• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2000

The Solid Letter: Readings of Friedrich Hölderlin by
Listener in the Snow: The Practice and Teaching of Poetry by Statman, Mark
Dante's Testaments: Essays in Scriptural Imagination by Hawkins, Peter S.
Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage by Gibson, M.
Romanticism and Male Fantasy in Byron's Don Juan: A Marketable Vice by Donelan, C.
Coleridge and the Psychology of Romanticism: Feeling and Thought by Vallins, D.
Romanticism and Male Fantasy in Byron's Don Juan: A Marketable Vice by Donelan, C.
Catullan Provocations: Lyric Poetry and the Drama of Position Volume 1 by Fitzgerald, William
A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman by
Romantic Dynamics: The Poetics of Physicality by Lussier, M.
A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman by
The Politics of Romantic Poetry: In Search of the Pure Commonwealth by Cronin, R.
Inscriptio by Neukirchen, Thomas
Wordsworth's Classical Undersong: Education, Rhetoric and Poetic Truth by Clancey, Richard
Body Narratives: Writing the Nation and Fashioning the Subject in Early Modern England by Scholz, S.
Yeats as Precursor: Readings in Irish, British and American Poetry by Matthews, S.
Writing the English Republic: Poetry, Rhetoric and Politics, 1627 1660 by Norbrook, David
By Herself by McQuade, Molly
The Columbia Granger's(r) Index to African-American Poetry by
Chaucer and the Late Medieval World: The Poet and the Late Medieval World by Bisson, Lillian M.
W.H. Auden: Towards a Postmodern Poetics by Emig, R.
Romantic Atheism by Priestman, Martin
Mallarmé's Children: Symbolism and the Renewal of Experience by Cándida Smith, Richard
The Poetry of Seamus Heaney: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
Destination Z: The History of the Future by Baldock, Robert
Doctrine and Devotion in Seventeenth-Century Poetry: Studies in Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, and Vaughan by Young, R. V.
Irish Poetry: An Interpretive Anthology from Before Swift to Yeats and After by
Seamus Heaney by Vendler, Helen
Sight and Sound Entwined: Studies of the New Russian Poetry by Janecek, Gerald J.
Romanticism on the Road: The Marginal Gains of Wordsworth's Homeless by Benis, T.
Toy Medium by Tiffany, Daniel
Toy Medium: Materialism and Modern Lyric by Tiffany, Daniel
Milton and the Natural World: Science and Poetry in Paradise Lost by Edwards, Karen L.
The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Poetry and Poetic Theory: Concise Edition by
Robert Frost: A Life by Parini, Jay
The Folding Cliffs: A Narrative by Merwin, W. S.
Engendering Rome: Women in Latin Epic by Keith, A. M., Keith, Alison
Abkehr Von Schönheit Und Ideal in Der Liebeslyrik by
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester by Greer, Germaine
The Man Who Outlived Himself: An Appreciation of John Donne: A Dozen of His Best Poems by Purdy, Al, Beardsley, Doug
Poetryâ (Tm)S Appeal: Nineteenth-Century French Lyric and the Political Space by Burt, E. S.
Poetryâ (Tm)S Appeal: Nineteenth-Century French Lyric and the Political Space by Burt, E. S.
Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry by
How to Read a Poem: And Fall in Love with Poetry by Hirsch, Edward
A Shakespeare Reader by
Mistaken Identities: Poetry and Northern Ireland by McDonald, Peter
Romantic Poets, Critics, and Other Madmen by Rosen, Charles
Disowned by Memory: Wordsworth's Poetry of the 1790s by Bromwich, David
What the Small Day Cannot Hold by Musgrave, Susan
Shakespeare, Film, Fin de Siecle by Burnett, Mark Thornton, Wray, Ramona
Songs of the Women Troubadours by
The Beowulf Reader: Basic Readings by
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. V by
The Poets' Jesus: Representations at the End of the Millennium by Rosenthal, Peggy
Body Narratives: Writing the Nation and Fashioning the Subject in Early Modern England by Scholz, S.
The Politics of Romantic Poetry: In Search of the Pure Commonwealth by Cronin, R.
Body Narratives: Writing the Nation and Fashioning the Subject in Early Modern England by Scholz, S.
The Politics of Romantic Poetry: In Search of the Pure Commonwealth by Cronin, R.
The Problem of Poetry in the Romantic Period by Storey, M.
Historical Anthology of Kazan Tatar Verse by Bukharaev, Ravil, Matthews, David
Reading Peter Reading by Martin, Isabel
A Queer Chivalry: The Homoerotic Asceticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Saville, Julia F.
Back from the Far Field: American Nature Poetry in the Late Twentieth Century by Quetchenbach, Bernard W.
Back from the Far Field: American Nature Poetry in the Late Twentieth Century by Quetchenbach, Bernard W.
White Women Writing White: H.D., Elizabeth Bishop, Sylvia Plath, and Whiteness by Curry, Renee R.
T.S. Eliot's Orchestra: Critical Essays on Poetry and Music by
Percy Bysshe Shelley by Hamilton, Paul
Anglo-Saxon Verse by Holderness, Graham
The Paths of Poetry: Twenty-Five Poets & Their Poems by Untermeyer, Louis
Doorways to Poetry by Untermeyer, Louis
Wordsworth's Classical Undersong: Education, Rhetoric and Poetic Truth by Clancey, Richard
No Other Book: Selected Essays by Jarrell, Randall
The Romantic Paradox: Love, Violence and the Uses of Romance, 1760-1830 by Labbe, J.
The Poet as Provocateur: Heinrich Heine and His Critics by Peters, George
The Poetics of Empire in the Indies: Prophecy and Imitation in "La Araucana" and "Os Lusíadas" by Nicolopulos, James
Vermont Afternoons with Robert Frost by Orton, Vrest
The American Puritan Elegy by Hammond, Jeffrey A.
Shakespeare Through the Looking Glass by Barron, Randall
The Poetics of Japanese Verse: Imagery, Structure, and Meter by Kawamoto, Koji
Singing the Past by Reichl, Karl
Literature and Nationalism in Partitioned Poland, 1795-1918 by Eile, S.
Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage by Gibson, M.
Interpreting Shakespeare on Screen by Bradley, Hester
Interpreting Shakespeare on Screen by Bradley, Hester
Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays by
A Poetry of Two Minds by Santos, Sherod
Irish Poetry Since 1950: From Stillness Into History by Goodby, John
Milton and Religious Controversy: Satire and Polemic in Paradise Lost by King, John N.
Dylan Thomas: An Original Language by Hardy, Barbara
Hopkins Re-Constructed by Lawler, Justus George
The Pursuit of Poetry: A Guide to Its Understanding and Appreciation with an Explanation of Its Forms and a Dictionary of Poetic Terms by Untermeyer, Louis
Vision and Rhetoric in Shakespeare: Looking Through Language by Thorne, A.
The Erotic Whitman by Pollak, Vivian R.
Byron: A Literary Life by Franklin, C.
Poetische Zeugnisse: Gedichte Aus Dem Frauen-Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück 1939-1945 by Jaiser, Constanze
The Great War in Irish Poetry: W. B. Yeats to Michael Longley by Brearton, Fran
Seven Metaphysical Poets - A Structural Study of the Unchanging Self by Ellrodt, Robert
Contemporary Women's Poetry: Reading/Writing/Practice by Mark, A., Rees-Jones, D.
Contemporary Women's Poetry: Reading/Writing/Practice by Rees-Jones, D., Mark, A.
A Preface to Wordsworth: Revised Edition by Purkis, John
A Preface to T S Eliot by Tamplin, Ron
Byron: A Literary Life by Franklin, C.
Poets of Contemporary Latin America by Rowe, William
Moving Windows: Evaluating the Poetry Children Write by Collom, Jack
Remnants of Song: Trauma and the Experience of Modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan by Baer, Ulrich
The List Poem: A Guide to Teaching & Writing Catalog Verse by Fagin, Larry
I Want to Dance and Other Poems by Ojaide, Tanure
Spirit of Flame by Peers, Edgar Allison
Haroldo de Campos: A Dialogue with the Brazilian Concrete Poet by
From Behind the Counter by Lee, Easton
W.H. Auden: A Commentary by Fuller, John
Reading Rilke Reflections on the Problems of Translations by Gass, William H.
Poetry & Posterity by Longley, Edna
The Poetry of Life in Literature by
Yeats: A Psychoanalytic Study by Webster, Brenda S.
Career Moves: Olson, Creeley, Zukofsky, Berrigan, and by Rifkin, Libbie
John Dryden: Tercentenary Essays by
How to Study Chaucer by Pope, Robert
Locations of Literary Modernism: Region and Nation in British and American Modernist Poetry by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 5: Kabale Und Liebe. Kleine Dramen. by
The Body of Beatrice by Harrison, Robert Pogue
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, Volume 2: The Elegies by Donne, John
A Difficult Grace: On Poets, Poetry, and Writing by Ryan, Michael
Observations On Fairy Queen V2 by Warton, Thomas
Observations On Fairy Queen V1 by Warton, Thomas
Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage by Gibson, M.
Poet of a Morning: Herman Mellville and the "redburn" Poem, and the Complete Poem, Redburn: Or the Schoolmaster of a Morning by Howes, Jeanne Chretien
Literature and Nationalism in Partitioned Poland, 1795-1918 by Eile, S.
Dante's Great Adventure: Selected Cantos from the Divine Comedy by Alighieri, Dante
Medieval Insular Romance: Translation and Innovation by
The Politics of Pearl: Economy, Society and Warfare in the 19th Century by Bowers, John M.
Chaucer's Philosophical Visions by Lynch, Kathryn L.
Heine-Jahrbuch 2000: 39. Jahrgang by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Shakespeare's Visual Regime: Tragedy, Psychoanalysis and the Gaze by Armstrong, P.
Haunted Hardy: Poetry, History, Memory by Armstrong, T.
Haunted Hardy: Poetry, History, Memory by Armstrong, T.
The Pity of Achilles: Oral Style and the Unity of the Iliad by Kim, Jinyo
Alexander Pope by Baines, Paul
Alexander Pope by Baines, Paul
Deconstructions: A User's Guide by Royle, Nicholas
Language Poets Use by Nowottny, Winifred
The Nature of Native American Poetry by Wilson, Norma C.
Vision and Rhetoric in Shakespeare: Looking Through Language by Thorne, A.
Invisible Fences: Prose Poetry as a Genre in French and American Literature by Monte, Steven
A Light from Eleusis: A Study of Ezra Pound's Cantos by Surette, Leon
Brecht's Poetry of Political Exile by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 38, Teil II: Briefe an Schiller 1798-1800. Anmerkungen. by
Reading, Writing, and Romanticism: The Anxiety of Reception by Newlyn, Lucy
Ulrich Von Zatzikhoven's Lanzelet: Narrative Style and Entertainment by McLelland, Nicola
Statutes of Liberty: The New York School of Poets by Ward, G.
Wordsworth: A Poet's History by Hanley, K.
Wordsworth: A Poet's History by Hanley, K.
Wordsworth and the Critics: The Development of a Critical Reputation by Mahoney, John L.
Milton and Modernity: Politics, Masculinity and Paradise Lost by Jordan, M.
Statutes of Liberty: The New York School of Poets by Ward, G.
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry by
Baudelaire and the Poetics of Modernity by
Geoffrey Chaucer: The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
The Language of Inquiry by Hejinian, Lyn
Contemporary British Poetry and the City by Barry, Peter
Human Vices and Human Worth in Dante's Comedy by Boyde, Patrick
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry by
Talk Yuh Talk: Interviews with Anglophone Caribbean Poets by Dawes, Kwame
Talk Yuh Talk: Interviews with Anglophone Caribbean Poets by Dawes, Kwame
The Robert Frost Encyclopedia by
How to Study Romantic Poetry by O'Flinn, Paul