• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry in 2018

Carnival of the Animals by Siemens, Barbara M.
The Naughty Flying Foxes: Book 3 of 7 - 'Adventures of the Brave Seven' Children's picture book series, for children aged 3 to 8. by Hughes, Myler
The Angry Bunyip: Book 4 of 7 - 'Adventures of the Brave Seven' Childrens' picture book series, for children aged 3 to 8. by Hughes, Myler
Catch Dark Cloud: Book 7 of 7 - 'Adventures of the Brave Seven' Children's picture book series, for children aged 3 to 8. by Hughes, Myler
The Lake Isle of Innisfree: The Song of Wandering Aengus by Schlieve, Ngj, Yeats, William Butler
The North Wind and the Sun by Adler, Sigal
Stone Soup Magazine: January 2018 by
Do You Believe in Groovicorns? by Greening, Rosie
Can I Touch Your Hair?: Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship by Latham, Irene, Waters, Charles
You Sparkle Inside by Kann, Rachel
The Ant and the Grasshopper by Hoena, Blake
Bedtime Lullabies by
Thank You God by Bradshaw, Sarah
Doug the Dog Goes to the Beach by Holstay, Alyssa
Black Girl Magic: A Poem by Browne, Mahogany L.
Seuss-Isms!: A Guide to Life for Those Just Starting Out...and Those Already on Their Way by Dr Seuss
Mary Engelbreit's Mother Goose by Engelbreit, Mary
Planet Middle School by Grimes, Nikki
Martin Rising: Requiem for a King by Pinkney, Andrea Davis
Word Pie by Downey, Alex, Downey, Bryan
The Right Thing! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Peneope
Tree Soldier: A Children's Book About the Value of Family by Flores, Sarah M.
Batman by Haque, MD Ziaul
Poemas emocionales de un chico sin sentimientos by Ramírez Herrada, Bernabé
If the Sky Came Closer: A Poetry Collection by Ayana Godbole by Godbole, Ayana
I Am Loved by Giovanni, Nikki
Life Doesn't Frighten Me: A Poetry Picture Book by Basquiat, Jean-Michel, Boyers, Sara Jane, Angelou, Maya
my daddy is a sailor by Fox, Tahna Desmond
Floppy The Sloth Gets Fit by Robson, Gaynor
Goodnight by Alenick, Chaya
Moose Pee and Tea! by Kruse, Donald W.
Just Be You! (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
The Wonderful Habits of Rabbits by Florian, Douglas
A Place to Start a Family: Poems about Creatures That Build by Harrison, David L.
The Runaway Easter Egg by Conway, Martin
Zoo Rescue: A Lyric and Londyn Adventure by Lewis, Amber a.
Poèmes: Fées, elfes et lutins...Où se cachent-ils et que font-ils? by C, Agnès
The Night Before My First Communion by Wing, Natasha
When I Look in the Mirror, What Do I See? by Thompson, Phyllis a.
To Be Continued by Carter, Holden
Saintly Rhymes for Modern Times by Bausch, Meghan
Wee Willie Winkie III by Wiedmeyer, Nancy
If I Ever Go to the Moon ... by Kruse, Donald W.
The Itsy Bitsy Leprechaun by Burton, Jeffrey
Steam Train, Dream Train by Rinker, Sherri Duskey
Hip Hop No. 1: Big, or Small, or Blue by Emmert, Debora
The King's Crown Is Upside Down by Feiner, Robin
How Still How Happy: Fall Leaves Fall by Bronte, Emily, Schlieve, Ngj
Let's Celebrate Thanksgiving (Rookie Poetry: Holidays and Celebrations) by Lewis, J. Patrick
Seeing Into Tomorrow by Wright, Richard, Crews, Nina
Twinkle Twinkle by Pi Kids
The Teachers are in Trouble and Other Rhymes by Hartley, Matthew
Stone Soup Magazine: February 2018 by
When Grandpa Gets Going by Radman, David
Just Like Brothers by Baguley, Elizabeth
Room for Rent by Goldberg, Leah
New Nursery Rhymes: High Contrast Edition (Large Print Edition) by Barry, Debbie
New Nursery Rhymes (Large Print Edition) by Barry, Debbie
Things to Know as You Grow: A Collection of Grandma's Poems by Grant, Yvonne Jones
The Girl Who Picked Up But Never Put Down by Girifalco, Madison J.
The Land of Nod by McNee, Natalie
Grandpa's Grins by Fossum, Vance a.
Funky Socks! by Rosiene, Tracy L.
Lewis the Moon by Johnston, Kate
Strocchescatti senza filo. Ovvero filastrocche con scatti, un po' per grandi e un po' per piccini. by Di Nardo, Gilda
La odisea marina de María Traviesa by Escaja, Tina
Play! Play! Play! (a Baby Steps Playtime Board Book for Toddlers) by Florian, Douglas
Bath! Bath! Bath! (a Baby Steps Bath Time Board Book for Toddlers) by Florian, Douglas
Stars and Dreams Children Poems(greek) by Yakinthou, Dafni
The Greedy Pig and the Foolish Princess by McGill, Heather
Farmer Kootz Loses His Boots by McGill, Heather
Zachary and the Great Potato Catastrophe by Wonders, Junia
Not Far to Go Now by Jones, Jet
A Treasure Chest of Children's Rhymes: Poetry That Rhymes by Dunkley, J. M.
Mischa, the Hanukkah Hound by Sloane, Sandy Weinberger-
my mommy is a sailor by Fox, Tahna Desmond
Earth Verse: Haiku from the Ground Up by Walker, Sally M.
Step Gently Out by Frost, Helen
School People by Hopkins, Lee Bennett
The Backyard by Mason, W. S.
Semántica de un tornillo enamorado by
Nature's Gifts by Price, Elynn
Batrocks and Greenie by Bassett, Peggy Roberts, Bassett, Michael
Alice and Andy Coloring Book by Burlakoff, Gail Shaw, Gillespie, Deborah
The Cat is at... by Rosiene, Tracy L.
Giants in the Clouds by Muscarella, Maria
Lesen mit Großbuchstaben Tresiemi 1: Kurzreime aus dem Alltag - Erstes Lesen by Tresiemi
Hasenliebe & andere Geschichten in Versen und Reimen by Hiller, Marion
Thank You, Earth: A Love Letter to Our Planet by Sayre, April Pulley
Times New Rhymin': nursery rhymes for modern times by Sicat, Cheryl
Times New Rhymin': nursery rhymes for modern times by Sicat, Cheryl
Who Could Love You More Than Me? by McCool-Solis, Cassity Riffe
The Transfixing Tale of Terrence McKleen by Knight-Brooks, Luke
That's NOT A Pickle! by Kruse, Donald W.
The First Horse I Dream Tonight: A Children's Nighttime Story: El Primer Caballo Yo Sueño Esta Noche: Una Historia Para Niños by Kai-Gorman, Linda
The First Horse I Dream Tonight: A Children'S Nighttime Story: El Primer Caballo Yo Sueño Esta Noche: Una Historia Para Niños by Kai-Gorman, Linda
Unfurling: Voice is a Revolution: The Heart of It Anthology #3 by Gonzalez, Maya Christina
Gently, Bentley! by Fouch, A. a.
I Will Find You Everywhere: A story of love, loss and learning to live again by Delisi, Deborah
Stone Soup Magazine: March 2018 by
I Am the Music Man by
Sweet Tea by the Live Oak Tree by Grettler, Kelly
Goodnight Soccer by Dahl, Michael
The Panda is Fat: And Other Panda Haikus by Lee, Nolen
The Panda is Fat: And Other Panda Haikus by Lee, Nolen
Made for Me by Bush, Zack
The Cabin Elves of Idyllwild by Greenamyer, Bob, Tyrrell, Nichola
Eva Irene Please Keep Your Room Clean by Guerard, Paula
Phooey and the Bogsnorkel: Part of The Adventures of Phooey series by Smith, P. D. M.
Eva Irene Please Keep Your Room Clean by Guerard, Paula
Night Night, Dino-Snores by Edwards, Nicola
Toad on the Road: Mama and Me by Shaskan, Stephen
Narnie: My Grandmother's Nursery Rhymes by
Good Night, I Love You by McLean, Danielle
Leaf Litter Critters by Bulion, Leslie
Peacock in the Pine Tree by Cramer, Sandra
Digger, Dozer, Dumper by Vestergaard, Hope
This Is the Nest That Robin Built by Fleming, Denise
Digger, Dozer, Dumper by Vestergaard, Hope
The Blue Footed Booby Finds Colors! by Rosiene, Tracy L.
Hidden City: Poems of Urban Wildlife by Tuttle
That's NOT A Pickle! Part 2 by Kruse, Donald W.
Girl, You Are Magic! by Ferguson, Ashley Aya
Postmaster's Cat by Fox, Julie G.
I Wish I Was a Bee by Owen, Jess L.
So You Want to See the World? by Pruett, Jason
Even Superheroes Have to Sleep by Crow, Sara
Jabberwalking by Herrera, Juan Felipe
Little Sunny Sunshine / Sol Solecito by Jaramillo, Susie
Norse Mother's Tales, Faster, Faster! Odur's Raptor: Nordic Lore: Norse Mythology: Vikings for Kids: Odin, Thor, Loki by Valkenhaus, Kristin
Mommies Are Amazing by Costain, Meredith
Boswell Bear Goes to School by Seigle, Marilyn
Barnaby's Big Book of Alphabet Rhymes by Bowes M. Ed, Candice
Pippa and Percival, Pancake and Poppy: Four Peppy Puppies by Diesen, Deborah
A Fishy Story by Martin, Dianne
Magical Tales of Hamilton - Wenham: 'Wenham: Lord's Hill' and 'Hamilton's Special Fox' by Miceli, Mary Anne
Jesus Jingles by McGraw, Sandra
The Boy and The Not So Tiny Fib by Semerano, Frank
Ten Tiny Toes by Tarpley, Todd
Firefly July: A Year of Very Short Poems by Janeczko, Paul B.
Hello Hello by
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer by Eliot, T. S.
Firefly July: A Year of Very Short Poems by Janeczko, Paul B.
In the Past: From Trilobites to Dinosaurs to Mammoths in More Than 500 Million Years by Elliott, David
Crawly School for Bugs: Poems to Drive You Buggy by Harrison, David L.
A Walk Through the Woods by Greig, Louise
The Rat and The Cat, Well, Fancy That! by Parkhouse, Nicola
LeMay Valley Friends: The Adventures of Sammy, Bart and Ruskin by McFee, Daphne L.
That's NOT A Pickle! Part 3 by Kruse, Donald W.
Blank Space by Bacon, Beth
Tripi Visits France: The Amazing Adventures of Tripi The Fly by London, Lori
Sh! Sh! Marie by Stickel, Jeanette W.
Where Laughter Goes * Donde va la risa (Large Print Edition) by Curti, Marta
Round & Round the Village Oak: This is the story of a beloved village oak and how it grew from acorn to magnificent tree. An evocative journey throug by King, Valerie Anne
Flying in a Cage by Bremen, Melody J.
Rapunzel the Hairbrained by Morin, Sarah E.
With My Hands: Poems about Making Things by Vanderwater, Amy Ludwig
Perfect Children by Bagert, Brod
This is the Dollhouse that Daisy Built by Karoline, Emma A.
Perfect Children by Bagert, Brod
On Gull Beach by Yolen, Jane
Snazzy Pants by Rosiene, Tracy L.
Upon My Window Pane by Murphy, Mark E.
Upon My Window Pane by Murphy, Mark E.
Sunny The Bunny (Large Print Edition) by Dyan, Penelope
Jump On, Jump Off: Band 4/Blue by
Rooster Summer by Heidbreder, Robert
Luna Azul by González M., Néstor E.
I See Ice Cream by Lloyd, Veronica M.
I See Ice Cream by Lloyd, Veronica M.
Amazing Places by
Overheard on a Saltmarsh by Santore, Marcia, Monro, Harold
Ebb and Flow by Smith, Heather
Sea Creatures from the Sky by Cortés, Ricardo
Write Your Own Haiku for Kids: Write Poetry in the Japanese Tradition - Easy Step-By-Step Instructions to Compose Simple Poems by Donegan, Patricia
Poetry for Kids: William Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
A Rainbow of Friends by Hallinan, P. K.
Sometimes You Fly by Applegate, Katherine
People Don't Bite People by Wheeler, Lisa
Lucky As A Four Leaf Clover by Smith, Angelia, Pait, Beth, Smith, Corissa
This + That by Fabrizio, Jimmy
Rätsel (Ein Kinderbuch in Versen): Rätselgedichte für Kinder by Meyer, Johann
Fabeln: 105 Tiergeschichten in Versen (Die beraubte Fabel + Das Glück und der Traum + Phyllis und der Vogel + Das Wiesel und d by Lichtwer, Magnus Gottfried
Gesammelte Gutenacht-Geschichten und Märchen mit Originalillustrationen: Die schönsten Kindergeschichten in Versen: Münchener Kasperl-Theater + Die br by Meggendorfer, Lothar, Bonn, Franz
The Very Best of Paul Cookson: Let No One Steal Your Dreams and Other Poems by Cookson, Paul
This is the Book by Seward, Bernice
Why Dandelions Grow by Clark, Nita Marie
Completing Me by Alloway, X. B.
Desde que somos tijera y papel by D'Angelo
Kaagaz Pe Zindagi: Jaha Shabdo Ko Panaah Mil Jaati Hai by Shrivasav, Ankur
El niño que vive junto al mar by Tomé, Ángeles
Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary by Shovan, Laura
GOODNIGHT Monster Jim: (Great Children's Story about Little Monster and His Dreams) Goodnight Books for Children, Learning basics Bed, Childr by Velasco, Dominic
Busy-Eyed Day by Pace, Anne Marie
The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary by Shovan, Laura
What to Do with a Box by Yolen, Jane
YogaBunnies: Yoga Fun for Mum and Baby with YogaBellies by MacDonald, Cheryl Kennedy, MacDonald, Caelen Ross
Kya Hai Muskil, Jab Kuchh Nahi Tera by Shukla, Rajesh Kumar
14 Ridiculous Tales of Sage Silliness by Bader, Jerry (Zaza)
14 Ridiculous Tales of Sage Silliness by Bader, Jerry (Zaza)
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