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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2012

Dioscorus of Aphrodito: His Work and His World by Maccoull, Leslie S. B.
Poems... by Poe, Edgar Allan
La Divina Commedia Di Dante Alighieri, Volume 2... by Alighieri, Dante
Celebrating Faiz by
Plans Deranged by Time: The Poetry of George Fetherling by Fetherling, George
Shelley and Vitality by Ruston, S.
Shakespeare and the Truth of Love: The Mystery of 'The Phoenix and Turtle' by Bednarz, J.
Swift and Science: The Satire, Politics, and Theology of Natural Knowledge, 1690-1730 by Lynall, G.
Re-Imagining Western European Geography in English Renaissance Drama by Matei-Chesnoiu, M.
The Later Affluence of W. B. Yeats and Wallace Stevens by Clarke, E.
Romantic Misfits by Miles, R.
Shakespeare's Irrational Endings: The Problem Plays by Margolies, D.
Dorothy Wordsworth and Hartley Coleridge: The Poetics of Relationship by Healey, N.
Posthumanist Shakespeares by
Early Modern Women's Writing and the Rhetoric of Modesty by Pender, P.
Stunned Into Being: Essays on the Poetry of Lorna Dee Cervantes by
The Music of Verse: Metrical Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Poetry by Phelan, Joseph
Messages by Gwiazda, Piotr
The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (Series First Through Third) by Dickinson, Emily
Poéticas de José María Lima: Tradición Y Sorpresa by Sotomayor, Áurea María
Bright Star: Selected Poems by Keats, John
Aberration in Modern Poetry: Essays on Atypical Works by Yeats, Auden, Moore, Heaney and Others by
The Music of Verse: Metrical Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Poetry by Phelan, Joseph
Poems of Passion by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
More Shadow Than Bird by Alsadir, Nuar
Living Poetry: Reading Poems from Shakespeare to Don Paterson by Hutchings, William
Scubadivers and Chrysanthemums: Essays on the Poetry of Araki Yasusada by
Springsong: Poetry of Rudi Holzapfel, 1960-2006 by Holzapfel, Rudi
Anna Seward and the End of the Eighteenth Century by Kairoff, Claudia T.
The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Poetry by
The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Poetry by
Reading T.S. Eliot: Four Quartets and the Journey Towards Understanding by Atkins, G.
Reading T.S. Eliot: Four Quartets and the Journey Towards Understanding by Atkins, G.
Teaching Poetry: Reading and responding to poetry in the secondary classroom by Wood, Audrey B., Naylor, Amanda
Annotations to Geoffrey Hill's Speech! Speech! by Hassan, Ann
The Iliad - Twenty Centuries of Translation by Nikoletseas, Michael M.
Robinson Jeffers and the American Sublime by Zaller, Robert
Modernism, Memory, and Desire: T. S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf by McIntire, Gabrielle
Of Sacred and Secular Desire: An Anthology of Lyrical Writings from the Punjab by Singh, Nikky-Guninder Kaur
La Divina Commedia Di Dante Alighieri, Volume 2... by Alighieri, Dante
The Spanish Pastoral Romances by Rennert, Hugo A.
Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Walt
The American Common-Place Book of Poetry: With Occasional Notes. by Cheever, George Barrell
Poetical Works of Robert Bridges: The Christian Captives. Humours of the Court. Notes... by Bridges, Robert
Songs in Many Keys. by Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, and Other Poems. by Sangster, Charles
The Biglow Papers. by Lowell, James Russell
Infelicia. by Menken, Adah Isaacs
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell: Complete in Two Volumes. Volume 2 of 2 by Lowell, James Russell
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell: Complete in Two Volumes. Volume 1 of 2 by Lowell, James Russell
Mazelli, and Other Poems. by Sands, George W.
Wild Nights: Selected Poems by Dickinson, Emily
The Poems of Robert Lowell. by Lowell, Robert
Kommunikation, Macht, Bildung: Frauen Im Kulturprozess Der Frühen Neuzeit by Koloch, Sabine
A Poet's Craft: A Comprehensive Guide to Making and Sharing Your Poetry by Finch, Annie Ridley Crane
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Shakespeare: 'This Is Living Art' by Billington, Josie
Giacomo Leopardi's Search For A Common Life Through Poetry: A Different Nobility, A Different Love by Rosengarten, Frank
The Japanese Effect in Contemporary Irish Poetry by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Joseph Brodsky by Loseff, Lev
Marvels of Lambeth by Fisher, Allen
Re-Envisioning Blake by
Between Ecstasy and Truth: Interpretations of Greek Poetics from Homer to Longinus by Halliwell, Stephen
Powers of Possibility: Experimental American Writing Since the 1960s by Houen, Alex
Las Anecdotas Mojadas: Episodios de Un Recorrido by Iraheta, Alex
Las Anecdotas Mojadas: Episodios de Un Recorrido by Iraheta, Alex
The Song of Hiawatha. by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Tales of a Wayside Inn. by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Greenfield Hill: A Poem, in Seven Parts. by Dwight, Timothy
The Courtship of Miles Standish: And Other Poems. by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The night of freedom: an appeal, in verse, against the great crime of our country, human bondage! by Hebbard, William Wallace
Knowing One's Place in Contemporary Irish and Polish Poetry: Zagajewski, Mahon, Heaney, Hartwig by Kay, Magdalena
The Raven: and Other Favorite Poems by Poe, Edgar Allan
Lessing: Laocoonte (Laocoon O Sobre Los Limites de La Pintura y de La Poesia), y Cartas Sobre La Literatura Moderna y Sobre El by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, Bergua, Juan Bautista
La Divina Commedia Di Dante Alighieri, Volume 3... by Alighieri, Dante
Egyptian Colloquial Poetry in the Modern Arabic Canon: New Readings of Shi'r Al-'?Mmiyya by Radwan, N.
John Thelwall in the Wordsworth Circle: The Silenced Partner by Thompson, J.
Egyptian Colloquial Poetry in the Modern Arabic Canon: New Readings of Shi'r Al-'?Mmiyya by Radwan, N.
John Betjeman: Reading the Victorians by Morse, Greg
John Thelwall in the Wordsworth Circle: The Silenced Partner by Thompson, J.
The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell, Volume 3... by Lowell, James Russell
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell, Volume 1... by Lowell, James Russell
German Romantic Poetry: Goethe, Novalis, Heine, Holderlin by Appleby, Carol
Dance the Orange: Selected Poems by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Parts & Labor by Hischak, Gregory
The Complete Works of Robert Browning: Balaustion's Adventure. Aristophanes' Apology... by Browning, Robert
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell: Miscellaneous Poems. Memorial Verses. Sonnets. I-XXVII. l'Envoi. Vision of Sir Launfal... by Lowell, James Russell
The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Volume 1... by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Poetical Works... by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Alighieri, Dante
The Poetical Works of George Herbert: With Life, Critical Dissertations and Explanatory Notes... by Herbert, George
Alfred Lord Tennyson's 'in Memoriam': A Reading Guide by Barton, Anna
Alfred Lord Tennyson's 'in Memoriam': A Reading Guide by Barton, Anna
The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier: Complete in Two Volumes, Volume 2... by Whittier, John Greenleaf
Untutored Lines: The Making of the English Epyllion by Weaver, William P.
John Ashbery and English Poetry by Hickman, Ben
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell: Fable for Critics. Bigelow Papers. Unhappy Lot of Mr. Knott. an Oriental Apologue... by Lowell, James Russell
The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Volume 2... by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Poetry Toolkit: For Readers and Writers by Harmon, William
New Perspectives on Polish Culture: Personal Encounters, Public Affairs by
New Voices of Arabia: The Poetry: An Anthology from Saudi Arabia by
In Dark Again in Wonder: The Poetry of René Char and George Oppen by Baker, Robert
The Transnational Beat Generation by Grace, N.
The Transnational Beat Generation by Grace, N.
Late-Medieval German Women's Poetry: Secular and Religious Songs by
The Poetical Works of George Herbert: With a Memoir of the Author, & Notes... by Herbert, George
An Anthology of Polish Literature by
American Literature In Nineteenth Century England by Gohdes, Clarence
The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume IV by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The Renaissance In England: Non-Dramatic Prose And Verse Of The Sixteenth Century by Rollins, Hyder Edward, Baker, Herschel Clay
Callimachus in Context by Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin, Stephens, Susan A.
The Writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich: Marjorie Daw, and Other Stories... by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
The Writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich: In Eight Volumes, Volume 1... by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Horoscopes for the Dead by Collins, Billy
The 6.5 Practices of Moderately Successful Poets: A Self-Help Memoir by Skinner, Jeffrey
Introducing Joyce: A Graphic Guide by Norris, David
The Writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich: Ponkapog Papers, a Sea Turn, and Other Papers... by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Rolands Abentheuer in Hundert Romantischen Bildern, Volume 2... by Boiardo, Matteo Maria
Formal Revolution in the Work of Baudelaire and Flaubert by Mills, Kathryn Oliver
The Writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich: In Eight Volumes, Volume 2... by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
The Doorstep Orphan: Eugene Field and a Trilogy of His Best-Loved Poems by Lukesh, Jean A.
Poetry and the Modern World: A Study of Poetry in England Between 1900-1939 by Daiches, David
English Renaissance Poetry: A Collection Of Shorter Poems From Skelton To Jonson by
In Search Of Heresy: American Literature In An Age Of Conformity by Aldridge, John Watson
The Afterlife of Ophelia by Williams, Deanne
Alien vs. Predator by Robbins, Michael
Early Modern Poetics in Melville and Poe: Memory, Melancholy, and the Emblematic Tradition by Engel, William E.
Postcolonial Nostalgias: Writing, Representation and Memory by Walder, Dennis
The Poet's Craft: A Course in the Critical Appreciation of Poetry by Scott, A. F.
Autobiographia: Or, the Story of a Life... by Whitman, Walt
Pope's Windsor Forest, 1712: A Study of the Washington University Holograph by Schmitz, Robert Morell
The Earlier and Later Forms of Petrarch's Canzoniere by Phelps, Ruth Shepard
The Achievement of Robert Lowell, 1939-1959 by Mazzaro, Jerome Comp
Science in Modern Poetry: New Directions by
Bright Stars: John Keats, Barry Cornwall and Romantic Literary Culture by Marggraf Turley, Richard
The Prosodic Theory of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Holloway, Marcella Marie
Un Poète Philosophe: Sully-Prudhomme (Éd.1882) by Coquelin, Constant
Albert Glatigny, Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre (Éd.1878) by Job-Lazare
Morning of Ecstasy: Selected Poems by Rimbaud, Arthur
Bright Star: Selected Poems by Keats, John
Wild Nights: Selected Poems by Dickinson, Emily
Shakespeare and the Truth of Love: The Mystery of 'the Phoenix and Turtle' by Bednarz, J.
Early Modern Women's Writing and the Rhetoric of Modesty by Pender, P.
German Romantic Poetry: Goethe, Novalis, Heine, H Lderlin by Appleby, Carol
A Season in Hell by Rimbaud, Arthur
Wonderful Investigations: Essays, Meditations, Tales by Beachy-Quick, Dan
Poets' First and Last Books in Dialogue by Simmons, Thomas
Wordsworth and Coleridge: Promising Losses by Larkin, P.
Wordsworth and Coleridge: Promising Losses by Larkin, P.
Dorothy Wordsworth and Hartley Coleridge: The Poetics of Relationship by Healey, N.
Why Lyrics Last: Evolution, Cognition, and Shakespeare's Sonnets by Boyd, Brian
The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Complete Illustr. Ed., with Critical Biogr. by W.M. Rossetti... by Whittier, John Greenleaf
The Uncollected Poems of Henry Timrod by Timrod, Henry
Il Parnasso Italiano Continuato: Giusta Gli Ottimi Testi Antichi, Con Illustrazioni Biografiche, Storiche E Critiche: Edizione Ornata Dei Ritratti Dei by Boiardo, Matteo Maria, Buonarroti, Michelangelo
The Feminist Poetry Movement by Whitehead, Kim
An Idyl of Work by Larcom, Lucy
Lines of Resistance: Essays on British Poetry from Thomas Hardy to Linton Kwesi Johnson by
The Prose Of Philip Freneau by
The Gestaltbunker. Selected Poems 1975-2010 by Green, Paul A.
The Long 1950s by Duncan, Andrew
Poems of Nathaniel Parker Willis ... by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Uncertain Poetries: Selected Essays on Poets, Poetry and Poetics by Heller, Michael
The Only Poetry That Matters: Reading the Kootenay School of Writing by Burnham, Clint
Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie, Volume 3 by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Epic in American Culture: Settlement to Reconstruction by Phillips, Christopher N.
A Defence of Poetry, Music, and Stage-Plays, Volume 15 by Lodge, Thomas
English Poetry of the Mid and Late Eighteenth Century: An Historical Anthology by
Our Savage Art: Poetry and the Civil Tongue by Logan, William
Whitman's Queer Children: America's Homosexual Epics by Davies, Catherine A.
The Philosophy of the Beats by
The Haunting of the Snarkasbord: A Portmanteau Inspired by Lewis Carroll's the Hunting of the Snark by Sewell, Byron W., Tannenbaum, Alison, Lovett, Charlie
Les Auteurs Latins Expliqués d'Après Une Méthode Nouvelle (Éd.1847) by Horace
Les Auteurs Latins Expliqués d'Après Une Méthode Nouvelle (Éd.1857) by Virgile
La Deffence Et Illustration de la Langue Françoyse, (Éd.1839) by Du Bellay, Joachim
Eyes Wide Shut: Re-Envisioning Christina Rossetti's Poetry and Prose. by Hanson, Melanie A.
The Pain of Reformation: Spenser, Vulnerability, and the Ethics of Masculinity by Campana, Joseph
A Season in Hell by Rimbaud, Arthur
Poems: Complete with an Original Memoir by Poe, Edgar Allan
Journal of Beat Studies Vol 1 by
Touching God by Dau, Duc
Art Poétique de Boileau (Éd.1850) by Boileau, Nicolas
Daurel Et Beton: Chanson de Geste Provençale (Éd.1880) by Beuverand de la Loyere P.
Études Sur Virgile Comparé Avec Tous Les Poètes Épiques Et Dramatiques T 3 (Éd.1825-1830) by Virgile
Charles Baudelaire, Sa Vie Et Son Oeuvre (Éd.1869) by Asselineau, Charles
Les Auteurs Latins Expliqués d'Après Une Méthode Nouvelle (Éd.1845) by Horace
Les Vers Dorés de Pythagore, (Éd.1813) by Fabre d'Olivet, Antoine
Poetry and Myth by Prescott, Frederick Clarke
The Major English Romantic Poets: A Symposium in Reappraisal by
The Rise and Fall of Meter: Poetry and English National Culture, 1860--1930 by Martin, Meredith
Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka, Volume 4 by Kei, M.
Milton's Scriptural Reasoning: Narrative and Protestant Toleration by Donnelly, Phillip J.
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field...: Poems of Childhood by Horace, Field, Eugene
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field ...: Second Book of Tales by Horace, Field, Eugene
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field: Echoes from the Sabine Farm [Translations from Horace by Horace, Field, Eugene
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field: Songs and Other Verse by Horace, Field, Eugene
Twentieth Century Short Story Explication: Interpretations, 1900-1960 Inclusive, Of Short Fiction Since 1800 by
The Wheel of Language: Representing Speech in Middle English Poetry 1377-1422 by Coley, David K.
Pastoral Elegy in Contemporary British and Irish Poetry by Twiddy, Iain
Epitaphs for the Journey by Mariani, Paul
Lyriktheorie(n) der italienischen Renaissance by Mehltretter, Florian, Regn, Gerhard, Huss, Bernhard
The First Century of New England Verse by Jantz, Harold Stein
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