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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Polish History in 2023

The Forest Soldier: The True Story of Sergeant "Avalanche," Poland's Greatest Partisan Unit and Their Fight Against Two Evils by Nurt, John Roman
The Forest Soldier: The True Story of Sergeant "Avalanche," Poland's Greatest Partisan Unit and Their Fight Against Two Evils by Nurt, John Roman
Dissident Legacies of Samizdat Social Media Activism: Unlicensed Print Culture in Poland 1976-1990 by Wciślik, Piotr
Communist Propaganda at School: The World of the Reading Primers from the Soviet Bloc, 1949-1989 by Wojdon, Joanna
Politics and the Slavic Languages by Kamusella, Tomasz
Spirit of Place: The Roadside Shrines of Poland by Knab, Sophie Hodorowicz
A Pope for All Seasons: Testimonies Inspired by Saint John Paul II by Jablonska, Monika
A Pope for All Seasons: Testimonies Inspired by Saint John Paul II by Jablonska, Monika
The Forest Soldier: The True Story of Sergeant "Avalanche," Poland's Greatest Partisan Unit and Their Fight Against Two Evils by Nurt, John Roman
Communism's Public Sphere: Culture as Politics in Cold War Poland and East Germany by Kunakhovich, Kyrill
Like Lions! Like Lions! by Tuwim, Julian
Individualism and the Rise of Democracy in Poland by Grabowski, Tomek
Przemyśl, Poland: A Multiethnic City During and After a Fortress, 1867-1939 by Fahey, John E.
Przemyśl, Poland: A Multiethnic City During and After a Fortress, 1867-1939 by Fahey, John E.
The Noble, the Serf and the Revizor: The Polish Nobility Between Tsarist Imperialism and the Ukrainian Masses (1831-1836) by Beauvois, Daniel
Long Night's Journey Into Day: The Death March of Lowicz by Wittek, Erhard
Rethinking Modern Polish Identities: Transnational Encounters by
The Twin Children of the Holocaust: Stolen Childhood and the Will to Survive. Photographs from the Twins' 40th Anniversary Reunion at Auschwitz-Birken by Segal, Nancy L.
Singing a Different Tune: The Slavic Film Musical in a Transnational Context by
The First Enigma Codebreaker: Marian Rejewski Who Passed the Baton to Alan Turing by Gawlowski, Robert
The Augustow Roundup of July 1945: Accounts of the Brutal Soviet Repression of Polish Resistance by Kaczorowska, Teresa
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey Through Cities at the Heart of Europe by Kohn, Marek
The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe by Rady, Martyn
Post-Imperial Encounters: Transnational Designs of Bessarabia in Paris and Elsewhere, 1917-1922 by Suveica, Svetlana
Re-Imagining the Balkans: How to Think and Teach a Region. Festschrift in Honor of Professor Maria N. Todorova by
Leonid Hurwicz: Intelligent Designer: How War and the Great Depression Inspired a Nobel Economist by Hurwicz, Michael
Leonid Hurwicz: Intelligent Designer: How War and the Great Depression Inspired a Nobel Economist by Hurwicz, Michael
World War II Historical Reenactment in Poland: The Practice of Authenticity by Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila
Poland in a Colonial World Order: Adjustments and Aspirations, 1918-1939 by Puchalski, Piotr
Polish Immigrants and American Reform: Eight Leaders in the Antebellum Women's Rights and Anti-Slavery Movements by Pula, James S.
The Russians and Prussians in the Seven Years War by Rambaud, Alfred
The Last Lancer: A Story of Loss and Survival in Poland and Ukraine by Czerkawska, Catherine
Surviving Genocide: Personal Recollections by Chmara, Donna
Polish Theory of History and Metahistory in Topolski, Pomian, and Tokarczuk: From Hayden White and Beyond by Pomorski, Jan
Kingdom of Barracks: Polish Displaced Persons in Allied-Occupied Germany and Austria Volume 11 by Nowak, Katarzyna
Przymierze Polsko-Pruskie by Askenazy, Szymon
Pamitniki, 1831-1838 by Domeyko, Ignacio
Geschichte Des Stadt Colberg by Riemann, H.
Dantzig and Poland; by Rose, William John, Askenazy, Szymon
Piotr Skarga I Jego Wiek; Volume 2 by Dzieduszycki, Maurycy
The History of Poland: From the Iron Curtain to European Union by Micalauskas, Simona, Hansen, Einar Felix
I Came Home and There Was No One There: Conversations and Stories about the Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto by Grupińska, Hanka
Polen: Geschichte weltweit by Weltweit, Geschichte
Weaponizing the Past: Collective Memory and Jews, Poles, and Communists in Twenty-First Century Poland by Korycki, Kate
Music, City and the Roma Under Communism by Piotrowska, Anna G.
Poland Travel Guide 2023: Your Ultimate Travel Guide to Uncover the Heart of Eastern Europe by Adams, Cindy E.
Polish Vocabulary Builder: Learn 10 Polish Words a Day for a Week A Comprehensive Guide for Children and Beginners to Learn Polish Learn Polish L by de Haan, Auke, Com, Skriuwer
Scrutinising Elites and Schooling in Post-Communist Poland: Globalisation, European Integration, Socialist Heritage, and Tradition by Dunwill, Alexandra Margaret
Brokers of Modernity: East Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950 by Kohlrausch, Martin
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey Through Cities at the Heart of Europe by Kohn, Marek
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey Through Cities at the Heart of Europe by Kohn, Marek
Ilyushin Il-2 by Zmyslony, Wojciech
A Nazi Camp Near Danzig: Perspectives on Shame and on the Holocaust from Stutthof by Schwertfeger, Ruth
Public Knowledge in Cold War Poland: Scholarly Battles and the Clash of Virtues, 1945-1956 by Lochmatow, Alexej
The Khotyn Campaign of 1621: Polish, Lithuanian and Cossack Armies Versus Might of the Ottoman Empire by Paradowski, Michal
Building the Barricade by Świrszczyńska, Anna
The Open Window Into the Soviet Bloc: Us Policy Toward Poland, 1956-1968 by Tyszkiewicz, Jakub
The Forgers: The Forgotten Story of the Holocaust's Most Audacious Rescue Operation by Moorhouse, Roger
The Banners in the Battle of Grunwald by Moroz, Mariusz
My Name Is B-1259: I Survived Nine Nazi Concentration Camps by Brown, Michael L.
Violent Space: The Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw by Nowak, Anja
Violent Space: The Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw by Nowak, Anja
Polish Jewish Re-Remembering: Studies--Sketches--Interpretations by Żurek, Slawomir Jacek
Nazi Germany, Annexed Poland and Colonial Rule: Resettlement, Germanization and Population Policies in Comparative Perspective by O'Sullivan, Rachel
Transcultural Things and the Spectre of Orientalism in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania by Grusiecki, Tomasz
Antisemitism in Galicia: Agitation, Politics, and Violence Against Jews in the Late Habsburg Monarchy by Buchen, Tim
Kinderszenen by Rymkiewicz, Jaroslaw Marek
Kinderszenen by Rymkiewicz, Jaroslaw Marek
Limiting Privilege: Upward Mobility Within Higher Education in Socialist Poland by Zysiak, Agata
Technological Innovation, Modernity, and Electric Goods in Late State Socialist Poland by Wasiak, Patryk
Limiting Privilege: Upward Mobility Within Higher Education in Socialist Poland by Zysiak, Agata