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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2020

Adhoore Swangon Ke Darmiyan by Firdaus, Sudhanshu
Araj-Nihora by Uday, Prakash
Aadhunik Awadhi Kavita: Pratinidhi Chayan 1850 Se Ab Tak by Ed Tripathi, Amrendra Nath
Empathy in Contemporary Poetry After Crisis by Veprinska, Anna
Eve by Stone, Tanya
The New Walt Whitman Studies by
Munder Par by Suryabala
Poetry Criticism by
New Hampshire by Frost, Robert
The Soul Is a Stranger in This World: Essays on Poets and Poetry by Mattix, Micah
The Soul Is a Stranger in This World: Essays on Poets and Poetry by Mattix, Micah
Goethes Liebeslyrik im Wandel der Zeit. Ausgewählte Werke von Rokoko bis hin zur Weimarer Klassik by Anonymous
Vers la Fée Viviane by Nau, John-Antoine
A Hermeneutics of Poetic Education: The Play of the In-Between by Homan, Catherine
The Art of Voice: Poetic Principles and Practice by Hoagland, Tony
Pindar and the Emergence of Literature by Maslov, Boris
Poetry and the Question of Modernity: From Heidegger to the Present by Cooper, Ian
Hellenistic Epigram by Cairns, Francis
The Mélusine Romance in Medieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts by Zeldenrust, Lydia
Furious Flower: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry by Gabbin, Joanne V.
Du Bartas' Legacy in England and Scotland by Auger, Peter
Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin by Hamacher, Werner
Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin by Hamacher, Werner
The Music of Time: Poetry in the Twentieth Century by Burnside, John
Hunger, Poetry and the Oxford Movement: The Tractarian Social Vision by Scholl, Lesa
Affect, Psychoanalysis, and American Poetry: This Feeling of Exaltation by Steen, John
The Nature of the Page: Poetry, Papermaking, and the Ecology of Texts in Renaissance England by Calhoun, Joshua
Manifestos by Huidobro, Vicente
Forms of Poetic Attention by Alford, Lucy
English Language Poets in University College Cork, 1970-1980 by Ní Ríordáin, Clíona
John Keats' Medical Notebook: Text, Context, and Poems by Ghosh, Hrileena
Dialog der Kuenste: : Literatur und Musik by
L'Art des Vers by Dorchain, Auguste
Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen in Brechts Liebeslyrik und seinem "Aus dem Lesebuch für Städtebewohner" by Anonymous
The Poetry of Clare, Hopkins, Thomas, and Gurney: Lyric Individualism by Hodgson, Andrew
Spectral Realms No. 12: Winter 2020 by Coffman, Frank, Sng, Christina
Elizabeth Bishop and the Literary Archive by Hicok, Bethany
Poetry and Class by Byrne, Sandie
From The Well O' My Soul by Lewis, Luster Ray
Translating Petrarch's Poetry: L'Aura del Petrarca from the Quattrocento to the 21st Century by
Stevens' Poetry of Thought by Doggett, Frank
The Excursion - Being a Portion of 'The Recluse', a Poem by Wordsworth, William
The Prelude - An Autobiographical Poem by Wordsworth, William
Pound, Frost, Moore, and Poetic Precision: Science in Modernist American Poetry by Ahearn, Barry
The Prelude, The Recluse & The Excursion by Wordsworth, William
John Burnside: Contemporary Critical Perspectives by
The Lucy Poems;Including an Excerpt from 'The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey' by Wordsworth, William
Trauma in 20th Century Multicultural American Poetry: Unmuted Verse by Barker, Jamie D.
Baby Steps in Doomsday Prepping: Prose Poems by Lafemina, Gerry
The Song of Hiawatha by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Forcierte Form: Deutschsprachige Versepik Des 20. Und 21. Jahrhunderts Im Europäischen Kontext by
Paradise Lost: A Primer by Cavanagh, Michael
Milton's Socratic Rationalism: The Conversations of Adam and Eve in Paradise Lost by Davies, David Oliver
Sonia Sanchez's Poetic Spirit through Haiku by
poetic license / poetic justice: a footnote to "the london march" by david antin, with a commentary by charles bernstein by Coleman, Allan Douglass
Lily Poetry Review: Issue 3 by
Confess by Tepper, Susan
Poetry Book Society Spring 2020 Bulletin by
The Critics and Hemingway, 1924-2014: Shaping an American Literary Icon by Mazzeno, Laurence W.
Dailiness: Essays on Poetry by Jarman, Mark
Das Politische in Mascha Kalékos "Das Lyrische Stenogrammheft" by Krah, Lucas M.
Natur in den sogenannten "Mädchenliedern" Walthers von der Vogelweide by Foit, Maria-Kristin
Far Villages: Welcome Essays for New & Beginner Poets by Animashaun, Abayomi
Gegenüberstellung des Gedichtes und Liedes "Wie Melodien zieht es mir". Ein gebrahmstes Gedicht? by Ziebarth, Felicitas
Planung einer Unterrichtssequenz zum Thema Balladen anhand des Beispiels "Der Knabe im Moor" für eine 7. Klasse einer Oberschule by Pangritz, Katharina
The Fire That Breaks: Gerard Manley Hopkins's Poetic Legacies by
The Gentle Apocalypse: Truth and Meaning in the Poetry of Georg Trakl by Millington, Richard
News of War: Civilian Poetry 1936-1945 by Galvin, Rachel
Poetry Book Society Winter 2020 Bulletin by
Poetry Book Society Summer 2020 Bulletin by
Wallace Stevens: The Making of the Poem by Doggett, Frank
Music for a King: George Herbert's Style and the Metrical Psalms by Freer, Coburn
Lessons We Were Never Taught by Williams, Nikesha Elise
Dialectics of Improvement: Scottish Romanticism, 1786-1831 by McKeever, Gerard Lee
Annotation in Eighteenth-Century Poetry by
Byron: Reality, Fiction and Madness by
Doubtful Readers: Print, Poetry, and the Reading Public in Early Modern England by McCarthy, Erin A.
In Plain Sight: Nineteenth-Century American Women's Poetry and the Problem of Literary History by Socarides, Alexandra
Novels for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context and Criticism on Commonly Studied Novels by
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
The Author's Effects: On Writer's House Museums by Watson, Nicola J.
Sufism and Transcendentalism: A Poststructuralist Dialogue Between Rumi and Whitman by Shayegh, Elham
Social Poetics by Nowak, Mark
Japanese lyrics by
Strange Truths in Undiscovered Lands: Shelley's Poetic Development and Romantic Geography by Alvey, Nahoko Miyamoto
Metaphysical and Mid-Late Tang Poetry: A Baroque Comparison by Wang, Pengfei
Petrarch, Dante and the Troubadours: The Religion of Love and Poetry by Robinson, Jeremy
John Clare: Nature, Criticism and History by Kövesi, Simon
A Season in Hell by Rimbaud, Arthur
Petrarch, Dante and the Troubadours: The Religion of Love and Poetry by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Rilke: Space, Essence and Angels in the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke by Robinson, Jeremy
Possessed by Memory: The Inward Light of Criticism by Bloom, Harold
Ezra Pound, Italy, and the Cantos by Bacigalupo, Massimo
America the Beautiful by Minor, Wendell
This Ghostly Poetry: History and Memory of Exiled Spanish Republican Poets by Aguirre-Otezia, Daniel
The Logic of Idolatry in Seventeenth-Century French Literature by McClure, Ellen
Mobility and Identity in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales by Wright, Sarah Breckenridge
Samudrasnana by Mohanty, Guruprasad
Formen Lyrischen Erzählens Im Minnesang Des 12. Bis 14. Jahrhunderts: Metapher, Topos Und Diagramm Zwischen Nähe Und Distanz by Roever, Diana
Melodies Unheard: Essays on the Mysteries of Poetry by Hecht, Anthony
Coleridge's Contemplative Philosophy by Cheyne, Peter
The Poem as Icon: A Study in Aesthetic Cognition by Freeman, Margaret H.
Poetry & the Dictionary by
Victorian Poetry and the Culture of Evaluation by Dawson, Clara
Capire e analizzare il Supplemento al viaggio di Bougainville: Analisi dei passaggi chiave del supplemento al viaggio di Bougainville di Diderot by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Selling and Self-Regulation of Contemporary Poetry by Welsch, J. T.
Poetry and Freedom: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985-2018 by Oppenheimer, Paul
The Mud Room by Solfrian, Joanna
My Shouting, Shattered, Whispering Voice: A Guide to Writing Poetry and Speaking Your Truth by Vecchione, Patrice
Unlocking the Poem: A Guide to Discovering Meaning through Understanding and Analysis by Beller, Martin, Tanzer, Donna
Emily Dickinson: Poetics in Context by Hubbard, Melanie
Equilibrium by Woods, Kenneth L.
My Poetry After My Motorcycle Accident. By Jennie Kispal: It deals with the heart... the light and the darkness! by Rolls, Bonnie, Kispal, Jennie
Das "Ludwigslied" und seine gattungsgeschichtliche Einordnung. Komponenten des Zeitgedichts, Preisliedes und Heldenliedes by Lütz, Adriana
Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Walt
Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Walt
"Gitanjali" With Critical Evaluations by
Brecht und die Geschehnisse des 17. Juni 1953. Zu seinem Kommentar im Gedicht "Der Radwechsel". by Glawe, Manja
You Know... Platonics by Grindl, Ac
What Is the Grass: Walt Whitman in My Life by Doty, Mark
Calculated Entropy: A Random Access Dream by Mel, Maniacal
Activist Poetics: Anarchy in the Avon Valley by Kinsella, John
The Manuscript and Meaning of Malory's Morte Darthur: Rubrication, Commemoration, Memorialization by Whetter, K. S.
The African American Sonnet: A Literary History by Müller, Timo
"... Und Anderes Denk in Anderer Zeit ...": Hölderlins Letzte Gedanken Zu Recht Und Politik in Den "Pindarfragmenten" by Franz, Michael
A Little History of Poetry by Carey, John
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
The Early Modern English Sonnet: Ever in Motion by
The Poet's Tomb by Corless-Smith, Martin
Strangeness and Power: Essays on the Poetry of Geoffrey Hill by
How To Write Poetry For Teenagers: Your Step By Step Guide To Writing Poetry For Teenagers by Simpson, Deidre, Howexpert
Poetry Unbound: Poems and New Media from the Magic Lantern to Instagram by Chasar, Mike
Poetry Unbound: Poems and New Media from the Magic Lantern to Instagram by Chasar, Mike
The Pragmatics of Revision: George Moore's Acts of Rewriting by Chapman, Siobhan
Four Augustan Science Poets: Abraham Cowley, James Thomson, Henry Brooke, Erasmus Darwin by Hillyer, Richard
Gottfried Benn's Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations by Roche, Mark William
The Poetry of Brecht: Seven Studies by Thomson, Philip
Sonnets of Catharina Von Greiffenberg: Methods of Composition by Kimmich, Flora
Lonesome Dreamer: The Life of John G. Neihardt by Anderson, Timothy G.
Friedrich Von Hausen: Inquiries Into His Poetry by Bekker, Hugo
The Poetics of Historical Perspectivism: Breitinger's Critische Dichtkunst and the Neoclassic Tradition by Kowalik, Jill Anne
Wilhelm Waiblinger in Italy by Thompson, Lawrence S.
Ego-Alter Ego: Double And/As Other in the Age of German Poetic Realism by Pizer, John
The German Poetry of Paul Fleming: Studies in Genre and History by Sperberg-Mcqueen, Marian R.
Die Zweite Wirklichkeit: Studien Zum Roman Des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts by Kurth, Lieselotte E.
Realism and Reality: Studies in the German Novelle of Poetic Realism by Silz, Walter
Rainer Maria Rilke and Jugendstil: Affinities, Influences, Adaptations by Webb, Karl Eugene
Wilhelm Müller's Lyrical Song-Cycles: Interpretations and Texts by Cottrell, Alan P.
Studies in Goethe's Lyric Cycles by Lee, Meredith
Duinesian Elegies by Rilke, Rainer Maria
since i won't say this out loud by Shahrigian, Tamar
José Kozer: tajante y definitivo by Fernández Fe, Gerardo
The Curious Eye: Optics and Imaginative Literature in Seventeenth-Century England by Webster, Erin
Dictionary Poetics: Toward a Radical Lexicography by Dworkin, Craig
The Oxford Handbook of British Poetry, 1660-1800 by
Dictionary Poetics: Toward a Radical Lexicography by Dworkin, Craig
Colloquy at the Abyss: A Fugitive Amalgam by Abramowitz, Harold, Will, Alexander
Oswald von Wolkenstein. Das Lied KL 27 im Kontext der Hussitenkriege und Jan Hus by Anonymous
Roots And Routes: Poetics at New College of California by
A Democratic Enlightenment: The Reconciliation Image, Aesthetic Education, Possible Politics by Schoolman, Morton
Ivor Gurney: The Complete Poetical Works, Volume 1: March 1907-December 1918 by
Intermedial Theater: Performance Philosophy, Transversal Poetics, and the Future of Affect by Reynolds, Bryan
Reading Chaucer in Time: Literary Formation in England and Italy by Gaston, Kara
On Grief and Reason by Brodsky, Joseph
Para-Narratives in the Odyssey: Stories in the Frame by Alden, Maureen
Teaching Environmental Writing: Ecocritical Pedagogy and Poetics by Galleymore, Isabel
Poetry Book Society Autumn 2020 Bulletin by
The Puzzle of Poetry by Marsh, John
Radical Wordsworth: The Poet Who Changed the World by Bate, Jonathan
Cosmos, Values, and Consciousness in Latin American Digital Culture by Huizar, Angelica J.
Leaves Of Grass by Whitman, Walt
America's First Black Poet; Jupiter Hammon of Long Island by Ransom, Stanley A., Jr.
Sonnets from Fatal Interview/Sonetti da Colloquio Fatale by Klinkon, Laura, Millay, Edna St Vincent
Foreign Sounds or Sounds Foreign by Yau, John
Counterclaims: Poets and Poetries, Talking Back by Hix, H. L.
The Courtship of Miles Standish by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Persian Presence in Victorian Poetry by Taher-Kermani, Reza
Fugitive Prose: With an Essay By Martha Elizabeth Johnson by Wylie, Elinor
Romanticism, Philosophy, and Literature by
City Poems and American Urban Crisis: 1945 to the Present by Mickelson, Nate
Shadows of the Void: Complete Poetic Works by Gerry, Shane
Shadows of the Void: Complete Poetic Works by Gerry, Shane
The Allen Fisher Companion by
Ezra Pound's Aesthetics and the Origins of Modernism by Berryman, Jo Brantley
Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein's L=a=n=g=u=a=g=e: The Complete Facsimile by
The Blues Muse: Race, Gender, and Musical Celebrity in American Poetry by Rutter, Emily Ruth
Total Expansion of the Letter: Avant-Garde Art and Language After Mallarmé by Stark, Trevor
Capire e analizzare il romanzo di Tristan e Iseut: Analisi del romanzo di Joseph Béder by Lauzanne, Gloria
Warren, Jarrell, and Lowell: Collaboration in the Reshaping of American Poetry by Shifflett, Joan Romano
Black Armour; A Book of Poems by Wylie, Elinor
Byron and Marginality by
La vie amoureuse de Pierre de Ronsard: Compagnes, muses et figures féminines de l'auteur de "Mignonne allons voir si la rose" by De Nolhac, Pierre
The Song Of Hiawatha: An Epic Poem (Minnehaha Edition) by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Song Of Hiawatha: An Epic Poem With An Introductory Note By Woodrow W. Morris, Including Vocabulary by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Ambulante Poesie: Explorationen Deutschsprachiger Reiselyrik Seit Dem 18. Jahrhundert by
Blasphemy and Politics in Romantic Literature: Creativity in the Writing of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Whickman, Paul
Ibbetson Street Magazine #47 by
PAȘII din TIMP by Cuzub, Veronica
The Poet's Mistake by McAlpine, Erica
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