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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2005

Twentieth-Century War Poetry by Lyon, Philippa
Visionary Materialism in the Early Works of William Blake: The Intersection of Enthusiasm and Empiricism by Green, M.
Poetry and Philosophy from Homer to Rousseau: Romantic Souls, Realist Lives by Haines, S.
The Nineteenth-Century Sonnet by Phelan, J.
Scott, Byron and the Poetics of Cultural Encounter by Oliver, S.
William Wordsworth: Interviews and Recollections by
Rematerializing Shakespeare: Authority and Representation on the Early Modern English Stage by
Sonnets and the English Woman Writer, 1560-1621: The Politics of Absence by Smith, R.
Metaphor and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach to Analyzing Texts by Hiraga, M.
Andrew Marvell Chronology by Maltzahn, N.
Pope and Berkeley: The Language of Poetry and Philosophy by Jones, T.
Voicing the Moment: Improvised Oral Poetry and Basque Tradition by
Voicing the Moment: Improvised Oral Poetry and Basque Tradition by
Poetry Everywhere: Teaching Poetry Writing in School and in the Community by Noethe, Sheryl, Collom, Jack
The Faiths of Oscar Wilde: Catholicism, Folklore and Ireland by Killeen, J.
Thucydides and Pindar: Historical Narrative and the World of Epinikian Poetry by Hornblower, Simon
Stephen Spender: A Literary Life by Sutherland, John
The Vigil: Poems by Paramananda, Swami
The Poetical Works Of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie And Collins In One Volume by
Specimens Of The Table Talk Part One by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Lectures and Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
The Clink of the Ice and Other Poems Worth Reading by Field, Eugene
The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke by Brooke, Rupert
Reynard the Fox or The Ghost Heath Run by Masefield, John
Winging Far: Poems by Trousdale, Annie Laurie
The Torch and Other Poems by Schroeder, Eugenie H.
Poems by Mary Lowell Rebec by Rebec, Mary Lowell
Theocritus, Bion And Moschus Rendered Into English Prose by Theocritus
The Poems of Manuel de Cabanyes by de Cabanyes, Manuel
Over the Hoe: Original Poems by Pauly, Trella Cresap
Poems That Have Helped Me by Kiser, S. E.
Poems of Rupert Brooke by Brooke, Rupert
Lectures On The Influence Of Poetry And Wordsworth by Robertson, F. W.
The Chinese Nightingale and Other Poems by Lindsay, Vachel
General William Booth Enters Into Heaven and Other Poems by Lindsay, Vachel
The English Poets: Lessing And Rousseau And Essays By James Russell Lowell With An Apology For A Preface by Lowell, James
Introduction To The Literature Of Europe In The Fifteenth, Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries Part One by Hallam, Henry
Introduction To The Literature Of Europe In The Fifteenth, Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries Part Two by Hallam, Henry
The Poetical Works of Sir Samuel Garth by Garth, Samuel
The Poet Among The Hills: Oliver Wendell Holmes In Berkshire by Smith, J. E. a.
Neighborly Poems: On Friendship, Grief and Farm Life by Benjamin F. Johnson of Boone by Riley, James Whitcomb
Pushkin's Poltava: A Literary Structuralist Interpretation by Burns, Virginia M.
Sixteenth-Century Poetry: An Annotated Anthology by
Sixteenth-Century Poetry: An Annotated Anthology by
Spanish American Poetry at the End of the Twentieth Century: Textual Disruptions by Kuhnheim, Jill
Dark Valley Observing by Ayesh, Aladdin
Late Modernist Poetics: From Pound to Prynne by Mellors, Anthony
Experience and Faith: The Late-Romantic Imagination of Emily Dickinson by Brantley, R.
Death's Memoirs by Firme, Constante P., III
Mastery's End: Travel and Postwar American Poetry by Gray, Jeffrey
An Exploration of a New Poetic Expression beyond Dichotomy: An Analytical Approach to the Meta-poetic Features of the Poems of D.H.Lawrence by Ishikawa, Shin'ichiro
Love Lyrics by Amaru, Hari, Bhartri
Things Merely Are: Philosophy in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens by Critchley, Simon
Latin Poetry and the Judgement of Taste: An Essay in Aesthetics by Martindale, Charles
The Passionate Intellect by Reynolds, Barbara
Twentieth Century Poetry: Selves and Situations by Robinson, Peter
Negro Poets And Their Poems by Kerlin, Robert T.
Steps To The Temple, Delights Of The Muses And Other Poems by Crashaw, Richard
Early Persian Poetry From The Beginnings Down To The Time Of Firdausi by Jackson, A. V. Williams
Sammy Kaye's Sunday Serenade: Book of Poetry by Kaye, Sammy
The College Chaucer by Anonymous
Snow Bound, Among the Hills, Songs of Labor and Other Poems by Whittier, John Greenleaf
Guide To The Manuscript and Printed Books Of The First Folio Of Shakespeare by British Museum
Literature of the World: An Introductory Study by Richardson, William L., Owen, Jesse M.
Notes on English Literature by Emery, Fred Parker
The Female Poets of America by Griswold, Rufus W.
The Rossettis: Dante, Gabriel and Christina by Cary, Elisabeth Luther
Poetic Interpretation Of Nature by Shairp, John
Studies in English Literature by Swinton, William
John Keats by Whale, John
John Keats by Whale, John
The Poetry of W.B. Yeats by Faherty, Michael
The Poetry of W.B. Yeats by Faherty, Michael
American Byron: Homosexuality & the Fall of Fitz-Greene Halleck by Hallock, John W. M.
Considering the Radiance: Essays on the Poetry of A.R. Ammons by
The Art of Reading Poetry by Bloom, Harold
A Poke in the I: A Collection of Concrete Poems: A Collection of Concrete Poems by Janeczko, Paul B.
Democracy, Culture and the Voice of Poetry by Pinsky, Robert
Dance of Divine Love: The Rasa Lila of Krishna from the Bhagavata Purana, India's Classic Sacred Love Story by Schweig, Graham M.
Tendencies in Modern American Poetry by Lowell, Amy
The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy by Moevs, Christian
The New Anthology of American Poetry: Modernisms: 1900-1950 Volume 2 by
Visionary Materialism in the Early Works of William Blake: The Intersection of Enthusiasm and Empiricism by Green, M.
Mallarmé: The Poet and His Circle by Lloyd, Rosemary H.
War and the Iliad by Weil, Simone, Bespaloff, Rachel
Sun and Saddle Leather: Including Grass Grown Trails and New Poems by Clark, Badger
An Introduction to the Study of Browning by Symons, Arthur
The Poets and Poetry of Turkey by
Poems of Sidney Lanier by Lanier, Sidney
The Poetry of Chaucer: A Guide to Its Study and Appreciation by Root, Robert Kilburn
Shakespeare As A Dramatic Thinker by Moulton, Richard G.
A Collection Of Ballads by Lang, Andrew
Poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes and James Russell Lowell by Lowell, James Russell, Holmes, Oliver Wendell
A Guidebook to the Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning by Cooke, George Willis
The Genius of Henry Fielding with Selections from His Works by Fielding, Henry
Odes of Anacreon: Translated Into English Verse with Notes by
Poems of Sidney Lanier by Lanier, Sidney
Modern Poet Prophets: Essays Critical and Interpretative by Guthrie, William Norman
Representative English Literature from Chaucer to Tennyson by Pancoast, Henry Spackman
The Wounded Surgeon: Confessions and Transformations in Six American Poets by
Poems by William Ernest Henley by Henley, William Ernest
Teen Angst: A Celebration of Really Bad Poetry by
Povel by Kim, Geraldine
Dante in Love by Rubin, Harriet
Randall Jarrell and His Age by Burt, Stephanie
Shelley and Vitality by Ruston, S.
Shelley and Vitality by Ruston, S.
Writing in Our Time: Canada's Radical Poetries in English (1957-2003) by Rudy, Susan, Butling, Pauline
Maurice Blanchot: The Refusal of Philosophy by Bruns, Gerald L.
In the Blue Pharmacy: Essays on Poetry and Other Transformations by Boruch, Marianne
Petrarch's Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics by Durling, Robert M.
Dante & the Unorthodox: The Aesthetics of Transgression by
The Task of the Critic: Poetics, Philosophy, Religion by Sussman, Henry
The Ezra Pound Encyclopedia by
Baby by Harryman, Carla
Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry by
Songs O' Cheer by Riley, James Whitcomb
Love Lyrics by Riley, James Whitcomb
Adventures in Verse by Brewer, Wilmon
Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury by Riley, James Whitcomb
Old World Idylls and Other Verses by Dobson, Austin
Armazindy by Riley, James Whitcomb
Dr. W. H. Drummond's Complete Poems by Drummond, William Henry
Poems by John Masefield by Masefield, John
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion by Santayana, George
The Lord Of Misrule And Other Poems by Noyes, Alfred
A Study of Swinburne by Welby, T. Earle
Verses By The Way by Darlington, James Henry
The Complete Poems of Charles Dickens and William M. Thackeray by Thackeray, William M., Dickens, Charles
Complete Poems: The Personal Edition of George Eliot's Works by Eliot, George
Literature in Letters or Manners, Art, Criticism, Biography, History and Morals by Holcombe, James Philemon
Commentary of Hierocles on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras by Dacier, Andre
Birds In Literature by Churchill, Abby P.
Beowulf: An Anglo Saxon Poem And The Fight At Finnsburg by
Lancelot A Poem by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
A Study of Versification by Matthews, Brander
The English Drama And Stage Under The Tudor And Stuart Princes 1543 to 1664 by Hazlitt, William Carew
Chronological Outlines of American Literature by Whitcomb, Selden Lincoln
The Science of English Verse by Lanier, Sidney
Chronological Outlines of English Literature by Ryaland, Frederick
English Literature During the Last Half Century by Cunliffe, J. W.
A History Of Epic Poetry: Post Virgillian by Clark, John
The Novels Of George Meredith: A Study by Bailey, Elmer James
Joaquin Miller's Poems: Song of the Sierras by Miller, Joaquin
From Milton to Tennyson: Masterpieces of English Poetry by Tennyson, Alfred Lord, Milton, John
The Little Book of Modern Verse A Selection of the Work of Contemporaneous American Poets by
Extravagant: Crossings of Modern Poetry And Modern Ph by Baker, Robert
The Extravagant: Crossings of Modern Poetry and Modern Philosophy by Baker, Robert
Victorian Women Poets by
Our Common Dwelling: Henry Thoreau, Transcendentalism, and the Class Politics of Nature by Newman, Lance
Our Common Dwelling: Henry Thoreau, Transcendentalism, and the Class Politics of Nature by Newman, Lance
Destabilizing Milton: Paradise Lost and the Poetics of Incertitude by Herman, P.
Discourses of Service in Shakespeare's England by Evett, D.
Randall Jarrell on W. H. Auden by
Discourses of Service in Shakespeare's England by Evett, D.
The Realms of Verse 1830-1870: English Poetry in a Time of Nation-Building by Reynolds, Matthew
Heinrich Heine Und Die Frauenemanzipation by Lee, Koon-Ho
Aristotle on the Art of Poetry by Aristotle, Cooper, Lane
The Heroic Enthusiasts an Ethical Poem by Bruno, Giordano
Poetical Works of Robert Bridges Excluding the Eight Dramas by Bridges, Robert
Quest for Mysteries: The Masonic Background for Literature in 18th Century Germany by Schneider, Heinrich
Landmarks in French Literature by Strachey, Lytton
The Schoolmaster In Literature by Various Authors
Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society Volume One 1819 by Small, Abraham
Life of Robert Browning by Sharp, William
Tragedy and Scepticism in Shakespeare's England by Hamlin, W.
Tragedy and Scepticism in Shakespeare's England by Hamlin, W.
Keats and Romantic Celticism by Gallant, C.
The Poetry of John Dryden by Van Doren, Mark
A Concise Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry by
Whitmans Ecstatic Union: Conversion and Ideology in Leaves of Grass by Sowder, Michael
Concise Cmpn 2Oth Amer Poetry by
Longfellow: A Rediscovered Life by Calhoun, Charles C.
Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome by Greene, Ellen
Poems Here at Home by Riley, James Whitcomb
Collected Poems of Alfred Noyes V1 by Noyes, Alfred
The Complete Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning by Browning, Elizabeth Barret
The Poetical Works of James Thomson by Thomson, James
Laokoon And How The Ancients Represented Death by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Sohrab and Rustum with Other Poems by Matthew Arnold by Arnold, Matthew
Sketches In Prose And Occasional Verse Of James Whitcomb Riley by Riley, James Whitcomb
Seventeenth Century Lyrics Edited with Short Biographies, Bibliographies and Notes by Judson, Alexander Corbin
Stone Mountain or the Lay of the Gray Minstrel: An Epic Poem in Twenty Four Parts by Knight, Lucian
A Little Book of Tribune Verse A Number of Hitherto Uncollected Poems Grave and Gay by Field, Eugene
English Poems: Old English and Middle English Periods 450 to 1550 AD by
Tennyson's Suppressed Poems by Tennyson, Alfred
Poet Lore: Renaissance Volume XIX, Winter 1908 by Drachmann, Holger
Old Criticism And New Pragmatism by O'Sullivan, J. M.
The Fasti of Ovid Edited with Notes and Indices by Ovid
Heaven And Immortality: Consisting Of Sermons, Editorials, Addresses And Poems by Rogers, Euclid B.
An Approach To Walt Whitman by Noyes, Carleton
Songs from the Dramatists by Bell, Robert
Laokoon And How The Ancients Represented Death by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Specimens of the Pre Shakesperean Drama V2 by Manly, John Matthews
Literature Art and Song: Moore's Melodies and American Poems a Biography and a Critical Review of Lyric Poets by MacKenzie, R. Shelton, MacKenzie, Shelton R., MacKenzie, Robert Shelton
From Chaucer To Arnold: Types Of Literary Art In Prose And Verse by George, Andrew J.
Palms Of Papyrus: Being Forthright Studies Of Men And Books by Monahan, Michael
Sophocles the Seven Plays in English Verse by Sophocles
Miscellaneous Studies in Prose: Practical English Series by Kleiser, Grenville
Selections from the Anti Jacobin Together with Some Later Poems by George Canning by Sanders, Lloyd
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