• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 1990

Ideology & Form in African Poetry by Ngara, Emmanuel
Bliss Carman: A Reappraisal by
Cyclopean Song: Melancholy and Aestheticism in G�ngora's F�bula de Polifemo Y Galatea by Dolan, Kathleen Hunt
Canadian Writers and Their Works -- Poetry Series, Volume VII: Al Purdy, Phyllis Webb, James Reaney, Alden Nowlan, and Milton Acorn by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 30: Schillers Briefe 1.11.1798 - 31.12.1800. by
Coleridge's Political Thought: Property, Morality and the Limits of Traditional Discourse by Morrow, John
The Case for a Humanistic Poetics by Schwarz, Daniel R.
Brodsky's Poetics and Aesthetics by Loseff, Lev, Polukhina, Valentina
T. S. Eliot: A Voice Descanting: Centenary Essays by
Byron: Augustan and Romantic by Rutherford, Andrew
Terra Firma by Centolella, Thomas
Direcciones del Vanguardismo Hispanoamericano. Estudios Sobre Poesía de Vanguardia En La Década del Veinte. Documentos by
Sor Juana: Or, the Traps of Faith by Paz, Octavio
(Lieferung 53 Des Gesamtwerkes) by Goedeke, Karl
Yeats Annual No 7: Including Essays in Memory of Richard Ellmann by
A Gift That Cannot Be Refused: The Writing and Publishing of Contemporary American Poetry by Biggs, Mary
Nineteenth-Century French Poetry: Introductions to Close Reading by
Painterly Abstraction in Modernist American Poetry by Altieri, Charles
Poetry and Its Public in Ancient Greece: From Homer to the Fifth Century by Gentili, Bruno
A Record of Writing: An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography of George Bowering by Miki, Roy
Philip Larkin and English Poetry by Whalen, T.
Philip Larkin and English Poetry by Whalen, T.
Poetic Form and British Romanticism by Curran, Stuart
Fallen from the Symboled World: Precedents for the New Formalism by Prunty, Wyatt
Semiotics, Romanticism and the Scriptures by Chevalier, Jacques M.
A Companion to Piers Plowman by
Minor Prophecy by Kuebrich, David
Robert Frost: The Work of Knowing by Poirier, Richard
Andreas Gryphius by Mannack, Eberhard
Einführung in Den Neueren Deutschen Vers: Von Luther Bis Zur Gegenwart. Eine Vorlesung by Behrmann, Alfred
Baudelaire: Collected Essays, 1953 1988 by Leakey, F. W., F. W., Leakey
The Government of the Tongue by Heaney, Seamus
The Years of Our Friendship: Robert Lowell and Allen Tate by Doreski, William
The Disenchanted Self: Representing the Subject in The"canterbury Tales" by Leicester, H. Marshall
The Disenchanted Self: Representing the Subject in the Canterbury Tales by Leicester, H. Marshall
Hellenistic Poetry by Hutchinson, G. O.
Reading Romantics: Texts and Contexts by Manning, Peter J.
Reading Race by Nielsen, Aldon Lynn
Soliciting Interpretation: Literary Theory and Seventeenth-Century English Poetry by
Recognitions a Study in Poetics by Cave, Terence
Poem and Symbol: A Brief History of French Symbolism by Fowlie, Wallace
Articulate Flesh: Male Homo-Eroticism and Modern Poetry by Woods, Gregory
Subjectivity in Troubadour Poetry by Kay, Sarah, Sarah, Kay
Three Contemporary Poets: Thom Gunn, Ted Hughes and R.S. Thomas by
Walt Whitman and the American Reader by Greenspan, Ezra
Romantic Medicine and John Keats by de Almeida, Hermione
Visible Song by O'Keeffe, Katherine O'Brien
Poet's Prose: The Crisis in American Verse by Fredman, Stephen
Poet's Prose by Fredman, Stephen
The Map of All My Youth: Early Works, Friends, and Influences by Auden, W. H.
(Lieferung 54 Des Gesamtwerkes) by Goedeke, Karl