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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2002

Critical Discursive Psychology by Parker, I.
Social Conceptions of Time: Structure and Process in Work and Everyday Life by
New Routes to Human Services: Information and Referral by Levinson, Risha W.
Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin: An Aboriginal Approach to Helping by Hart, Michael
Society of the Spectacle by Debord, Guy
Science and Social Work: A Critical Appraisal by Reid, William J., Kirk, Stuart A.
Communication and Health in a Multi-Ethnic Society by Robinson, Mark
Learning, Practice and Assessment: Signposting the Portfolio by Doel, Mark, Sawdon, Catherine, Morrison, Diane
The Social in Question: New Bearings by
Ethics of Transracial Adoption by Fogg-Davis, Hawley
Social Work Practice in Health Care by Germain, Carel Bailey
Something to Cry about: An Argument Against Corporal Punishment of Children in Canada by Turner, Susan M.
Working with Mental Illness: A Community-Based Approach by Tilbury, Derek
English/Spanish Child Abuse Phrase Book: Family-Social Worker Interview Manual/Manual Bilingüe Para Familias by Stresino, Edward
The Welfare of Children with Mentally Ill Parents: Learning from Inter-Country Comparisons by Hetherington, Rachael, Baistow, Karen, Katz, Ilan
Armut, Scham Und Stressbewältigung: Die Verarbeitung Ökonomischer Belastungen Im Unteren Einkommensbereich by Salentin, Kurt
Feminist Social Work Theory and Practice by Dominelli, Lena
Social Assistance Dynamics in Europe: National and Local Poverty Regimes by
Community Treatment for Youth: Evidence-Based Interventions for Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders by Burns, Barbara J., Hoagwood, Kimberly
Transition Assessment: Wise Practices for Quality Lives by Sax, Caren L., Thoma, Colleen A.
The New Poverty Studies: The Ethnography of Power, Politics and Impoverished People in the United States by
The New Poverty Studies: The Ethnography of Power, Politics, and Impoverished People in the United States by
Community Work Approaches to Child Welfare by
In the Name of the Poor: Contesting Political Space for Poverty Reduction by
Social Theory and Social Practice by Zetterberg, Hans
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice by Goldstein, Eda
The Road Not Taken: A History of Radical Social Work in the United States by Andrews, Janice, Reisch, Michael
Diners, Bowling Alleys, and Trailer Parks: Chasing the American Dream in Postwar Consumer Culture by Hurley, Andrew
Changing Human Service Organizations by Brager, George
The Lost Children of Wilder: The Epic Struggle to Change Foster Care (National Book Award Finalist) by Bernstein, Nina
Feast and Famine: A History of Food in Ireland 1500-1920 by Crawford, E. Margaret, Clarkson, Le A.
In the Firing Line: Violence and Power in Child Protection Work by Stanley, Janet, Goddard, Chris
Child and Adolescent Treatment for Social Work Practice: A Relational Perspective for Beginning Clinicians by Aiello, Theresa
The State of Social Welfare: The Twentieth Century in Cross-National Review by
Burnout Across Thirteen Cultures: Stress and Coping in Child and Youth Care Workers by Savicki, Victor
Regional Identity and Behavior by Sugar, Max
Smart and Sassy: The Strengths of Inner-City Black Girls by Stevens, Joyce West, West Stevens, Joyce
The Environment: Its Role in Psychosocial Functioning and Psychotherapy by Saari, Carolyn
Meds, Money, and Manners: The Case Management of Severe Mental Illness by Floersch, Jerry
The Environment: Its Role in Psychosocial Functioning and Psychotherapy by Saari, Carolyn
Rural Homelessness: Issues, Experiences and Policy Responses by Cloke, Paul, Milbourne, Paul, Widdowfield, Rebekah
Rural Homelessness: Issues, Experiences and Policy Responses by Widdowfield, Rebekah, Cloke, Paul, Milbourne, Paul
Settlement Houses Under Siege: The Struggle to Sustain Community Organizations in New York City by Fabricant, Michael, Fisher, Robert
Economics for Social Workers: The Application of Economic Theory to Social Policy and the Human Services by Lewis, Michael, Widerquist, Karl
Economics for Social Workers: The Application of Economic Theory to Social Policy and the Human Services by Lewis, Michael, Widerquist, Karl
Settlement Houses Under Siege: The Struggle to Sustain Community Organizations in New York City by Fabricant, Michael, Fisher, Robert
Handbook of Violence by Wodarski, John S., Rapp-Paglicci, Lisa A., Roberts, Albert R.
Qualitative Research in Social Work by
Discovering the Welfare State in East Asia by
A Legacy of Caring: A History of the Children's Aid Society of Toronto by Aitken, Gail, Bellamy, Donald F., Foundation, Children's Aid Society
Knowing Poverty: Critical Reflections on Participatory Research and Policy by Brock, Karen
Cradle to Grave: Life-Course Change in Modern Sweden by Mills, Colin, Jonsson, Jan
Understanding Poverty by
Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Integrating Theory and Evidence-Based Practice by
We Are the Poors: Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa by Desai, Ashwin
Invisible Families: The Strengths and Needs of Black Families in Which Young People Have Caring Responsibilities by Jones, Adele, Jeyasingham, Dharman, Rajasooriya, Sita
Neurobiology of Addictions: Implications for Clinical Practice by Spence, Richard T., Dinitto, Diana M., Straussner, Shulamith L. a.
Elite Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives by
Elite Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives by
What Government Can Do: Dealing with Poverty and Inequality by Page, Benjamin I., Simmons, James R.
Clinical Epiphanies in Marital and Family Therapy: A Practitioner's Casebook of Therapeutic Insights, Perceptions, and Breakthroughs by
Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants by Potocky, Miriam
Neurobiology of Addictions: Implications for Clinical Practice by Dinitto, Diana M., Straussner, Shulamith L. a., Spence, Richard T.
Sociology of Family Life by Cheal, David
Towards a Sociology for Childhood by Mayall
Analytical Skills for Community Organization Practice by Hardina, Donna
The Southern Baptist Convention and the Judgement of History: The Taint of an Original Sin by Copeland, Luther E.
Clinical Epiphanies in Marital and Family Therapy: A Practitioner's Casebook of Therapeutic Insights, Perceptions, and Breakthroughs by
Capital and Labour Redefined: India and the Third World by Kumar Bagchi, Amiya
Making Work Pay: America After Welfare by
Capital and Labour Redefined: India and the Third World by Kumar Bagchi, Amiya
Inventing the Needy: Gender and the Politics of Welfare in Hungary by Haney, Lynne
Therapeutic Family Mediation: Helping Families Resolve Conflict by Benjamin, Michael, Irving, Howard H.
Shame, Guilt, and Alcoholism: Treatment Issues in Clinical Practice, Second Edition by Potter-Efron, Ron, Carruth, Bruce
Housing Policy Systems in South and East Asia by
New Frontiers for Youth Development in the Twenty-First Century: Revitalizing and Broadening Youth Development by Delgado, Melvin
New Frontiers for Youth Development in the Twenty-First Century: Revitalizing and Broadening Youth Development by Delgado, Melvin
Family Health Social Work Practice: A Macro Level Approach by
Self-Help Organizations of People with Disabilities in Asia by Chan, W., Chan, Raymond, Kwok, Joseph
Class Warfare: Interviews with David Barsamian by Barsamian, David, Chomsky, Noam
Income-Poverty and Beyond: Human Development in India by
Eyes of the Heart: Seeking a Path for the Poor in the Age of Globalization by Aristide, Jean-Bertrand
Income-Poverty and Beyond: Human Development in India by
Working with Children, Adolescents, and Their Families, Third Edition by Harper-Dorton, Karen, Herbert, Martin
Advocacy, Activism, and the Internet: Community Organization and Social Policy by
Social Work and Direct Payments by Littlechild, Rosemary, Glasby, Jon
The Southern Baptist Convention and the Judgement of History: The Taint of an Original Sin by Copeland, Luther E.
Parenting in Poor Environments: Stress, Support and Coping by Hazel, Neal, Ghate, Deborah
Designing Family Support Programs: Building Children, Family and Community Resilience by Sims, Margaret C.
Rethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective by Lavalette, Michael, Mooney, Gerry, Ferguson, Iain
User-Defined Outcomes of Community Care for Asian Disabled People by Vernon, Ayesha
Sozialarbeit und Demenz: Konzeptionelle Rahmenüberlegungen zur Schaffung eines Pflegezentrums für Demenzkranke by Beyer, Mandy
The Early Years: Assessing and Promoting Resilience in Vulnerable Children 1 by Wassell, Sally, Daniel, Brigid
Adolescence: Assessing and Promoting Resilience in Vulnerable Children 3 by Daniel, Brigid, Wassell, Sally
Evaluating New Labour's Welfare Reforms by
Social Policy Review 14: Developments and Debates: 2001-2002 by
Evaluating New Labour's Welfare Reforms by
Delinquency and Young Offenders by Browne, Deborah, Palmer, Emma J., Hollin, Clive R.
Lebenslagen von russlanddeutschen Jugendlichen in Weißwasser by Hilbrich, Daniela
What Future for Social Security?: Debates and Reforms in National and Cross-National Perspective by Clasen, Jochen
Mastering Counselling Theory by Colledge, Ray
Mexico's Mandarins: Crafting a Power Elite for the Twenty-First Century by Camp, Roderic
Evaluating Social Programs and Problems: Visions for the New Millennium by
Evaluating Social Programs and Problems: Visions for the New Millennium by
Becoming an Ally: Breaking the Cycle of Oppression by Bishop, Anne
Social Conceptions of Time: Structure and Process in Work and Everyday Life by
Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by
The Epic Plan: End Poverty in Civilization by Lewis, Doctor of Jurisprudence Joseph
Inner Lives and Social Worlds: Readings in Social Psychology by
Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by
A Framework for Immigration: Asians in the United States by Segal, Uma
A Framework for Immigration: Asians in the United States by Segal, Uma
Assess Prmot Resilience Vulner by Molenaar-Klumper, Marieke, Wassell, Sally, Daniel, Brigid
Doing Psychology Critically: Making a Difference in Diverse Settings by Prilleltensky, Isaac, Nelson, Geoffrey
Al-Anon Narratives: Women, Self-Stories, and Mutual Aid by Zajdow, Grazyna
Owning Up: Poverty, Assets, and the American Dream by Miller-Adams, Michelle
Brief Counselling: Narratives and Solutions: Narratives and Solutions by O'Byrne, Patrick, Milner, Judith
Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth-Century U.S. History by O'Connor, Alice
Loss and Grief: A Guide for Human Services Practitioners by Thompson, Neil
Waltzing with the Ghost of Tom Joad: Poverty, Myth, and Low-Wage Labor in Oklahoma by Maril, Robert Lee
Social Work Practice with Families and Children by Tracy, Elizabeth, Maluccio, Anthony, Pine, Barbara
The Steel Workers by Fitch, John
School Social Work: Skills and Interventions for Effective Practice by Dupper, David
At Home in the Heart of Appalachia: A Memoir by O'Brien, John
Information and Joining Up Services: The Case of an Information Guide for Parents of Disabled Children by Wessels, Bridgette, Bagnall, Val
Proletarian Imagination by Steinberg, Mark D.
World Poverty: New Policies to Defeat an Old Enemy by
The Social Work Business by Harris, John
The Social Work Business by Harris, John
A Genealogy of Equality: The Curriculum for Social Work Education and Training by Walker, Hilary
Childhood Poverty and Social Exclusion: From a Child's Perspective by Ridge, Tess
Ageing in Africa: Sociolinguistic and Anthropological Approaches by Stroeken, Koen
Critical Discursive Psychology by Parker, I.
Birth Fathers and Their Adoption Experiences by Clapton, Gary
Love, Hate and Welfare: Psychosocial Approaches to Policy and Practice by Froggett, Lynn
The Managing Care Reader by
The Managing Care Reader by
PRAXIS for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare by Schram, Sanford F.
PRAXIS for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare by Schram, Sanford F.
Native Americans by
Social Relations and the Life Course: Age Generation and Social Change by
Social Relations and the Life Course: Age Generation and Social Change by
Community Involvement in Rural Regeneration Partnerships in the UK: Evidence from England Northern Ireland and Scotland by Williamson, Arthur, Osborne, Stephen P., Beattie, Rona S.
All Our Families: New Policies for a New Century by
Doing Psychology Critically: Making a Difference in Diverse Settings by Prilleltensky, Isaac, Nelson, Geoffrey
Social Inequalities, Health and Health Care Delivery by
Pure Madness: How Fear Drives the Mental Health System by Laurance, Jeremy
Pure Madness: How Fear Drives the Mental Health System by Laurance, Jeremy
Reconceptualising Work with 'Carers': New Directions for Policy and Practice by
The Views and Experiences of Disabled Children and Their Siblings: A Positive Outlook by Connors, Clare, Stalker, Kirsten
Human Services Management: Organizational Leadership in Social Work Practice by Austin, David
Educational Supervision in Social Work: A Task-Centered Model for Field Instruction and Staff Development by Caspi, Jonathan, Reid, William J.
Educational Supervision in Social Work: A Task-Centered Model for Field Instruction and Staff Development by Caspi, Jonathan, Reid, William J.
Biography and Social Exclusion in Europe: Experiences and Life Journeys by
Mental Health and Inequality by Pilgrim, David
Assessing Outcomes in Child and Family Services: Comparative Design and Policy Issues by Maluccio, Anthony N.
Assessing Outcomes in Child and Family Services: Comparative Design and Policy Issues by Maluccio, Anthony N.
Defiance and Compliance: Negotiating Gender in Low-Income Cairo by El-Kholy, Heba
Supporting Families: Child Protection in the Community by Gardner, Ruth
Urban Vulnerability by Oxfam
Men, Masculinities and Poverty in the UK by Ruxton, Sandy
Gender, Development and Poverty by
The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved? What Have We Learned? by
Bridging Case Conceptualization, Assessment, and Intervention by Meier, Scott T.
Teamworking in Mental Health by Onyett, Steve
Negotiating Parent-Adolescent Conflict: A Behavioral-Family Systems Approach by Robin, Arthur L., Foster, Sharon L.
Gender and Groupwork by
Gender and Groupwork by
Children's Friendship Training by Frankel, Fred D., Myatt, Robert J.
Hands to Work: Three Women Navigate the New World of Welfare Deadlines and Work Rules by Hancock, Lynnell
Nurse Led Change and Development in Clinical Practice by Bellman, Loretta