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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2023

New Materialism and Late Modernist Poetry by Moffett, Joe
SELECTED VERSE OF ÉMILE NELLIGAN Québec's great lyric poet by Nelligan, Émile
The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller by
Reading W.S. Merwin in a New Century: American and European Perspectives by
C. H. Sisson Reconsidered by
Lichen Tufts, from the Alleghanies by Wright, Elizabeth C.
Why I Wrote This Poem: 62 Poets on Creating Their Works by
On Ovid's Metamorphoses by Williams, Gareth
On Ovid's Metamorphoses by Williams, Gareth
Metrical Claims and Poetic Experience: Klopstock, Nietzsche, Grünbein by Eldridge, Hannah Vandegrift
Shakespeare's Blank Verse: An Alternative History by Stagg, Robert
Desire in the Iliad: The Force That Moves the Epic and Its Audience by Lesser, Rachel H.
Confrontational Readings: Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes in Dutch and German by
Dante's Paradiso and the Theological Origins of Modern Thought: Toward a Speculative Philosophy of Self-Reflection by Franke, William
The Work of Life Writing: Essays and Lectures by Couser, G. Thomas
Shakespeare, the Renaissance and Empire: Volume II: Poetry, Philosophy and Politics by Hart, Jonathan Locke
The Poetry of Céline Arnauld: From Dada to Ultra-Modern by Hemus, Ruth
William Blake by Blake, William
W. B. Yeats by Yeats, W. B.
Lucy Hutchinson and the English Revolution: Gender, Genre, and History Writing by Gheeraert-Graffeuille, Claire
A New Theory of Literary Gracefulness: A Theory of Literary Gracefulness by Caroponis, Graciella I.
Jadeed Hindi Shairi by Akram, Khurshid
The American Sonnet: An Anthology of Poems and Essays by
The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women's Writing in English, 1540-1700 by
Elizabeth Bishop and The New Yorker by Bishop, Elizabeth
Anaphora and Epiphora by Vanderlinde, Jordan, Ochoa, Lisa, Barker, Crystal
When I Opened The Door - A Collection of Poetry by Bansal, Abhinav
Poetry is the Portal by Oberbrunner, Kary
Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics and Politics by Armstrong, Isobel
Pilares de un reino. Una incursión por la obra de Dulce María Loynaz by
The Raven with Literary and Historical Commentary (Heathen Edition) by Ingram, John H., Poe, Edgar Allan
Shelley with Benjamin: A critical mosaic by Nabugodi, Mathelinda
Orality, Form, and Lyric Unity: Poetics of Michael Donaghy and Don Paterson by Nadin, Beverley
Theocritus: Space, Absence, and Desire by Thalmann, William G.
The Body in Arabic Love Poetry: The 'Udhri Tradition by Alharthi, Jokha
Piers the Plowman by Langland, William
Spectral Realms No. 18: Winter 2023 by Schwader, Ann K., Bolivar, Adam
Poetry of the New Woman: Public Concerns, Private Matters by Murphy, Patricia
Volcanobroom by Jay, Harley
Bibliographisches Handbuch Der Deutschsprachigen Lyrik 1945-2020 by Riedel, Nicolai
Handbuch Versepik: Paradigmen - Poetiken - Geschichte by
Il Fiore d'Oro: Il Cimento del Sole E Della Luna by Pes, Aurelio
Renaissance of Poetry by Sehra, Sameer
Renaissance of Poetry by Sehra, Sameer
Personal Poems II by Greenleaf Whittier, John
Monika Rinck: Poesie Und Gegenwart by
Kalevala The Epic Poem Of Finland Into English by Martin Crawford, John
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Music for Unknown Journeys by Cristian Aliaga: New and Selected Prose Poems: Travels in Europe, Africa and the Americas by Bollig, Ben
Confessional Poetry in the Cold War: The Poetics of Doublespeak by Beardsworth, Adam
Recalibrating and Other Poems by Norris, Christopher
Im Dialog Mit Der Dichtung: Karl-Josef Kuschels Narrativ-Poetische Theologie by Langenhorst, Georg
Kam-o-Besh by Aaqib, Khan Hasnain
Tay Se Tanqeed by Aaqib, Khan Hasnain
A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages by Tolkien, J. R. R.
Kisses, Not Done Yet by Ashraphi, Mamun
Identity, Home and Writing Elsewhere in Contemporary Chinese Diaspora Poetry by Wong, Jennifer
Physics and the Modernist Avant-Garde: Quantum Modernisms and Modernist Relativities by Eames, Rachel Fountain
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Contemporary American Poetry by
Evidentiality in Sa'di's Poetry and Prose: A Corpus Stylistic Study by Mehrabi, Masoumeh, Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari, Behrooz
De revolutie van de Vijftigers: Een theoretische exercitie by de Jager, Gert
Poétiques et politiques du témoignage dans la fiction contemporaine by
Religious Imaginaries: The Liturgical and Poetic Practices of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, and Adelaide Procter by Dieleman, Karen
The Waste Land: A Biography of a Poem by Hollis, Matthew
The Waste Land: A Biography of a Poem by Hollis, Matthew
Keats's Reading / Reading Keats: Essays in Memory of Jack Stillinger by
Poems: The Works of Lady Reverend by Reverend, Lady
Emo Poetry Generator by Chronicle Books
The Historical Arthur and The Gawain Poet: Studies on Arthurian and Other Traditions by Breeze, Andrew
Main Tum aur Kulhad Wali Chai by Priyadarshini, Priyanka
Petrarchan Love and the English Renaissance by Braden, Gordon
Instapoetry: Digital Image Texts by Penke, Niels
Living on Mars Poetry Book by Clary, Maria
The Road Poetry Book by Clary, Maria
Lyric Tactics: Poetry, Genre, and Practice in Later Medieval England by Nelson, Ingrid
The Poetics of Spiritual Instruction: Farid Al-Din ʿattar and Persian Sufi Didacticism by O'Malley, Austin
Hamâsa oder die ältesten arabischen Volkslieder: 1. Teil by
Arabische Kerzendichtung Des 10.-15. Jahrhunderts: Eine Studie Zur Arabischen Ekphrastischen Poesie by Diem, Werner
The Dialogue of Yesterday by Mishra, Ratikanta
Early Larkin by Underwood, James
Migration and Mutation: New Perspectives on the Sonnet in Translation by
Shakespeare's Global Sonnets: Translation, Appropriation, Performance by
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Lyrische Agonistik: Das Politische in Gedichten Der Gegenwart by Cox, Christoph
Wamandadanchya Bhavgitatil Aambedkarvaadi Jaaniva by Jayant Sathe
In Between Blooms by Sahoo, Amlaan Akshayanshu
Ecstatic Pessimist: Czeslaw Milosz, Poet of Catastrophe and Hope by Scott, Peter Dale
Inside Innti: A New Wave in Irish Poetry by
Ecstatic Pessimist: Czeslaw Milosz, Poet of Catastrophe and Hope by Scott, Peter Dale
The Making of Afro-Caribbean Consciousness and Identity in the Poetry of Linton Kwesi Johnson, David Dabydeen, and Fred d'Aguiar by Sarıkaya, Dilek Bulut
A Sacerdotal Poetics by Wills, Kathryn
A Sacerdotal Poetics by Wills, Kathryn
How to Write Poetry in How Many Chapters by Whelan, Maurice
Ink Trails by Friesen, Jg
Literary Authority: An Eighteenth-Century Genealogy by Willan, Claude
Nikolai Zabolotsky: Enigma and Cultural Paradigm by Pratt, Sarah
Barron Field in New South Wales: The Poetics of Terra Nullius by Ford, Thomas H., Clemens, Justin
Incarnation & Metamorphosis: Can Literature Change Us? by Mason, David
Marbles on the Floor: How to Assemble a Book of Poems by
Ghalib: The Poet and His Age by
Dil Ne Kaha by Agarwal, Geeta
Kya Likhoon? Kya Likhoon? by 'Kiran', Babita
Musical Wordsworth: Romantic Soundscape and Harmony by Lo, Yimon
The Strangers' House: Writing Northern Ireland by Poots, Alexander
Monogamy: Its Songs and Poems by Von Hallberg, Robert
Sharing the Light by Mergler, Alice K.
Approaches to Teaching the Romance of the Rose by
Approaches to Teaching the Romance of the Rose by
Shattered by Colleene, Carolina
Stevie Smith and the Aphorism: Hard Language by Masud, Noreen
A Grain of Poetry by Kohl, Herbert R.
Astrophel and Stella: Elizabethan Sonnet Cycle: Large Print Edition: Elizabethan Sonnet Cycle: Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Sidney, Philip
English Stylistics: A Cognitive Grammar Approach by Hamawand, Zeki
Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders by
The Environmental Unconscious: Ecological Poetics from Spenser to Milton by Swarbrick, Steven
The Environmental Unconscious: Ecological Poetics from Spenser to Milton by Swarbrick, Steven
Anthologie des poètes bretons du XVIIe siècle by Halgan, Stéphane, De Gourcuff, Olivier, Kerviler, René
Reformation Hermeneutics and Literary Language in Early Modern England: Faith in the Language by Ferguson, Jamie H.
Sulla Poesia Italiana del Quattrocento: Per Donatella Coppini by
How We Experience Modern Verse by Purchase, Eric
The Beauty Hunters: Sudanese Bedouin Poetry, Evolution and Impact by Babikir, Adil
Religion Und Literatur: Zur Darstellung Des Sakralen in Den Werken Von Rainer Maria Rilke by Guite, Chiinngaihkim
Good Morning Poems: A Start to the Day from Famous English-Language Poets by Bowering, George
Beauty Hunters: Sudanese Bedouin Poetry, Evolution and Impact by Babikir, Adil
Silent Music: Volume 1 by Lewis, Anthony
Silent Music: Volume 1 by Lewis, Anthony
Negotiations: Poems in Their Contexts by Corcoran, Neil
Everything That Seems Must Seem to Be: Initial Writings from a Parmenides Project by Stein, Charles
Gedichte 1827-1833: Text, Lesarten Und Erlauterungen by Kohlhammer Verlag
The War Trumpet: Iberian Epic Poetry, 1543-1639 by
Things in Poems: From the Shield of Achilles to Hyperobjects by
Understanding Michael S. Harper by Antonucci, Michael
The Pursuit of Myth in the Poetry of Frank O'Hara, Ted Berrigan and John Forbes: Prick'd by Charm by Hose, Duncan
Samaya Bishada Nai by Jena, Goutam
Flowers of Evil by Baudelaire, Charles
Dante: An Essay and de Monarchia by Alighieri, Dante, Church, Richard William
Everlasting Verses by To, Natasa C.
L'Intelligence Du Poeme: Lyrisme Et Pensee Chez Valery, Rilke, Stevens Et Montale by Manara, Matilde
L'Intelligence Du Poeme: Lyrisme Et Pensee Chez Valery, Rilke, Stevens Et Montale by Manara, Matilde
A Listener: and Other Poems about Music by Norris, Christopher
Modern Irish and Scottish Literature: Connections, Contrasts, Celticisms by Barlow, Richard Alan
Drifting with Clouds, Living by Poetry: The Rivers and Lakes Poets of the Southern Song by Zhang, Hongsheng
Lawrence Durrell's Poetry: A Rift in the Fabric of the World by Keller-Privat, Isabelle
Revolutionary Poetics: The Rhetoric of the Black Arts Movement by Rudewalker, Sarah
Cartografías cosmopolitas: León de Greiff y la tradición literaria by Rojas, Marco Ramírez
Cartografías cosmopolitas: León de Greiff y la tradición literaria by Rojas, Marco Ramírez
Wild Lines and Poetic Travels: A Keijiro Suga Reader by
Para Llegar a Roque Dalton: Pequeños Infiernos Y Otros Paraísos (Estudio Político-Poético) by Iffland, James
Revolutionary Poetics: The Rhetoric of the Black Arts Movement by Rudewalker, Sarah
Urdu Ki Muntaqab Nazmein: (Essays) by Dr Mohammed Aslam Faroqui
Falling Off The Moon: poems of transformation by Lawrence, Devavani
Die Weggeworfene Leiter: Gedanken Uber Religion Und Poesie by Lehnert, Christian
Madhyajugiya Kabya Bitana (ମଧ୍ୟଯୁଗୀୟ କାବ୍ୟ ବିତ&# by
The Poet and Existence: Text Contents and the Interaction of Reality, Myths and Symbols in Hatif Janabi's Poetry by Sh'hadeh, Yousef
Andre Suares, Ecrivain de la Mediterranee by
Andre Suares, Ecrivain de la Mediterranee by
La Muse Legere: Approches de la Poesie Elegiaque Et Anacreontique Des Lumieres by Loubere, Stephanie
La Muse Legere: Approches de la Poesie Elegiaque Et Anacreontique Des Lumieres by Loubere, Stephanie
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Heinrich Heines "Romanzero": Mythisches Denken Und Resignatives Geschichtsbild by Ritzen, Philipp
Into the World's Great Heart: Selected Letters of Edna St. Vincent Millay by Millay, Edna St Vincent
Content Within: Whilst Watching Worlds Burn... by Kirkwood, David Mark
The Man of the Crowd: Edgar Allan Poe and the City by Peeples, Scott
Sheriyaat by Ateequllah, Syed
Scottish Poetry, 1730-1830 by
Rapture and Melancholy: The Diaries of Edna St. Vincent Millay by Millay, Edna St Vincent
African Battle Traditions of Insult: Verbal Arts, Song-Poetry, and Performance by
The Cambridge Companion to American Poetry and Politics since 1900 by
The Cambridge Companion to American Poetry and Politics since 1900 by
Poetics of the Antilles: Poetry, History and Philosophy in the Writings of Perse, Césaire, Fanon and Glissant by Khalfa, Jean
'Teutischland Begabet Ist Mit Mancher Kunst': Studien Zur Deutschsprachigen Dichtung Des Humanisten Paul Schede Melissus by Verweyen, Theodor
Poetic Theory and Practice in Early Modern Verse: Unwritten Arts by
Ilakanam Neeyadi by N, Sai Hari
Wayward Verses - Covid-19 Creativity in Poetry by Bhatti, Ss
How to Scan a Poem: A Poetry Witch Workbook by Finch, Annie
Poetry & Strikes: Trade Union Narratives and Legacies by James, Michael
Dialogue on the Threshold: Heidegger and Trakl by Moore, Ian Alexander
Chaar Nazm Nigar by Shahid, M. Hameed
The Courtship of Miles Standish by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Courtship of Miles Standish by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Tales of a Wayside Inn by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Samantara Vakyam (Telugu) by D. Srinivasulu M. a.
Poetry in English and Metal Music: Adaptation and Appropriation Across Media by Mora-Rioja, Arturo
Qayenaat-e-Ishq - A Celebration by Mehrotra, Neha
Intimate Papers by Baudelaire, Charles
The House Where My Soul Lives: The Life of Margaret Walker by Graham, Maryemma
蘧庐吟草 by 王充闾
梁东诗词选 by 梁东
南园词稿 by 蔡世平
高昌诗词选 by 高昌
Don't Read Poetry: A Book about How to Read Poems by Burt, Stephanie
Haali: Samaji Aur Siyasi Islehaat by Jazbi, Moin Ahsan
Badalibara Bela (ବଦଳିବାର ବେଳ) by Nayak, Krupa Sindhu
Echo and Critique: Poetry and the Clichés of Public Speech by Gargaillo, Florian
Seamus Heaney and American Poetry by Laverty, Christopher
Poetry FM: American Poetry and Radio Counterculture by Hollenbach, Lisa
Railroad by Footle, Jenny
Sabuja Kabita: Srasta O Srusti by Mohanty, Sushri Sandhya
A Life in Urdu: Personal Encounters and Selected Essays on Urdu Literature by Ralph Russell by Russell, Ralph
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