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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry in 2014

Trimi më i madh në botë by Karadaku, Xhemë
Nipi i Don Kishotit by Karadaku, Xhemë
Lojë me fjalë by Karadaku, Xhemë
Histori për një dashuri by Karadaku, Xhemë
Pse iu kall mjekra gjyshit by Karagaku, Xhemë
Legjendë e re by Karadaku, Xhemë
Kalikuse, oj kalikuse by Karadaku, Xhemë
Jam i madh by Karadaku, Xhemë
S Is for Sea Glass: A Beach Alphabet by Michelson, Richard
The Rocket Ship Bed Trip by Quackenbush, N. Jane
Hickory, Dickory, Dock by Reasoner, Charles
Now I Am Paper by Poznansky, Uvi
May B. by Rose, Caroline Starr
It's Monday! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
How to Be a Pirate by Fliess, Sue
May B. by Rose, Caroline Starr
Richard Scarry's Best Nursery Tales Ever by Scarry, Richard
Dr. Seuss's ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! by Dr Seuss
The Wild Book by Engle, Margarita
Dizzy Izzy: Ready-To-Read Level 1 by Scieszka, Jon
All Fall Down by Barrett, Mary Brigid
Stinky Dinky by Pon, Sarah
Fun with My Friends by Mendonca, Shirley
Michelle and the Mermaid: The Adventures of Lucie - Part 3 by Faulkner, Belinda
The kite that FLEW out of sight! by Wheston, Katy
Tiffany Turtle by Vanderpool, Donald G.
Otter Out of Water by Wargin, Kathy-Jo
Earth, Wind, Fire and Maya (Large Print Edition) by Okun, Rich
Gazpacho for Nacho by Kyle, Tracey
Rudolph's at Grandma's! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
The Night Before My Birthday by Wing, Natasha
Liam and Greyson The Fishing Trip by Muncy, Bob
Magic, Aliens & Broomsticks by Brindle, Maureen
Anointing Praise in Poetry by McDougald, Peggy S.
The Year Without a Santa Claus by McGinley, Phyllis
Police: Hurrying! Helping! Saving! by Hubbell, Patricia
Sammy and Sally's Search for Salmon: Sammy and Sally's search for Salmon is a beautifully illustrated book about the life cycle of the Chinook or King by Curley, Benjamin Patrick
Turtle Soup: The Adventures of Emily Funderbunk by Fish, K. S.
Children Have Got to Be Carefully Taught by Michels, Kat
About Puppies (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Cowboy Zack Eets Jack and Jill Spratt by Shoopman, Jim
Filastrocche al Cellulare: rime per bambini nello spazio di un sms by Piotto, Stefano
Write with Me by Peterson, Staphon
Earth, Wind, Fire and Maya by Okun, Rich
Roy, Claire And The Every Colour Bear by Warry, Sylvia
Stripes of All Types / Rayas de Todas Las Tallas by Stockdale, Susan
Octopus's Garden [With CD (Audio)] by Starr, Ringo
How High Will It Fly?: My Red Balloon by Swain, DC
How High Will It Fly?: My Red Balloon by Swain, DC
Teddy and I ... Can't Wait For Christmas by Affleck, Julie
On the Corner of Writer's Block & 5th by Marshall, Robert
Sir Frederick Squirrel of Canterbury by McKinley, Robenia
Tilt by Hopkins, Ellen
Demolicion by Sutton, Sally
Arriba, Abajo Y Alrededor by Ayres, Katherine
The Queen's Tea by Bala, Peg, Dolan, Barbara E.
Happy To Be Me! by Lee, Patrice
Mary Had a Little Lamb by
Good Manners Matter by Mendonca, Shirley
I'm A Bee: A Rhyming book by Lowry, Ian, Anderson, Mark A.
King Zoff's Cough: UK English Edition by Briden, Jonathan
Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings by Silverstein, Shel
Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems & Drawings by Silverstein, Shel
Don't Bump the Glump!: And Other Fantasies by Silverstein, Shel
I Had Such A Wonderful Day by Parrish, Vic
King Zoff's Cough: US English edition by Briden, Jonathan
Coco LaSwish: When Rainbows Go Blue by Jackson, Reagan E. J.
Lila the Lavender Porcupine's Sticky Situations: The Bear in Despair by Cody, Amanda Bray
The Black Arts Movement by Perkins, Useni Eugene
Gabby Saturday by Senter-Brown, Crystal
Hamilton Troll Meets Whitaker Owl by Shields, Kathleen J.
The Everglades: Children's poetry written and illustrated by Catherine Johnson by Johnson, Catherine Margaret
When Puppies Sing! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Paul Cookson's Joke Shop by Cookson, Paul
Tails of Imagination: Ordinary Pets, Extraordinary Adventures by Wiesneth, Robin
Mother Goose in Prose by Baum, L. Frank
Frog Kissin' (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Numeralia by Luján, Jorge
The Sunflower by Jlynn
Jive Talkin' (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
The Sun Is So Quiet by Giovanni, Nikki
Who Wears the Blue Shoes? by Jenson, Geoffrey Kenneth
A Pond Full of Ink by Schmidt, Annie M. G.
Mean People (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
A is for Awesome by Clayton, Dallas
Outside the Box: A Book of Poems by Wilson, Karma
Dependable (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
The Sock Thief by Bullard, April
Sherlock Peacock: Sherlock Peacock has come to Fairy Land to clean up the crime from nursary rhymes. by Hawkins, Jacquie Lynne
The Pudding (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Eva's Tale by Ferguson, Lynn
Urban Poetree by Johnson, Edcar
In the Sea by Elliott, David
Let Them Go! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Room 214: A Year in Poems by Frost, Helen
The 3 R's - Read Rap and Rhyme with Grammy and Me: Big Feet Little Feet and Here There and Everywhere by Groff, Betty V.
Sir Timothy the Dragon Slayer: The Valiant Tales of Timothy the Brave by Strobel-Cort, Joanne
The Daughters and Spirit of Harriet by Bazemore, Mirthell Bayliss
Count Me a Rhyme: Animal Poems by the Numbers by Yolen, Jane
Don't Throw It Away! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
If by Kipling, Rudyard
I Carry Your Heart with Me: A Picture Book by Cummings, E. E.
Two Friends... Chase a balloon. by Egg, Furry, Saunders, Mike
Jahria the One Two Three Girl! by Hubbard, Margie
The Big Bug Party by Tobin, Nancy
Rocky Beau and the Nephs: Wanna-Be Sled Dogs by Lisenby, Suzanne R.
Spring-Time Sparkles by Whitton, Marie
Margie Blue Pockets by McCourtie, Anne, Pierson, Sam
The Story of Daphne the Duck by Schreiber, Maxine E.
The Bug Came Back by Morrell, Stacie
Captain Jonah and His Search for God by Gantry, Chris
What If Balloons Didn't Pop?: Silly poems and drawings for kids by Whitcher, Jeff S.
Caroline by Carlile, Brandi
Big Fat Hen/La Gallina Grande: Bilingual English-Spanish by Baker, Keith
Fight or Flight (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Monster Needs His Sleep by Czajak, Paul
Messy Martin and the angry furniture by Richard, Gabriella
Water Whirl by Whitton, Marie
How Ilana Found Happiness by Lerner, Ruth, Lerner, David L.
Haiti My Country by Roge
The Corporate Kid: Rainbow After the Storm by Montez, Nicole Lanier
An Elephant Is On My House: And Other Poems By O. D. D. Cummings by Cummings, Othen Donald Dale
The Miller Farm by Miller, Tara
I'm Sorry! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
The Wise Old Man in the Tree by Dimino, Michelle a.
Maddy Monday & Big Ted by Jackson, Karl
Small Worlds, Of Bees and Trees and Butterfly Knees, A Book of Classic Poetry for Children: Nature with a Touch of Whimsy by Stevenson, Robert Louis, Frost, Robert, Dickenson, Emily
Clare Beaton's Garden Rhymes by Beaton, Clare
Do No Wrong! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Animal Poems of the Iguazú / Animalario del Iguazú by Alarcón, Francisco X.
Maddy Monday & JoBot the Robot by Jackson, Karl
Amphony: Volume IV by Griffin, Lady Janet R.
Nursery Rhymes for Autumn and Winter: 10 little frogs by
Say Nothing Bad! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
1-2-3 Peas by Baker, Keith
Let's Build by Fliess, Sue
I Can't Smile! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Norse, of Course! Sif's Golden Hair: Norse Mythology: Vikings for Kids: Odin, Thor, Loki by Valkenhaus, Kristin
I Like Fish by Brown, Margaret Wise
Two Knights and A Princess by Thomas-Sanderson, Tara
Enchanteur of Hearts: Love Poems by Carneiro, Ryan
A Masquerade (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Little Peach Goes to the Beach by Hernandez, Juan
Redy and Bluey: Nursery Rhymes by Wu, Helen H.
A Boy and a New Baby by Burt-Libo, Borislava
Recapturing the Renaissance by Woods, Yolandra
Two by Two (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Anytime Nursery Rhymes by Gesell, Susan
Grab! Gobble! Gulp! by Topp, E. L.
Tell Them! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star by Dean, Kimberly, Dean, James
De Donde Vengo Yo: (Where I'm From) Poems of Pride by Elementary School, The Students of Chris
Hashtag #Cheer Status: Cheerleading: My Poetry in Motion by Randolph, Jala
Yarashell Abbily and Her Very Messy Room (Large Print Edition) by Durant, Sybrina
Thank you, Love by Jenkins, Cristi
The Children's Book Illustrators Guild of Minnesota presents Classic Nursery Rhymes Volume 1 by Kuehl, Johnathan
In the Closet and Under the Bed by Hinshaw, Joseph S.
If Animals Kissed Good Night by Paul, Ann Whitford
I Love You Night and Day by Prasadam-Halls, Smriti
Mulberry May Belle by Buchanan, Marla
The Prince and the Elf by Vevang, Curt
The Snowman Who Refused To Melt by Lesley, Sharon
Worries Go Away! by Gray, Kes
Miss Rhonda's Book of Nursery Rhymes by Smith, Reazonda Kelly
One Thing Your Elephant Shouldn't Do by Hopkins, Roger
¡Sí! Somos Latinos by Campoy, F. Isabel, Ada, Alma Flor
Tailor & the Crow: An Old Rhyme with New Drawings by Brooke, L. Leslie
Yarashell Abbily and Her Very Messy Room (Large Print Edition) by Durant, Sybrina
If the Shoe Fits! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Der Frosch auf der Freite. A Frog he would a-wooing go: Zwei Künstler, zwei Sichten by Polentz, Wolfgang Von, Stephens, Henry Louis, Caldecott, Randolph
An Elephant's Standing in There by Pratt, Scott
The First is the Worst: The Adventures of Emily Funderbunk #2 by Fish, Ks
Potato Salad by Parsons, Tyler R.
Poetry Is Not Just Rhyming, Volume 2: Learn Poetry with Ms. Kim and her Rec. Room Kids!! by Worthy, Kimberly D.
Cappy's, Who's In The Garden Adventure? by O'Hanlon, Toni F.
First Bites: Tidbits of American History for the Young and Young at Heart by Moss, Dixie
First Bites: Tidbits of American History for the Young and Young at Heart by Moss, Dixie
The Curious Angel by Byrt, Michele
Die kleine Frau by Opitz, Antoinette
Fun Rhymes to Make Happy Times by Lesley, Sharon
Lilly's Book of Songs and Rhymes: A Toddler's Book of Verses by Bryan, Jessica
Like, Lust, Love, Loss: Book 1 by Lane, S. R.
Hamilton Troll Meets Rudy Rat (Large Print Edition) by Shields, Kathleen J.
Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? by Sayres, Brianna Caplan
Broken Hearts! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Pepperoni for Poncho by Carl, Carol
Come Unto Me! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
A Boy in a Tree by Di Falco, Roberto
Lleve La Luna a Pasear by Curtis, Carolyn
Grumpelstiltskin by Platts, Nathaniel, Connet, Donna J.
Goodnight Football by Dahl, Michael
Daydreamer by Kopetzky, Stephanie
One Stop Explorer Shop: A Steve And Col Yeti Story by Askew, Steven
My Dad! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Invisible Friends: With Logan's Poems by Horne, Barbara M., Furness, Victor E.
There's a Dog... by Beasties, I. C.
Grace at the Zoo by Auler, S.
Johnny Boom Boom by Egg, Furry, Saunders, Mike
You're Everything, Everywhere, All The Time by Swaby, Donn
Brother John (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
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