Poets, Various
Tulips Touching: Sappho's Corner Poetry Series by Robinson, Jin, S, Rhea, Poulter, Glenda
The Cento: A Collection of Collage Poems by Welford, Theresa Malphrus
Bigger Than They Appear: Anthology of Very Short Poems by
The National Poetry Review -11- American Poetry Journal by
The Poetic Lounge by Charles, Fiordaliza, Monaye, Charron
The Best of The Barefoot Muse by Evans, Anna M.
Shared Light: The Willow Glen Poetry Project by The Willow Glen Poetry Project
Prompted, An International Collection of Poems by
Can I Touch You: A Collection of Love Poetry by Saint James, Synthia
Till I End My Song by Bloom, Harold
Candy-Coated Unicorns and Converse All Stars by Ellams, Inua
Spoon River Anthology by Masters, Edgar Lee