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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2005

Youth Crime and Youth Culture in the Inner City by Sanders, Bill
The Role of Tourism in Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania by Luvanga, Nathanael
Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China by Wang, Ya Ping
Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions - Foundations of Human Behavior by
Menschen mit Psychotraumen im Beruf - Möglichkeiten sozialarbeiterischer Intervention by Halberkamp, Andre
The Working Poor: Invisible in America by Shipler, David K.
Talking about Care: Two Sides to the Story by Forbat, Liz
Can the Poor Save?: Saving and Asset Building in Individual Development Accounts by Sherraden, Michael
A More Equal Society?: New Labour, Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion by
Cardboard Condo: How the Homeless Survive the Streets by Greene, Robert C.
Counselling and Psychotherapy with Refugees by Blackwell, Dick
The Poorhouse: America's Forgotten Institution by Wagner, David
Discovering Child Poverty: The Creation of a Policy Agenda from 1800 to the Present by Platt, Lucinda
The Hidden Cost of Being African American: How Wealth Perpetuates Inequality by Shapiro, Thomas M.
Handwörterbuch Zur Ländlichen Gesellschaft in Deutschland by
Counselling Skills in Social Work Practice by Seden, Janet
Max Weber: Readings and Commentary on Modernity by
Down and Out in Eighteenth-Century London by Hitchcock, Tim
Principles of Child Protection: Management and Practice by Lawrence, Anne
Crime Science by
Crime Science by
More Days in the Lives of Social Workers: 35 "Real-Life" Stories of Advocacy, Outreach, and Other Intriguing Roles in Social Work Practice by Grobman, Linda May
Affordable Credit: The Way Forward by Collard, Sharon, Kempson, Elaine
Mental Disorders in the Social Environment: Critical Perspectives by
Groups That Work: Structure and Process by Ephross, Paul, Vassil, Thomas
Empowerment Practice with Families in Distress by Wise, Judith Bula
Groups That Work: Structure and Process by Ephross, Paul, Vassil, Thomas
Mental Disorders in the Social Environment: Critical Perspectives by
Empowerment Practice with Families in Distress by Wise, Judith Bula
Social Mobility in Europe by
School Violence in Context: Culture, Neighborhood, Family, School, and Gender by Astor, Ron Avi, Benbenishty, Rami
Max Weber: Readings and Commentary on Modernity by
Social Theory and Postcommunism by Ray, Larry, Outhwaite, William
Social Work Theories in Action by O\''Donoghue, Kieran, Munford, Robyn
Miteinander Von Kindern Und Alten Menschen: Perspektiven Für Familien Und Öffentliche Einrichtungen by Wieners, Tanja
Limbo: Blue-Collar Roots, White-Collar Dreams by Lubrano, Alfred
Men, Women and Property in England, 1780-1870 by Morris, R. J.
Values and Practice in Children's Services by Smith, Roger
China and Socialism: Market Reforms and Class Struggle by Burkett, Paul, Hart-Landsberg, Martin
China and Socialism: Market Reforms and Class Struggle by Burkett, Paul, Hart-Landsberg, Martin
Privilege: Harvard and the Education of the Ruling Class by Douthat, Ross Gregory
Gentrification in a Global Perspective: The New Urban Colonialism by
Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage by Edin, Kathryn
Schritte auf dem Weg zum Miteinander in der multikulturellen Gesellschaft. Interkulturelle Gärten. Eine psychologisch-dialogphilosophische Perspektive by Peter, Sabine
Systemtheorien Im Vergleich: Was Leisten Systemtheorien Für Die Soziale Arbeit? Versuch Eines Dialogs by
The Myth of the French Bourgeoisie: An Essay on the Social Imaginary, 1750-1850 by Maza, Sarah
PRAXIS Ohne Theorie?: Wissenschaftliche Diskurse Zum Bund-Länder-Programm "Stadtteile Mit Besonderem Entwicklungsbedarf -- Die Soziale Stadt by
Homelessness and the Politics of Social Exclusion by Wright, James D.
Familienpolitik Und Soziale Sicherung: Festschrift Für Heinz Lampert by
Social Movements in India: Poverty, Power, and Politics by
Das Unterrichtliche Selbstverständnis Von Lehrerinnen: Empirische Muster Im Kontext Von Unterricht Und Biographie by Meister, Gudrun
East Asian Welfare Regimes in Transition: From Confucianism to Globalisation by
Social Movements in Health by
The Just Meritocracy: IQ, Class Mobility, and American Social Policy by Kamolnick, Paul
Development Economics: From the Poverty to the Wealth of Nations by Hayami, Yujiro, Godo, Yoshihisa
The Broken Fountain by Belmonte, Thomas
Growth, Inequality, and Poverty: Prospects for Pro-Poor Economic Development by
Development Economics: From the Poverty to the Wealth of Nations by Hayami, Yujiro, Godo, Yoshihisa
Social Work with Young People in Care: Looking After Children in Theory and Practice by Thomas, Nigel
Midlife and Older LGBT Adults: Knowledge and Affirmative Practice for the Social Services by Hunter, Ski
Modern Social Work Practice: Teaching and Learning in Practice Settings by Doel, Mark, Shardlow, Steven M.
"Das spielt (k)eine Rolle!" - Theater der Befreiung nach Augusto Boal als Empowerment-Werkzeug im Kontext von Selbsthilfe. by Haug, Thomas
Social Control at Opportunity Boys' Home: How Staff Control Juvenile Inmates by Price, Paul Christopher
The End of the Hamptons: Scenes from the Class Struggle in America's Paradise by Dolgon, Corey
In Plain Sight: Reflections on Life in Downtown Eastside Vancouver by
New Working-Class Studies by
New Working-Class Studies by
Integrating Traditional Healing Practices Into Counseling and Psychotherapy by West, William, Moodley, Roy
Handbook for Working with Children and Youth: Pathways to Resilience Across Cultures and Contexts by Ungar, Michael
Fostering Now: Messages from Research by Sinclair, Ian
Cosmopolitanism in the Americas by Fojas, Camilla
The Origins of Social Work: Continuity and Change by Payne, Malcolm
The Origins of Social Work: Continuity and Change by Payne, Malcolm
Existenzgründung in der Sozialen Arbeit: Soziale Arbeit als selbstständiger Leistungserbringer. Ein einführender Leitfaden zur Firmen- und Praxisgründ by Koppel, Monika
Gentrification in a Global Context by
Elite Perceptions of Poverty and Inequality by
On Paradise Drive: How We Live Now (and Always Have) in the Future Tense by Brooks, David
The Moral Significance of Class by Sayer, Andrew
The Moral Significance of Class by Sayer, Andrew
Including the Excluded: From Practice to Policy in European Community Development by Henderson, Paul
Gerotranscendence: A Developmental Theory of Positive Aging by Tornstam, Lars
Parenting for the State: An Ethnographic Analysis of Non-Profit Foster Care by Swartz, Teresa Toguchi
What Price the Poor?: William Booth, Karl Marx and the London Residuum by Woodall, Ann M.
Entwicklung Der Offenen Jugendarbeit in Wolfsburg: Im Spannungsfeld Von Nutzern, Sozialarbeit, Kommunen Und Organisationsentwicklung by
Berliner Szenetreffpunkt Bahnhof Zoo: Alltag Junger Menschen Auf Der Straße by Thomas, Stefan
Alzheimer Talk, Text and Context: Enhancing Communication by
New Theories of Welfare by Fitzpatrick, T.
Mental Health Social Work: Evidence-Based Practice by Pritchard, Colin
Generalist Practice in Larger Settings, Second Edition: Knowledge and Skill Concepts by McNutt, John G., Meenaghan, Thomas M., Gibbons, W. Eugene
New Theories of Welfare by Fitzpatrick, T.
Understanding Substance Addictions: Assessment and Intervention by
Mental Health in Literature: Literary Lunacy and Lucidity by Rohrer, Glen
The Failures of Integration: How Race and Class Are Undermining the American Dream by Cashin, Sheryll
Poverty, Work, and Freedom by Rizvi, S. Abu Turab, Levine, David P.
Citizen Hobo: How a Century of Homelessness Shaped America by Depastino, Todd
Addiction, Assessment, and Treatment with Adolescents, Adults, and Families by Hilarski, M. Carolyn
Kritik ALS Qualitätskriterium Pädagogischen Handelns?: Eine Auseinandersetzung Mit Betrieblicher Organisationsentwicklung by Rößer, Barbara
Herstellung Und Reproduktion Sozialer Grenzen: Roma in Einer Westdeutschen Großstadt by Koch, Ute
Founding Families of Pittsburgh: The Evolution of a Regional Elite 1760-1910 by Rishel, Joseph F.
Scandal, Social Policy and Social Welfare by Butler, Ian, Drakeford, Mark
The London Underworld in the Victorian Period: Authentic First-Person Accounts by Beggars, Thieves and Prostitutes by Mayhew, Henry
The National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification: Origins, Development and Use by Na, Na
Involving Service Users in Health and Social Care Research by
One Nation, Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All by Rank, Mark Robert
Backlash Against Welfare Mothers: Past and Present by Reese, Ellen
Fixing Families: Parents, Power, and the Child Welfare System by Reich, Jennifer A.
Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Kaplinsky, Raphael
Treating Parent-Infant Relationship Problems: Strategies for Intervention by
Fixing Families: Parents, Power, and the Child Welfare System by Reich, Jennifer A.
Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Kaplinsky, Raphael
Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives by
Analyzing Inequality: Life Chances and Social Mobility in Comparative Perspective by
Third World Poverty by Rangel, Marc
Third World Poverty by Rangel, Marc
Berichterstattung Zur Sozioökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland: Arbeit Und Lebensweisen by
Poverty in Muslim Countries and the New International Economic Order by
100 Ways to Make Poverty History: An Action Kit to Change Your World by Madeley, John
Sozialmanagement: Zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit Und Fachlichen Zielen by
Integrationspotenziale Einer Modernen Gesellschaft by
Reaching the Poor with Health, Nutrition, and Population Services: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why by Gwatkin, Davidson R., Wagstaff, Adam, Yazbeck, Abdo S.
Life in Britain: Using Millennial Census Data to Understand Poverty, Inequality and Place by Shaw, Mary, Wheeler, Ben, Mitchell, Richard
Evidence-Based Practice in Social Work by
Handbook of Community-Based Clinical Practice by
Class Matters by New York Times
The Roots of Poverty in Latin America by Yeatts, Guillermo M.
Good Parents or Good Workers?: How Policy Shapes Families' Daily Lives by Na, Na
Care and Social Integration in European Societies by
Encyclopedia of Canadian Social Work by
Life in Poverty Neighbourhoods: European and American Perspectives by
Empowering People with Severe Mental Illness: A Practical Guide by Linhorst, Donald M.
Promoting Resilience in Child Welfare by
Erziehung Der Geschlechter: Entwicklungen, Konzepte Und Genderkompetenz in Sozialpädagogischen Feldern by Kunert-Zier, Margitta
Kostenrechnung Für Sozialberufe: Grundlagen - Beispiele - Übungen by Nicolini, Hans J.
Die Macht Der Repräsentation: Common Sense Über Soziale Ungleichheiten by Barlösius, Eva
Approaches to Class Analysis by
Approaches to Class Analysis by
On the Margins of Inclusion: Changing Labour Markets and Social Exclusion in London by Smith, David M.
On the Margins of Inclusion: Changing Labour Markets and Social Exclusion in London by Smith, David M.
The Social Economics of Poverty by
Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire by
Education Policy and Social Class: The Selected Works of Stephen J. Ball by Ball, Stephen J.
Education Policy and Social Class: The Selected Works of Stephen J. Ball by Ball, Stephen J.
Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire by
Effective Interprofessional Education: Development, Delivery, and Evaluation by Hammick, Marilyn, Reeves, Scott, Freeth, Della S.
Effective Interprofessional Education: Argument, Assumption and Evidence (Promoting Partnership for Health) by Koppel, Ivan, Reeves, Scott, Barr, Hugh
Berufsverständnis Und Professionalisierung Von Schulleitern by Roggenbuck-Jagau, Inge
An End to Poverty?: A Historical Debate by Stedman Jones, Gareth
The Social Economics of Poverty by
The Cost of Being Poor: Poverty, Lead Poisoning, and Policy Implementation by Richardson, Jeanita W.
Leadbelly: Poems by Jess, Tyehimba
Care Work: Present and Future by
African Families in the Twenty-First Century: Prospects and Challenges by Adepoju, Aderanti
Care Work: Present and Future by
Street Criers: A Cultural History of Chinese Beggars by Lu, Hanchao
Plurale Sozialstrukturanalyse: Eine Handlungstheoretische Rekonstruktion Der Grundbegriffe Der Sozialstrukturanalyse by Rössel, Jörg
Untouchables: My Family's Triumphant Journey Out of the Caste System in Modern India by Jadhav, Narendra
Victim-Offender Mediation with Youth Offenders in Europe: An Overview and Comparison of 15 Countries by
Juvenile Offenders and Mental Illness: I Know Why the Caged Bird Cries by Rapp-Paglicci, Lisa A.
Armut Und Reichtum an Verwirklichungschancen: Amartya Sens Capability-Konzept ALS Grundlage Der Armuts- Und Reichtumsberichterstattung by
Rural Social Work Practice by
Couples, Kids, and Family Life by
Social Work with Older People by Lymbery, Mark E. F.
Philosophy for Counselling and Psychotherapy: Pythagoras to Postmodernism by Howard, Alex
Class, Race, and Inequality in South Africa by Seekings, Jeremy, Nattrass, Nicoli
Decentralization for Satisfying Basic Needs: An Economic Guide for Policy Makers (PB) by McGuire, J. Michael, McGuire, Michael J.
Decentralization for Satisfying Basic Needs: An Economic Guide for Policymakers (Hc) by McGuire, Michael J., McGuire, J. Michael
Unequal Partnerships: Beyond the Rhetoric of Philanthropic Collaboration by Silver, Ira
Child Protection Assessment Following Serious Injuries to Infants: Fine Judgments by Fellows, Ron, Dale, Peter, Green, Richard
Crossing the Line: Taking Steps to End Homelessness by Nilan, Diane D.
Supervisie: Praktisch Gezien Kritisch Bekeken by Rombout-De Weert, C. a., Jagt-Paauwe, P. J.
Social Work.: Een Constructieve Benadering by Van Nijnatten, C. H. C. J.
The Contexts of Social Mobility: Ideology and Theory by Strauss, Anselm L.
Grenzen Des Sozialraums: Kritik Eines Konzepts -- Perspektiven Für Soziale Arbeit by
Integrating Victims in Restorative Youth Justice by Burden, Tom, Crawford, Adam
Understanding the Medical Diagnosis of Child Maltreatment: A Guide for Nonmedical Professionals by American Humane Association
Seventeenth-Century Spanish Poetry by Terry, Arthur
Culture and Child Protection: Reflexive Responses by Ward, Tony, Connolly, Marie, Crichton-Hill, Yvonne
Die Wende ALS Individualisierungsschub?: Umfang, Richtung Und Verlauf Des Individualisierungsprozesses in Ostdeutschland by Scheller, Gitta
Poverty and the Poor Law: 6 Volume Set: A Palgrave MacMillan Archive Collection by Humphreys, Robert
Empire of Scrounge: Inside the Urban Underground of Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, and Street Scavenging by Ferrell, Jeff
Mental Health Social Work: Evidence-Based Practice by Pritchard, Colin
Where Have All the Homeless Gone?: The Making and Unmaking of a Crisis by Marcus, Anthony
Indigenous Peoples and Poverty: An International Perspective by
Empire of Scrounge: Inside the Urban Underground of Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, and Street Scavenging by Ferrell, Jeff
Where Have All the Homeless Gone?: The Making and Unmaking of a Crisis by Marcus, Anthony
Enabling Social Europe by Maydell V., B., Borchardt, K.
The Evolution Of Freemasonry And The Master's Assistant by Darrah, Delmar Duane
Economic Segregation in England: Causes, Consequences and Policy by Meen, Geoffrey, Gibb, Kenneth, Goody, Jennifer
Gerontological Practice for the Twenty-First Century: A Social Work Perspective by Barusch, Amanda S., Richardson, Virginia
How Poor Boys And Girls Go To College by Marden, Orison Swett
Knights Templar And Allied Masonic Degrees by Stillson, Henry Leonard
Freemasonry In Asia by Singleton, William R., Mackey, Albert G.
Practising Welfare Rights by Bateman, Neil
Surviving Poverty in Medieval Paris: Gender, Ideology, and the Daily Lives of the Poor by Farmer, Sharon
Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America by Hall, Gillette
Romance and Reason: Ontological and Social Sources of Alienation in the Writings of Max Weber by Koch, Andrew M.
Money with a Mission Volume 2: Managing the Social Performance of Microfinance by
Exploring the Links Between International Business and Poverty Reduction by Clay, Jason
Urban Futures: Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction by Hamdi, Nabeel
Paying the Price by Fraser, Arabella
See More