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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2001

The poems of Alfred B. Street. Vol. 1. by Street, Alfred Billings
Mannerism and Baroque in Seventeenth-Century French Poetry: The Example of Tristan L'Hermite by Shepard, James Crenshaw
Milton and Modernity: Politics, Masculinity and Paradise Lost by Jordan, M.
William Wordsworth's Golden Age Theories During the Industrial Revolution by Keay, M.
Elizabeth Bishop's World War II - Cold War View by Roman, C.
The Poetic Economists of England and Ireland 1912-2000 by Johnston, D.
Poetry: An Introduction by Strachan, John, Terry, Richard
We Heal from Memory: Sexton, Corde, Anzaldua, and the Poetry of Witness by Steele, C.
We Heal from Memory: Sexton, Corde, Anzaldua, and the Poetry of Witness by Steele, C.
A Companion to Chaucer by
The Poetry of Nizami Ganjavi: Knowledge, Love, and Rhetoric by Na, Na
The Poetry of Nizami Ganjavi: Knowledge, Love, and Rhetoric by Na, Na
T. S. Eliot and Our Turning World by
T.S. Eliot and Our Turning World by
Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908 1934 by Duplessis, Rachel Blau
Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908 1934 by Duplessis, Rachel Blau
1800: The New Lyrical Ballads by
Horace's Carmen Saeculare: Ritual Magic and the Poet`s Art by Putnam, Michael C. J.
Poems of Nation, Anthems of Empire: English Verse in the Long Eighteenth Century by Kaul, Suvir
Yeats and the Nineties: Yeats Annual No 14: A Special Number by
Blake and Homosexuality by Hobson, C.
Harold Monro: Poet of the New Age by Hibberd, D.
Blake and Homosexuality by Hobson, C.
Il Frammento Inedito »Resplendiente Stella de Albur« Di Giacomino Pugliese E La Poesia Italiana Delle Origini by Brunetti, Giuseppina
Il Trovatore Uc Brunenc: Edizione Critica Con Commento, Glossario E Rimario by Gresti, Paolo
The Shock of the Real: Romanticism and Visual Culture,1760-1860 by Wood, G.
Starting Lines in Scottish, Irish, and English Poetry: From Burns to Heaney by Stafford, Fiona
Men's Work: Gender, Class, and the Professionalization of Poetry, 1660-1784 by Zionkowski, L.
Men's Work: Gender, Class, and the Professionalization of Poetry, 1660-1784 by Zionkowski, L.
Heart by Eiko, Petra
The Gang: Coleridge, the Hutchinsons, and the Wordsworths in 1802 by Worthen, John
Poetry as Persuasion by Dennis, Carl
Songs of the Women Trouvères by Doss-Quinby, Eglal, Grimbert, Joan Tasker, Pfeffer, Wendy
Keats, Hunt and the Aesthetics of Pleasure by Mizukoshi, Ayumi
Keats, Hunt and the Aesthetics of Pleasure by Mizukoshi, Ayumi
Sound and Structure in the Divine Comedy by Robey, David
Virgil and the Augustan Reception by Thomas, Richard F.
The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry by
Sangspruchdichtung by Tervooren, Helmut
Geoffrey Chaucer by Rudd, G. A.
John Milton by Bradford, Richard
John Milton by Bradford, Richard
Geoffrey Chaucer by Rudd, G. A.
Skeptical Music: Essays on Modern Poetry by Bromwich, David
Goethe Yearbook 10 by
Akhmatova's Petersburg by Leiter, Sharon
Walking Light: Memoirs and Essays on Poetry by Dunn, Stephen
On Poetry and Craft: Selected Prose by Roethke, Theodore
The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry by
Law's Interior by Crotty, Kevin
Felicia Hemans: Reimagining Poetry in the Nineteenth Century by
The Realms of Verse 1830-1870: English Poetry in a Time of Nation-Building by Reynolds, Matthew
Guilty Creatures: Renaissance Poetry and the Ethics of Authorship by Kezar, Dennis
Crossing Color: Transcultural Space and Place in Rita Dove's Poetry, Fiction, and Drama by Steffen, Therese, Frey Steffen, Therese
Fernando de Rojas and the Renaissance Vision: Phantasm, Melancholy, and Didacticism in "Celestina" by Castells, Ricardo
The Measured Word: On Poetry and Science by
Ideology in Cold Blood: A Reading of Lucan's Civil War by Bartsch, Shadi
The Making of a Poem by
Calderón by Strosetzki, Christoph
Robert Browning: A Literary Life by Wood, S.
Prepositions + by Zukofsky, Louis
The Cambridge Companion to Keats by
Sacred Narratives by Tornabuoni De' Medici, Lucrezia
San Francisco Beat: Talking with the Poets by
Hispano-Arabic Literature and the Early Provencal Lyrics by Abu-Haidar, J. A.
Poetry for Dummies by The Poetry Center, Timpane, John
Eliot's Dark Angel: Intersections of Life and Art by
Greek Lyric Poetry ' a Commentary on Selected Larger Pieces ' by Hutchinson, G. O.
How to Kill a Dragon: Aspects of Indo-European Poetics by Watkins, Calvert
The Poetry of Fran OIS Villon: Text and Context by Taylor, Jane H. M.
Paradise Lost and the Romantic Reader by Newlyn, Lucy
Coleridge, Wordsworth and the Language of Allusion by Newlyn, Lucy
Propertius by Hubbard, Margaret
The Cambridge Companion to Keats by
Veronica Forrest-Thompson and Language Poetry by Mark, Alison
Bittersweet Time Shares: A Life in Poetry by Schafer, Nancy Imelda
Tony Harrison and the Holocaust by Rowland, Antony
Vow to Poetry: Essays, Interviews & Manifestoes by Waldman, Anne
Revolutionary Memory: Recovering the Poetry of the American Left by Nelson, Cary
The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire by
The Cambridge Companion to Robert Frost by
The Cambridge Companion to Spenser by
Imperfect Sense: The Predicament of Milton's Irony by Silver, Victoria
Poetry and the Age: Expanded Edition by Jarrell, Randall
The Eye of the Poet: Six Views of the Art and Craft of Poetry by Citino, David, Baker, David
Ten Poems to Change Your Life by Housden, Roger
Magister Amoris: The Roman de la Rose and Vernacular Hermeneutics by Minnis, Alastair
The Cynewulf Reader by
Secrets Need Words: Indonesian Poetry, 1966-1998 by Aveling, Harry
Befitting Emblems of Adversity: A Modern Irish View of Edmund Spenser from W. B. Yeats to the Present. by Gardiner, David
My Self, My Muse: Irish Women Poets Reflect on Life and Art by
The Symbolic Imagination: Coleridge and the Romantic Tradition by Barth, Robert J.
The Symbolic Imagination: Coleridge and the Romantic Tradition by Barth, Robert J.
Inner Life by Clevenger, Larry Ervin
Chaucer's Ovidian Arts of Love by Calabrese, Michael A.
Art of the Gawain-Poet: New Edition by Davenport, W. a.
My Self, My Muse: Irish Women Poets Reflect on Life and Art by
The Cambridge Companion to Robert Frost by
Modern Irish Poetry: A New Alhambra by Sewell, Frank
The Art of Chaucer's Verse by
Auden's Games of Knowledge: Poetry and the Meanings of Homosexuality by Bozorth, Richard
Auden's Games of Knowledge: Poetry and the Meanings of Homosexuality by Bozorth, Richard
The Poetic Economists of England and Ireland 1912-2000 by Johnston, D.
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 20: Philosophische Schriften. Erster Teii. by
The Poetry of Sylvia Plath: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
The Poetry of Sylvia Plath by
T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land by
The Knight in the Tiger Skin by Rust'hveli, Shot'ha
Humanophone by Holmes, Janet
Humanophone by Holmes, Janet
My Business Is Circumference: Poets on Influence and Mastery by Berg, Stephen
Political Theologies in Shakespeare's England: The Sacred and the State in Measure for Measure by Shuger, Debora
Political Theologies in Shakespeare's England: The Sacred and the State in Measure for Measure by Shuger, Debora
James Dickey: The World as a Lie by Hart, Henry
A Poetic Journey: Through the Life of Heaven and Hell by Purkey, John S.
Hugh Macdiarmid's Epic Poetry by Riach, Alan
Robert Browning by Hawlin, Stefan
Code X by Sutherland, W. Mark
William Wordsworth's Golden Age Theories During the Industrial Revolution by Keay, M.
Speaking Volumes by Barchiesi, Alessandro
W.B. Yeats by Jeffares, A. Norman
Goethe and the English-Speaking World: A Cambridge Symposium for His 250th Anniversary by
Poetische Prosa: Beiträge Zur Modernen Poetik Von Charles Baudelaire Bis Georg Trakl by Ortlieb, Cornelia
Ausonius: Epigrams by
The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge Since the 1750s by Crawford, Robert
The Art of Poetry: How to Read a Poem by Weiss, Shira Wolosky, Wolosky, Shira
John Milton-Pa by Shawcross, John T.
Wordsworth's Biblical Ghosts by Westbrook, D.
Wordsworth's Biblical Ghosts by Westbrook, D.
Milton and the Rabbis: Hebraism, Hellenism, and Christianity by Shoulson, Jeffrey
Yeats's Vision Papers Volume 4 by
New Addresses by Koch, Kenneth
Les Murray by Matthews, Steven
Heine- Jahrbuch 2001: 40.Jahrgang by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Discovery of Poetry: A Field Guide to Reading and Writing Poems by Mayes, Frances
Making Something Happen: American Political Poetry Between the World Wars by Thurston, Michael
Quarrel & Quandary: Essays by Ozick, Cynthia
From Art to Politics: Octavio Paz and the Pursuit of Freedom by Grenier, Yvon
Thomas Hardy: The Complete Poems by Hardy, T.
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 6 by Spenser, Edmund
A Candle for Saint Barbara and Other Poems by Tius, Mary M.
A Candle for Saint Barbara and Other Poems by Tius, Mary M.
Other Traditions by Ashbery, John
Rimbaud by Robb, Graham
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 39, Teil II: Briefe an Schiller 1.1.1801 - 31.12.1802. Anmerkungen. by
English Lyric Poetry: The Early Seventeenth Century by Post, Jonathan
Die Problematisierung Lyrischen Sprechens Im Mittelalter: Eine Untersuchung Zum Diskurswandel Der Liebesdichtung Von Den Provenzalen Bis Zu Petrarca by Bernsen, Michael
John Clare: A Literary Life by Sales, R.
From Art to Politics: Octavio Paz and the Pursuit of Freedom by Grenier, Yvon
The Bureaucratic Muse: Thomas Hoccleve and the Literature of Late Medieval England by Knapp, Ethan
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 1 by Spenser, Edmund
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 2 by Spenser, Edmund
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 3 by Spenser, Edmund
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 4 by Spenser, Edmund
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 5 by Spenser, Edmund
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 9 by Spenser, Edmund
Chaucer and Boccaccio: Antiquity and Modernity by Edwards, R.
Transition, Reception and Modernism by Greaves, R.
Contemporary Caribbean Women's Poetry: Making Style by Decaires Narain, Denise
The Poets' Jesus: Representations at the End of a Millennium by Rosenthal, Peggy
The Plays by Yeats, W.
Psaiku: Haiku of the Psyche by Meyers-Lussier, Robert
Pursuing Privacy in Cold War America by Nelson, Deborah
Pursuing Privacy in Cold War America by Nelson, Deborah
Poetry Does Theology: Chaucer, Grosseteste, and the Pearl-poet by Rhodes, Jim
Poetry Does Theology: Chaucer, Grosseteste, and the Pearl-poet by Rhodes, Jim