• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 1992

Gerard Manley Hopkins Annual 1992 by Sundermeier, Michael, Egan, Desmond
Blake: Songs of Innocence and Experience by Blake, William
The Gay[grey Moose: Essays on the Ecologies and Mythologies of Canadian Poetry 1690-1990 by Bentley, D. M. R.
Getting the Knack: 20 Poetry Writing Exercises by Stafford, William, Dunning, Stephen
Tennyson: Seven Essays by
Barbara Pym and the Novel of Manners by Weld, Annette
The Trivial Sublime: Theology and American Poetics by Munk, Linda
Ezra Pound and America by Kaye, Jacqueline
Feminine Engendered Faith: The Poetry of John Donne and Richard Crashaw by Sabine, M.
Yeats's Vision Papers: Volume 3: Sleep and Dream Notebooks, Vision Notebooks 1 and 2, Card File by Yeats, W. B.
Basic Concepts of Poetics by Staiger, Emil
Poets, Poetics, and Politics: America's Literary Community Viewed from the Letters of Rolfe Humpries, 1910-1969 by
A Walking Tour In Southern France: Ezra Pound Among the Troubadours by Pound, Ezra
A Poetics by Bernstein, Charles
In the Midst by Tallman, Warren
Strange Power of Speech: Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Literary Possession by Eilenberg, Susan
Sylvia Plath: The Wound and the Cure of Words by Axelrod, Steven Gould
Poets in Their Time: Essays on English Poetry from Donne to Larkin by Everett, Barbara
Bunting: The Shaping of His Verse by Makin, Peter
Reading William Blake by Behrendt, S.
Poetry and Pragmatism by Poirier, Richard
Poetic Configurations: Essays in Literary History and Criticism by Nelson, Lowry
The Role of the Poet in Early Societies by Bloomfield, Morton W., Dunn, Charles W.
The Father: Poems by Olds, Sharon
Baudelaire, Les Fleurs Du Mal by Leakey, F. W.
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 1: Gedichte in Der Reihenfolge Ihres Erscheinens 1776-1799. by
First Light: Mother and Son Poems: Mother & Son Poems: A Twentieth-Century American Selection by
Yeats and Artistic Power by Marcus, Phillip L.
Cradle and All: A Cultural and Psychoanalytic Study of Nursery Rhymes by Rollin, Lucy
The Celestial Tradition: A Study of Ezra Poundâ (Tm)S the Cantos by Tryphonopoulos, Demetres P.
Catullus by Martin, Charles
Valery and Poe by Vines, Lois
Poets on Writing: Britain, 1970-1991 by
Feminine Engendered Faith: The Poetry of John Donne and Richard Crashaw by Sabine, M.
Song of Hiawatha by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Disjunctive Poetics: From Gertrude Stein and Louis Zukofsky to Susan Howe by Quartermain, Peter
In the Circumstances: About Poems and Poets by Robinson, Peter
The Columbia Granger's(r) Dictionary of Poetry Quotations by
Mexican Ballads, Chicano Poems: History and Influence in Mexican-American Social Poetry by Limón, José E.
Victorian Women Poets: Writing Against the Heart by Leighton, Angela
The Book of the Laurel by Skelton, John
Anne Finch and Her Poetry: A Critical Biography by McGovern, Barbara
Anxiety in Eden: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Paradise Lost by Tanner, John S.
Essays on Aristotle's Poetics by
Gerard Manley Hopkins Annual 1992 by Sundermeier, Michael, Egan, Desmond
The Poems of Aphra Behn: A Selection by Todd, Janet
Neruda: An Intimate Biography by Teitelboim, Volodia
The Other Voice by Paz, Octavio
The Practice of Poetry: Writing Exercises from Poets Who Teach by Behn, Robin
Nibelungenlied by Hoffmann, Werner
Six Centuries of Great Poetry: A Stunning Collection of Classic British Poems from Chaucer to Yeats by Erskine, Albert, Warren, Robert Penn
A Keats Chronology by Pinion, F. B.
Tennyson: Seven Essays by
Shelley's Goddess: Maternity, Language, Subjectivity by Gelpi, Barbara Charlesworth
Poetry Handbook: For Readers and Writers by Livingstone, Dinah
The Undivine Comedy: Detheologizing Dante by Barolini, Teodolinda
Woman Defamed and Woman Defended: An Anthology of Medieval Texts by
Wordsworth by Williams, John
Rowing in Eden: Rereading Emily Dickinson by Smith, Martha Nell
Shakespeare's Culture of Violence by Cohen, D.
The Wicked Sisters: Women Poets, Literary History, and Discord by Erkkila, Betsy
Jonsonian Discriminations: The Humanist Poet and the Praise of True Nobility by McCanles, Michael
Glossary to the Poetic Edda: Based on Hans Kuhn's 'Kurzes Worterbuch' by La Farge, Beatrice, Tucker, John
Further Voices in Vergil's Aeneid by Lyne, R. O. a. M.