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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2019

Bahar Main Main Andar by Srivastava, Amit
Chaunsath Sutra Solah Abhiman: Kamsutra Se Prerit by Mishra, Avinash
Dear Elizabeth by Ruhl, Sarah
Poetic Faith by Mutschlecner, David
Teen Talaq by Jaganmohan, P. V.
Harsingar by Arunodaya, Kumar
Translating Across Sensory and Linguistic Borders: Intersemiotic Journeys Between Media by
America Abroad: An Epic of Discovery by Radavich, David
The Influence of Oscar Wilde on W.B. Yeats: An Echo of Someone Else's Music by Doody, Noreen
Keats's Places by
Capire e analizzare La macchina infernale: Analisi dei passaggi chiave della tragedia di Jean Cocteau by Lauzanne, Gloria
Heidegger's Poetic Projection of Being by Geertsema, Marius Johan
Critical Rhythm: The Poetics of a Literary Life Form by
City of Beginnings: Poetic Modernism in Beirut by Creswell, Robyn
Critical Rhythm: The Poetics of a Literary Life Form by
The Shahnameh: The Persian Epic as World Literature by Dabashi, Hamid
New Hampshire: Poem with Notes and Grace Notes by Frost, Robert
New Hampshire: A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes by Frost, Robert
The Way of Haiku by Wakan, Naomi Beth
100 Selected Poems: John Keats by Keats, John
The Poetry of Knowledge and the 'two Cultures' by Fitch, John G.
Ezra Pound's and Olga Rudge's the Blue Spill: A Manuscript Critical Edition by Pound, Ezra
The Great War, the Waste Land and the Modernist Long Poem by Tearle, Oliver
The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual: Volume 2 by
Kant, Shelley and the Visionary Critique of Metaphysics by Bassler, O. Bradley
Kuch Kahi Kuch Ankahi Batein - कुछ कही कुछ अनकही बा&#2 by Attri, Raman K.
Essays on Hilda Hilst: Between Brazil and World Literature by
100 Selected Poems: Emily Dickinson by Dickinson, Emily
Gedichte Aus Der Zeit Des Weltkrieges: Ein Anhang Zu Deutschen Lesebüchern by Hessel, Karl
Collected Poems by Lindsay, Vachel
Blanca Andreu, Galicia, and the New Iberian Mysticism: From Post-Mortem to Post-Mystic by Simon, Robert
Collected Poems by Lindsay, Vachel
Incurable: The Haunted Writings of Lionel Johnson, the Decadent Era's Dark Angel by Johnson, Lionel P.
Phenomenology and the Late Twentieth-Century American Long Poem by Carbery, Matthew
The Sonnet by Fuller, John
Arthur O'Shaughnessy, A Pre-Raphaelite Poet in the British Museum by Kistler, Jordan
The Ballad by Bold, Alan
The Stanza by Häublein, Ernst
Keats's Negative Capability: New Origins and Afterlives by
Estudiar las fabulas de la Fontaine: Análisis de fábulas esenciales by Lauzanne, Gloria
Understanding french literature: Partisan of Things: Analysis of Francis Ponge's major poems by Lauzanne, Gloria
Capire e analizzare Il partito preso delle cose: Analisi delle principali poesie di Francis Ponge by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Illustrated by William Heath Robinson: Poetical Works and Poetry (unabridged versions) by Poe, Edgar Allan
Homer's Odyssey and the Near East by Louden, Bruce
British Prose Poetry: The Poems Without Lines by
Pata de Perro by Altamirano Carmona, Oscar
Estudiar Las Cartas persas: Análisis de las principales letras persas y otros textos importantes de Montesquieu by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey by Loney, Alexander C.
Poésies by Rimbaud, Arthur
Robert Burns and the United States of America: Poetry, Print, and Memory 1786-1866 by Sood, Arun
Heinrich Heine and the World Literary Map: Redressing the Canon by Seyhan, Azade
Die Darstellung des Motivs der Liebe in der Lyrik: Eine Analyse anhand eines Gedichtvergleichs von Bertolt Brechts "Sonett Nr. 19" und Sarah Kirschs " by Kleindienst, Hannah
The Life and Letters of John Donne, Vol I by Gosse, Edmund
The Life and Letters of John Donne, Vol II by Gosse, Edmund
The Life and Letters of John Donne, Vol II by Gosse, Edmund
The Life and Letters of John Donne, Vol I by Gosse, Edmund
Capire e analizzare La Peste: Analisi dei passaggi chiave del romanzo di Albert Camus by Lauzanne, Gloria
Revival: A Primer of Tennyson (1901): With a Critical essay by Dixon, Macneile W.
Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins: Volume V: Sermons and Spiritual Writings by
Wordsworth and Coleridge: The Radical Years by Roe, Nicholas
Street Songs: Writers and Urban Songs and Cries, 1800-1925 by Karlin, Daniel
Revival: The Junius Manuscript (1931) by Krapp, George Philip
Beastly Blake by
The Fictions of Arthur Cravan: Poetry, Boxing and Revolution by Jones, Dafydd
Revival: The Middle English Versions of Partonope of Blois (1912) by De Blois, Partonopeus
A Reader's Guide to Yeats's a Vision by Mann, Neil
The Sonnets: The State of Play by
Hearing Voices: Aurality and New Spanish Sound Culture in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz by Finley, Sarah
Coleridge's Dejection Ode by Mays, J. C. C.
Exorbitant Enlightenment: Blake, Hamann, and Anglo-German Constellations by Regier, Alexander
Romanticism and Popular Magic: Poetry and Cultures of the Occult in the 1790s by Churms, Stephanie Elizabeth
Fulke Greville and the Culture of the English Renaissance by
Song of Myself by Whitman, Walt
The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe by Poe, Edgar Allan
A Black Arts Poetry Machine: Amiri Baraka and the Umbra Poets by Grundy, David
Lyric Pedagogy and Marxist-Feminism: Social Reproduction and the Institutions of Poetry by Solomon, Samuel
The New Poetics of Climate Change: Modernist Aesthetics for a Warming World by Griffiths, Matthew
Spectral Realms No. 10: Winter 2019 by Sidney-Fryer, Donald, German, Wade
Haunting Lucidity by Cavanagh, Kimberly a.
The Poetry Toolkit: The Essential Guide to Studying Poetry by Williams, Rhian
A Handbook to Eddic Poetry: Myths and Legends of Early Scandinavia by
Wordsworth's Poetry, 1815-1845 by Fulford, Tim
Estudiar Tomar partido por las cosas: Análisis de los principales poemas de Francis Ponge by Lauzanne, Gloria
Browning Upon Arabia: A Moveable East by Jaouad, Hédi a.
New Hampshire by Frost, Robert
Ecocriticism and the Poiesis of Form: Holding on to Proteus by Moe, Aaron M.
Estudiar la poesía de Rimbaud: Análisis de los poemas esenciales de Rimbaud by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Poetry and Poetics of Olga Sedakova: Origins, Philosophies, Points of Contention by
Hope Is the Thing with Feathers: The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Dickinson, Emily
William Blake: Selected Writings by
New Hampshire by Frost, Robert
The Edinburgh Companion to Ezra Pound and the Arts by
Prodigal Son in English and American Literature: Five Hundred Years of Literary Homecomings by Jack, Alison M.
The Rhythm Method, Razzamatazz, and Memory: How to Make Your Poetry Swing by Flynn, Keith
Estudiar Ronsard: Análisis de los principales poemas de Ronsard by Lauzanne, Gloria
Poetry Book Society Spring 2019 Bulletin by
Chouteau's Chalk: Poems by Lane, Rosa
A Hostile Environment by Kent, Nigel, Thomson, Sarah
Chameleon Moon: Poems by Antonia Clark by Clark, Antonia
Philip Larkin, Popular Culture, and the English Individual by Hibbett, J. Ryan
Seamus Heaney and the Adequacy of Poetry by Dennison, John
Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics and Politics by Armstrong, Isobel
Twentieth-Century Metapoetry and the Lyric Tradition by Jancsó, Daniella
Cézannes malerische 'réalisation' als bedeutender Einfluss auf Rilkes 'sachliches Sagen' in den Gedichten "Blaue Hortensie" und "Rosa Hortensie" by Laufer, Marie Annette
Illustrations of Tennyson by Collins, John Churton
Favorite Poems by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
On the Des Moines by Bowman, James Cloyd
From "Song of Myself" to "Howl". Walt Whitman as pioneer to the Beat Generation by Küffner, Marina
Characteristics of English Poets from Chaucer to Shirley by Minto, William
American Poetry after Modernism by Gelpi, Albert
Lily Poetry Review: Volume 1 Issue 1 by Westhale, July, Bosselaar, Lauren-Anne
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field; Volume VI by Field, Eugene
The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell: War Poems, Heartsease and Rue etc.; Volume IV by Lowell, James Russell
The Child of the Islands: A Poem by Norton, Caroline Sheridan
Leparon to Pavola, and Other Poems by Geare, Edward Arundel
War-Lyrics and Other Poems by Brownell, Henry Howard
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell; Volume II by Lowell, James Russell
Recreations of an Anthologist by Matthews, Brander
The Poems, Sacred, Passionate, and Humorous by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Book of Ballads by Gaultier, Bon
Dialect Ballads by Adams, Charles Follen
Lyrics of the Hearthside by Dunbar, Paul Laurence
How to Write About Poetry: A Pocket Guide by Cooper, Brendan
Dante und die Medizin. Krankheit, Verletzung und Körperlichkeit in der "Divina Commedia" by Mandelartz, Johanna
Expressivity in Modern Poetry by Wellman, Donald
At Early Candle Light and Other Poems by McIntyre, Robert
The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell; Volume III by Lowell, James Russell
The Poet-Hero in the Work of Byron and Shelley by Callaghan, Madeleine
Expressions Untold - Moments Unfold: Timeless Poetry (Roman Hindi Version) by Attri, Raman K.
The Courtship of Miles Standish by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Modernism Edited: Marianne Moore and the Dial Magazine by Bazin, Victoria
The Singer of Tales: Third Edition by Lord, Albert B.
New Light on Tony Harrison by
The American Common-place Book of Prose, a Collection of Eloquent and Interesting Extracts From The by Cheever, George Barrell
Kazuo Ishiguro by Wong, Cynthia F.
The Poetical Works of Horace Smith and James Smith .with Portraits and a Biographical Sketch by Sargent, Epes
The Heroic Ballads of Russia by Magnus, L. A.
The Heroic Ballads of Russia by Magnus, L. A.
The Poems of Richard Henry Stoddard by Stoddard, Richard Henry
The Art of Voice: Poetic Principles and Practice by Hoagland, Tony
The Rise and Fall of the Mustache and Other by Burdette, Robert J.
Whittier and His Poetry by Hudson, William Henry
Intricate Movements: Experimental Thinking and Human Analogies in Sidney and Spenser by Tuggle, Bradley Davin
A Home Idyl and Other Poems by Trowbridge, John Townsend
Walt Whitman: Two Addresses by Salter, William Mackintire
Capire e analizzare La lezione: Analisi della lezione di Ionesco by Lauzanne, Gloria
Poetry and Radical Politics in Fin de Siecle France: From Anarchism to Action Francaise by McGuinness, Patrick
Poems of Nathaniel Parker Willis, With a Memoir of the Author by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life by Meredith, George
Colección poesía amor: Trilogía completa by Blazewicz, José
Studies in Milton by Liljegren, Sten Bodvar
Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow by Dunbar, Paul Laurence
From Lisbon to the World: Fernando Pessoas Enduring Literary Presence by Monteiro, George
How a Poem Moves: A Field Guide for Readers of Poetry by Sol, Adam
James Wright: A Life in Poetry by Blunk, Jonathan
Colección Poemas de Amor: : Serie Completa de Poesías by Blazewicz, Jose
Routledge Revivals: Style and Stylistics (1969) by
The Assembly of Gods by Lydgate, John, Triggs, Oscar Lovelled
A Book of Poems by Smith, Lester G. Neddy
Colección de Antología de Amor: Colección Completa de Poesías by Blazewicz, José
The Origins Of Proletarian Poetics by Pearce, Nigel
Mágica Poesía: Nueva Edición Poesías by Blazewicz, José
Capire e analizzare Il Tartufo: Analisi dei passaggi chiave nella commedia di Molière by Lauzanne, Gloria
Capire e analizzare Il Romanzo buffo: Analisi dei passaggi chiave del romanzo di Scarron by Lauzanne, Gloria
Scholarly Milton by
The Poetical Works Of William Cullen Bryant; Volume 1 by Bryant, William Cullen
The Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Volume 4 by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Volume 10 by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Poetical Works. -v. 7. Outre-mer And Driftwood. -v. 8. Hyperion And Kavanagh. -v. 9-11. The Divine Comedy by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Alighieri, Dante
Dreaming again on things already dreamed: 500 Years of Orlando Furioso (1516-2016) by
Beautiful & Pointless by Orr, David
Understanding french literature: Paroles by Prévert: Analysis of Jacques Prévert's major poems by Lauzanne, Gloria
Estudiar Palabras de Prévert: Análisis de los principales poemas de Jacques Prévert by Lauzanne, Gloria
Capire e analizzare Parole di Prévert: Analisi delle principali poesie di Jacques Prévert by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Works Of Edmund Spenser: With Observations On His Life And Writings by Spenser, Edmund
Capire e analizzare la poesia di Nerval: Analisi delle principali poesie di Gérard de Nerval by Lauzanne, Gloria
Understanding french poetry: Gérard de Nerval: Analysis of Gérard de Nerval's major poems by Lauzanne, Gloria
Estudiar Gérard de Nerval: Análisis de los principales poemas de Gérard de Nerval by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Poetical Works Of James Russell Lowell, With A Critical Preface By W.m. Rossetti by Lowell, James Russell
Hallazgo Y Traducción de Poesía Chilena by Oliphant, Dave
Walk Around by Blair, David
The Poetical Works Of William Cullen Bryant; Volume 4 by Bryant, William Cullen
Amorous Aesthetics: Intellectual Love in Romantic Poetry and Poetics, 1788-1853 by Reno, Seth T.
Capire e analizzare La signora delle camelie: Analisi dei passaggi chiave del romanzo di Alexandre Dumas Fils by Lauzanne, Gloria
Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso, and English Culture by
Beshrew by Pafunda, Danielle
Minglements: Prose on Poetry and Life by Ashley, Renée
William Blake: Selected Poems by Blake, William
Native Voices: Indigenous American Poetry, Craft, and Conversations by
Celebrating the Year Through Poetry, Plays, and Skits: Presentations for Various Holidays and Occasions by Greathouse, Regina
Looking for Dragon Smoke: Essays on Poetry by Bly, Robert
Joe Brainard's Art by
Poets Of Ohio by Venable, Emerson
The Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Volume 9 by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Sex & Fun in the Faerie Queene by Mena, Ricardo
That Peculiar Affirmative by Farmer, Jonathan
Creating Romantic Obsession: Scorpions in the Mind by Béres Rogers, Kathleen
Belgium Stripped Bare by Baudelaire, Charles
The Child Of The Islands by Norton, Caroline Sheridan
The Poetics of Space and Place in Scottish Literature by
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