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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2013

Northern Irish Poetry and the Russian Turn: Intertextuality in the Work of Seamus Heaney, Tom Paulin and Medbh McGuckian by Schwerter, S.
Sexy Blake by
Modernism and Nostalgia: Bodies, Locations, Aesthetics by
Class and the Canon: Constructing Labouring-Class Poetry and Poetics, 1780-1900 by
The Ecology of British Romantic Conservatism, 1790-1837 by Castellano, Katey
Coleridge and the Nature of Imagination: Evolution, Engagement with the World, and Poetry by Ward, D.
Violence, Narrative and Myth in Joyce and Yeats: Subjective Identity and Anarcho-Syndicalist Traditions by Balinisteanu, T.
Staged Transgression in Shakespeare's England by
Victorian Celebrity Culture and Tennyson's Circle by MILLIM, A., Boyce, C., Finnerty, P.
Landscape and Literature 1830-1914: Nature, Text, Aura by Ebbatson, R.
Performing Privacy and Gender in Early Modern Literature by Trull, M.
Contemporary Women's Poetry and Urban Space: Experimental Cities by Skoulding, Z.
The Celtic Revival in Shakespeare's Wake: Appropriation and Cultural Politics in Ireland, 1867-1922 by Putz, A.
Creating Romanticism: Case Studies in the Literature, Science and Medicine of the 1790s by Ruston, S.
Thomas Chatterton and Neglected Genius, 1760-1830 by Cook, Daniel
Tennyson and the Fabrication of Englishness by Sherwood, M.
Literary Politics: The Politics of Literature and the Literature of Politics by
Muriel Rukeyser and Documentary: The Poetics of Connection by Gander, Catherine
The Poet's Mind: The Psychology of Victorian Poetry 1830-1870 by Tate, Gregory
Surrealism in Latin American Literature: Searching for Breton's Ghost by Nicholson, M.
Surrealism in Latin American Literature: Searching for Breton's Ghost by Nicholson, M.
Ancient Philosophical Poetics by Heath, Malcolm
Ancient Philosophical Poetics by Heath, Malcolm
Algernon Charles Swinburne: Unofficial Laureate by
More about the Poetry of the Jews of Yemen by Bacher, W.
Sea of Sorrows: A Poetic Anthology by Dennis E. Adonis by Adonis, Dennis E.
Emotional Breakthrough: A Book of Hope by
The Poetry of Jack Spicer by Katz, Daniel
The Poetry of Jack Spicer by Katz, Daniel
The General Prologue by Geoffrey Chaucer: A Critical Introduction by Moore M. a., Ray
Poetics by Kenny, Anthony, Aristotle
An Exhibition Of Manuscripts And First Editions Of T. S. Eliot: Humanities Research Center, The University Of Texas, June, 1961 by Eliot, T. S.
The Poetics Of Aristotle In England: Cornell Studies In English, V17 by Herrick, Marvin Theodore
The Syntax Of Il Fiore And Of Dante's Inferno As Evidence In The Question Of The Authorship Of Il Fiore by Ramacciotti, Mary Dominic
Cinepoetry: Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry by Wall-Romana, Christophe
Sidney's Poetics: Imitating Creation by Mack, Michael
Please, No More Poetry: The Poetry of derek beaulieu by Beaulieu, Derek, Dobson, Kit
"I Am to Be Read Not from Left to Right, But in Jewish: From Right to Left": The Poetics of Boris Slutsky by Grinberg, Marat
Reflect and Write: 300 Poems and Photographs to Inspire Writing (Grades 7-12) [With CD (Audio)] by Kellner, Hank, Guy, Eliabeth
Practicing to Walk Like a Heron by Ridl, Jack
Lydia Lunch by Lunch, Lydia
Words Alone: Yeats and His Inheritances by Foster, R. F.
A Mirror for Lovers: Shake-speare's Sonnets as Curious Perspective by Zak, William F.
Northern Irish Poetry and the Russian Turn: Intertextuality in the Work of Seamus Heaney, Tom Paulin and Medbh McGuckian by Schwerter, S.
The Cambridge Companion to American Poetry Since 1945 by
Sudden Loss of Dignity by Soto, Gary
The Cambridge Companion to American Poetry since 1945 by
Poems by Thomas, Edward
Love Poems of Shelley by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Poetical Sketches by Blake, William
The Language of Shakespeare's Plays by Evans, B. I.
William Blake's Religious Vision: There's a Methodism in His Madness by Jesse, Jennifer
The Living Image: Shakespearean Essays by Henn, T. R.
Reference Guide to Milton: From 1800 to the Present Day by Stevens, David Harrison
Jonathan Swift And Women: The University Of Buffalo Studies, V16, No. 4, February, 1941 by Manch, Joseph Rodman
Methods of Textual Editing by Dearing, Vinton a. Vinton
The Negro In Contemporary American Literature by Green, Elizabeth Atkinson Lay
The End Of The Oxen Of The Sun: An Analysis Of The Boosing Scene In James Joyce's Ulysses by Weiss, Daniel
A Whole Of Feeling: A Study Of The Place Of Emotion And Feeling In The Poetic Theory Of T. S. Eliot by Panicker, Geeverghese T.
Poetiken Des Auf- Und Umbruchs by
The Female Figure in Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin's Poetry by Haberstroh, Patricia Boyle
Mystical Vertigo: Contemporary Kabbalistic Hebrew Poetry Dancing Over the Divide by Glazer, Aubrey
Comic Transformations in Shakespeare by Nevo, Ruth
The Oxford Handbook of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Callaghan, Madeleine
Shakespiritualism: Shakespeare and the Occult, 1850-1950 by Kahan, J.
Colorful Was Their Voice: Twenty-Five American Poets by Bram, Shahar, Goren, Neta
Tipping Point (20th Anniversary Edition) by Marchant, Fred
Eighteenth Century Studies and Other Papers by Bracey, Robert
A Concordance to the Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: And to the Romaunt of the Rose by Tatlock, John Strong Perry, Kennedy, Arthur Garfield
Moon on the Tides: A Student Guide to the AQA Poetry Anthology by Wheeler, David
Tennyson and the Fabrication of Englishness by Sherwood, M.
The Virtues of Poetry by Longenbach, James
Coleridge's Experimental Poetics by Mays, J.
Re-reading Derrida: Perspectives on Mourning and Its Hospitalities by
The Problem Plays of Shakespeare: A Study of Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, Antony and Cleopatra by Schanzer, Ernest
Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare, William
Dichtungen Der Schuljahre 1710-1715: 1: Texte. 2: Einf Hrung, Nachweise Und Erl Uterungen by Gunther, Johann Christian
Shakespeare and the Reason: A Study of the Tragedies and the Problem Plays by Hawkes, Terence
Shakespeare as Collaborator by Muir, Kenneth
Shakespeare's Dramatic Structures by Brennan, Anthony
Shakespeare's Sources: Comedies and Tragedies by Muir, Kenneth
The Shakespeare Claimants: A Critical Survey of the Four Principal Theories concerning the Authorship of the Shakespearean Plays by Gibson, H. N.
Tao Yuanming and Manuscript Culture: The Record of a Dusty Table by Tian, Xiaofei
Tennyson's Poetry - A Critical Study Guide by Halliwell-Grove, Titus
Tolkien's Poetry by
Shakespeare's Poetics: In relation to King Lear by Fraser, Russell a.
Shakespeare's Early Tragedies by Brooke, Nicholas
Commentary on Shakespeare's Richard III by Clemen, Wolfgang
Shakespeare the Dramatist: And Other Papers by Ellis-Fermor, Una
The Refrain in Nineteenth Century English Poetry: Catholic University of America by Power, Alacoque
Thomas Hood and Nineteenth-Century Poetry: Work, Play, and Politics by Lodge, Sara
Les Auteurs Latins Expliqués d'Après Une Méthode Nouvelle Par Deux Traductions Françaises: Virgile. Cinquième Livre de l'Enéide by Virgile
Les Auteurs Latins Expliqués d'Après Une Méthode Nouvelle Par Deux Traductions Françaises: Virgile. Premier Livre de l'Enéide by Virgile
Les Auteurs Latins Expliqués d'Après Une Méthode Nouvelle Par Deux Traductions Françaises: Virgile. Deuxième Livre de l'Enéide by Virgile
Ornithologies of Desire: Ecocritical Essays, Avian Poetics, and Don McKay by Mason, Travis V.
Selected Poems and Songs by Burns, Robert R.
Jan Seale: New and Selected Poems by Seale, Jan
Freedomink Presents Poetic Meter & Random Prose by White, Courtney, Jackson, Katandra Shanel, Jones, Ramona
Wallace Stevens and the Demands of Modernity by Altieri, Charles
Reading Visual Poetry by Bohn, Willard
Dying Modern: A Meditation on Elegy by Fuss, Diana
Savoring Power, Consuming the Times: The Metaphors of Food in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature by Palma, Pina
The Writings of D. H. Lawrence, 1925-1930: A Bibliographical Supplement by McDonald, Edward David
T.S. Eliot and Early Modern Literature by Matthews, Steven
Martin McDonagh: A Casebook by
John Milton: Paradise Lost by Edwards, Mike
John Milton: Paradise Lost by Edwards, Mike
Anna Livia Plurabelle by Joyce, James, Felman, Hazel
The Modern Monthly, V8, No. 4, May, 1934 by Lovestone, Jay, Seger, Gerhart, Eastman, Max
Memoir American by Hollander, Benjamin
The Poetic Enlightenment: Poetry and Human Science, 1650-1820 by Boyson, Rowan
Graphic Poetics by Bradford, Richard
Women's Poetry of Late Imperial China: Transforming the Inner Chambers by Li, Xiaorong
Women's Poetry of Late Imperial China: Transforming the Inner Chambers by Li, Xiaorong
Song of Myself: The First and Final Editions of the Great American Poem by Whitman, Walt
Riley Farm-Rhymes by Riley, James Whitcomb
Performing Privacy and Gender in Early Modern Literature by Trull, M.
Wessex Poems and Other Verses by Hardy, Thomas
Challenges to the Power of Zeus in Early Greek Poetry by Yasumura, Noriko
Late Lyrics and Earlier by Hardy, Thomas
The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang by Owen, Stephen
George Oppen and the Fate of Modernism by Nicholls, Peter
Conversations with Kenelm: Essays on the Theology of the Commedia by Took, John
Romancing the Ballad by Waltz, Robert B.
Dragon in Ambush: The Art of War in the Poems of Mao Zedong by Ingalls, Jeremy
Heaven and Hell by Markos, Louis
Heaven and Hell by Markos, Louis
Gavin Douglas, 'The Aeneid' (1513) Volume 1: Introduction, Books I - VIII by
Gavin Douglas, 'The Aeneid' (1513) Volume 2: Books IX - XIII, Appendices, Glossary, Index by
Essays in Romanticism, Volume 20 2013 by
Poetry & Geography: Space & Place in Post-War Poetry by
Tracks on a Page: Louise Erdrich, Her Life and Works by Washburn, Frances
A Poet's Notebook by Sitwell, Edith
Lyric Encounters: Essays on American Poetry from Lazarus and Frost to Ortiz Cofer and Alexie by Morris, Daniel
Lyric Encounters: Essays on American Poetry from Lazarus and Frost to Ortiz Cofer and Alexie by Morris, Daniel
St. Francis Poems by Craig, David
Songs of Avondale by Holmes, James W.
The Gospel of the Bleeding Woman by Manning, Katie
Landscape and Literature 1830-1914: Nature, Text, Aura by Ebbatson, R.
Writing Life: Suffering as a Poetic Strategy of Emily Dickinson by Kapusta, Anna, Smith, Jadwiga
Creating Romanticism: Case Studies in the Literature, Science and Medicine of the 1790s by Ruston, S.
The Purple Dream by Gouda, Paul
Interviews Through Time by Fisher, Roy
Freedom from Violence and Lies: Essays on Russian Poetry and Music by Simon Karlinsky by
Exemplary Traits: Reading Characterization in Roman Poetry by Seo, J. Mira
New York School Collaborations: The Color of Vowels by
New York School Collaborations: The Color of Vowels by
Emily Dickinson's Rich Conversation: Poetry, Philosophy, Science by Brantley, R.
Tragic Coleridge by Murray, Chris
Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Walt
My Spring of Hope by Frost, Hellen
Poems From the Heart by Lara, Kristal Annamarie
The Quest for Perfection: Shelley and the Poet-Hero by Craft, Sheilah R.
Life, Life: Selected Poems by Tarkovsky, Arseny
Hymns to the Night and Spiritual Songs by Novalis
The Spirit of Oriental Poetry by Singh, Puran
The Poetic Edda: Essays on Old Norse Mythology by
From the Bottom: Anti-Japanese Verses by Ishikawa, Taneo
As Through A Veil: Mystical Poetry in Islam by Schimmel, Annemarie
What's the Worst Thing You Can Do to Shakespeare? by Burt, R., Yates, J.
Find an Angel and Pick a Fight by McCarey, Peter
A Poet's Guide to Poetry by Kinzie, Mary
Knowing Through Poetic Reflection by Wakeman, Brian E.
Alif 33: The Desert: Human Geography and Symbolic Economy by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 8: Wallenstein (Neue Ausgabe in 3 Bänden)Teilband 8.3: Kommentar by
Artemis to Actaeon and Other Verse by Wharton, Edith
Horace: Beyond the Public Poetry by Lyne, R. O. a. M.
Pauline Johnson: Selected Poetry and Prose by Johnson, Pauline
Bildung durch Dichtung - Literarische Bildung: Bildungsdiskurse literaturvermittelnder Institutionen um 1900 und um 2000 by
Editing Emily Dickinson: The Production of an Author by Christensen, Lena
Plotinus Blushed by Chapson, Jim
Formal Matters in Contemporary Latino Poetry by Aldama, F.
Modernism and Nostalgia: Bodies, Locations, Aesthetics by
Formal Matters in Contemporary Latino Poetry by Aldama, F.
What Light Can Do PB by Hass, Robert
The Poetry of Dylan Thomas: Under the Spelling Wall by Goodby, John
Corneille Et La Poétique d'Aristote: Les Trois Discours, Les Préfaces Et Les Examens by Lemaître, Jules
Pre-Raphaelitism: Poetry and Painting by Smith, Lindsay
Erros by Schuldt, Morgan Lucas
Singing School: Learning to Write (and Read) Poetry by Studying with the Masters by Pinsky, Robert
Making Poetry Matter: International Research on Poetry Pedagogy by
Jose Marti Enfrentado a Ruben Dario?: Ensayo sobre la calidad literaria de Dario versus Marti by Rivera-Montealegre, Flavio
New Love Poems by Benczik, Terry
New Love Poems by Benczik, Terry
Nobody's Business by Reed, Brian M.
Soviet Heroic Poetry in Context: Folklore or Fakelore by Ziolkowski, Margaret
Forms of Engagement: Women, Poetry and Culture 1640-1680 by Scott-Baumann, Elizabeth
Poetry, or else by Rahman, Anisur
Plato's Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy by Monoson, S. Sara
Emily Dickinson and Philosophy by
The Winter Sun Shines in: A Life of Masaoka Shiki by Keene, Donald
Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Walt
A Singing Contest: Conventions of Sound in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney by Tyler, Meg
Thomas Hardy: The Poems by Steinberg, Gillian
Decadent Poetics: Literature and Form at the British Fin de Siècle by
On American Literature and Diasporas by Liddy, James
Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Critical Heritage by
The Yearning Feed by López, Manuel Paul
On Irish Literature and Identities by Liddy, James
Victorian Poetry in Context by Miles, Rosie
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