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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2011

Representations of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Culture by
Edmund Spenser's War on Lord Burghley by Danner, B.
Poetry and Popular Protest: Peterloo, Cato Street and the Queen Caroline Controversy by Gardner, J.
Philip Larkin: Art and Self: Five Studies by Rowe, M.
Foreign and Native on the English Stage, 1588-1611: Metaphor and National Identity by Pettegree, Jane
Romantic Fiat: Demystification and Enchantment in Lyric Poetry by Lindstrom, E.
Byron and the Politics of Freedom and Terror by Pal-Lapinski, Piya
Coleridge, Language and the Sublime: From Transcendence to Finitude by Stokes, C.
"I Am to Be Read Not from Left to Right, But in Jewish: From Right to Left": The Poetics of Boris Slutsky by Grinberg, Marat
Norman MacCaig by MacRae, Alasdair
War Trauma and English Modernism: T. S. Eliot and D. H. Lawrence by Krockel, C.
Ovidian Myth and Sexual Deviance in Early Modern English Literature by Carter, S.
Writing Romanticism: Charlotte Smith and William Wordsworth, 1784-1807 by Labbe, J.
Beat Sound, Beat Vision: The Beat Spirit and Popular Song by Coupe, Laurence
Late Modernist Poetics: From Pound to Prynne by Mellors, Anthony
Charlotte Smith: Romanticism, Poetry and the Culture of Gender by Labbe, Jacqueline
Emily Dickinson: Monarch of Perception by Mitchell, Domhnall
Plato and Aristotle on Poetry by Else, Gerald F.
On a Knife-Edge Omllm C by Brandellero, Sara
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition by Fenollosa, Ernest, Pound, Ezra
A Political Companion to Walt Whitman by
Poetics - Aristotle by Aristotle, Butcher, S. H.
Aspects of Robinson: Homage to Weldon Kees by
Reading Poetry in the Middle Grades (Ebook): 20 Poems and Activities That Meet the Common Core Standards and Cultivate a Pass Ion for Poetry by Heard, Georgia, Janeczko, Paul B.
Clearing the Tangled Wood: Poetry as a Way of Seeing the World by Lawless, James
The Age of Auden: Postwar Poetry and the American Scene by Wasley, Aidan
Green Writing: Romanticism and Ecology by McKusick, James
Ronald Johnson's Modernist Collage Poetry by Hair, R.
Ronald Johnson's Modernist Collage Poetry by Hair, R.
Leaves of Grass: The Complete 1855 and 1891-92 Editions: A Library of America Paperback Classic by Whitman, Walt
Being Numerous: Poetry and the Ground of Social Life by Izenberg, Oren
Pastoral, Pragmatism, and Twentieth-Century American Poetry by Mikkelsen, A.
Image Ethics in Shakespeare and Spenser by Knapp, J.
Pastoral, Pragmatism, and Twentieth-Century American Poetry by Mikkelsen, A.
Image Ethics in Shakespeare and Spenser by Knapp, J.
The Romantic Fragment Poem: A Critique of a Form by Levinson, Marjorie
Trauma, Transcendence, and Trust: Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Eliot Thinking Loss by Brennan, T.
The Revolutionary Imagination: The Poetry and Politics of John Wheelwright and Sherry Mangan by Wald, Alan M.
Jaan Kaplinski: Selected Poems by Kaplinski, Jaan
Trauma, Transcendence, and Trust: Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Eliot Thinking Loss by Brennan, T.
The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarotti and Tommaso Campanella by Campanella, Tommaso, Buonarotti, Michael Angelo, Buonarroti, Michelangelo
Peter Redgrove: Here Comes the Flood: A Study of His Poetry by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Sex-Magic-Poetry-Cornwall: The Poems of Peter Redgrove by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Elizabeth Barrett Browning by Avery, Simon
Imagist Poets by Thacker, Andrew
Our Difficult Sunlight: A Guide to Poetry, Literacy, & Social Justice in Classroom & Community by Popoff, Georgia A., Lansana, Quraysh Ali
Beyond Romantic Ecocriticism: Toward Urbanatural Roosting by Nichols, A.
Musa Pedestris: Metre and Meaning in Roman Verse by Morgan, Llewelyn
Philip Larkin: Art and Self: Five Studies by Rowe, M.
Nicolás Guillén, The Comic Drawing of the Color Line: Against Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and Countee Cullen by Zamalea, George
The Cambridge Companion to Andrew Marvell by
The Cambridge Companion to Andrew Marvell by
Homer's Odyssey and the Near East by Louden, Bruce
The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
When Bad Times Made for Good Poetry by Sheppard, Robert
The Meridian: Final Version--Drafts--Materials by Celan, Paul
Locations of Literary Modernism: Region and Nation in British and American Modernist Poetry by
Twentieth-Century Poetry and the Visual Arts by Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann
New England Landscape History in American Poetry: A Lacanian View by Sedarat, Roger
Structure and Meaning in Medieval Arabic and Persian Lyric Poetry: Orient Pearls by Meisami, Julie
The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue by Auden, W. H.
Infelicia. by Menken, Adah Isaacs
Simon Armitage by Gregson, Ian
Romantic Fiat: Demystification and Enchantment in Lyric Poetry by Lindstrom, E.
Philodemus on Poems Books 3-4: With the Fragments of Aristotle on Poets by
Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry by Jackson, Noel
Poetical Works of Robert Bridges - Excluding the Eight Dramas and the Testament of Beauty by Bridges, Robert
Romanticism and the City by
Romanticism and the City by
The Branch Will Not Break - Empty-Grave Extended Edition by Wright, James
Hart Crane's 'The Bridge': An Annotated Edition by Crane, Hart
The Eye of the Beholder: How to See the World Like a Romantic Poet by Louis, Markos
Guillaume de Machaut by Leach, Elizabeth Eva
Freedom Readers: The African American Reception of Dante Alighieri and the Divine Comedy by Looney, Dennis
The Sacred Wood by Eliot, T. S.
Next Word, Better Word: The Craft of Writing Poetry by Dobyns, Stephen
Challenges to the Power of Zeus in Early Greek Poetry by Yasumura, Noriko
Graphic Poetics: Poetry as Visual Art by Bradford, Richard
W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, and the Poetry of Paradise by Pryor, Sean
Coleridge and the Daemonic Imagination by Leadbetter, G.
Coleridge and the Daemonic Imagination by Leadbetter, G.
City and Nation in the Italian Unification: The National Festivals of Dante Alighieri by Yousefzadeh, Mahnaz
City and Nation in the Italian Unification: The National Festivals of Dante Alighieri by Yousefzadeh, Mahnaz
Abundance from the Desert: Classical Arabic Poetry by Farrin, Raymond
The Autobiographical Myth of Robert Lowell by Cooper, Philip
Moon on the Tides: The AQA GCSE Poetry Anthology - a Guide for Students by Wheeler, David
His Blood Not Mine by Jeans, Hellen
Hard Rain/Slow Train: Passages About Dylan by Miller, Michael Anton
Contemporary Poetry by Williams, Nerys
The Other World of Richard Wright: Perspectives on His Haiku by
Representations of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Culture by
One with Others: [A Little Book of Her Days] by Wright, C. D.
Miguel Hernández Desde América by Larrabide, Aitor L., Ardalani, Elvia
Love in a Time of Robot Apocalypse by Perez, David
Welcome to the Suck by Peebles, Stacey
Ernest Fenollosa -- The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: Ars Poetica or the Roots of Poetic Creation? by Olsen, Flemming
John Milton's 'Paradise Lost': A Reading Guide by Reisner, Noam
Time in Ezra Pound's Work by Harmon, William
Life in the Sonnets: Reading and Performance by Fuller, David
Between the Lines: Literary Transnationalism and African American Poetics by Callahan, Monique-Adelle
Aristotle as Poet: The Song for Hermias and Its Contexts by Ford, Andrew L.
The Supernatural in Shakespeare by Conway, Eustace
True Friendship: Geoffrey Hill, Anthony Hecht, and Robert Lowell Under the Sign of Eliot and Pound by Ricks, Christopher
Next Word, Better Word: The Craft of Writing Poetry by Dobyns, Stephen
Spenser, Milton, and the Redemption of the Epic Hero by Bond, Christopher
The Schoole of Abuse: Conteining a Plesaunt Inuective Against Poets, Pipers, Plaiers, Iesters and Such Like Caterpillers of a Commonwealth; by Gosson, Stephen
Attack of the Difficult Poems: Essays and Inventions by Bernstein, Charles
Symbol And Symbolism: Yale French Studies, No. 9 by
Criticism V4, No. 1, Winter, 1962: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts by
Echoes from the Islands by Wilson, Middleton
Ovidian Myth and Sexual Deviance in Early Modern English Literature by Carter, S.
The Tyger: Genesis And Evolution In The Poetry Of William Blake by Miner, Paul
Courtship In Shakespeare: Its Relation To The Tradition Of Courtly Love by Meader, William G.
Cross-Cultural Visions in African American Literature: West Meets East by
Cross-Cultural Visions in African American Literature: West Meets East by
Guilty Creatures: Renaissance Poetry and the Ethics of Authorship by Kezar, Dennis
A Year with George Herbert by Orrick, Jim Scott
Byron at Southwell: The Making of a Poet by Pratt, Willis Winslow
Critical Prefaces Of The French Renaissance by Weinberg, Bernard
Culture: The Intellectual Autobiography Of A Poet by Pound, Ezra
Stroke of a Pen: Essays on Poetry and Other Provocations by Hazo, Samuel
Orlando Furioso: A New Verse Translation by Ariosto, Ludovico
Edmund Spenser's 'The Faerie Queene': A Reading Guide by Zurcher, Andrew
Edmund Spenser's 'The Faerie Queene': A Reading Guide by Zurcher, Andrew
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda: Volume 4 by Neruda, Pablo
Canto General: Volume 7 by Neruda, Pablo
Poems in Their Place: Intertextuality and Order of Poetic Collections by
Horace Walpole's Memoirs by Judd, Gerrit Parmele, IV, Walpole, Horace
James Joyce, The Poetry Of Conscience: A Study Of Ulysses by Parr, Mary
Christina Rossetti: A Portrait With Background by Zaturenska, Marya
Ford Madox Ford, 1873-1939: A Bibliography Of Works And Criticism by Harvey, David Dow
European Metaphysical Poetry by Warnke, Frank
The Chinese Written Character As A Medium For Poetry by Fenollosa, Ernest
The Poetics of Aristotle by Aristotle
Shakespeare Studies Today: Romanticism Lost by Pechter, E.
Shakespeare Studies Today: Romanticism Lost by Pechter, E.
Imagining Ireland in the Poems and Plays of W. B. Yeats: Nation, Class, and State by Bradley, A.
Byron and the Politics of Freedom and Terror by Pal-Lapinski, Piya
Imagining Ireland in the Poems and Plays of W. B. Yeats: Nation, Class, and State by Bradley, A.
New Essays on Phillis Wheatley by
James Joyce: A Bibliography Of His Writings, Critical Material And Miscellanea by Parker, Alan
Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Study Of His Ignatian Spirit by Downes, David A.
Poetry and Popular Protest: Peterloo, Cato Street and the Queen Caroline Controversy by Gardner, J.
Journey to Beatrice: Dante Studies V2 by Singleton, Charles S.
Beyond Political Messianism: The Poetry of Second-Generation Religious Zionist Settlers by Jacobson, David C.
Parallels In The Use Of Metaphysical Conceits In Donne's Poetry And Selected Prose by Oliver, Louise
Human Values In The Poetry Of Robert Frost: A Study Of A Poet's Convictions by Nitchie, George W.
A Handbook Of Renaissance Meteorology: With Particular Reference To Elizabethan And Jacobean Literature by Heninger, S. K., Jr.
Lope de Vega: Poesia Epica, Coleccion La Critica Literaria Por El Celebre Critico Literario Juan Bautista Bergua, Ediciones Ibericas by Vega, Lope de, Bergua, Juan Bautista
Virgilio: La Eneida, Coleccion La Critica Literaria Por El Celebre Critico Literario Juan Bautista Bergua, Ediciones Ibericas by Bergua, Juan Bautista, Virgilio Mar N., Publio
Horace on Poetry: Prolegomena to the Literary Epistles by Brink, C. O.
Las Mil Mejores Poesias de La Literatura Universal, Coleccion La Critica Literaria Por El Celebre Critico Literario Juan Bautista Bergua, Ediciones Ib by
Horace on Poetry: Epistles Book II: The Letters to Augustus and Florus by Brink, C. O.
Horace on Poetry: The 'Ars Poetica' by Brink, C. O.
The Poet as Believer: A Theological Study of Paul Claudel by O. P., Nichols, Aidan
Shakespeare's Use of Music: The Final Comedies by Long, John H.
Ronsard And The Hellenic Renaissance In France V1: Ronsard And The Greek Epic by Silver, Isidore
The American Renaissance: A Manual for Teachers by Dillaway, Theodore Milton, Whiton, Sherrill
Writing Romanticism: Charlotte Smith and William Wordsworth, 1784-1807 by Labbe, J.
Writing Romanticism: Charlotte Smith and William Wordsworth, 1784-1807 by Labbe, J.
Edward Fitzgerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: A Famous Poem and Its Influence by
Pessoa, the Metaphysical Courier by Balso, Judith
The Homestead Called Damascus: Quarterly Review of Literature, V9, No. 2 by Rexroth, Kenneth
The Greek Attitude to Poetry and History: Sather Classical Lectures, V27 by Gomme, Arnold Wycombe
An Immortality For Its Own Sake: A Study Of The Concept Of Poetry In The Writings Of Charles Williams by Gigrich, John
The Critic's Alchemy: A Study of the Introduction of French Symbolism Into England by Temple, Ruth Zabriskie
The Greek And Latin Literary Texts From Greco-Roman Egypt by Pack, Roger A.
The Arundel Harington Manuscript of Tudor Poetry V2: Notes and Glossary by
Changeling by Pollard, Clare
Disguise and Recognition in the Odyssey by Murnaghan, Sheila
The Hero In French Decadent Literature by Ridge, George Ross
The Oral Art And Literature Of The Kazakhs Of Russian Central Asia by Winner, Thomas G.
The Stephen H. Wakeman Collection Of Books Of Nineteenth Century American Writers by Wakeman, Alice L. James, Wakeman, Stephen
Music Lessons: Newcastle/Bloodaxe Poetry Lectures by Sampson, Fiona
The Constitution of Shelley's Poetry: The Argument of Language in Prometheus Unbound by Duffy, Edward T.
Fitzgerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: Popularity and Neglect by
Second Sight: The Visionary Imagination in Late Victorian Literature by Maxwell, Catherine
Natural Theologies: Essays about Literature of the New Middle West by Low, Denise
The Renaissance Of Irish Poetry, 1880-1930 by Morton, David
The Influence Of The Arthurian Romances On The Five Books Of Rabelais by Clement, Nemours H.
The Art Of Lytton Strachey: Essays In Criticism by Lehman, B. H.
Elizabethan Love Conventions by Pearson, Lu Emily
The Correspondence of Walter Scott and Charles Robert Maturin by Scott, Walter, Maturin, Charles Robert
The Longman Anthology of Old English, Old Icelandic, and Anglo-Norman Literatures by
Poetry by Terry, Richard, Strachan, John
Homer's Odyssey: A Reading Guide by Power, Henry
Homer's 'Odyssey': A Reading Guide by Power, Henry
Poetry by Strachan, John, Terry, Richard
The Renaissance, 1500-1660: A Literary History Of England V2 by Brooke, Tucker
The Poems of Lord Vaux: Books of the Renaissance Series by Vaux, Thomas Lord
Wordsworth and Reed: The Poet's Correspondence with His American Editor, 1836-1850 by Reed, Henry, Wordsworth, William
The Resurrection: Manuscript Materials by Yeats, W. B.
Indian Angles: English Verse in Colonial India from Jones to Tagore by Gibson, Mary Ellis
The Theory of the Epic in England, 1650-1800 by Swedenberg, H. T., Jr.
Albanian and South Slavic Oral Epic Poetry: Memoirs of the American Folklore Society V44 by Skendi, Stavro
This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound by Mullins, Eustace
Classic European Lyrics: Translated from the Gaelic, the French and the Spanish by Carson, Drew
Schiller-Handbuch: Leben - Werk - Wirkung by
Edgar A. Guest: A Biography by Howes, Royce
Faulkner And The Negro: University Of Colorado Studies, Series In Language And Literature No. 8, September, 1962 by Nilon, Charles H.
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