• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2003

Romantic Satanism: Myth and the Historical Moment in Blake, Shelley and Byron by Schock, P.
A Sidney Chronology: 1554-1654 by Brennan, M., Kinnamon, N.
John Clare, Politics and Poetry by Vardy, A.
Shakespeare's Drama of Exile by Kingsley-Smith, J.
Romantic Consciousness: Blake to Mary Shelley by Beer, J.
Poems for Odd Fellows and Rebekahs by Slater, W. J.
Custer and Other Poems by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Victorian Shakespeare: Volume 2: Literature and Culture by Poole, Adrian, Marshall, Gail
Going the Distance: Dissident Subjectivity in Modernist American Literature by Jarraway, David R.
Sign and Taboo by
Coleridge's Writings: On the Sublime by Vallins, David
Canongate Burns: The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns by Burns, Robert, Noble, Andrew, Hogg, Patrick Scott
Covered Ground by Spivey, Tony
Revolutionary Memory: Recovering the Poetry of the American Left by Nelson, Cary
Celan Studies by Szondi, Peter
Celan Studies by Szondi, Peter
Shakespeare Through the Looking Glass by Barron, Randall
Planet on the Table: Poets on the Reading Life by
An Introduction to Arab Poetics by Adonis
Women Peasant Poets in Eighteenth-Century England, Scotland, and Germany: Milkmaids on Parnassus by Kord, Susanne
Story of Mary and Her Little Lamb by Ford, Henry
The Cambridge Companion to William Blake by
William Blake's Comic Vision by Rawlinson, N.
William Blake's Comic Vision by Rawlinson, N.
A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry by
The Cambridge Companion to William Blake by
Selected Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt by Wyatt, Thomas
The Modernist Response to Chinese Art: Pound, Moore, Stevens by Qian, Zhaoming
This Art: Poems about Poetry by
Like Lazarus I Came Forth: poems by Powers, Wayne
Raindrops by Kezar-Salmi, Ellablanche
Whispers of Eden: A Collection of Adolescent Poetry and Short Stories (1980-1990) by Snyder, Shannyn
Meaning of the Witch of Atlas by Grabo, Carl
Nineteenth Century English Prose by
Word of Mouth: Poems Featured on NPR's All Things Considered by Bowman, Catherine
Depth Perception by Roettgen, Dale R.
The Music of Emily Dickinson's Poems and Letters: A Study of Imagery and Form by Cooley, Carolyn Lindley
Collected Poems and Selected Prose of Charlotte Mew by Mew, Charlotte
Poetry, Symbol, and Allegory: Interpreting Metaphorical Language from Plato to the Present by Brittan, Simon
Poetry, Symbol, and Allegory: Interpreting Metaphorical Language from Plato to the Present by Brittan, Simon
Shifting Ground: Reinventing Landscape in Modern American Poetry by Costello, Bonnie
Courtship of Miles Standish by Longfellow, Henry W.
Poems by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Prose Sketches and Poems Written in the Western Country by Pike, Albert
My Lyrical Life: Poems Old and New by Massey, Gerald
Poems of Reflection by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Poems of Power by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
The Great Republic: A Poem of the Sun by Harris, Thomas Lake
General Albert Pike's Poems by Pike, Albert
Sound by Eiko, Petra
Sex by Eiko, Petra
Wisdom by Eiko, Petra
50 Years of DNA by
The Great War in Irish Poetry: W. B. Yeats to Michael Longley by Brearton, Fran
Poets in the Public Sphere: The Emancipatory Project of American Women's Poetry, 1800-1900 by Bennett, Paula Bernat
Language and Poetry of Flowers by Anonymous
The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry by McClatchy, J. D.
Byron and Place: History, Translation, Nostalgia by Cheeke, S.
En un golpe de tos sintio volar la vida: Gaspar Octavio Hernandez, Obras escogidas by Webster, Johnny
Great Poets as Religious Teachers by Morison, John H.
Poetry of the Celtic Races and Other Studies by Renan, Ernest
Climbing the Divide by McDonald, Walt
The Poems of Edward Taylor: A Reference Guide by Guruswamy, Rosemary
The Bab Ballads by Gilbert, W. S.
Climbing the Divide by McDonald, Walt
Essays on Poetry by Mills, Ralph J.
Essays on Poetry by Mills, Ralph J.
A Way of Seeing by Allison, John
Queer Lyrics: Difficulty and Closure in American Poetry by Vincent, J.
The Poetics of the Limit: Ethics and Politics in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry by Woods, Tim
Queer Lyrics: Difficulty and Closure in American Poetry by Vincent, J.
The Poetics of the Limit: Ethics and Politics in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry by Woods, Tim
Poetic Animals and Animal Souls by Malamud, R.
Poetic Animals and Animal Souls by Malamud, R.
Apocalypse and Millennium in English Romantic Poetry by Paley, Morton D.
A Map of Misreading by Bloom, Harold Ed
Theology of the Greek Poets by Tyler, William Seymour, Tyler, W. S.
Literature and Occult Tradition by Saurat, Denis
The Sappho History by Reynolds, M.
The Sappho History by Reynolds, M.
Victorian Poetry as Cultural Critique: The Politics of Performative Language by Slinn, E. Warwick
Best Words, Best Order: Essays on Poetry by Dobyns, S.
Poets' Life of Christ by
The Poems of John Keats: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
The Poems of John Keats: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
The Poetry of Homer: Edited with an Introduction by Bruce Heiden by Bassett, S. E.
Reading, Writing, and Romanticism: The Anxiety of Reception by Newlyn, Lucy
A History of Classical Greek Literature: The Poets by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Romantic Organicism: From Idealist Origins to Ambivalent Afterlife by Armstrong, C.
Romantic Organicism: From Idealist Origins to Ambivalent Afterlife by Armstrong, C.
Post-Romantic Consciousness: Dickens to Plath by Beer, J.
The Inferno of Dante Alighieri by Zimmerman, Seth
Damage by Brogan, Jacqueline Vaught
Romantic Satanism: Myth and the Historical Moment in Blake, Shelley and Byron by Schock, P.
Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant by Bryant, William Cullen
Annotations on Milton's Paradise Lost by Hume, Patrick
Narrative of a New and Unusual American Imprisonment of Two Presbyterian Ministers and Prosecution of Mr. Francis Makemie by Anonymous
Dramatic Monologue by Byron, Glennis
Sonata and Other Poems by Erskine, John
Poems of Mastery and Love Verse by Bush, David V.
Poems With Power to Strengthen the Soul by
Runic and Heroic Poems of the Old Teutonic Peoples by
The Revolt Against Time: A Philosophical Approach to the Prose and Poetry of Quevedo and Bocangel by Martínez, Maricarmen
Humane Particulars: The Collected Letters of Williams Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burke by
Monstrous Adversary: The Life of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford by Nelson, Alan H.
George Seferis: Waiting for the Angel: A Biography by Beaton, Roderick
The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age: Horace and the Elegiac Poets by Sellar, William Young
Love's Bittersweet: Translations From the Irish Poets of the 16th and 17th Centuries by
In the Seven Woods: Being Poems Chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age by Yeats, W. B.
Shah Nameh Or The Persian Poet Firdausi by
Remaking Shakespeare: Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures by
Remaking Shakespeare: Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures by
Meter and Meaning: An Introduction to Rhythm in Poetry by Carper, Thomas, Attridge, Derek
The Violence Within/The Violence Without: Wallace Stevens and the Emergence of a Revolutionary Poetics by Brogan, Jacqueline Vaught
Good Poems by Various
Horace's Satires, Epistles and Art of Poetry by Horace
Classic Writings on Poetry by
There Is No Finished World by Corey, Stephen
The Iliad by Homer, Classics, Literary Criticism, Ancient and Classical, Poetry, Ancient, Classical & Medieval by Homer
There Is No Road: Proverbs by Antonio Machado by Machado, Antonio
Poems of the Masters: China's Classic Anthology of T'ang and Sung Dynasty Verse by
The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary Irish Poetry by Campbell, Matthew
The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary Irish Poetry by Campbell, Matthew
Women and Poetry, 1660-1750 by
A Sidney Chronology, 1554-1654 by Kinnamon, N., Brennan, M.
Die Wahrnehmung Des Wunderbaren: Der »Roman d'Alexandre« Im Kontext Der Französischen Literatur Des 12. Jahrhunderts by Friede, Susanne A.
Coleridge's Writings: On the Sublime by Vallins, David
Romanticism and War: A Study of British Romantic Period Writers and the Napoleonic Wars by Watson, J.
Father & Son by Naficy, Majid
Dante, Eros, & Kabbalah by Mirsky, Mark
What is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics (Expanded) by Rich, Adrienne
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 19, Teil I: Historische Schriften. Dritter Teil. by
Fortune's Faces: The Roman de la Rose and the Poetics of Contingency by Heller-Roazen, Daniel
Victorian Shakespeare: Volume 2: Literature and Culture by Marshall, Gail, Poole, Adrian
Poetry's Touch by Waters, William
Victorian Shakespeare: Volume 1: Theatre, Drama and Performance by
Nine Horses: Poems by Collins, Billy
How Milton Works by Fish, Stanley
In the Shadows of Divine Perfection: Derek Walcott's Omeros by Callahan, Lance
John Clare, Politics and Poetry by Vardy, A.
Shakespeare's Culture in Modern Performance by Jones, M.
Shakespeare's Culture in Modern Performance by Jones, M.
Fifty by Norris, Ken
Dante for the New Millennium by
Dante for the New Millennium by
Fragments by Heraclitus
Eroticism in Ancient Greek and Medieval Poetry by Petropoulos, John
Torn Sky: Poems by Nystrom, Debra
Homo Poeticus: Essays and Interviews by Kis, Danilo
Intertextuality and the Reading of Roman Poetry by Edmunds, Lowell
Basil Bunting on Poetry by
Shakespeare's Drama of Exile by Kingsley-Smith, J.
A Nomad Poetics: Essays by Joris, Pierre
Conversations with Gwendolyn Brooks by
For All My Walking: Free-Verse Haiku of Taneda Santoka with Excerpts from His Diaries by Taneda, Santoka
For All My Walking: Free-Verse Haiku of Taneda Santoka by Taneda, Santoka
Favorite Sons: The Politics and Poetics of the Sidney Family by Mazzola, E.
The Poetry of Walt Whitman by Selby, Nick
Shakespeare, Spenser and the Matter of Britain by Hadfield, A.
Loyola's Bees: Ideology and Industry in Jesuit Latin Didactic Poetry by Haskell, Yasmin Annabel
Inquiry Into the Sun by Osborn, S. R.
Subjecting Verses: Latin Love Elegy and the Emergence of the Real by Miller, Paul Allen
Hesiod's Cosmos by Strauss Clay, Jenny
The Cambridge Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Poetry by Beach, Christopher
The Cambridge Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Poetry by Beach, Christopher
The Answers Are Inside the Mountains: Meditations on the Writing Life by Stafford, William
The Comma Sutra: (Turning ?'S Into !'S) by Kanaan
The Correspondence of William Carlos Williams & Louis Zukofsky by Williams, William Carlos, Zukofsky, Louis
The Poetry of Carol Ann Duffy: Choosing Tough Words by
George Herbert: A Literary Life by Malcolmson, C.
Swallowing Infinity by Jacobs, Jeff
George Herbert: A Literary Life by Malcolmson, C.
Dismantling Glory by Goldensohn, Lorrie
Tigerheart: Speaks Again by Fleury, Mike Stevenson
Keats's Boyish Imagination by Turley, Richard Marggraf
Curly, Jake An' Me: Poems and Stories of the Old and New West by Connerly, Robert
Mastery of Silence: A Collection of Poems by Millwater, Jeff
Celestial Greeting Book Of Poetry by Tucker, Aaron Junior
A Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Companion by Gale, Robert L.
The Portable Walt Whitman by Whitman, Walt
PerSOULnalities: Poems for Every Kind of Man by
Poems From the Heart by Jones, Brenda Lee
Hafiz, Master of Persian Poetry: A Critical Bibliography by Loloi, Parvin
Kingly Crown by Ibn Gabirol, Solomon