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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2018

Seamus Heaney and the Great Poetry Hoax: A critical exposé of Faber and Faber's verse-man by Kiely, Kevin
Harvard's Patron: Jack of all Poets by Kiely, Kevin
Pasolini's Lasting Impressions: Death, Eros, and Literary Enterprise in the Opus of Pier Paolo Pasolini by
John Smith, U.S.A. by Field, Eugene
Revival: The Middle English Versions of Partonope of Blois (1912) by De Blois, Partonopeus
50 World's Greatest Poems: Collectable Edition by Various
The Johannine Renaissance in Early Modern English Literature and Theology by Cefalu, Paul
Baudelaire in Song by Abbott, Helen
Rupert Brooke in the First World War by Miller, Alisa
Wounded Fiction: Modern Poetry and Deconstruction by Adamson, Joseph
Audacity of the Complicity in the Insanity of our Presidency: Enabling only terror brings, when you let a certain man cling, to the ever-present dange by Knight Jr, Roy
The Capacity of the Audacity in the Implicity of the Insanity of the Presidency: Congress' Lack of Integrity to Protect the Defenseless from the Sense by Knight, Roy, Jr.
100 Selected Poems by Yeats, W. B.
The Tears of Achilles by Monsacré, Hélène
Rumi's Secret: The Life of the Sufi Poet of Love by Gooch, Brad
Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War by Melville, Herman
The Form of Poetry in the 1820s and 1830s: A Period of Doubt by Stewart, David
Visuelle und Konkrete Poesie. Von Barock bis Moderne by Krutsch, Ipek Sirena
Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Liberal Thought: Forms of Freedom by Barton, Anna
Robert Browning: The Poems by Blades, John
Revival: The Junius Manuscript (1931) by Krapp, George Philip
Not Born Digital: Poetics, Print Literacy, New Media by Morris, Daniel
Reading Apollinaire's Calligrammes by Bohn, Willard
Ode to King Trump: Not quite ultimate toast to the not quite ultimate host who boasts the most. by Knight Jr, Roy
Why Write? Why Read? by Rosen, Michael
The Student's Ovid: Selections from the Metamorphoses by Ovid
Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations: Studies in Cognitive Poetics by
The Transcendental Circuit: Otherwolds of Poetry by Corey, Joshua
Nudes: Poems, Memoirs by Klawitter, Solongo
"Verbs that Move Mountains": Essays and Interviews on Spoken Word Cultures Around the World by Walsh, Tony, Walker, Sophia, Siobhan, Scherezade
Happy Ending: The Collected Lyrics of Louise Imogen Guiney by Guiney, Louise Imogen
Spectral Realms No. 8: Winter 2018 by
Mariner: A Theological Voyage with Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Guite, Malcolm
Primer for Poets by Orr, Gregory
Poetry Book Society Spring 2018 Bulletin by
Art of Poetry: Edexcel GCSE: Time & place by Bowen, Neil
Towards a New Social Poetry: Aesthetico-political Theses by Sabourin, Vladimir, Valkova, Vania
del-Poet Dreaming in the Artist's House by
W. B. Yeats: The Tragic Phase: A Study of the Last Poems by Koch, Vivienne
Yeats, Folklore and Occultism: Contexts of the Early Work and Thought by Kinahan, Frank
W. B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction by Rajan, Balachandra
W. B. Yeats and T. Sturge Moore: Their Correspondence 1901-1937 by
W. B. Yeats: A Census of the Manuscripts by Balliet, Conrad A., Mawhinney, Christine
The Unappeasable Shadow: Shelley's Influence on Yeats by Dalsimer, Adele M.
The Language of Jane Austen by Bray, Joe
Modern Print Artefacts: Textual Materiality and Literary Value in British Print Culture, 1890-1930s by Collier, Patrick
Mortal Thought: Hölderlin and Philosophy by Luchte, James
World Building: Discourse in the Mind by
Lyric Cousins: Poetry and Musical Form by Sampson, Fiona
The Lady on the Drawingroom Floor: with Selected Poetry and Prose by Mary E. Coleridge by Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth
The Lyric Poem and Aestheticism: Forms of Modernity by Thain, Marion
Paul Celan's Unfinished Poetics: Readings in the Sous-Oeuvre by Connolly, Thomas C.
Gómez Manrique, Statesman and Poet: The Practice of Poetry in Fifteenth-Century Spain by Earle, Gisèle
Der Pantheismus in der Literatur. Die Problematik der Liebe und der Natur in der Lyrik des jungen Goethe by Hartmann, Elisabeth
The Rise of Autobiographical Medical Poetry and the Medical Humanities by Emeney, Johanna
The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (The Authoritative Edition - Wisehouse Classics) by Poe, Edgar Allan
L'Art Poétique d'Horace, Traduit En Vers François, (Éd.1545) by Horace
Critique Littéraire d'Un Poète Français, Par Un Anglais by Ponroy, Arthur
Milton's Complex Words: Essays on the Conceptual Structure of Paradise Lost by Hammond, Paul
How to Live, What to Do: Thirteen Ways of Looking at Wallace Stevens by Richardson, Joan
Poetry and Islands: Materiality and the Creative Imagination by Patke, Rajeev S.
Art of Love Poetry by Gray, Erik
Collected Works of Kahlil Gibran (Deluxe Hardbound Edition) by Gibran, Kahlil
Lessings Poetik des Mitleids in "Miss Sara Sampson" by Doulas, Nina
Sensing Decolonial Aesthetics in Latin American Arts by Ramos, Juan G.
Poetry and Islands: Materiality and the Creative Imagination by Patke, Rajeev S.
A Little Book on Form: An Exploration Into the Formal Imagination of Poetry by Hass, Robert
Poetic Inquiry: Enchantment of Place by
Exploring the dimensions of creative psychology using poetry: Application of video conferencing as a tool for education, creativity and application of by Kusumangityas, Purwanti, Annita, Kumari, Sanjeev
Das Freiheitskonzept in den "canciones" von José de Espronceda by Anonymous
Next Line, Please: Prompts to Inspire Poets and Writers by
Lectures on the English Poets; Delivered at the Surrey Institution by Hazlitt, William
Writing For Pleasure by Rosen, Michael
'Tintern Abbey': Wordsworth's backward glance to Akenside by Haynes, Richard
A History of Western Appreciation of English-Translated Tang Poetry by Jiang, Lan
Transmissions of Memory: Echoes, Traumas, and Nostalgia in Post-World War II Italian Culture by
Remainders: American Poetry at Nature's End by Ronda, Margaret
Guidelines in time by Gauchia Trujillo, Enrique
Poetry and Animals: Blurring the Boundaries with the Human by Oerlemans, Onno
Yeats's Legacies: Yeats Annual No. 21 by
Singularly Remote: Essays on Poetries by Murgia, Mario
Yeats's Legacies: Yeats Annual No. 21 by
Metamórfico: La revolución silenciosa by Gallego, Patricia Bermejo
John Updike's Pennsylvania Interviews by
What Nature by
George Oppen: The Words in Action by Swigg, Richard
T.S. Eliot, Poetry, and Earth: The Name of the Lotos Rose by Terblanche, Etienne
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage by Byron, Baron George Gordon Byron
Trouble Songs: A Musicological Poetics by Johnson, Jeff T.
Love Songs: The Lives, Loves, and Poetry of Nine American Women by Dizikes, John
How to Read Poetry Like a Professor: A Quippy and Sonorous Guide to Verse by Foster, Thomas C.
Manifesto of the New Social Poetry: Thirteen Missives by Valkova, Vania
The Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volumes 1-5: Uncollected Essays 1880-94, by Robert Louis Stevenson by
Robert Browning: Selected Writings by Cronin, Richard
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Selected Writings by Billington, Josie
The Epigrams of Crinagoras of Mytilene: Introduction, Text, Commentary by Ypsilanti, Maria
Ghost Fishing: An Eco-Justice Poetry Anthology by
Poetry and Mind: Tractatus Poetico-Philosophicus by Dubreuil, Laurent
Poetry and Mind: Tractatus Poetico-Philosophicus by Dubreuil, Laurent
The Song of Hiawatha by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
American Originality: Essays on Poetry by Glück, Louise
Songs of Innocence, and Songs of Experience by Blake, William
Pablo Neruda: Selected Poems (Persian/Farsi Edition) by Neruda, Pablo
Multimodality, Poetry and Poetics by Andrews, Richard
Thomas Hardy's Elegiac Prose and Poetry: Codes of Bereavement by Benziman, Galia
The Difference Between by Hier, Grant
Poetry and the Idea of Progress, 1760-90 by Regan, John
"Unterwegs sein" Lyrik vom Barock bis zur Gegenwart: Zentralabitur NRW Deutsch GK/LK by
Readings in the Cantos: Volume 1 by
William Blake's Gothic Imagination: Bodies of Horror by
Poetry for Historians: Or, W. H. Auden and History by Steedman, Carolyn
Keeping It Real: Through the Storm by Dixon, Amanda M.
Seelische, körperliche und sprachliche Zerrissenheit in Kleists "Penthesilea" by Priesterath, Alexandra
Orchids, Rosebuds, and Sweet Flags: Reflections on Gay Poetry by Gunn, Drewey Wayne
Secular Lyric: The Modernization of the Poem in Poe, Whitman, and Dickinson by Michael, John
Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews; Translated From the Latin of the Right Rev. Robert Lowth, ... by G. Gregory, ... of 2; Volume 2 by Lowth, Robert
A Defence of Poetry and Other Essays by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Ezra Pound in the Present: Essays on Pound's Contemporaneity by
Rezervor. Despre Alcatuirea Poemului: Critica Literara by Daradici, Ladislau
Dryden and Enthusiasm: Literature, Religion, and Politics in Restoration England by West, John
Coleridge and the Romantic Newspaper: The 'Morning Post' and the Road to 'Dejection' by Thomson, Heidi
The Meaning of Form in Contemporary Innovative Poetry by Sheppard, Robert
On Keats's Practice and Poetics of Responsibility: Beauty and Truth in the Major Poems by Atkins, G. Douglas
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New-England by Wheatley, Phillis
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New-England by Wheatley, Phillis
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New-England by Wheatley, Phillis
The Measure of Homer by Hunter, Richard
Glossator 10: Astern in the Dinghy: Commentaries on Ezra's Pound's Thrones de los Cantares XCVI?CIX by Pryor, Sean, Henderson, Archie, Marsh, Alec
Greenfield Hill: A Poem, in Seven Parts. I. The Prospect. II. The Flourishing Village. III. The Burning of Fairfield. IV. The Destructi by Dwight, Timothy
Journal of Beat Studies Vol 6 by
Lenguaje, Poesía Y Sentido by
Writing the Field Recording: Sound, Word, Environment by
Dirty Love: The Genealogy of the Ancient Greek Novel by Whitmarsh, Tim
Robert Duncan & the Pragmatist Sublime by Maynard, James
Sallies, Romps, Portraits, and Sendoffs by Kleinzahler, August
Poetics by Aristotle
Poetics by Aristotle
Hearing Things: The Work of Sound in Literature by Leighton, Angela
100 Selected Poems: Collectable Edition by Wordsworth, William
Leaves of Grass: Walt Whitman by Whitman, Walt
Barry Macsweeney and the Politics of Post-War British Poetry: Seditious Things by Roberts, Luke
Victorian Soul-Talk: Poetry, Democracy, and the Body Politic by Saville, Julia F.
The Poetry of Punk: The Meaning Behind Punk Rock and Hardcore Lyrics by Ambrosch, Gerfried
The Ocean, the Bird, and the Scholar: Essays on Poets and Poetry by Vendler, Helen
Poetry Book Society Summer 2018 Bulletin by
Textual Events C by Budelmann, Phillips
Poems of Cheer by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Awful Parenthesis: Suspension and the Sublime in Romantic and Victorian Poetry by McCarthy, Anne C.
Samuel Beckett and Trauma by
Leer el espacio celeste: Un estudio de las figuras del cielo en La realidad y el deseo (1924-1962) de Luis Cernuda by Schneider, Gina Maria
Doing Poetic Inquiry by Owton, Helen
Arthur Symons: Poet, Critic, Vagabond by
The Poetics of Aristotle by Aristotle
The Great Valley by Masters, Edgar Lee
Virgil's Double Cross: Design and Meaning in the Aeneid by Quint, David
Virgil's Double Cross: Design and Meaning in the Aeneid by Quint, David
Conversations with W. S. Merwin by
Kant, Shelley and the Visionary Critique of Metaphysics by Bassler, O. Bradley
Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins - Now First Published (Classic Works of Poetry in Hardcover) by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins - Now First Published (Classic Works of Poetry) by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Music, Text, and Culture in Ancient Greece by
Homer and the Poetics of Hades by Gazis, George Alexander
The Superstitious Muse: Thinking Russian Literature Mythopoetically by Bethea, David
Poetry for Historians: Or, W. H. Auden and History by Steedman, Carolyn
The Matter of Rhyme: Verse-Music and the Ring of Ideas by Norris, Christopher
Unexpected Affinities: Modern American Poetry and Symbolist Poetics by Goldfarb, Lisa
Freedom from Violence and Lies: Essays on Russian Poetry and Music by Simon Karlinsky by
The Poetry of Knowledge and the 'Two Cultures' by Fitch, John G.
Battle Lines: Canadian Poetry in English and the First World War by Baetz, Joel
Poetry and Poetics After Wallace Stevens by
Walt Whitman in Context by
American Poetry and the First World War by Dayton, Tim
Thomas Hoccleve: Religious Reform, Transnational Poetics, and the Invention of Chaucer by Langdell, Sebastian J.
The Warrior Princess: Book III of Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene by Maynard, Roy, Spenser, Edmund
Greatest Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Deluxe Hardbound Edition) by Poe, Edgar Allan
Essays on Hilda Hilst: Between Brazil and World Literature by
Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Scott, Walter
Dickinson's Nerves, Frost's Woods: Poetry in the Shadow of the Past by Logan, William
Where Is All My Relation?: The Poetics of Dave the Potter by
Like Windblown Sand by Burns Sr, Larry Allen
Die Poesie der Schönheit. Eine elegische Liebe im Spannungsfeld zwischen "cultus" und "natura" in Properz "Carmen" by Anonymous
Narrowcast: Poetry and Audio Research by Shaw, Lytle
Narrowcast: Poetry and Audio Research by Shaw, Lytle
Songs We Know Best by Roffman, Karin
Why Poetry by Zapruder, Matthew
Wilhelm Müllers "Winterreise". Ein literarischer und musikalischer Vertreter der Romantik by Steingrímsdóttir, Ingibjörg
Modern Marriage and the Lyric Sequence by Hedley, Jane
Ornithologies of Desire: Ecocritical Essays, Avian Poetics, and Don McKay by Mason, Travis V.
Poetics of Prose: Literary Essays from Lermontov to Calvino by Axelrod, Mark
The Composition of Sense in Gertrude Stein's Landscape Writing by Voris, Linda
Relación entre los libros de Faust y Job by Mosquera, Alberto
Heidegger's Poetic Projection of Being by Geertsema, Marius Johan
Housman Country: Into the Heart of England by Parker, Peter
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral: By an African American Slave Woman, Writing in the 18th Century (Hardcover) by Wheatley, Phillis
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral: By an African American Slave Woman, Writing in the 18th Century by Wheatley, Phillis
Eros at Dusk: Ancient Wedding and Love Poetry by Wasdin, Katherine
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson (Hardcover) by Dickinson, Emily
Landscapes of Eternal Return: Tennyson to Hardy by Ebbatson, Roger
Das emanzipatorische Potenzial in Carmen Condes Gedicht "Roce de límites". Eine Gedichtsanalyse nach Kriterien der gender-orientierten Literaturwissen by Rumms, Claudia
The Poetics by Aristotle
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