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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Political Biographies in 2012

A Matter of Simple Justice: The Untold Story of Barbara Hackman Franklin and a Few Good Women by Stout, Lee
Professor-Politician: The Biography of Alabama Congressman Glen Browder by Certain, Geni
What Really Killed Rosebud? by Burch, Claire
A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother by Scott, Janny
Almost a Spy by Petty, Charles
Almost a Spy by Petty, Charles
Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life by Phillipson, Nicholas
Memoirs of Montagnard religion, traditions and legends: Indigenous people under siege in Cambodia by Hughes, Patrick
A Woman in Both Houses: My Career in New Mexico Politics by Eisenstadt, Pauline
John Tyler, the Accidental President by Crapol, Edward P.
henry gaylord wilshire: the millionaire socialist by Rosen, Louis E.
Ed Koch and the Rebuilding of New York City by Soffer, Jonathan
The Comte de St Germain: The Definitive Account of the Famed Alchemist and Rosicrucian Adept (Aziloth Books) by Cooper-Oakley, Isabel
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 4 of 9 by Sanderson, John
Malcolm X: The FBI File by Carson, Clayborne
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. by Franklin, Benjamin
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 8 of 9 by Sanderson, John
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 9 of 9 by Sanderson, John
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 3 of 9 by Sanderson, John
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 2 of 9 by Sanderson, John
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 1 of 9 by Sanderson, John
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 6 of 9 by Sanderson, John
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 7 of 9 by Sanderson, John
China Hand: An Autobiography by Jr.
Dreams and Nightmares: Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and the Struggle for Black Equality in America by Waldschmidt-Nelson, Britta
Lincoln and His World: Volume 4, The Path to the Presidency, 1854-1860 by Miller, Richard Lawrence
Trailblazing Governors: Six Remarkable Women by Johnson, Gail
Democracy's Lawyer: Felix Grundy of the Old Southwest by Heller, J. Roderick
Revolution by Unferth, Deb Olin
Crusader by Stanley, Timothy
Quotable Quotes Of Mwalimu Julius K Nyerere. Collected from Speeches and Writings by
Bridge Builder: An Insider's Perspective of Over 60 Years in Post-War Reconstruction, International Diplomacy, and German-American Relations by Kiep, Walther Leisler
The Last African Amerik.K.K.an Slave by Parrish, Bryant G.
The Last African Amerik.K.K.an Slave by Parrish, Bryant G.
The Party: The Socialist Workers Party 1960-1988. Volume 2: Interregnum, Decline and Collapse, 1973-1988 by Sheppard, Barry
No More Lies: An Abridged Collection of Memories and Indignities to My Pride, by the Real James Bond by Schbley, Ayla Hammond, Schbley, Bassima Hussein
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume 5 of 9 by Sanderson, John
My Secret Barack: Crowning The King by Nelson, Krista
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. by Franklin, Benjamin
Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. by Quincy, Josiah
Exit Emperor Kim Jong-Il: Notes from His Former Mentor by Cha, John H.
Exit Emperor Kim Jong-Il: Notes from His Former Mentor by Cha, John H.
State Parties and National Politics: North Carolina, 1815-1861 by Jeffrey, Thomas E.
Aung San Suu Kyi: A Biography by Bengtsson, Jesper
You Can Lead a Politician to Water, But You Can't: Ten Commandments for Texas Politics by Friedman, Kinky
Quem pintou my horse de green by Vidal, Sandro
The Concept of the Political by Morgenthau, Hans J.
A Saving Remnant: The Radical Lives of Barbara Deming and David McReynolds by Duberman, Martin
For the Good of the Order: Nick Coleman and the High Tide of Liberal Politics in Minnesota, 1971-1981 by Milton, John Watson
For the Good of the Order: Nick Coleman and the High Tide of Liberal Politics in Minnesota, 1971-1981 by Milton, John Watson
Lift Up Your Hearts: A True Story of Loving One's Enemies; Tragically Killing One's Friends, & the Life That Remains by Kmiec, Douglas W.
Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat by Holland, Max
Serving the Public Interest: Profiles of Successful and Innovative Public Servants by Riccucci, Norma M.
The Face of Deceit by Maytia
The Face of Deceit by Maytia
Serving the Public Interest: Profiles of Successful and Innovative Public Servants by Riccucci, Norma M.
The Future Is Ours by Orozgoiti, Koldo
Osama Bin Laden by Scheuer, Michael
Stanley K. Sheinbaum: A 20th Century Knight's Quest for Peace, Civil Liberties and Economic Justice by Meis Jr, William a., Sheinbaum, Stanley K.
Operation Pointblank: A Tale Of Bombers And Fighters by Emerson, William Richard
John Wise: Early American Democrat by Cook, George Allan
In the Midst of a Revolution by Hawke, David Freeman
Evocación: Mi Vida Al Lado del Che by March, Aleida
I Must Resist: Bayard Rustin's Life in Letters by Rustin, Bayard
Clashing Waves: Memories of a Cuban Immigrant by L. Pez-Aqueres, Waldo, Lopez-Aqueres, Waldo
Love Changes Things: Even in the World of Politics by Cottom, Caroline
Love Changes Things: Even in the World of Politics by Cottom, Caroline
Biography of Dr. Ramón Emeterio Betances Alacán: Father of the Puerto Rican Motherland by Pacheco Matos, Armando
Betrayal at the U.N.: The Story of Paul Bang Jensen by Copp, DeWitt S., Peck, Marshall, III
Swimming with Cobras by Smith, Rosemary
Life Among the Cannibals: A Political Career, a Tea Party Uprising, and the End of Governing as We Know It by Specter, Arlen
Moulana Bhashani Leader of the Toiling Masses: Leader of the Toiling Masses by Foundation, Bhashani
The Lady and the Peacock: The Life of Aung San Suu Kyi by Peter Popham, Popham, Peter
The Man From Limehouse: Clement Richard Attlee by Clemens, Cyril
The Man Behind Roosevelt: The Story of Louis McHenry Howe by Stiles, Lela Mae
Biographie Des 750 Représentants À l'Assemblée Législative, Élus Le 13 Mai 1849 (Éd.1849) by Sans Auteur
Race, Power & Politics by McCray, Michael
Le Guide D'Un Pays En D Tresse: Toute La V Rit Qui Lib Rera Et Qui Guidera Haiti. by Guillaume, Alcindor
Le Guide D'Un Pays En D Tresse: Toute La V Rit Qui Lib Rera Et Qui Guidera Haiti. by Guillaume, Alcindor
Race, Power & Politics by McCray, Michael
No Man Can A-Hinder Me: A Message Of Defiance From My Plantation Mothers And Fathers by Bonaparte, Frederick L., Robinson Jr, Edward W.
Appointment on the Hill by Detzer, Dorothy
Memoirs of a River Rat: A Tribute To The American Way of Life by Forbes, John L.
The Evolution of a Conservative by Chamberlin, William Henry
Conversations on La Playa: A Gringo's Tales of Medellin by Hodum, Robert
Conversations on La Playa: A Gringo's Tales of Medellin by Hodum, Robert
100 Reasons NOT to vote 4 Barack Obama by Cienkowski, Joe
The Reluctant Republic Vermont, 1724-1791 by Van De Water, Frederic F.
Attlee: A Life in Politics by Thomas-Symonds, Nick
Caulfield, Shield #911-NYPD by Caulfield, John
Caulfield, Shield #911-NYPD by Caulfield, John
A Life of Learning and Other Pleasures: John Meisel's Tale by Meisel, John
The Last English Revolutionary: Tom Wintringham, 1898-1949, Revised and Updated Edition by Purcell, Hugh
Goh Keng Swee: A Legacy of Public Service by
A Pilgrim Returns to Cape Cod by Snow, Edward Rowe
David Crockett: The Lion of the West by Wallis, Michael
The Palin Effect: Money, Sex and Class in the New American Politics by Pearlman, Shana
House of Exile by Juers, Evelyn
The Last American Rebel in Cuba by Sanderlin Ed D., Terry K.
The Last American Rebel in Cuba by Sanderlin Ed D., Terry K.
A Father's Love: One Man's Unrelenting Battle to Bring His Abducted Son Home by Goldman, David
My Father at 100 by Reagan, Ron
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers: The Human Rights Years, 1949-1952 Volume 2 by Roosevelt, Eleanor
Brave Men and Great Captains by Dupuy, Trevor N., Dupuy, R. Ernest
Model Nazi: Arthur Greiser and the Occupation of Western Poland by Epstein, Catherine
La Fe de Barack Obama by Mansfield, Stephen
Notes Sur La Vie Et Les Écrits d'Euloge Schneider, ... Publiées (Éd.1862) by Heitz, Frédéric-Charles
Lettres de Pascal Paoli. 5e Série (Éd.1884-1899) by Paoli, Pasquale
Gabby: Una Historia de Valor Y Esperanza by Giffords, Gabrielle, Kelly, Mark
Peacemaker: Twenty Years of Inter-Korean Relations and the North Korean Nuclear Issue by Lim, Dong-Won
Mémoires Du Baron Haussmann (Éd.1890) by Haussmann, Georges-Eugène
Souvenirs Du Duc de Vicence. Tome 1 (Éd.1837) by de Caulaincourt, Armand-Louis Augustin
Souvenirs Du Duc de Vicence. Tome 2 (Éd.1837) by de Caulaincourt, Armand-Louis Augustin
The Heartbreak of Aaron Burr by Brands, H. W.
A Marked Heart by Ball, David George
Lucius Q. C. Lamar: Secession And Reunion by Cate, Wirt Armistead
America in the World War by Harbord, James Guthrie
Jean Paul Marat: Tribune of the French Revolution by Conner, Clifford D.
Leila Khaled: Icon of Palestinian Liberation by Irving, Sarah
Laguardia in Congress by Zinn, Howard
Henry Demarest Lloyd and the Empire of Reform by Destler, Chester McArthur
Laguardia in Congress by Zinn, Howard
People And Pianos: A Century Of Service To Music, 1853-1953 by Steinway, Theodore E.
In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir by Cheney, Dick
Morley of Blackburn: A Literary and Political Biography of John Morley by Jackson, Patrick
Nine Lives For Labor by Kelly, Richard
Fessenden Of Maine: Civil War Senator by Jellison, Charles Albert
Eva Gore-Booth: An image of such politics by Tiernan, Sonja
Eva Gore-Booth: An Image of Such Politics by Tiernan, Sonja
Not Afraid of Life by Palin, Bristol
The Shah by Milani, Abbas
It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership by Powell, Colin
President Trujillo: His Work And The Dominican Republic by De Besault, Lawrence
The de Gaulle Nobody Knows: An Intimate Biography of Charles de Gaulle by Hatch, Alden
EDWARD M KENNEDY Late a Senator from Massachusetts, Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes by Congress, One Hundred Eleventh
Political Woman: The Big Little Life of Jeane Kirkpatrick by Collier, Peter
Le long chemin d'une vie: Chroniques iraniennes, 1926 - 1979 by Dalili, Gholamhossein
The Unlikely Secret Agent by Kasrils, Ronnie
The Unlikely Secret Agent by Kasrils, Ronnie
Ambassade en Turquie de Jean de Gontaut-Biron, Baron de Salignac (ed.1889) by de Gontaut-Biron, Jean
Diary of an Obama Disciple Volume II: Let's Get Civilized: Let's Get Civilized by Faust, Cecil
Mémoires Du Baron Haussmann. Avant l'Hotel de Ville (Éd.1890-1893) by Haussmann, Georges-Eugène
Mémoires Du Baron Haussmann. Préfecture de la Seine (Éd.1890-1893) by Haussmann, Georges-Eugène
Lettres de Pascal Paoli. 1e Série (Éd.1884-1899) by Paoli, Pasquale
Journal Intime de Benjamin Constant Et Lettres À Sa Famille Et À Ses Amis (Éd.1895) by Constant, Benjamin
Le Cardinal de Richelieu, (Éd.1856) by Corne, Hyacinthe
Leonidas Lafayette Polk: Agrarian Crusader by Noblin, Stuart
Gaddafi Up-Close: Second Edition by Go Pal
The Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, And Study Papers, V1: Of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, August 1 Through November 7, 1960 by Nixon, Richard M.
Thurlow Weed: Wizard Of The Lobby by Van Deusen, Glyndon Garlock
Zebulon Vance: Tarheel Spokesman by Shirley, Franklin Ray
Heyday in a Vanished World: Foreign Correspondent at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by Bonsal, Stephen
John Nance Garner Cartoons by Garner, John Nance
From Greene Ville To Fallen Timbers: A Journal Of The Wayne Campaign, July 28, 1794 To September 14, 1794 by
L'albero del riccio by Gramsci, Antonio
What Really Happened: John Edwards, Our Daughter, and Me by Hunter, Rielle
Senator From Vermont by Flanders, Ralph Edward
The United States Secret Service by Bowen, Walter Scott, Neal, Harry Edward
Abdullah Al-Tall -- Arab Legion Officer: Arab Nationalism and Opposition to the Hashemite Regime by Yitzhak, Ronen
Kicking Ass and Saving Souls: Story of Boy fm Baltimore Who Evolves fm Safecracking, Jewel-Heisting, Deep-Sea Diving, Ultimate-Fighting, Internation by Matthews, David
Ibrahim Babangida: The Military, Power and Politics by Agbese, Dan
Loose Leaves from a Busy Life by Hillquit, Morris
George Henry White: An Even Chance in the Race of Life by Justesen, Benjamin R.
Between the Brown and the Red: Nationalism, Catholicism, and Communism in Twentieth-Century Poland-The Politics of Boleslaw Piasecki by Kunicki, Mikolaj Stanislaw
Between the Brown and the Red: Nationalism, Catholicism, and Communism in Twentieth-Century Poland--The Politics of Boleslaw Piasecki by Kunicki, Mikolaj Stanislaw
Steve Biko by Wilson, Lindy
Charles H. Thompson: Policy Entrepreneur of the Civil Rights Movement, 1932-1954 by Ray, Louis
Even My Voice Is Silence: A Palestinian-American Woman's Journey Back Home by Al-Jurf, Soha
Ibrahim Babangida: The Military, Politics Ad Power in Nigeria by Agbese, Dan
The Diary of Georgi Dimitrov, 1933-1949 by Dimitrov, Georgi
Penelope One by McDowell, Max
Sink 'Em All: Submarine Warfare In The Pacific by Lockwood, Charles A.
Inside Rome with the Germans by Scrivener, Jane
Andreas Papandreou: The Making of a Greek Democrat and Political Maverick by Draenos, Stan
Odyssey Into Politics: Jerry Sanford vs. the Miami Herald by Sanford, Jerome
Politics and Pasta by Cianci, Vincent Albert, Jr.
The Forgotten Zionist: The Life of Solomon (Sioma) Yankelevitch JacobiRodney by Benjamin, Rodney, Cebon, David
The Techniques Of Communism by Budenz, Louis Francis
Alex J. Groesbeck: Portrait of a Public Man by Woodford, Frank Bury, Groesbeck, Alexander Joseph
Negroes With Guns by Williams, Robert Franklin, Nelson, Truman, King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Job: Defense of Honor by Carstensen, Roger N.
Jamaica's Forgotten Prime Minister - Donald Sangster by Neita, Hartley
The Pusan Perimeter: U.S. Marine Operations In Korea, 1950-1953, V1 by Montross, Lynn, Canzona, Nicholas A.
The Women of the Confederacy by Simkins, Francis Butler, Patton, James Welch
Two for the Cabinet by Bustard, Arthur
George W. Norris, V1: The Making Of A Progressive, 1861-1912 by Lowitt, Richard
Unlikely Liberal: Sarah Palin's Curious Record as Alaska's Governor by Zencey, Matthew
El Ascenso de Marco Rubio by Roig-Franzia, Manuel
Revolution Besieged, Volume 3: Lenin 1917-1923 by Cliff, Tony
Another 4 Years?: Recognizing President Barack Obama's Accomplishments by Gaddi, Emily
A Governor's Story: The Fight for Jobs and America's Economic Future by Mulhern, Dan, Granholm, Jennifer
Statesman and Saint: The Principled Politics of William Wilberforce by Vaughan, David J.
The Escapes and My Journey to Freedom by Hua, Du
The Escapes and My Journey to Freedom by Hua, Du
Rabindranath Tagore: A Pictorial Biography by Ghosh, Nityapriya
There Is A Mass-Killer Inside All Of Us: You Might Be Surprised How Often People Let It Out! by Nough, C. E.
Democracy, Sovereignty and Terror: Lakshman Kadirgamar on the Foundations of International Order by
Nick Blase: The Prince of Niles, Illinois by Schneider, Andrew
Alienation: My Life in Saudi Arabia and America by Abraham, Asim
Alienation: My Life in Saudi Arabia and America by Abraham, Asim
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