• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 1993

Gerard Manley Hopkins Annual 1993 by Sundermeier, Michael, Egan, Desmond
Disseminating Whitman: Revision and Corporeality in Leaves of Grass by Moon, Michael
Pound in Multiple Perspective: A Collection of Critical Essays by
Blake's Poetry: Spectral Visions by Vine, Steven
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume VI, 1872-1878 by
A Brighter Coming Day: A Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Reader by
The Romantic Imagination in the Works of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer by Bynum, B. Brant
Edwin Muir: Poet, Critic and Novelist by Palmer McCulloch, Margery
Baudelaire and Intertextuality by Evans, Margery A.
The Arts of Love: Five Studies in the Discourse of Roman Love Elegy by Kennedy, Duncan F.
The Epic Successors of Virgil: A Study in the Dynamics of a Tradition by Hardie, Philip
The Beginning of Terror: A Psychological Study of Rainer Maria Rilke's Life and Work by Kleinbard, David
Miraculous Simplicity: Essays on R.S. Thomas by
Melville's Protest Theism by Goldman, Stan
Browning and Conversation by St George, E. A. W.
Statutes of Liberty: The New York School of Poets by Ward, Geoff
The Medieval Poet as Voyeur by A. C., Spearing, Spearing, A. C.
Elizabeth Bishop: Questions of Mastery by Costello, Bonnie
Ballade by Weißert, Gottfried
Catullus and His Renaissance Readers by Gaisser, Julia Haig
The New England Milton: Literary Reception and Cultural Authority in the Early Republic by Van Anglen, Kevin
Choosing Not Choosing by Cameron, Sharon
A Companion to the Cantos of Ezra Pound by Terrell, Carroll F.
William Carlos Williams and the Diagnostics of Culture by Bremen, Brian
A Coleridge Chronology by Purton, Valerie
Chapters Into Verse: Poetry in English Inspired by the Bible: Volume 2: Gospels to Revelation by
Elizabeth Bishop: The Restraints of Language by Doreski, C. K.
The Grounding of American Poetry: Charles Olson and the Emersonian Tradition by Fredman, Stephen
The Regenerate Lyric by New, Elisa
Collected Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar by Braxton, Joanne M.
Jones Very: The Complete Poems by Very, Jones
Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism by McGann, Jerome J.
Shakespeare and the Modern Dramatist by Scott, Michael
Rochester by Thormahlen, Marianne, Marianne, Thormahlen, Thorm Hlen, Marianne
Proses: On Poems and Poets by Kizer, Carolyn
The Hart Sisters: Early African Caribbean Writers, Evangelicals, and Radicals by
The Cure of Poetry in an Age of Prose: Moral Essays on the Poet's Calling by Kinzie, Mary
Narrative and Representation in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens: A Tune Beyond Us, Yet Ourselves by Schwarz, D.
Spoon River Anthology: An Annotated Edition by Masters, Edgar Lee
Mrs Dalloway and to the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf by Reid, Susan
American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century Vol. 2 (Loa #67): Melville to Stickney / American Indian Poetry / Folk Songs & Spirituals by Various
George Herbert's Christian Narrative by Toliver, Harold
The Politics of Shakespeare by Cohen, D.
Diffusion of Distances: Dialogues Between Chinese and Western Poetics by Yip, Wai-Lim
The Language of Twentieth Century Poetry by Jeffries, Lesley
Alfred Tennyson: A Literary Life by Ormond, Leonee
Civil War World of Herman Melville by Garner, Stanton
American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century Vol. 1 (Loa #66): Freneau to Whitman by Various
Seamus Heaney: Poet of Contrary Progressions by Hart, Henry
A Shelley Chronology by Bradley, J. L.
Leaves of Grass: The Death-Bed Edition by Whitman, Walt
Beyond Chrysanthemums: Perspectives on Poetry East and West by Reckert, Stephen
Traditional Oral Epic: The Odyssey, Beowulf, and the Serbo-Croation Return Song by Foley, John Miles
Witness Against the Beast by Thompson, E. P.
Robert Creeley & the Genius of the American Common Place by Clark, Tom, Creeley, Robert
A Spenser Chronology by Maley, W.
Epic Romance: Homer to Milton by Burrow, Colin
Six American Poets: An Anthology by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 2, Teil II B: Gedichte. Anmerkungen Zu Band 2/I. by
The Politics of Shakespeare by Cohen, D.
The Aesthetics of Visual Poetry, 1914-1928 by Bohn, Willard
Hopkins, the Self, and God by Ong, Walter
Writing Poems by Sansom Peter, Peter
The Homeric Hymn to Demeter: Translation, Commentary, and Interpretive Essays by
Shards of Love: Exile and the Origins of the Lyric by Menocal, María Rosa
The Columbia History of British Poetry by
The Columbia History of American Poetry by