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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2016

Wild Grass: Yecao, Weeds by Lu Xun (Lu Hsun) by Lu, Xun
La Poética del Caribe Continental: Lirica del Caribe Colombiano Contemporáneo by Alberto Ferrer Ruiz, Gabriel
Margen, Espejo: Poesía Chilan Y Marginalidad Social (1983-2009) by Bortignon, Martina
Abdilatif Abdalla: Poet in Politics by
Poems on Various Subjects - Religious and Moral by Wheatley, Phillis
The Iliad by Homer
Carol Ann Duffy: Poet for Our Times by Dowson, Jane
Red Indian Road West: Native American Poetry from California by
The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945-2010 by
The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945-2010 by
The Model of Poesy by Scott, William
Milton (Routledge Revivals): A Study in Ideology and Form by Kendrick, Christopher
Classical Genres and English Poetry (Routledge Revivals) by Race, William H.
Wordsworth's Historical Imagination (Routledge Revivals): The Poetry of Displacement by Simpson, David
The Art of Poetry: Forward's Poem of the Decade anthology by Bowen, Neil
Last Call: Poems by Jones, Logan C.
Los Versos libres de José Martí: notas de imágenes by Vidal, Jose Raul
Transfer und Modifikation by Zanucchi, Mario
The Poetic Principle (annotated) by Poe, Edgar Allan
The Lesbian Muse and Poetic Identity, 1889-1930 by Parker, Sarah
The Poetic Enlightenment: Poetry and Human Science, 1650-1820 by Boyson, Rowan
Wordsworth's Poetic Collections, Supplementary Writing and Parodic Reception by Bates, Brian R.
Ascetic Modernism in the Work of T S Eliot and Gustave Flaubert by Gott, Henry Michael
Charlotte Smith in British Romanticism by Labbe, Jacqueline
Poets on the Edge: Vicente Huidobro, César Vallejo, Juan Luis Martínez, and Néstor Perlongher by Sepúlveda, Jesús
On Eliot: these fragments by Sharratt, Bernard
Homeric Epic and Its Reception: Interpretive Essays by Schein, Seth L.
A Thickness of Particulars: The Poetry of Anthony Hecht by Post, Jonathan F. S.
Web of Fantasies: Gaze, Image, & Gender in Ovid's Metamorphoses by Salzman-Mitchell, Patricia B.
Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven and Other Poems by Poe, Edgar Allan
Lyric Orientations: Hölderlin, Rilke, and the Poetics of Community by Eldridge, Hannah Vandegrift
Lyric Orientations: Hölderlin, Rilke, and the Poetics of Community by Eldridge, Hannah Vandegrift
Ovid on Cosmetics: Medicamina Faciei Femineae and Related Texts by Johnson, Marguerite
Ovid on Cosmetics: Medicamina Faciei Femineae and Related Texts by Johnson, Marguerite
Spectral Realms No. 4: Winter 2016 by
Walt Whitman and British Socialism: �the Love of Comrades� by Harris, Kirsten
Harper's Anthology of Twentieth Century Native American Poetry by Niatum, Duane
Wordsworth and Word-Preserving Arts: Typographic Inscription, Ekphrasis and Posterity in the Later Work by Simonsen, P.
The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Poetry by
Wordsworth and the Passions of Critical Poetics by Allen, S.
Ollam: Studies in Gaelic and Related Traditions in Honor of Tomás Ó Cathasaigh by Ahlqvist, Anders, Kelly, Fergus
Fire Of Love: Volume Five by de la Trinite, Jean-Marie
The Poetry of John Donne - A Critical Study Guide by Parks, Mungo
Dark of the Moon by Teasdale, Sara
Arthur O'Shaughnessy, A Pre-Raphaelite Poet in the British Museum by Kistler, Jordan
Suddenly, the Sight of War: Violence and Nationalism in Hebrew Poetry in the 1940s by Hever, Hannan
A Body of Work: An Anthology of Poetry and Medicine by
Ted Hughes, Class and Violence by Bentley, Paul
Ezra Pound's Eriugena by Byron, Mark
Gnomon: Essays on Contemporary Literature by Kenner, Hugh
Algernon Charles Swinburne: Unofficial Laureate by
Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Walt
The Orange Book - Ode to Pleasure by Petersen, Helene Lundbye
International Companion to Scottish Poetry by
Origins of the Dream: Hughes's Poetry and King's Rhetoric by Miller, W. Jason
Cartas a un joven poeta by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Wallace Stevens, New York, and Modernism by
Plagiarama!: William Wells Brown and the Aesthetic of Attractions by Sanborn, Geoffrey
The Winter Sun Shines in: A Life of Masaoka Shiki by Keene, Donald
Virgil's Eclogues and the Art of Fiction by Kania, Raymond
A Woman of Property by Schiff, Robyn
Dryden's Poetic Kingdoms (Routledge Revivals) by Roper, Alan
Sauerländische Mundart-Anthologie I: Niederdeutsche Gedichte 1300 - 1918 by
A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century by Charyn, Jerome
Heavenly Love: Selected Poems by Spenser, Edmund
Paradise of Golden Lights: Selected Poems by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
The Sonnets by Shakespeare, William
Darkness and Glory: Selected Poems by Bronte, Emily
Holderlin's Songs of Light: Selected Poems by Holderlin, Friedrich
Watchwords: Romanticism and the Poetics of Attention by Gurton-Wachter, Lily
Authority, Piracy, and Captivity in Colonial Spanish American Writing: Juan de Castellanos's Elegies of Illustrious Men of the Indies by Martínez-Osorio, Emiro
Measures of Astonishment: Poets on Poetry by Poets, The League of Canadian
Shaping a World Already Made: Landscape and Poetry of the Canadian Prairies by Tracie, Carl J.
Jayne Cortez, Adrienne Rich, and the Feminist Superhero: Voice, Vision, Politics, and Performance in U.S. Contemporary Women's Poetics by
Cartas a Un Joven Poeta by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Thomas Hardy: Her Haunting Ground: Selected Poems by Hardy, Thomas
A History of Indian Poetry in English by
Parmenides' Vision: A Study of Parmenides' Poem by Martin, Stuart B.
The Children of the Night, A Book of Poems by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
What Persists: Selected Essays on Poetry from the Georgia Review, 1988-2014 by Kitchen, Judith
Memories Flow in Our Veins: Forty Years of Women's Writing from Calyx by
'Ungainefull Arte' by McCabe, Richard A.
Fire Of Love: Volume Four by de la Trinite, Jean-Marie
Poetry Notebook: Reflections on the Intensity of Language by James, Clive
Young Eliot: From St. Louis to the Waste Land by Crawford, Robert
The Columbia Companion to Modern Chinese Literature by
The Art of Poetry: Forward's Poems of the Decade by Harrison, Johanna, Meally, Michael, Bowen, Neil
The Living Milton (Routledge Revivals): Essays by Various Hands by Kermode, Frank
Childhood Songs by Larcom, Lucy
Paul Revere's Ride by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Emily Dickinson's Poems: As She Preserved Them by Dickinson, Emily
García Lorca at the Edge of Surrealism: The Aesthetics of Anguish by Richter, David F.
The Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century (1918) by Phelps, William Lyon
The Poetry of Walt Whitman by Phelps, William Lyon
Iambus and Elegy: New Approaches by Swift, Laura
Poems by Walt Whitman by Whitman, Walt
John Donne: Conservative Revolutionary by Andreasen, N. J. C.
Lucretius and the Transpadanes by Holland, Louise Adams
The Didactic Muse: Scenes of Instruction in Contemporary American Poetry by Spiegelman, Willard
Fictions of Form in American Poetry by Cushman, Stephen
Lucifer in Harness: American Meter, Metaphor, and Diction by Fussell, Edwin S.
The Fiction of the Poet: In the Post-Symbolist Mode by Balakian, Anna Elizabeth
The Linguistic Moment: From Wordsworth to Stevens by Miller, Joseph Hillis
Long Shadow: Emily Dickinson's Tragic Poetry by Griffith, Clark
Milton and the Science of the Saints by Christopher, Georgia B.
Guillén on Guillén: The Poetry and the Poet by Guillén, Jorge
The Concept of Negritude in the Poetry of Leopold Sedar Senghor by Ba, Sylvia Washington
Free Verse: An Essay on Prosody by Hartman, Charles O.
Matthew Arnold: The Poet as Humanist by Stange, George Robert
Wallace Stevens: The Making of Harmonium by
Symbol and Truth in Blake's Myth by Damrosch, Leopold
Robert Lowell: Life and Art by Axelrod, Steven Gould
Spenser, Ronsard, and Dubellay by Satterthwaite, Alfred W.
Inescapable Romance: Studies in the Poetics of a Mode by Parker, Patricia A.
The Tale of the Tribe: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic by Bernstein, Michael André
Walks in the World: Representation and Experience in Modern American Poetry by Gilbert, Roger
This Long Disease, My Life: Alexander Pope and the Sciences by Rousseau, George Sebastian, Nicolson, Marjorie Hope
Robert Frost and New England: The Poet as Regionalist by Kemp, John C.
Spenser's Allegory of Justice in Book Five of the Fairie Queen by Dunseath, T. K.
Thomas Chatterton's Art: Experiments in Imagined History by Taylor, Donald S.
Poetic Art of W.H. Auden by Blair, John G.
Shakespeare and Spenser by Watkins, Walter Barker Critz
Selected Poems by C.P. Cavafy by Cavafy, C. P.
Emerson as Poet by Waggoner, Hyatt Howe
Poetic Form in Blake's Milton by Fox, Susan
Infernal Triad: The Flesh, the World, and the Devil in Spenser and Milton by Cullen, Patrick
Walt Whitman Among the French: Poet and Myth by Erkkila, Betsy
Songs of Gods, Songs of Humans: The Epic Tradition of the Ainu by Phillipi, Donald L.
Spenser's Allegory: The Anatomy of Imagination by MacCaffrey, Isabel Gamble
Detente in Europe: Real or Imaginary? by Korbel, Josef
Advent Lyrics of the Exeter Book by Campbell, Jackson J.
Dickinson and the Romantic Imagination by Diehl, Joanne Feit
Aesthetic and Myth in the Poetry of Keats by Evert, Walter H.
English Poetry of the First World War by Johnston, John H.
Kindly Flame by Roche, Thomas P.
Ovid's Toyshop of the Heart: Epistulae Heroidum by Verducci, Florence
The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms by
Death and the Optimistic Prophecy in Vergil's Aeneid by O'Hara, James J.
Yeats and American Poetry: The Tradition of the Self by Diggory, Terence
Reading Public Romanticism by Magnuson, Paul
A Preface to Chaucer: Studies in Medieval Perspective by Robertson, Durant Waite
Newton Demands the Muse: Newton's Opticks and the 18th Century Poets by Nicolson, Marjorie Hope
Shelley's Major Poetry by
Shelleyan Eros: The Rhetoric of Romantic Love by Ulmer, William A.
Wallace Stevens: A Celebration by Doggett, Frank, Buttel, Robert
The Poetical Works of Edward Taylor by
Contemporary Poetry: A Retrospective from the Quarterly Review of Literature by
Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron by
Style, Rhetoric, and Rhythm: Essays by Morris W. Croll by Croll, Morris W.
Salamander: Selected Poems of Robert Marteau by Marteau, Robert
The Figure of Dante: An Essay on the Vita Nuova by Mazzaro, Jerome
Harsh World and Other Poems by Gonzalez, Angel
Ritsos in Parentheses by Ritsos, Yannis
Symposium of the Whole: A Range of Discourse Toward an Ethnopoetics by Rothenberg, Diane, Rothenberg, Jerome
Milton and His England by Wolfe, Don Marion
Petrarchism at Work: Contextual Economies in the Age of Shakespeare by Kennedy, William J.
Pastoral Poetry of the English Renaissance: An Anthology by
Charles Baudelaire - sa vie et son oeuvre: Au-delà des fleurs du mal by Asselineau, Charles
Rubá'iyát of Omar Khayyám by Khayyam, Omar, Cu-Banc, Tomoyé Press Bkp
Poems, Sacred, Passionate, and Humorous by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Mia Meyer - eine Heidedichterin in der Mark Brandenburg 1925-1945: Spuren 19 - Schriftenreihe zur Geschichte Bienenbüttels und der Ortsteile by Holst, Axel
When Malindy Sings by Armstrong, Margaret, Dunbar, Paul Laurence
James Merrill: Knowing Innocence by Sastri, Reena
The Writings In Prose And Verse Of Eugene Field...: Sharps And Flats by Field, Eugene, Horace
Elizabeth Bishop's Brazil by Hicok, Bethany
Elizabeth Bishop's Brazil by Hicok, Bethany
Money Talk is an Ear Sore!!-Part one (Poetry) by Achwanya, John Ambuli
I and I: Epitaphs for the Self in the Work of V.S. Naipaul, Kamau Brathwaite and Derek Walcott by Cobham-Sander, Rhonda
Littérature acadienne du 21e siècle by Collective
Insane Devotion: On the Writing of Gerald Stern by
Writing Romanticism: Charlotte Smith and William Wordsworth, 1784-1807 by Labbe, J.
Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. to Which Is Added Samson Agonistes: And Poems Upon Several Occasions, Volume 2 by Milton, John
Grand'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving, With Other Ballads and Poems by Alger, Horatio
Studies in Milton by Liljegren, S. B. 1885-
Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson Volume 2 by Emerson, Edward Waldo, Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Yeats, Shakespeare, and Irish Cultural Nationalism by Hennessey, Oliver
Elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Colorado and Beyond by Bergstrom, Rosemary
Who Wrote "The Night Before Christmas"?: Analyzing the Clement Clarke Moore vs. Henry Livingston Question by Jackson, MacDonald P.
A History of Classical Greek Literature Volume 2 pt 2 by Sayce, A. H. 1845-1933, Mahaffy, John Pentland
Poems of the War by Boker, George H. 1823-1890
Uniting Blacks in a Raceless Nation: Blackness, Afro-Cuban Culture, and Mestizaje in the Prose and Poetry of Nicolás Guillén by Arnedo-Gómez, Miguel
T.S. Eliot, Poetry, and Earth: The Name of the Lotos Rose by Terblanche, Etienne
The Crafty Poet: A Portable Workshop by
Irish Experimental Poetry: Irish University Review Volume 46, Issue 1 by
Horizontes de juguete by Armand, Octavio
Ovid, Amores (Book 1) by Turpin, William
Ovid, Amores (Book 1) by Turpin, William
John Smith, U.S.a by Field, Eugene, Brown, Charles Walter
The Pearl: Rendered Into Modern English Verse by Mitchell, Silas Weir
Main Street, and Other Poems by Kilmer, Joyce
My Saviour, Or Devotional Meditations: In Prose and Verse, On the Names and Titles of the Lord Jesus Christ by East, John
An Essay On Epic Poetry: In Five Epistles to the Revd. Mr. Mason. With Notes by Hayley, William
The Early Poems of James Russell Lowell by Lowell, James Russell, Dole, Nathan Haskell
War Lyrics and Songs of the South by Ryan, Abram Joseph
Selected Essays by Milan, Eduardo
Cowper's Minor Poems, Parts 1-2 by Cowper, William
Joyful Memories by Brown, Everett Thornton
Selected Poetry and Prose of Edmond Holmes by Howlett, John
On the Eternity of the Supreme Being: A Poetical Essay by Smart, Christopher
Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew by Author, Unknown
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