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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2017

Metaphysic Poetry 2 by Silomene
Metaphysic Poetry: Volume 1 by Silomene
Phantom Laundry: Limited Edition by Tyrell, Michael
Phantom Laundry by Tyrell, Michael
The Limits of Fabrication: Materials Science, Materialist Poetics by Brown, Nathan
Arthur Hugh Clough: The Poetry of a Questioning Spirit by D'Agnillo, Renzo
Love's Wounds: Violence and the Politics of Poetry in Early Modern Europe by Nazarian, Cynthia N.
Lady Anne: A Chronicle in Verse by Krog, Antjie
Route 66 and Its Sorrows by Miller, Carolyn
Lyric Tactics: Poetry, Genre, and Practice in Later Medieval England by Nelson, Ingrid
George Herbert and the Mystery of the Word: Poetry and Scripture in Seventeenth-Century England by Kuchar, Gary
Nowhere to Arrive: Poems by Xie, Jenny
月迷津渡--古典诗词个案微观分析(修订版&#65 by Sun, Shaozheng
Forms of Empire: The Poetics of Victorian Sovereignty by Hensley, Nathan K.
诗苑非闲聊 - 世纪集团 by Wang, Zhengyu
Blake, Myth, and Enlightenment: The Politics of Apotheosis by Fallon, David
Fashioning Authorship in the Long Eighteenth Century: Stylish Books of Poetic Genius by Egan, Gerald
Notes Toward An M(F)A In Non-Poetry: (& Other Essays on Poetry, Academia & Culture) by Stroffolino, Chris
Tennyson by Stott, Rebecca
Poetry Today: A Critical Guide to British Poetry 1960-1995 by Thwaite, Anthony
Polysituatedness: A Poetics of Displacement by Kinsella, John
The Incarnation of the Poetic Word: Theological Essays on Poetry & Philosophy - Philosophical Essays on Poetry & Theology by Martin, Michael
The Incarnation of the Poetic Word: Theological Essays on Poetry & Philosophy - Philosophical Essays on Poetry & Theology by Martin, Michael
Provoking Curriculum Studies: Strong Poetry and Arts of the Possible in Education by
Byron by Stabler, Jane
The Works of Tomas Tranströmer: The Universality of Poetry by Lim, Lee Ching
Remaking Romanticism: The Radical Politics of the Excerpt by Legette, Casie
Abundance from the Desert: Classical Arabic Poetry by Farrin, Raymond
On Whitman by Williams, C. K.
The Other Color of Love by Edwards, Gene
Critical Essays on Roman Literature: Satire by
The Rubaiyat Omar Khayyam by Khayyam, Omar
Notational Experiments in North American Long Poems, 1961-2011: Stave Sightings by Carruthers, A. J.
Critical Essays on Roman Literature: Elegy and Lyric by
Exploratory Practice in Language Teaching: Puzzling about Principles and Practices by Hanks, Judith
Reading Vergil's Aeneid, 23: An Interpretive Guide by Perkell, Christine
The Deep Heart's Core: Irish Poets Revisit A Touchstone Poem by
The Deep Heart's Core: Irish Poets Revisit A Touchstone Poem by
Islam and Postcolonial Discourse: Purity and Hybridity by Mirze Santesso, Esra, McClung, James
Exploratory Practice in Language Teaching: Puzzling about Principles and Practices by Hanks, Judith
The Space of Words: Exile and Diaspora in the Works of Nelly Sachs by Hoyer, Jennifer M.
American Pragmatism and Poetic Practice: Crosscurrents from Emerson to Susan Howe by Case, Kristen
Poems Past and Present: A Guide for AQA GCSE English Literature (8702) by Croft, Liz
The Art of Poetry: AQA Love & Relationships by Jones, Neil, May, Jack, Mortimore, Kathrine
Translating Jazz Into Poetry: From Mimesis to Metaphor by Redling, Erik
Ten Windows: How Great Poems Transform the World by Hirshfield, Jane
Tennyson and Mid-Victorian Publishing: Moxon, Poetry, Commerce by Cheshire, Jim
Dieci poesie spiegate al popolo by Filigheddu, Pierangelo
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry by
Spectral Realms No. 6: Winter 2017 by Pugmire, W. H., Tierney, Richard L.
The Poetics and Politics of the American Gothic: Gender and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet by Monnet, Agnieszka Soltysik
The Wreck of the Deutschland by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry by
The Green Book - Ode to Love by Petersen, Helene Lundbye
International Companion to James Macpherson and The Poems of Ossian by
Of Form & Gather by Zamora, Felicia
Communication Images in Derek Walcott's Poetry by Gill, Sadia
The Way of Tanka by Wakan, Naomi Beth
Studies in the Translations of Juan Ramón and Zenobia Jiménez by Ward, Charlotte
Beside the Western Sea: A Collection of Poems by Skidmore, Harriet M.
The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual by Morgenstern, John D.
Letters of James Russell Lowell by Lowell, James Russell, Norton, Charles Eliot
From Shakespeare to Pope: An Inquiry into the Causes and Phenomena of the Rise of Classical Poetry in England by Gosse, Edmund
Surrealist Poetry: An Anthology by
Surrealist Poetry: An Anthology by
The Art of Poetry: Edexcel GCSE Relationships by Bowen, Neil
Pieces by Harts, Christopher-Gerard Isaac
The Art of Poetry: Forward Poems, revised selection by Meally, Michael, Harrison, Johanna, Bowen, Neil
Sidney to Milton, 1580-1660 by Wynne-Davies, Marion, Wolfreys, Julian
The Narratolyric Writing by Ghani, Anwer
Contemporary Olson by
Mallarmé: Rancière, Milner, Badiou by Boncardo, Robert, Gelder, Christian R.
Drift: A Sea-Shore Idyl And Other Poems by Arnold, George, Winter, William
The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Poems of Passion by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Genius Envy: Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-1900 by Paliyenko, Adrianna M.
Hart Crane and Allen Tate: Janus-Faced Modernism by Hammer, Langdon
Book of Troilus and Criseyde by Root, Robert Kilburn
Coleridge on the Language of Verse by Marks, Emerson R.
Mallarmé: Rancière, Milner, Badiou by Boncardo, Robert, Gelder, Christian R.
Coleridge on the Language of Verse by Marks, Emerson R.
Hart Crane and Allen Tate: Janus-Faced Modernism by Hammer, Langdon
Book of Troilus and Criseyde by Root, Robert Kilburn
Searching for Sappho: The Lost Songs and World of the First Woman Poet by Freeman, Philip
A Guidebook to Paradise Lost by Nutt, Joe
Music from the Lake: And Other Essays by Brosman, Catharine Savage
Pirandello's Visual Philosophy: Imagination and Thought across Media by
Late Modernism and 'The English Intelligencer': On the Poetics of Community by Latter, Alex
Music From the Lake: And Other Essays by Brosman, Catharine Savage
John Kasper and Ezra Pound: Saving the Republic by Marsh, Alec
The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
About Poems and How Poems Are Not about: Newcastle/Bloodaxe Poetry Lectures by Stevenson, Anne
The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Soviet Heroic Poetry in Context: Folklore or Fakelore by Ziolkowski, Margaret
Poems Here at Home by Riley, James Whitcomb
Plays and Poems by Jonson, Ben, Morley, Henry
Rodrigo de Valdés: Poema heroyco hispano-latino panegyrico de la fundación, y grandezas de la muy noble, y leal ciudad de Lima by
Barry Macsweeney and the Politics of Post-War British Poetry: Seditious Things by Roberts, Luke
dust by Berry, Vonice, Harris, Tshombe
Illusion of an Overwhelm by Amen, John
God and the Imagination: On Poets, Poetry, and the Ineffable by Mariani, Paul
Toward Robert Frost: The Reader and the Poet by Oster, Judith
Art and Reality: John Anderson on Literature and Aesthetics by Anderson, Janet, Cullum, Graham, Anderson, John
The Gospel in Gerard Manley Hopkins: Selections from His Poems, Letters, Journals, and Spiritual Writings by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Reading the Runes in Old English and Old Norse Poetry by Birkett, Thomas
On Empson by Wood, Michael
What Is Poetry? (Just Kidding, I Know You Know): Interviews from the Poetry Project Newsletter (1983 - 2009) by
Brazil, Lyric, and the Americas by Perrone, Charles A.
Waiting for the Past: Poems by Murray, Les
In the Palm of Your Hand: A Poet's Portable Workshop by Kowit, Steve
Downhill and Rock & Core by Aresti, Gabriel
Downhill and Rock & Core by Aresti, Gabriel
The Art of Poetry: Eduqas GCSE poems by Bowen, Neil
Songs and Ballads of the Southern People. 1861-1865 by Moore, Frank
Poems: Three Series, Complete by Dickinson, Emily
Contemporary Irish Poetry and the Canon: Critical Limitations and Textual Liberations by Keating, Kenneth
El Árbol del Bien y del Mal y otros poemas by Silva, Medardo Ángel
Contemporary Studies by Baudouin, Charles
The Book of Ballads: Eleventh Edition by Gaultier, Bon
Fourth Person Singular by Alsadir, Nuar
Songs and other Verse by Field, Eugene
Spenser in the Moment by
The Routledge Research Companion to John Gower by
Dylan Thomas by
Charmides: and Other Poems by Wilde, Oscar
Home Ballads and Poems by Whittier, John Greenleaf
Songs and Other Verse by Field, Eugene
Ballads and Poems Relating to the Burgoyne Campaign by Stone, William Leete
Lyrics of Lowly Life by Dunbar, Paul Laurence
Theatrical Milton: Politics and Poetics of the Staged Body by Prawdzik, Brendan
Theology and Poetry in Early Byzantium: The Kontakia of Romanos the Melodist by Gador-Whyte, Sarah
Intermedial Theater: Performance Philosophy, Transversal Poetics, and the Future of Affect by Reynolds, Bryan
Shakespeare, Fernando Pessoa, e a invenção dos heterónimos by De Castro, Mariana Gray
Personal Infinitive: Inflecting Fernando Pessoa by Miranda, Rui Gonçalves
Sonnet: The Very Rich and Varied World of the Italian Sonnet by Russell, Rinaldina
A Window to My Soul by Gara, Hassen
Fernando Pessoa's Shakespeare: The Invention of the Heteronyms by Castro, Mariana Grayde
Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry: Reinventing the Canon by
Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry: Reinventing the Canon by
A Collection of Poems and Songs: Descriptive, Sentimental & Humorous by Trott, J. C.
The Red Flower: Poems written in War Time by Van Dyke, Henry
Early Auden, Later Auden: A Critical Biography by Mendelson, Edward
Walt Whitman in Fernando Pessoa by Pasciolla, Francesca
Ausonius: Moselle, Epigrams, and Other Poems by Warren, Deborah
Green Voices: Understanding Contemporary Nature Poetry by Gifford, Terry
Seasons by Baker, Derek R.
De Profundis by Wilde, Oscar
Homer Whole: A Reading of the Iliad by Larsen, Eric
Richard Berengarten: A Portrait in Inter-Views by Berengarten, Richard
Volition's Face: Personification and the Will in Renaissance Literature by Escobedo, Andrew
Selections from Canadian Poets by Dewart, Edward Hartley
Piers Plowman and the Poetics of Enigma: Riddles, Rhetoric, and Theology by Gruenler, Curtis A.
Volition's Face: Personification and the Will in Renaissance Literature by Escobedo, Andrew
The Art of Poetry: Edexcel GCSE Conflict by Bowen, Neil
Streams: Life Secrets for Writing Poems and Songs by Hochman, Sandra
Streams: Life Secrets for Writing Poems and Songs by Hochman, Sandra
Carnival and National Identity in the Poetry of Afrocubanismo by Anderson, Thomas F.
From Tongue to Text: A New Reading of Children's Poetry by Pullinger, Debbie
Walter Scott and Fame: Authors and Readers in the Romantic Age by Mayer, Robert
Gottfried Von Straßburg: 'Tristan' by Schulz, Monika
Moving Memory - The Dynamics of the Past in Irish Culture: Irish University Review Volume 47, Issue 1 by
Fight Like Hell: A Collection of Poems by Self, Miabel J.
Living Poetry: Reading Poems from Shakespeare to Don Paterson by Hutchings, William
Charles Henri Ford: Between Modernism and Postmodernism by Howard, Alexander
William Blake: The Poems by Marsh, Nicholas
Philip Larkin: The Poems by Marsh, Nicholas
Negative Theology and Utopian Thought in Contemporary American Poetry: Determined Negations by Lagapa, Jason
Ensayos sobre Blas de Otero: Clásicos del siglo XX by Velasco, Antonio Garcia
Activism through Poetry: Critical Spanish Poems in Translation by
Yeats, Eliot, Pound and the Politics of Poetry: Richest to the Richest by Craig, Cairns Prof
T. S. Eliot and the Romantic Critical Tradition by Lobb, Edward
The Poetry of T. S. Eliot by Maxwell, D. E. S.
Poetry and Belief in the Work of T. S. Eliot by Smidt, Kristian
Women's Poetry and Poetics in Late Imperial China: A Dialogic Engagement by Yang, Haihong
The English Eliot: Design, Language and Landscape in Four Quartets by Ellis, Steve
An Introduction to the Study of Browning by Symons, Arthur
A Handbook to the Works of Robert Browning by Orr, Sutherland
An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry by Browning, Robert, Corson, Hiram
Perpetual Motion: Studies in French Poetry from Surrealism to the Postmodern by Sheringham, Michael
Victorian Soul-Talk: Poetry, Democracy, and the Body Politic by Saville, Julia F.
How a Poem Can Happen: Conversations With Twenty-One Extraordinary Poets by Kuhn, Andrew
Wallace Stevens and Pre-Socratic Philosophy: Metaphysics and the Play of Violence by Tompsett, Daniel
Anglophone Cameroon Poetry in the Environmental Matrix by Ngongkum, Eunice
Sonia Sanchez's Poetic Spirit through Haiku by
The Sonnets: The State of Play by
The Art of Poetry: Edexcel IGCSE by Bowen, Neil, Penfold, Alice
The Olson Codex: Projective Verse and the Problem of Mayan Glyphs by Tedlock, Dennis
The Yellow Book - Ode to Balance by Petersen, Helene Lundbye
Shelley's Living Artistry: Letters, Poems, Plays by Callaghan, Madeleine
Early modern women and the poem by
Selections from Canadian Poets by Dewart, Edward Hartley
Monster: Distortion, Abstraction, and Originality in Contemporary American Poetry by Irwin, Mark
The Art of Poetry: Cie: Songs of Ourselves by Bowen, Neil
The Pocket Yeats by
Signs That Sing: Hybrid Poetics in Old English Verse by Maring, Heather
Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry: Reception and Transformation in the Fifth Century BCE by Stamatopoulou, Zoe
The Rift in the Lute: Attuning Poetry and Philosophy by de Gaynesford, Maximilian
The Whiskey of Our Discontent: Gwendolyn Brooks as Conscience and Change Agent by
Forms of Discovery: Critical & Historical Essays on the Forms of the Short Poem in English by Winters, Yvor
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